View Full Version : Anybody up for replacing a Head Gasket?

02-28-2007, 07:58 PM
Well, here's a quick story as to what happened to my gf's Altima.

About a week ago, I had her '95 Altima for sale because she simply wanted another car(S13 coupe or S14). So, I posted it up on craigslist and had tons of people interested in it. I let them know that there was a small head gasket leak and it would need some attention soon.

So, these 3 people come over to check it out. I let the guy know that the timing is a bit off and i'd go grab a 10mm key to fix it(distributor was a bit off). While i'm in the garage looking for the key, I hear him start the car and redline the shit out of it. I run over to the car and it's stuck at 3500rpms while spitting out tons of water and coughing out tons of white smoke from the muffler.

I go off on the guy telling him "what the fuck is wrong with you?!" His response..."You were gonna sell me a car with this problem...? When you fix it, give me a call and i'll come back to pick it up."

This fuck face blew the head gasket. So, it's either I cough up $500 to pay my mechanic to replace all of the gaskets or do it myself. I don't have $500 nor will I have $500 any time soon. So, that's where you guys come in.

I'd really appreciate it if anybody in the Socal area would be willing to help out with this. I've never pulled out an engine before nor have I torn one apart for that matter.

If anybody has experience tearing apart KA's and would be up for this, let me know.

I already have a brand new head gasket set, engine stand, engine hoist, and enough tools to have this done.

I'll set the date for March 17 & 18 since D1 is on March 11.

Sorry for the long post.

I'll be happy to provide a BBQ for the people that come over and lend a hand.



03-01-2007, 02:08 AM
Wow... And you didn't beat the living shit out of that asshole? Props to you for self restraint.

03-01-2007, 03:21 AM
i'd get this guy's info and fuck up what ever car he's driving already, lol.

03-01-2007, 09:36 AM
When he called me it came up as a private number. So, I really didn't have a chance to call him back.

And the thing is, when he started walking away he left the car on. So, that shit was just revving like a mother fucker and spitting out tons of water/smoke. Rather than go after him, I cared more about the car than about him. I instantly started looking underneath the car and what not to see if there was anymore damage. But, once I realized what I should've really done...he was gone.

So, you guys up for it or what?


03-01-2007, 03:49 PM
I would lend you a hand if you lived in SD, and definetly lend you a hand in fucking that douchebag up. GL

03-01-2007, 10:49 PM
Wow, what a dick. I woulda followed him like nothing else. . . and then either beat the crap outa him, or get him to pay for everything and then some.

steve shadows
03-02-2007, 12:53 PM
youd have to pay me...a lot haha but sorry to hear about your troubles.

03-02-2007, 07:30 PM

I'm not telling you to do it!

I'm asking you to help.
