View Full Version : problems with s14 sr greddy RAS

02-27-2007, 11:52 PM
last weekend i was trying to put on greddy rocker arm stoppers on my s14 sr. after shaving a bunch of valve cover and even the ras themselves, it still wouldn't fit. was i doing something wrong?

how safe is it to tap teh rev limiter w/o them? is it only a big problem is redtop sr's or all of them?

02-28-2007, 08:55 AM
thats a good write-up, if you followed that then you should be fine.

02-28-2007, 12:51 PM
i actually did follow that. but now thinnkng about it, i think we installed them wrong because of this- before we did any test fitting, we cut out the peice out the valve cover before checking anything. when we test fitted, the peice we cut out didn't even need to be cutout. so we prolly put them on wrong. can someone post a bigger/more detailed picture of how they should be.