View Full Version : Florida Man: Chicken Burrito Paralyzed Me

03-01-2007, 10:22 AM


TAMPA, Fla. — A man who can no longer feed himself said an uncooked chicken burrito put him in a wheelchair.

Roger Anderson said he ate the burrito at a Moe's Southwest Grill in Land O' Lakes in September. He says he soon became sick with stomach cramps, diarrhea and joint pains.

The burrito caused a bacterial infection, which led to a disease that affects the body's nerves, Anderson's attorney said.

Anderson and his wife filed a lawsuit against Tampa-based GCF Ventures LLC, which operates the restaurant.

The company said all of its employees are trained in safe food handling and preparation practices, and the restaurant is regularly checked by health inspectors.

03-01-2007, 01:09 PM
Yeah but everyone that works at Moe's is frickin 16 years old and who knows the quality of their meats anyway? I'm not saying it is their fault but that is a weak ass rebutal to the accusation

03-01-2007, 01:18 PM
The only thing that people in Moe's are trained to do is to yell "WELCOME TO MOE'S!!!" at everyone walking into the door.

03-01-2007, 01:53 PM
thank god I dont eat meat

A Spec Products
03-01-2007, 02:48 PM
You know the risks when eating out.

When you get sick you got no one to blame but yourself.

And I don't know bout you guys, but if I was eating a chicken burrito and it was uncooked meat, I'd immediately notice and spit it out.

03-01-2007, 03:06 PM
Moes has definitely gone in the shitter as far as quality. But their prices remain the same. I think people I know go there just cause it a fast food joint that serves beer.

03-01-2007, 03:28 PM
The only thing that people in Moe's are trained to do is to yell "WELCOME TO MOE'S!!!" at everyone walking into the door.

I hate that shit so frickin much. Why cant I just walk in inconspicuously? Cause those bitches have to fuckin yell at me. What the shit, take it down a notch. Firehouse does the same thing. Give it up!!

03-01-2007, 04:10 PM
for uncooked meat...he might be overexxaggerating....i ate a rare ass steak and i was throwin up for days..but no nerve damage..wtf...just trying to get cash in my opinion...

03-01-2007, 05:08 PM
I have a friend who is on a raw food diet. He eats nothing cooked in anyway. Believes it kills all the nutrients and whatnot within the vegetable or meat. He eats high grade meat raw and has never been sick. I watched him eat a diseased looking old piece of eat once because he wanted to see what his body did. All he did was shit real bad and then be ok.

You can eat near raw anything if the quality is high. Problem being, mass produced meat is generally absolutely disgusting. The only reason you have to cook it hot enough is to kill the bacteria(and flavor! medium rare steaks forever). So this thing could have been fully cooked and still had bacteria on it because it was possibly not held at said temperature for long enough. Its completely possible from damn near anywhere.

Thats why when all that salmenela(spelling) shit is happening they always freak out and make a big deal out of the meat being cooked all through. Thats why we have all these weird ass automated gimmicks at fast food places to ensure the meat is fully cooked. Thats why fast food is dangerous. If you are trying to rush to make sure your stuff is coming through fast and you dont cook it long enough and your cheap ass diseased disgusting shit incrusted meat gets through people can get sick. Dont forget boys and girls! The lower the health grade on meat the larger percentages of really gross stuff you dont want in there among with the quality of the cow and whatnot. Cheaper meat is done more haphazardly on the assembly line of cow.

03-01-2007, 05:17 PM
Moes has definitely gone in the shitter as far as quality. But their prices remain the same. I think people I know go there just cause it a fast food joint that serves beer.

ummm ok Chuck E Cheese serves beer and wine.

03-01-2007, 06:11 PM
thank god I dont eat meat
E coli can be spread by veggies too, hero.

edit: honestly, that's a stupid sentiment to share with the class. I've eaten meat for probably 25 years now and have yet to have any issues.

A Spec Products
03-01-2007, 06:28 PM
I have a friend who is on a raw food diet. He eats nothing cooked in anyway. Believes it kills all the nutrients and whatnot within the vegetable or meat. He eats high grade meat raw and has never been sick. I watched him eat a diseased looking old piece of eat once because he wanted to see what his body did. All he did was shit real bad and then be ok.

You can eat near raw anything if the quality is high. Problem being, mass produced meat is generally absolutely disgusting. The only reason you have to cook it hot enough is to kill the bacteria(and flavor! medium rare steaks forever). So this thing could have been fully cooked and still had bacteria on it because it was possibly not held at said temperature for long enough. Its completely possible from damn near anywhere.

Yeah, I saw that on some reality show where this chick went to go live with some raw food diet family.

They were eating raw chicken and drinking raw eggs and shit. I was pretty digusted.

Throw some meat on the grill and drink some beers and be merry!

03-01-2007, 06:28 PM
Damn....glad there isn't a Moe's over here. That company will still be around, just in smaller numbers...like Jack in the box.

03-01-2007, 06:43 PM
Jack in the Box is about to blow up. The're putting big flat screen TVs in their restaurants. The logo is being changed to just a pic of Jacks head. You'll know what it is even if you can't read English.

03-01-2007, 07:31 PM
that sucks, all from eating one damn burrito.

btw jack in the crack is HUGE. atleast in CA.

03-01-2007, 08:59 PM
Yeah, when I was out there shit was everywhere. Better then most fast food around these parts. You motherfuckers dont have ChikFilA though which is missing out big time.

03-01-2007, 11:13 PM
thank god I dont eat meat

bacterial infections are just a small small price to pay in order to enjoy delicious steak, juicey chicken, and sweeet sweeet ham.

03-01-2007, 11:40 PM
that sucks, i thnk you gotta be careful with chicken I got food poisoning, from wendys twoweeks ago. from the chicken.
and when i thought about it, i thought the chicken tasted funny.
but i didnt spit it out. i feel bad for that guy gettin paralized,

03-02-2007, 12:00 AM
oh man, i love your wendy's story. "i thought the chicken tasted funny. but i didn't spit it out." i don't know why, but that's really funny.

03-02-2007, 02:19 AM
Yeah, when I was out there shit was everywhere. Better then most fast food around these parts. You motherfuckers dont have ChikFilA though which is missing out big time.

actually we do have ChikFilA in a some cities. SoCal atleast.

03-02-2007, 10:19 AM
Shit yeah! Now I dont have to be as scared if Iam moving out there. To hell with it anyway once Iam there. Between In and Out (best place ever) and Jack in the Box whatmore from fast food do I need?

03-02-2007, 11:35 AM
Yea, I miss Jack in the Box, none of them on the east coast.

03-02-2007, 02:30 PM
Wow there's like a Jack in a Crack ever other block in CA... thought that was something world wide.

Just out of curiosity... who doesn't notice and keeps eating uncooked meat? Last time I remember it doesn't taste too happy and I spit it out. Maybe this is a scam... like the cut off finger trick.

03-02-2007, 03:27 PM

03-02-2007, 03:37 PM
Wow there's like a Jack in a Crack ever other block in CA... thought that was something world wide.

Just out of curiosity... who doesn't notice and keeps eating uncooked meat? Last time I remember it doesn't taste too happy and I spit it out. Maybe this is a scam... like the cut off finger trick.

read what I posted......It doesnt have to be frickin raw man

03-02-2007, 03:56 PM
I think i'll quit fast-food now, cause now im paranoid.

03-03-2007, 12:59 AM
Jack in the Box is about to blow up. The're putting big flat screen TVs in their restaurants. The logo is being changed to just a pic of Jacks head. You'll know what it is even if you can't read English.

Jack in the Box is blowing up because they have flat screen TVs?

Jack in the Box is a LUCKY company, so many other companies would be out of business with as many bad meat media attention they've had over the years.

I think i'll quit fast-food now, cause now im paranoid.

There is more to it than just uncooked meat here. ONE person got nerve damage from their uncooked meat? I'm sure its possible that it came from their chicken, but there's obviously some immune deficiency going on here. Infections that attack the nervous system aren't all that common. If you're healthy, then the "risk" you take eating at a fast food place is probably less risky than driving to the restaurant in the first place. And if you're not a healthy person then you really don't have any business eating fast food in the first place.

03-03-2007, 01:38 AM
Eating out is for lesbians.

You must eat the D then. :ghey:

Hey if that's your thing... :coolugh:

03-03-2007, 12:46 PM
I got food poisoning twice last year, talk about shitty luck. It's hard to trace what gave it to you some times. I think it was chicken the first time and steak the second. I cannot live without eating either unfortunately, they are far too yummy.

"What does not kill you, makes you stronger"