View Full Version : Uti

03-11-2007, 12:10 AM
im thinking about going ther so i can get my career going. any1 got any exp. from there?? is this place a good school or wat>??

03-11-2007, 12:41 AM
i know a bunch of guys who went there and i wish i didnt total retards who think uti makes them gods. ahhah
but not everyone who goes there is a tard. i say if you wanna go , go learn someshit

03-11-2007, 01:01 AM
yeah im just wanna go ther to learn some stuff then work for a while then hopfully open a smog check place so all the import cars thatd otn pass smog come to me =D and on the side ill work on cars as a mechanic lols =D

03-11-2007, 08:35 AM
I know someone who went to UTI in FL, now he is making huge cash working for Audi in Atlanta.
Bastard got to go to, then eat and drink at the Petit LeMans a few months ago, fee as hell.

... dammit, I am shooting him in the head when I am down next.

03-11-2007, 10:34 AM
I went there and learned some stuff. I really learned more about Heavy Duty Diesel than Automotive. It was cool, but I think the commercials they play now butter it up to much. Just go and study, take good notes, and you'll get your money's worth. I went to the campus in Phoenix. Their is a pretty big 240 scene.

03-11-2007, 11:59 AM
UTI grad here, and let me just say, you get what you put into it. theres a lot of dumbasses that go, dont let them ruin it for you.

03-11-2007, 12:04 PM
It was cool, but I think the commercials they play now butter it up to much.

Duh, how else are they going to tarket stupid ricers? Their advertising is 100% marketed towards them if you havn't noticed. For a $20k school, its not worth it. You might as well get a real education at a university. Most of those people dont think about 10 years down the line... do you really wan to be wrenching on cars when your 30, 40, 50? There are people there who are actually have a passion and will succeed to top of their class but from what i've heard, almost all of the students there are just rejects.

If your rents can pay that with no problem and if you think you actually want your future to be in this field, go for it and take in as much information as possible.

03-11-2007, 12:49 PM
Most of those people dont think about 10 years down the line... do you really wan to be wrenching on cars when your 30, 40, 50?

Sure. I wouldn't mind. Some people think that's dumb to wrench for that long because of the toll it takes on you physically, but as long as you love doing what your doing, F**k it. As long as you stick with one company you could move up in the ranks and get a desk job later if wrenching really bothers you. I also agree with you on rejects. Some go for the hype. Some to actually learn. I knew guys their who already had their businesses started and now just wanted to finalize their training. Their were also idiots their who thought their finger could stop a turbine on a running Cummins diesel and got owned. As long as you commit yourself to it go for it, but I would sign up quick because since I graduated tuition has gone up to about $30k.

03-11-2007, 01:32 PM
I know some people who went.
They still work at dealerships making $13/hr washing cars.

03-11-2007, 03:25 PM
I know some people who went.
They still work at dealerships making $13/hr washing cars.
If they're only washing cars for $27k a year, they came the fuck up.
... now if they went to school for something more and finished, yet they're settling for that, you need to shoot them before they procreate.

03-11-2007, 06:45 PM
$27k/yr isn't bad.
Haste the Day makes $29k/yr...
I could make WAY MORE doing construction though.
Heck I passed out fliers and I got 10% of ALL the business I brought in.
Easy couple hundred bucks.

03-11-2007, 06:53 PM
I'm a UTI grad, August 06'. Still working my way up, working on Fords. Making shit money mostly because of my location. If you can nail flat rate you can get rich, 60-80k a year, you just have to bust your ass all day and work the warranty claims. Honest way of making a good paycheck I guess.

For now I am stuck being the hourly guy trying to learn from all the flat rate guys.

03-11-2007, 09:21 PM
I graduated from UTI last april.... its been just under a year since I graduated so far I have built up enough experience to be making decent money, and will be ready to open my own shop within the next 2 years.

Like someone said earlier, You really get what you put into it, if you go there and bs your way through you will be a crap mechanic not making any money...

if you study hard and don't take anything for granite then you will succeed...

I would do it again, I love my job and it makes it that much nicer when you get paid pretty decent to go with it.

In this year, I've bought a house, bought my 240... spent way to much money on my 240, bought my wife a new wrx with cash. UTI worked out well for me.

03-11-2007, 09:23 PM
I was thinking about it... then I realized I really hate working on cars I'm not interested in (and mine when it frustrates me) and it would suck to be working on shit-ass audi/bmw/ford etc all day doing the same old shit. I'm a sophomore mechanical engineer now.

I must say college right out of high school isn't right for everyone, no matter what anyone tells you. If it's not right for you then get out before you waste a bunch of money. I'm seriously considering leaving school and going into the navy/army for a while.

03-11-2007, 10:36 PM
damn bought a house spend gripload on a 240 and bought ur wife a WRX damn u makeing mony hopefully it goes good lik u imaput my best into it

03-12-2007, 11:16 AM
I have 5 friends who have graduated from different campuses nationwide. Just as some insight into what can come out of it, their current positions include:

1. NTB service manager (1 year post-grad)
2. Independent shop owner, auto maintenence (2 year post-grad)
3. Independent shop owner, auto body (2 year post-grad)
4. Mercedes-Benz dealer master technician (2 year post-grad)
5. Toyota dealer master technician (3 year post-grad)

They provide good quality education, but it's up to the student to make the most of it. Combined with work experience you can land som well paying jobs.

03-12-2007, 12:48 PM
Its important to explain to women that a UTI is not an STD. Sometimes they can get them after having sex in hot tubs and what not. They will accuse you of giving them diseases but really its just a little infection that will go away after taking some antibiotics.

03-12-2007, 05:06 PM
I was thinking about it... then I realized I really hate working on cars I'm not interested in (and mine when it frustrates me) and it would suck to be working on shit-ass audi/bmw/ford etc all day doing the same old shit. I'm a sophomore mechanical engineer now.

I must say college right out of high school isn't right for everyone, no matter what anyone tells you. If it's not right for you then get out before you waste a bunch of money. I'm seriously considering leaving school and going into the navy/army for a while.

lol im with u one that, i dont wanna work on other people cars doing the same thing over and over again. sure you could learn alot but i bet you wont want to work on your car anymore or even have time. and yea im leaving for military after hs too. id rather work on cars as a hobby, not as a living. diy shady-tree mechanic ftw

03-13-2007, 12:50 PM
dont do it!!!! uti is for idoits sorry guys!!! they make a lot of money at a dealer ship and its good for careers and stuff... but hoestly they learn out of a BOOK!!! if you put a car in front of them they have nnnnooooo idea what to do...

but i guess if you wanna make money do it.....

03-13-2007, 03:18 PM
As mentioned already, you get what you put into it; an education is as good as the amount or work and effort one is willing to put into it. Lots of rich people went to community college and, vice versa, there are plenty of idiots in respectable colleges/universities.

I thought this was going to be a thread about the graffitti crew from socal...

03-13-2007, 03:48 PM
yeah im just wanna go ther to learn some stuff then work for a while then hopfully open a smog check place so all the import cars thatd otn pass smog come to me =D and on the side ill work on cars as a mechanic lols =D

Hope you know that when you run a smog place you have to fail a certain amount of people, on top of that if you get caught then you will have some major issues and fines to pay.

When I worked at Dodge our desiel tech went to UTI, he said it helped him out a little bit. He didn't like how they went about the job placements to pay off schooling, and like everyone else said, you get what you put into it. He was always the busiest of all of us and made the most because of the jobs. A co-worker at my uncle's paint shop was also attending UTI in fremont when i was working with him. Said it was alright and didn't seem to make a big deal of it.

03-16-2007, 05:47 PM
dont do it!!!! uti is for idoits sorry guys!!! they make a lot of money at a dealer ship and its good for careers and stuff... but hoestly they learn out of a BOOK!!! if you put a car in front of them they have nnnnooooo idea what to do...

but i guess if you wanna make money do it.....

I dont know if you know this, but mechanical engineers and surgeons learn from books too. so, that is HORRIBLE arguement.

Also, of course he wants to make money, thats why people go to school. they learn so they can apply that knowledge and make money.

Also, i just ook a tour of the orlando uti campus today and it looked pretty sweet, plus they have lifts and a dyno and anything else you could ever want to use and one saturday a month they will let you come in and use all the equiptment to work on your own car. (which seems pretty damned cool to me). the only things im weary of is how you can test out of taking classes but still have to pay the full tuition and also, if you miss two days of any given section, you have to retake the damn thing.

03-26-2007, 01:41 AM
OH WOW.. LOL like everyone said you get what you make of it... i currently attend uti... well im on a little break (suspension) for attendance.im paying way too much money to be told when i can and cant come back to class... because like JKGADDIS if you miss more *than*(anal-yst) 12 hours of a 3 week period you have to REphase, you only get one free retake, any other classes you have to make up either for the time or grades is $1500 for everything 3 weeks extra you take. YOu also have to take into consideration that you can get docked for time for being late or or leaving early even for an Emergency and time is not easy to make up and most of the time you arent aloud. 12 hours is not too much to play with. OPen shop saturday is ok... if you live by school or you have a trailer... or you can finish whatever you want to work in the 6 hour time period.. you cannot leave cars in the shop and all work has to be approved by an instructor before you bring your can to work on it.. no student dyno runs...due prior liability issues .. if anything happens to your car while your are a UTI all you get is 10 dollars....IM starting to debate wether or not to go back, my 6 suspension is almost up. and im $13k deep of the $31k that i will owe.. seems so pricey... its an awesome facility but like everything it has its ups and downs... i know ill be paying that loan off for ever.. and a jr college Auto program is starting to sound really good, some of the JC's have great auto progams for no where near the expenses, and not to take in to consideration that if you dont live near you have to pay for gas everday and food or whatever else.. or get an apartment near campus, i commute an hour and its about 450 or a month just gas and food daily... so you have to take that into consideration... the Jr College is walking distance from my home... my honest opinion you are paying for the So called reputation and the Manufactor specific training if you decide to go and you get in...it feels like you have to pay too much money to be treated like a kid and put up with the nonsense of some of the just out of highschool students that are pretty much just there for daycare... i know plenty of techs making good money at dealerships or Independent shops with little or no EDucation... you dont need school to be succesful, however its nice... bill gates was a college drop out... of course not everyone is bill gates but some of todays wealthiest entrepenuers have only 8th grade educations... do as you please everyone has their own experiences... and input.

03-26-2007, 01:42 AM
sorry bout the f#ck!n book... hope it helps in one way or another and isnt to0 confusing...

03-26-2007, 08:22 AM
A lot of my friends told me that UTI is better than WyoTech.

03-26-2007, 09:16 AM
"if you miss more then 12 hours of a 3 week period you have to REphase"

If you miss more *than* 12 hours in a 3 week period at a dealership, you'll need to apply for another job. BMW, MB, and Audi don't hire slackers. They pay enough not to. If you have problems with attending job training already *then* you'll probably not last to long at said job.

03-26-2007, 11:29 AM
i know that i work in the field right now. but im speaking school wise. its not like any other school..if you have a family crisis or anything like that.. your work would most likely excuse it if you asked for the time...take this for example if you commuted to work and hour or so away and godforid you got into an accident or your car got a blow out or it broke down and you were going to be late...they maybe would let it slide at your work... at school theres no chance.. i didnt hour out because im a slacker i houred out because my finnancial wasnt going through and they didnt admit me into class... to me that seems a little unfair.

i had a classmate that had come to uti from wyotech and he said that he didnt like wyotech...because it was alot more book work then lab time at wyotech

03-26-2007, 01:14 PM
I think I made the right choice by not going to UTI. I went to a local school (about 10 minutes away; Lincoln Tech) and Its almost the same thing as you guys are describing it. Only difference is that we dont get to work on our cars during the weekends, but we do get to work on them whenever we have a shop day for a class. Just the other day we did some stupid stuff (compression test, cylinder leakage test) but if you get a teacher who just doesn't care than you can do w/e as long as you got the tools and everyone helps you. Plus there are a couple of guys with decent cars (a couple of SR20 S13's) so it's pretty cool.

One thing I notice about the people complaining is that they get screwed over cause they show up late or don't come. Your paying an ass-load of money to go to school, so why would you want to spend that money on not doing anything? Also the bookwork is annoying but w/e you cant deny that your learning.

03-26-2007, 01:28 PM
well im goin to JC and thats that i cant afford UTi

03-26-2007, 10:20 PM
yeah im just wanna go ther to learn some stuff then work for a while then hopfully open a smog check place so all the import cars thatd otn pass smog come to me =D and on the side ill work on cars as a mechanic lols =D

Maybe you should just go to a Community College or Junior College and just work on some General Education? English? Spelling? Grammar maybe?

Just a thought.:ughd:

03-28-2007, 01:06 AM

03-29-2007, 12:03 AM
OH WOW.. LOL like everyone said you get what you make of it... i currently attend uti... well im on a little break (suspension) for attendance.im paying way too much money to be told when i can and cant come back to class... because like JKGADDIS if you miss more *than*(anal-yst) 12 hours of a 3 week period you have to REphase,

You're not paying to choose how you take their education. You are paying to have access to their resources and their curriculum. If you "choose" to miss more than 12 hours or a 3 week period they have determined that you have not learned enough for them to give you your certificate or whatever you get there. LUCKILY they give you a chance to try again for free. If they just gave degrees to everybody that paid to be there then all the people that actually do work would have worthless pieces of paper.

03-29-2007, 09:51 AM
what happens in the finnancial aid office isnt not my problem their mistakes and errors should not keep me out of class, thats where i think its bs.

03-29-2007, 11:02 PM
i graduated from the phoenix campus 2 years ago.

what I've found to be a really good recommendation to others looking into the school is: do you want to work at a car dealership for the rest of your life?

if yes go to the school, it's the best money you'll ever spend.

if no don't waste your time, money, patience, worrying about weather or not to go invest in a publicly traded school. it's the worst money you'll ever spend. sometimes it might even become embarrassing to even admit that you went there.

03-29-2007, 11:07 PM
oh but if you do go make sure you go there with a bunch of extra cash for tools. sign up for the vocational tool program from any of the major tool trucks and you save on average half price. i chose matco and got a tool box for half off.

03-30-2007, 03:47 PM
yeah thats what i would suggest for anyone Going to UTI also... buy all the DAMN TOols you can You get 50% off of most snap on and other Co. s also. take advantage.