02-24-2007, 06:59 PM
I've searched for.. oh wow, about a year now probably and I couldn't find an affordable solution to my leaking powers steering hose. I heard rumors about the s14 hose fitting the s13 pump, and I bet it would... If I didn't have hicas.
So if your wondering what an s14 power steering high pressure hose looks like on a hicas s13
Here you go
52 bucks later, it's goofy, but it works.
Also, if anyone wants to, check out the write up I did on my site. It's new, don't kill me. (
So if your wondering what an s14 power steering high pressure hose looks like on a hicas s13
Here you go
52 bucks later, it's goofy, but it works.
Also, if anyone wants to, check out the write up I did on my site. It's new, don't kill me. (