View Full Version : SR20DET Vacuum question

Cam B
02-27-2007, 06:30 PM
First off, to specify which SR i am talking about, its the redtop. With that said, i would like to know the engine vacuum reading. I'm looking to get a TIAL BOV for my car and am wondering which spring pressure to get for the BOV. Here is the table provided on the site...
-10 to -13 in/HG use 7 PSI Spring
-14 to -17 in/HG use 9 PSI Spring
-18 to -21 in/HG use 11 PSI Spring
-22 to -23 in/HG use 12 PSI Spring
Here is a link too..
Also, any of you that may have previously or currently own this specific BOV, let me know how its been for you and any pros and cons you have come across. Thank you in advance!

Bud Brown
02-27-2007, 06:32 PM
i'm wondering too

02-27-2007, 06:36 PM
My 98 black top SR runs about -.7 bar vacuum(what the gauge says I don't know why its in -bar to +bar but oh well, (-0.7 bar = 20.670 988)

I have the 11 pound spring in my tial bov.

No issues at all with it being un-recirculated.

Although i'm thinking about switching to the 7 or 9 pound spring because I get a lot of compressor surge before the tial actually opens... (not at WOT - off) but at slow backing off the throttle. and medium - off

02-27-2007, 06:43 PM
You can hear the tial bov on my car in these 2 video's I have...


02-27-2007, 06:44 PM
Mine does -.60 at idle and -.80ish on decel.

thats 15 and 20 in of vac respectively.

Bud Brown
02-27-2007, 07:12 PM
thanks for the replies guys!

Cam B
02-27-2007, 08:01 PM
cool, thanks

06-03-2008, 06:54 AM
bumping this....... i have a TIAL right now that i got used locally from one of the honda boys, and i'm thinking i need a different spring because i do get compressor surge when letting off at part throttle. looks like jesses240 was getting this same issue with the 11psi spring, would the 9psi spring be the one to use? fwiw my defi shows the vac @ 20 at idle