View Full Version : Apple computers VS PC

02-20-2007, 12:21 PM
Im looking for a new computer and I was wondering if I should get an Apple or just a regular PC.

02-20-2007, 01:13 PM
depends your plans for the computer

02-20-2007, 01:15 PM
Azzazzyn said it.

If you plan on something like a gaming computer than a PC would be best.

But if you plan on programming and whatnot then I'd suggest a mac.

02-20-2007, 01:15 PM
depends your plans for the computer

^^^ What he said

If you are into imaging and multimedia, get a Mac, otherwise for basic functionality and Internet, a PC works fine.

02-20-2007, 01:19 PM
New mac, dual boot ftw!

Kinda doensn't matter as much as it once did. Both can do most of the mundane stuff 99% of users require. For specialty fields, look at the software you plan on running and that'll tell you what you platform to use.

02-20-2007, 01:25 PM
Mac FTW. It'll make you poor though.

Ditto on we have no clue what you need a computer for.

02-20-2007, 01:32 PM
people than say u need a mac for "creative work" is people trying to have a excuse for that expensive ass computer.

buy any of the both, mac is a PC with intel chip now... both are the same, u can install OS X on a PC, u can install windows Vista on a mac

if u wanna pay extra for mac "cuteness" go ahead... i dont see any other reason for by a mac

yeah i work with both, pc and mac, both for animation and editing, both are the same, but mac is expensive

oh!!! if u plan serch for porn a lot on internet, get a mac... there is almost no virus for mac haha

ps: sorry my bad english

ps2: if u plan to not buy software anymore and get it from torrents get a PC =P

midnight zenki
02-20-2007, 01:39 PM
New Mac's own all with dual operating system capability and superior graphic/media capabilities. The best of both worlds in my opinion. But for basic functionality of a computer like email and typical microsoft applications (word, excel, etc.) get a PC.

02-20-2007, 01:45 PM
I couldn't have put it better even with my abilty to speak english well.

The defining line to get a MAC truely dissapeared in mid 99 when PC's would have double to tripple mac clock rates and memory size. With current chips on both sides of the OS wars it is no longer an issue of power. NO a mac will not make your graphic designs look better, and NO you will not have more NEWER games on the PC. If you like proprierterary(sp?) software and like to have only one brand for everything you need then a MAC will have it, if you like to pick and choose and like the options of prices for software then PC is what you want.

To put it into car terms.

Its like building a car with one parts manufacture, Like having an s14 with EVERYTHING NISMO on it, nismo seats, nismo suspension, nismo brakes, nismo cams, nismo blah blah blah. Then a MAC is for you

If you like building a car with different parts to suit your need and budget, like having an S14 with Bride knockoff seats, JIC suspension, Brembo brakes, Crower cams... etc etc.. then a PC is for you.

02-20-2007, 01:52 PM
get a pc. because then you can tell the mac owners that it's better and they'll get mad at you and huff and puff about how much pc's suck for an hour

02-20-2007, 02:02 PM
PS3, works best

02-20-2007, 02:12 PM
mac OS reminds me of walking into a mentally handicapped persons house. everything is done by association. instead of the toilet being in the bathroom it is next to the bed because he has to piss when he gets up. instead of the coffee filters being in the cupboard, they are in the freezer with the coffee because that makes more sense to their different mind.

mac OS is built by association, not logical steps.

just my 2cents there having used both.

02-20-2007, 02:30 PM
I've been working as a computer technician for six years and have worked with both Macs and PCs. Most of the posts above have covered the recent implementation of Intel chips in Macs, allowing Windows installations. Mac OS X, however, has issues running on PCs, I've tried it with the recent hacks out, it's very picky about hardware combinations.

Apple Hardware is far more expensive, but also far more reliable in my experience, PCs use cheaper parts, which is part of why they cost less to buy. I do agree that Apple overprices their hardware, but some think it's worth it for the extra years they can get out of it.

It all depends on how much $$ you're willing to drop on this...

drift freaq
02-20-2007, 02:38 PM
people than say u need a mac for "creative work" is people trying to have a excuse for that expensive ass computer.

buy any of the both, mac is a PC with intel chip now... both are the same, u can install OS X on a PC, u can install windows Vista on a mac

if u wanna pay extra for mac "cuteness" go ahead... i dont see any other reason for by a mac

yeah i work with both, pc and mac, both for animation and editing, both are the same, but mac is expensive

oh!!! if u plan serch for porn a lot on internet, get a mac... there is almost no virus for mac haha

ps: sorry my bad english

ps2: if u plan to not buy software anymore and get it from torrents get a PC =P

Bik, OSX will not run on a PC properly, you have to do major hacks to get it to work and even after that its crippled. So saying a person can buy a Intel PC and run OSX is pure bullshit.
Now to answer all the other myth makers posting here. It all depends on what your doing software wise. It STIILL matters! The Industry standards in Music production i.e recording and or Video editing unless true mastering is pretty much a Mac based situation. Graphics its a toss. There are some good music production software on the PC but the majority of the good stuff is on the MAC. Now on to which operating system is superior.
Anyone who says mac is for tards is a tard. Fact is Microsoft copied Mac os to make windows and did it backwards , fact is Vista is a memory hog monster that pretty ripped off the best parts of OSX. Can you hack the fuck out your software on a PC? Yes, are you wasting tons of time doing it? Most likely. Do you want to a geek and play with your software all day and get nothing done? Then a PC is for you.
All jokes aside no matter how real they are , the PC is good for busines and games. Beyond that if you want a computer that works and you can get creative work done plug and play style the MAC is the shit!!
Anyone who says a Mac is retarded is a a idiot. Both systems have their advantages and disadvantages . I have used both. I would consider using a PC in business enviroment or gaming. Anything else give me a MAC any day of the week.
OH ya and for all the people that say MACs are more expensive its no longer true. You can get a 2ghz Intel core 2 duo Imac that comes with a superdrive , 180gig 7200 rpm internal drive 17 inch built in monitor with a ATI or Nvidia graphics card as well as several firewire ports and USB ports for $1000 yes 1k.

02-20-2007, 02:52 PM
If you decide to get a PC laptop, I would strongly recommend IBM/Lenovo. Quality machines, great reliability, and affordable new if you look hard enough. From my experience, I would not go through eBay.

02-20-2007, 03:13 PM
Really dave, I'm going out on a limb and say... YOUR WRONG!
The only reason why people in the music industry still use MAC is because they are band nerds that really need to accept the cold hard reality. Every one that writes music software for mac only write it for mac because they needed to sell it when not everyone was computer inclined, as to say yes Mac was easyer to use than PC... 9 years ago.. and thats how they were able to sell over priced software. Now that times have changed, and each OS is just as easy to use as the other. There is no need to continue making JUST Mac sound software, I bet you too have noticed music software slowly but surely being ported over to the PC over the years. NOW you can use any kind of software on either platform. Only REAL reson to chose one over the other is the ability to run legacy software (software that they no longer update or make) which itself doesnt allways work. Its not that they have music software just as good on PC now, its that the same big companies make the same software for PCs now. Just like how Game software companies have been making the same games for the MAC. Or how now you can get a Mac with an Inhell processor and I bet you soon enough too gAyMD will be an option as well. There is no actual ground holding basis to chose one over the other outside of preference.

02-20-2007, 03:20 PM
i think i'd like to get a mac laptop, whatever its called. but i havnt used a mac since i was in 2nd grade, and oregon trail was the game we had on the school computers....and the shit was in black and white. im thinking back, remembering only 1 button on the mouse. the thought of owning one is interesting. but theres no reason for me to even bother. i know my way around a PC pretty well. i cant imagine starting over. just incase it matters, my 4 year old amd 64 still gets the job done. although i wouldnt mind upgrading within the next year. i need more ram!

02-20-2007, 03:29 PM
get a mac and triple boot osx,win, and nix and be gangster.
im not gonna lie, if i had the $$ id be kicked back on my macbook right now, but instead im rockin the next best thing: IBM Thinkpad pentium III 1ghz,256mb ram, and it even burns cd's and plays DVD's!

02-20-2007, 03:32 PM
get the mac just to dodge the viruses. they're pretty much the same, PC and MAC, especially if you use the computer for just word processing and internet surfage. If ur a gamer get a PS3 or a 360. PC gaming is $$$$!

02-20-2007, 03:45 PM
Mac wins on the design aspect, hands down they make some of the best looking gadgets around.

But as far as functionality, it's a toss.
I work for an internet company. We have web designers, graphic designers, video production crew, etc. We only use PCs. A couple of people at the office have Macs for their personal use but it's not out of some need that isn't being met by a PC.

02-20-2007, 03:45 PM
Turns out Apple invented the "floating point co-processor", which is baicly the point and click software everyone uses today. So saying PCs are better than MACINTOSH, is like saying Mecury is better than Ford. It's really all what your looking for form the computer.

02-20-2007, 03:50 PM
IIRC I read somewhere that Apple got their OS idea from Xerox... First loptops were PCs...... MP3 players existed years before Ipods....

*shrug* who care's who did what first. Nothing's new under the sun.

02-20-2007, 04:13 PM
If I were to buy a new laptop.... it'd probably be a mac.

however, I need a PC on the side as a docked laptop or a desktop

02-20-2007, 04:18 PM
Turns out Apple invented the "floating point co-processor", which is baicly the point and click software everyone uses today. So saying PCs are better than MACINTOSH, is like saying Mecury is better than Ford. It's really all what your looking for form the computer.

your logic is poor. karl benz created the first car. ford also makes cars. i can ASSURE YOU mercedes-benz is better than ford.

more trivia: bill gates owns part of macintosh. that's like saying renault owns part of nissan........................ wait a second.

i'll restate: it really depends on what you are using the computer for. for example, i'm an engineering student. our freshmen computer labs are all mac, and the upper classmen labs are all PC. when we use CAD programs, it's all PC stuff; the macs have to use the dual OS capability and run windows. and that sucks because the computers run slow as shit. for labview, maple, other programming crap, we use macs only. it's all relative. it depends what you need, how much money you have, and how important the investment is to you. i would rock a macbook if i had the money, but my current laptop is just fine.

02-20-2007, 04:28 PM
laptop=MAC , desktop=PC

02-20-2007, 04:38 PM
Mac=Toyota PC=Honda

02-20-2007, 04:43 PM
My friends little bro does some pretty hardcore and complicated programming and computer work for a living.... and he always tells me Macs are better for the most part in his opinion.

My 2 cents.

I don't really know a whole lot about computers though... so I've always just gone with what other people tell me. lol

02-20-2007, 04:48 PM
laptop=MAC , desktop=PC

I just got my mac laptop...even if there was a better windows box, I just prefer mac. I love it. I got a Macbook with an Intel Dualcore processor...couldn't be happier:w00t:

02-20-2007, 05:01 PM
I'm pretty sure that a horseless carage that is powered on its own (IE coal,steam,piston, electric engine w/e) was around befor an automoble

Even though Benz is credited with the invention of the modern automobile, several other German engineers worked on building automobiles at the same time

02-20-2007, 09:57 PM
Mac=Toyota PC=Honda

oooohh! in that case, PC fo lyfe y0! :aw:

02-20-2007, 10:10 PM
mac desktops are great.. but theyre not that great........ pc u always have the option of upgrading extensively... and u can run the better apple flat screens... which are really nice.... IMHO...

but for laptops.. the best ones ive used are by far the new powerbooks...

simplistic, affordable,quality and has a nice feel to it for sure... plus watching vids are great... plus they have a tendancy not to freeze up unlike..

pc based laptops... the majority of the ones i ever used all sucked... heavy,big, gets real hot.... and just sucks.....

02-20-2007, 10:22 PM
get the mac just to dodge the viruses. they're pretty much the same, PC and MAC, especially if you use the computer for just word processing and internet surfage. If ur a gamer get a PS3 or a 360. PC gaming is $$$$!
I couldn't agree more. Plus Mac stands by there product. A friend's imac sleep light went out a year after he bought it. He took it to an authorized repair shop and they replaced his motherboard no questions asked. I'm getting the 24" imac soon and loading XP on it.

02-20-2007, 11:12 PM
Thanks for all the input guys. However, im still in a toss up on which computer i am going to get. Ill have to do a little more research on my own.

02-21-2007, 09:45 AM
i just gotta pretty badass comp built by my buddy. PC for teh win

02-21-2007, 10:23 AM
I couldn't agree more. Plus Mac stands by there product. A friend's imac sleep light went out a year after he bought it. He took it to an authorized repair shop and they replaced his motherboard no questions asked. I'm getting the 24" imac soon and loading XP on it.

I agree with you for the most part, but do you remember the Ipod battery incident of a couple of years ago? The guy from New York that was told 'to just buy another one' when his battery died on him - he did a guerilla based street poster campaign that got on the news and internet and shamed Apple into taking care of the issue.
Just playing devil's advocate. :w00t:

The reason why I THINK many programers like Macs is because they can run Unix and a lot of compilers are avaible for free.

02-21-2007, 03:35 PM
I have a macbook pro i use for my schoolwork and my pc for my uber bloody gaming.

02-21-2007, 03:42 PM
I agree with you for the most part, but do you remember the Ipod battery incident of a couple of years ago? The guy from New York that was told 'to just buy another one' when his battery died on him .

I just went on ebay and got a new one(battery) that lasted even longer...but then again I've had my iPod since '02.:eek3:

02-21-2007, 06:07 PM
i have a friend with a ipod as a door prop because of the battery issue. they told him to fo F himself.

and one mouse button FTL.

all and all i think that mac is monopolized on trendy and easy to use, while PC monopolizes on upgradibility and power

i have no school spirit, so i chosse not to be trendy. ffunction over form, same for the comp as for the car.

also i jsut got a laptop PC, 80GB HD, 1GB memory, and 1.8 pentium 4 processor. $400

this is what it all boils down to:

02-21-2007, 06:55 PM
and one mouse button FTL.
agreed! I hate that crap! I have to use Mac's for work and I have a PC for personal use. I still prefer PC :bigok:

02-21-2007, 06:58 PM
i personally like the new mini white apple laptop..just because it looks cute lol

02-21-2007, 07:23 PM
i have a friend with a ipod as a door prop because of the battery issue. they told him to fo F himself.

and one mouse button FTL.

all and all i think that mac is monopolized on trendy and easy to use, while PC monopolizes on upgradibility and power

i have no school spirit, so i chosse not to be trendy. ffunction over form, same for the comp as for the car.

also i jsut got a laptop PC, 80GB HD, 1GB memory, and 1.8 pentium 4 processor. $400

this is what it all boils down to:
The mac mighty mouse has hidden buttons that are touch sensitive.

Apple is so JDM...

02-21-2007, 09:27 PM
Mighty Mouse is awesome. As weird as it sounds. I've had a mac at work for 4 years now. G4 1ghz emac. I've never had one problem with that machine. It's a weird feeling to walk in and know that you're not going to have computer problems today. I've upgraded it from 10.0 to 10.4 which are some major upgrades OS wise and never had to clean install or anything. Only thing that's broke is the modem which lightning got. As much as people bitch about the hardware and the price. It's been a rock solid unit since day one.