View Full Version : How does THIS shit work?

02-27-2007, 07:23 PM

... I was sitting at my desk at work today, thinking to myself "no, honey, hold your head back like this, groan and drool out of the corner of your mouth."

Then I laughed.
... hard.
The problem was that I couldn't tell anyone what I was laughing at.

02-27-2007, 07:30 PM
hahahaha, goddamnit Phlip! my monitor is coated with soda! :wiggle:

02-27-2007, 10:23 PM
Hooray for LCD winning! The human race is truley reaching for new hights....er....lows.


02-27-2007, 10:25 PM
What the hell have her kids been doing since they got out of high school? Can't get a nice job because I'm sure that would have got social security alerted.

Think of all those poor "special" kids you used to pick on at school one day coming up to you and being like "Haha I was kidding!" And then they proceed to beat you with a bat.

02-27-2007, 11:02 PM
this woman should have her brain removed and replaced with a 5 mouse orgy and a bag of cocaine.......

02-28-2007, 03:34 PM
Yeah I had an ex who faked having some disorder...
I deffinately got a LOT of cool presents every month.

Stealing from the gov't is bad.

02-28-2007, 07:45 PM
Yeah I had an ex who faked having some disorder...
I deffinately got a LOT of cool presents every month.

Stealing from the gov't is bad.
Speaking of "stealing from the government," I have another story to tell:
This girl I went to high school with all those years ago, but still can't stand now, 10 years later, used to work at my last job.
She had been there several months before I started and was apparently pretty good at it, because she got a promotion and shit.
Somewhere between high school, being a dumb whore and good old-fashioned naive, she had a son. Having just gotten a raise and promotion, she was more than capable of supporting herself and her child, given child support and all. (could you imagine this broad NOT being an unwed mother?)
She wakes up one morning and decides that she would like to scam the government even further and, in such will apply for food stamps. Now, she recognizes that she makes too much to get them, so she lies about her income on the application, submitting the name of this guy who also worked in the call center as her manager, and her as the representative, yet giving the regular number to human resources.
SSI calls to HR and asks for him, only to be told that he is a representative on the floor and cannot take calls. Exchange has it that the worker from SSI questions this, as this is opposite what they have been told. They had been told that SHE was the representative, and that HE was her manager and they were simply calling for verification, the worker apologized for the misunderstanding and ended the call, she would not get her food stamps.
HR was not done though...
They called her into the office, but didn't fire her right off, they ALSO called her co-defendant into the office as well, and from what I hear the look on BOTH of their faces upon realization of the bust was PRICELESS.
Both of their badges were collected and both excused from the building, for good.

... stupid bitch

03-01-2007, 07:35 PM
Fuck yeah
Comin again to save the motherfuckin day yeahhhh

03-01-2007, 10:23 PM
There's a drawback in the criminal context, at least in California.

If you commit a crime and are found guilty, you go to jail for whatever your sentence is. After it's up, you're out. Sometimes, you get out early.

If you commit a crime, plead not guilty by reason of insanity...you go to a mental institution until you're "fixed". You aren't evaluated by a jury, or a judge,...but rather some schmucks chosen to be on the evaluation panel...who can keep you there indefinitely, for life.

Hopefully these fakers get caught for a minor infraction, try to pull some shit, and get fucked into a life of needles, pills, and padded cells.

Sorry for the tangent.

03-01-2007, 10:25 PM
^Ultimate pwnage.