View Full Version : Comic Book Collectors/ Readers [updated]

02-20-2007, 01:16 AM
I use to collect and read when i was in High School, and about a year ago a friend talked me into collecting again... so I wasn't really familliar with what was going on or new. So I picked up a couple starter issues and #1's.

Spawn #150-163 is awsome read... and the best story line out of the entire series so far... Armagedon has arrived. #164 is new artist and new story line that is based off the recent events.

Justice #1-10 has a good story line but the art work is excelent!! Issues have been taking awhile to come out.

Anihilation #1-6 (Silver Surfer, Nova, Super Skrull, Ronan) Awsome... story is a bit all over the place but well worth a little constellation confusion.

Wolverine Origins #1-10 is everything you didn't know, all the time, and keeps getting better.

Civil War & Crossovers - So much is going on its impossable to explain one focus... I have missed only a few, but if you read in order for each... Wow... New, old, dead, & re-born charicters... its all there...get it!!

Ghost Rider "Trail of Tears" #1 - 1860's Civil War era story line... Art work is amazing!

I like Marvel, but I am not bias on who is better.. I have DC, Image, and even some Valiant.

Start off on what your reading and what you think about it.
Some may be inspired to start collecting agian also!


02-20-2007, 07:34 AM
I'd love to start collecting again. I haven't collected since middle school. I was always a fan of Marvel but then Image came out and all my favorite artists (Jim Lee mainly) went to Image and they had more edgy comics. I have almost all the #1's from when image first started up. Unfortunately when i was in HS I sold my Spawn 1-20 to a store :( ).

I just can't wait til Spidey 3 comes out so my Amazing Spiderman #31 (first appearance of Gwen Stacey and Harry Osbourne) can skyrocket some more! Woot Woot!

If I collected now I'd go get all of Jim Lee's Batman comics. He's still my idol!

02-20-2007, 11:48 AM
I stopped collecting last year.... :(

all my favorite comics are dead.

Danger Girl
Gen 13

Anything from the Ultimate line of comics at Marvel is awesome though.

I still pick up Amazing Spiderman, and Ultimate Spiderman when i have time though.. duh!

02-20-2007, 01:42 PM
I used to collect but it's best for my compulsive nature - and my wallet - not to start again. I get like Nash and his pokemon - gotta catch them all!

I used to read Kaliman and spiderman way back in the day in Central America.

Then I got into Sandman, Batman, Mcfarlane Spiderman in the early 90s.

Then I started picking up Spawn, 100 Bullets, Fables, Ultimate Spiderman, Ultimate X Men a few years ago but stopped. I've been clean for a while now. I used to get my fix at big bookstores, just spend some time reading the collected story arc books and leaving with my wallet intact.

Some of my favorites;

- Preacher
- Sandman
- 100 Bullets
- Fables
- Ultimate Spiderman
- Ultimate X Men
- Sin City (anything Miller has done actually)

And I check out the random manga title here and there.

02-20-2007, 10:20 PM
Well i work at a comic shop so i get to read all the new stuff
so MadScientist here's a small list of good things to read
-Civil War(thank god it finishes tomorrow)
-New Xmen(if u like the new mutants from early days u will like this book)
-The Boys(up to #6 and then Dc drops it because of content basically it outpreaches the Preacher but already got picked up from another company so sereis should start up pretty soon)
-X Factor
-Ult Spiderman(after issue 110 the artist finally calls it quits:sadwavey: )
-lone ranger
-Wanted (series finished but excellent book to read)
-Batman The hush series(jim lee artwork)
-All star Superman
- justice
-justice league of america
-sensational spiderman

there's a lot more but those are the ones right off the top of my head. I usually get like 15-20 books every week but if you want to anything else lmk.

Also if anyone is interested, i'm thinking about selling some of my books to make more room so if anyone is interested lmk
exitspeed- if ur interested in the jim lee run of batman lmk i have the whole run, the hush run and all star batman and robin
spiderman- gen13 is back and being done by wildstorm which is Jim lee's company that is owned by dc

A Spec Products
02-20-2007, 11:27 PM
I can't imagine reading a comic book, I think I'm a bit old to go and buy it and whatnot. No offense, but just for me personally that's how I feel.

Someday I'll probably go through my old stuff, got some gems up in there. I can definitely see the nostalgic value of seeing what has happened to those characters since you last read them.

Hopefully that shit is gonna be of value someday, cause when I was a kid all we did was blow money on comics, trading cards, and video games.

The good old days.

02-20-2007, 11:51 PM
I can't imagine reading a comic book, I think I'm a bit old to go and buy it and whatnot. No offense, but just for me personally that's how I feel.

Someday I'll probably go through my old stuff, got some gems up in there. I can definitely see the nostalgic value of seeing what has happened to those characters since you last read them.

Hopefully that shit is gonna be of value someday, cause when I was a kid all we did was blow money on comics, trading cards, and video games.

The good old days.

Yeah comic books isn't for everyone but they hold a better value the collecting sports cards. Case in point bought a comic for $2.99 and in less then 2wks the book was already close to a $30 book (Marvel Zombies #1 if anyone wants to know) So you never know maybe your comixs are worth something now lmk what you got and i could tell you if you have something that is worth value. I've sold some of my collection to help with my 240 fund so all in all i think collecting comixs is a good thing

02-21-2007, 08:02 AM
Well i work at a comic shop so i get to read all the new stuff
so MadScientist here's a small list of good things to read
-Civil War(thank god it finishes tomorrow)
-New Xmen(if u like the new mutants from early days u will like this book)
-The Boys(up to #6 and then Dc drops it because of content basically it outpreaches the Preacher but already got picked up from another company so sereis should start up pretty soon)
-X Factor
-Ult Spiderman(after issue 110 the artist finally calls it quits:sadwavey: )
-lone ranger
-Wanted (series finished but excellent book to read)
-Batman The hush series(jim lee artwork)
-All star Superman
- justice
-justice league of america
-sensational spiderman

there's a lot more but those are the ones right off the top of my head. I usually get like 15-20 books every week but if you want to anything else lmk.

Also if anyone is interested, i'm thinking about selling some of my books to make more room so if anyone is interested lmk
exitspeed- if ur interested in the jim lee run of batman lmk i have the whole run, the hush run and all star batman and robin
spiderman- gen13 is back and being done by wildstorm which is Jim lee's company that is owned by dc

You have PM.

Jim Lee is the man. I remember back in the day Wizards top 10 artists, Jim Lee was always #2 to McFarlane. I never agreed with that though.

02-21-2007, 09:31 AM
Im not going to lie. I use to own every single Marvel Comic you can think of in MINT Condition. I actually donated them to help out someone I forgot right before I got into High School. The "Original Superman Death" comic book is worth alot now,and I kinda wish I still had it lol

02-21-2007, 09:41 AM
Im not going to lie. I use to own every single Marvel Comic you can think of in MINT Condition. I actually donated them to help out someone I forgot right before I got into High School. The "Original Superman Death" comic book is worth alot now,and I kinda wish I still had it lol

Yea I have that one too. Actually I think I have 2 or 3 of'em. I have the white on when he comes back too.

02-21-2007, 09:46 AM
yeah the death of superman used to be an expensive book but now you can find it for 20 to 25 dollars and for the return the best your looking at is $10.

exitspeed- if ur looking for any other jim lee runs lmk and i could probably get them for you slmk

02-21-2007, 10:01 AM
Hey can you look into what my Amazing SM #31 is worth. It's in really good condition despite it's age. I'm hoping it shoots up more when t SM3 comes out. It usually goes up a hundred or two when the movies come out.

02-21-2007, 10:09 AM
Amazing s-man #31 is worth around $420 in good condition so it all matters on the condition of the book. the spiderman books to get right now cause of the movie is #252(first black costume in amazing) and #300(first venom)

02-21-2007, 10:13 AM
yeah the death of superman used to be an expensive book but now you can find it for 20 to 25 dollars and for the return the best your looking at is $10.

Reason why it's probably because in the early to mid 90s the comic industry sucked - crossover this and that, 4-different-cover editions, finish stories in other books, special edition this, etc. Gimmicks left and right. Now that I think about it this was the main reason I stopped buying then.

Out of curiosity what would the McFarlane Spiderman run (1-18 irrc) would be worth nowadays? I think I still have it stashed somewhere.

02-21-2007, 10:17 AM
Amazing s-man #31 is worth around $420 in good condition so it all matters on the condition of the book. the spiderman books to get right now cause of the movie is #252(first black costume in amazing) and #300(first venom)

I know. I'd love to get my hands one both of those. I wonder if my Web O Spiderman #1 will go up after 3?

02-21-2007, 10:21 AM
I think anything that has the black costume will go up. plus right now since he's back in the black costume it helps out also. Yeah i also wish i kept my 300 in better condition but i do have a 252 in good condition and secret wars #8 also

02-21-2007, 10:28 AM
This seems like a good deal. Sorry for the egay link guys.

http://cgi.ebay.com/AMAZING-SPIDER-MAN-252-298-299-300-SECRET-WAR-8_W0QQitemZ270091513552QQihZ017QQcategoryZ70961QQr dZ1QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item270091513552

02-21-2007, 10:36 AM
I had the first few issues of the black the costume saga - Peter almost hooking up with the Black Cat too irrc - but I trashed them. The hobgoblin reveal too...:smash:

02-21-2007, 10:51 AM
Comic books now can jump in price very very fast... that is why I have been picking up alot of the newer #1s, and also if their is a Variant avaialable.

I am looking into the CGC (Certified Guaranty Company) for Grading. I seen a CGC Civil War #2 (2nd print, non variant) go for over $100.

Those of you interested in getting back into Collecting but dont have a location to walk-in or just feel odd about doing so... Mid City Comics... you can start a subscription and they will bag and ship to you... they also do CGC.

I personally go to BSI down the street and get lost for about an hour every month.

Been trying to find "Executioner Song" issues (X-Men, X-Factor, X-Force, etc..) in original bag with card... mint prefered.


02-21-2007, 10:52 AM
Been trying to find "Executioner Song" issues (X-Men, X-Factor, X-Force, etc..) in original bag with card... mint prefered.


HA! I have those! The X-Factor cover is so dope. Shattershot and Mojo FTW!

Edit: I think that cover was done by Andy Kubert. Man I can't believe I remember this stuff still.

02-21-2007, 12:32 PM
I used to collect and read Gen13, The Darkness, Witchblade, the original TMNT (I still am missing issues of City at War), but I sold most of them years ago. I think I still have my Gen13? but they're back home.

I had Deathblow #0 and an issue of Gen13 signed by Jim Lee.

I haven't been collecting as much as before for many years now, but the only series I follow and collect now is the new Street Fighter series by UDON. It's very good.

02-21-2007, 12:43 PM
Man. I miss comics.

McFarlane's style is really nice and edgy, but i do favor Jim Lee.

Civic War series is pretty awesome. Registered Mutants v 'Vigilante Heroes'.

F You Tony Stark!

02-21-2007, 12:55 PM
Deathblow #0 is one of my all time favorite covers. Jim lee's art style in that series was unbelievable.


02-21-2007, 01:41 PM
I am a big art guru so art work greatly sways me when picking up new books... I wasn't going to pick up the new Ghost Rider "Trail of Tears" because the Movie was comming out and I didn't think it would grow in value much.
The art work is amazing... looks like the entire book is washed out water color with neutral colors... very very fitting for the era.

I Highly suggest Spawn #150-163... probably the best read and perception of actuall Armagedon EVER... I felt like stalking the Comic book store waiting on the next issue... Its that good!!


A Spec Products
02-21-2007, 02:16 PM
Yeah comic books isn't for everyone but they hold a better value the collecting sports cards. Case in point bought a comic for $2.99 and in less then 2wks the book was already close to a $30 book (Marvel Zombies #1 if anyone wants to know) So you never know maybe your comixs are worth something now lmk what you got and i could tell you if you have something that is worth value. I've sold some of my collection to help with my 240 fund so all in all i think collecting comixs is a good thing

Reminds me of the time when I was a kid and went to a sports card show.

I played some coin toss game and won a Stadium Club Beam Team Shaq card.

That day the market value of the card was like $300, but being an idiot I didn't sell it.

I checked a couple years later and it was worth like $5.


02-21-2007, 04:22 PM

That's the cover I had for my Deathblow #0. I might of made a mistake then...it's been years since I put that into storage, so I forgot what number then.

Man...Image Comics were so badass back then.
My favorite artist back then was Michael Turner, when he was drawing Witchblade, then it was J. Scott Campbell before he changed his style in Gen13. Jim Lee was great also, esp when he was drawing for Marvel.

I almost forgot: Aliens vs Predator, Batman vs Predator 1 (by the Kubert Brothers).
I had most of Maximum Carnage also

02-22-2007, 12:09 AM
the problem i have with turner now is that he's a cover whore and most of his character look a like now. Also if anyone wants to read a good comic i highly recommend usagi yojimbo, now this is a great comic series.

Also anybody else read civil war #7 and if so what did u all think

02-22-2007, 12:30 AM
I need to find eComics online. Any leads for reading comics online?

02-22-2007, 07:44 AM
I need to find eComics online. Any leads for reading comics online?

not sure if I can say this...but I've found some on torrent sites and use "CD Display" to view them....

02-22-2007, 10:42 AM
Also anybody else read civil war #7 and if so what did u all think

Just read it about a minute ago... still trying to grasp what happened.
I thought they were both wrong, and the situation could have been resolved much easier. Looks like alot of good books are going to come out based on this event.

I dont want to ruin it for anyone that has not read this yet.


S13 Charlie
02-22-2007, 02:44 PM
Man, you guys are bringing back some memories!! I was big into comics when I was in middle school / high school, but I eventually grew out of it. Well, maybe I didn't grow out of it, so much as I found other things to blow cash on. hehe. I think I have like Spawn 1-13 or something like that. I always loved McFarlane's work, ever since I saw his Spiderman stuff. I think I have both versions of the famous cover he did with Spiderman kinda squating on a web. I think he even did a cover of Spawn like that. Jim Lee's art was also excellent, but the style of McFarlane is so different from Lee that it's difficult to compare the two. Lee's work is more accurate to human features, while I think McFarlane's was slightly more cartoonish. (not in a bad way) I also had a couple of those X-ecutioner's song books, but I'm pretty sure I ripped them open and read 'em.

Ah well, I hope my mom still has my comic collection safely stored, one of these days they'll be worth something, right? heh.

02-22-2007, 02:48 PM
Every once in a while. I'll bust out a box of comics and make my wife sit through me explaining each and every one. When I bought. Why I bought it. It's value. What makes it so cool.

Got to love a women that would sit though that.

02-28-2007, 09:57 AM
Civil War is Over and now its called the "Initiative"

For those not familiar with what is going on..
Tony Stark (Iron Man) is now the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. because Nick Fury is missing. Ms Marvel may have something up her sleeve for Mr. Stark, but so does Ben Urich and Sally Floyd.
Captain America turned him-self over to the Po'Po'... share a cell with Kingpin?ew!
Spider-Man revieled his Identity and to save the Wifey and Granny he lives out of Hotels... Also he's Back in Black. Kingpin wants them dead...maybe.
Storm and BlackPanter got Married... and are currently helping out the Fantastic Four because Reed and Sue need some alone time...if you know what I mean.
The only person that has stood his ground is Punisher!! Whom has Captain America's mask.

Initiative is setting in motion what started the Civil War... All Super Powers must register their real name and powers with S.H.I.E.L.D. and go through training to become an Agent. All 50 States will have their own Crime fighting Super Hero Team.

enjoy... I am.

02-28-2007, 10:08 AM
Don't forget that aunt may got shot and may be the reason for spidey going back in black.
The next series i'm waiting for is World War Hulk because this is when Hulk will come back to earth and he will be bringing a can of whoop ass to the marvel universe

02-28-2007, 10:29 AM
Too many memories w/comic books...just curious what secret wars #8 (i believe that is the first appearance of the venom suit) would be worth in very good condition.

02-28-2007, 10:37 AM
Man those stories sound awesome. I wish I had time to read'em.

S13 Charlie
02-28-2007, 10:42 AM
Civil War is Over and now its called the "Initiative"

For those not familiar with what is going on..

Spider-Man revieled his Identity and to save the Wifey and Granny he lives out of Hotels... Also he's Back in Black. Kingpin wants them dead...maybe.
The only person that has stood his ground is Punisher!! Whom has Captain America's mask.

Initiative is setting in motion what started the Civil War... All Super Powers must register their real name and powers with S.H.I.E.L.D. and go through training to become an Agent. All 50 States will have their own Crime fighting Super Hero Team.

enjoy... I am.


What books have this stuff happening? I'm curious about spiderman, being back in black etc. Did the Marvel Universe have a catastrophic change, or was it a gradual shift to where it is now? I haven't followed since the mid-90's, so I basically have no clue as to what's going on, and to hear all these storylines is crazy-talk!

02-28-2007, 02:15 PM

What books have this stuff happening? I'm curious about spiderman, being back in black etc. Did the Marvel Universe have a catastrophic change, or was it a gradual shift to where it is now? I haven't followed since the mid-90's, so I basically have no clue as to what's going on, and to hear all these storylines is crazy-talk!

a lot can happen in 10 years. :D

most of the change has been gradual.

02-28-2007, 02:30 PM
Punisher Summer Specials. Those were cool. I have 1 and 2 of those.

02-28-2007, 07:42 PM

What books have this stuff happening? I'm curious about spiderman, being back in black etc. Did the Marvel Universe have a catastrophic change, or was it a gradual shift to where it is now? I haven't followed since the mid-90's, so I basically have no clue as to what's going on, and to hear all these storylines is crazy-talk!

Start with Civil War and the Cross-Overs Issues... you will catch on... there is alot to read... I have almost an entire box of nothing but Civil War.


02-28-2007, 09:26 PM
S13 Charlie if ur interested in the entire civil war run lmk have the entire run.

DrtyRat Secret War #8 can get you around $40 right now but just wait till the Spidey 3 comes out and more then likely it will jump up in price

03-01-2007, 12:53 AM
i still buy Punisher, but that's just because i have an ALMOST complete collection of every issue of every punisher series.. i used to buy all the comics i read, but now i mostly just download them.

i read regularly:
American Virgin
100 Bullets

...and that's really it at the moment.

03-01-2007, 01:25 AM
Good lord, so much shits happening.

Why'd spidey ditch the TechnoSuit?

03-01-2007, 01:59 AM
read wikipedia

03-01-2007, 09:20 AM
Techno Suit was designed by Tony Stark... Stark convinced Spidey to come out on national TV an un-mask to help the Super Human Registration Act (SHRA)... after doing so Spidey found that Stark was hiding something and had no real response to why he was for the SHRA... Spidey went rouge (not the charicter) and Iron Man came after him... Iron Man used the Techno Suit against him!! He went back to the old Red and Blues for a bit but Rhino beat the [email protected] out of Spidey.... he recovers after a few days and goes out agian and at that point Kingpin has had a Sniper watching the Hotel they are staying in... and shoots Aute May!!!

Spidey is going EMO right now so he is wearing the Black Suit.


03-01-2007, 09:21 AM
Man such cool as story lines. Comics rock.

03-01-2007, 05:06 PM
emo spidey is dangerous.

03-07-2007, 11:02 AM
:aw: they just shot and killed Captain America:aw: R.I.P Cap:angel:

03-07-2007, 11:46 AM
I have been checking out:

Y - The Last Man (All men on the planet die except for one)
The Walking Dead - Zombie Comic 'nuff said
X-Men Phoenix Warsong
Also reading a bunch of Green Lantern and Aliens one offs.

03-07-2007, 11:52 AM
aunt may and captain america are dead?! o.0

03-07-2007, 11:58 AM
i have one of these sitting in my closet. foil cover. it's not rated like this one, but still in the plastic, in perfect condition. what is the possible value of something like this?

S13 Charlie
03-07-2007, 12:18 PM
How many books are we talking, and how much of my bling? heh, I'm interested though..

S13 Charlie if ur interested in the entire civil war run lmk have the entire run.

WTF?! I was just reading up on the Civil War in wikipedia, and it started from the New Warriors filming a reality tv show in Stamford, Connecticut?! I grew up in Stamford! I wonder why it's appearing in a comic book, now I'm really interested, heh.

03-07-2007, 12:47 PM
i have one of these sitting in my closet. foil cover. it's not rated like this one, but still in the plastic, in perfect condition. what is the possible value of something like this?

Condition Value *CGC Value
GEM MINT $3.00 $48.00
MINT $2.60 $31.20
MINT - $2.50 $20.00
NEAR MINT + $2.20 $8.80
NEAR MINT $2.00 $4.00

Use this to fine pricing... it may take a few tries because its very very detailed in the search.


03-07-2007, 12:48 PM
Love & Rockets


"It's Science" With Dr. Radium


Oh man, bringing back some memories now

03-07-2007, 03:39 PM
thanx for the info and websight.

03-08-2007, 10:04 AM
RARE RARE RARE... my god... I was looking through the Price Guide for Civil War and Wolverine Origins.... WOW!!!

I have several Civil War - Variants... deffinatly worth the money spent... If you send them off to be graded the jump in price by the Hundreds... a couple are very very limited... like total of 17 printed.

Civil War Variants... you must find and buy!! All Michael Tuner art work!
#3 Thor cover
#3 Spidey Techno Suit cover
#6 Naymor cover
#7 All out War cover
They are each about $500 if you get them CGC Graded 9.6 or higher!

Wolverine Origins #10 - Variant... Find it, and Buy it... Last week it was $80, this week its $125... get it CGC Graded and its worth $2500!!! I picked this up yesterday... the comic shop had it on the wall and didn't update the price from last week!

I also suggest anyone that can find Captain America #25 - Variant... GET IT... Editor in Chief Joe Quesada said "dead means Dead" in regards to a possable comeback. No Superman retuns here!!

OK... time to go read all this new stuff...


03-08-2007, 10:37 AM
I can't believe the OG Wolverine #1 is only worth $48. I was hoping that would go up more. if I have it graded could be worth $576.00.

But Wow my Uncanny X-Men #266 that I have in as mint as you can get condition can be worth $1,248.00 if I have it graded.

03-10-2007, 09:48 AM
I also suggest anyone that can find Captain America #25 - Variant... GET IT... Editor in Chief Joe Quesada said "dead means Dead" in regards to a possable comeback. No Superman retuns here!!

OK.... WTF!!! seriously... why the hell would you publicly announce or make a statment of this magnitude to comic book geeks!!
Cap being dead is a Kick in the balls alone... Then they release Civil War "The Initiative" #1 (one shot) and Spider-Woman and Ms. Marvel are talking about Cap is not dead... "he is tucked away safe on the raft"... WTF!!! I thought Dead ment Dead?!?!? What a dick!!

yes i just went off over a comic book.. thats how it is!


03-10-2007, 12:11 PM
Out of all the comics I used to collect I only kept:
DC Comics
Superman #123 (Glow in the Dark Edition)

Silver Surfer #50 (First Printing) Thanos in the background and Silver Surfer embossed

Prophet #1
Danger Girl #1
WitchBlade #1

Maximum Press
WarChild #1
Christian #1

I wish I would have bought Bone #1 when I had the chance. Anyway, I have no idea what each of the comics I have are worth and more than likely won't bother finding out for a while.

03-12-2007, 01:11 PM
I am surprised at how cheap comics are. Even the ones that are "expensive" aren't tbhat expensive. Reason why I say that is cause I use to play Magic the Gathering back in the day. I have a couple cards form the Beta Edition (there were 9 overly powerful expensive cards), one being a Black Lotus. The things value from $700 (in poor cond.) to $1500-$2500 (Mint).

Sorry, not much about comics here. I lost all mine during the Hurricane season of 05'. Thanks Hurricane Dennis.

03-12-2007, 01:51 PM
I am surprised at how cheap comics are. Even the ones that are "expensive" aren't tbhat expensive. Reason why I say that is cause I use to play Magic the Gathering back in the day. I have a couple cards form the Beta Edition (there were 9 overly powerful expensive cards), one being a Black Lotus. The things value from $700 (in poor cond.) to $1500-$2500 (Mint).

Sorry, not much about comics here. I lost all mine during the Hurricane season of 05'. Thanks Hurricane Dennis.

I don't think that value will hold honestly. Those card games are more of a fad then comic books. In the 90's there were comics that had crazy values like that. People were going out and buying up all they could as an "investment in their future". Well with so many comics coming out with so many special edition issues the market kinda crashed.

03-14-2007, 01:50 AM
I don't think that value will hold honestly. Those card games are more of a fad then comic books. In the 90's there were comics that had crazy values like that. People were going out and buying up all they could as an "investment in their future". Well with so many comics coming out with so many special edition issues the market kinda crashed.

actually the alpha and beta power cards hold their value pretty well. we just sold a beta black lotus for $1,800 the other day. Wish i played magic when it first came out.

either way if anyone is looking for the whole run of civil war pm i'm looking to sell mine and if wonderin what it would come with it is these issues
Civil War
Civil War #1 and turner cover
Civil War #2 and turner cover
Civil War #3 and turner cover and thor variant
Civil War#4 and turner cover
Civil War #5 and turner cover
Civil War #6 and turner cover
Civil War #7 and turner cover
Civil War Tie-Ins
The Amazing Spider-man #532
The Amazing Spider-man #533
The Amazing Spider-man #534
The Amazing Spider-man #535
The Amazing Spider-man #536
The Amazing Spider-man #537
The Amazing Spider-man #538
Captain America #22
Captain America #23
Captain America #24
Iron Man #13
Iron Man #14
Thunderbolts #103
Thunderbolts #104
Thunderbolts #105
Punisher:War Journal #1
Punisher:War Journal #1 (Black and White Variant)
Punisher:War Journal #2
Punisher:War Journal #3
Heroes For Hire #1
Heroes For Hire #2
Heroes For Hire #3
New Avengers #21
New Avengers #22
New Avengers #23
New Avengers #24
New Avengers #25
Ms. Marvel #6
Ms. Marvel #7
Ms. Marvel #8
Civil War :Frontline #1
Civil War :Frontline #2
Civil War :Frontline #3
Civil War :Frontline #4
Civil War :Frontline #5
Civil War :Frontline #6
Civil War :Frontline #7
Civil War :Frontline #8
Civil War :Frontline #9
Civil War :Frontline #10
Civil War :Frontline #11
Fantastic Four #538
Fantastic Four #539
Fantastic Four #540
Fantastic Four #541
Fantastic Four #542
She-Hulk #8
X-men #1
X-men #2
X-men #3
X-men #4
Young Avengers & Runaways #1
Young Avengers & Runaways #2
Young Avengers & Runaways #3
Young Avengers & Runaways #4
Wolverine #42
Wolverine #43
Wolverine #44
Wolverine #45
Wolverine #46
Wolverine #47
The Return (One shot)
Black Pather #22
Black Pather #23
Black Pather #24
Black Pather #25
Cable & Deadpool #30
Cable & Deadpool #31
Cable & Deadpool #32
Casualities Of War
Winter Soldier:Winter Kills #1
Blade #5
Ghost Rider #8
Moon Knight #7
Black Panther #18 (Civil War Cease-Fire/ Wedding of Storm and Black Pather)
Iron-Man/Captain America:One Shot(Iron-Man wins cover)
Iron-Man/Captain America:One Shot(Captain-America wins cover)
Wolverine #48
Civil War:Epilogue
Fantastic Four #543
Variants and Extras
Civil War #2(Spider-man Unmasked Variant)
Civil War #3(Thor Variant)
Civil War:Files
Civil War:Choosing Sides
Civil War:War Crimes#1(One Shot)

the only ones missing are the x-factor run because those are stayin in my x-factor run(best xtitle right now) also if anyone is interested i also have both covers of captain america. so pm if interested and if need pics i can get those also

03-14-2007, 10:15 PM
I don't think that value will hold honestly. Those card games are more of a fad then comic books. In the 90's there were comics that had crazy values like that. People were going out and buying up all they could as an "investment in their future". Well with so many comics coming out with so many special edition issues the market kinda crashed.

You'd be surprised. When I started playing Magic in 1995, beta black lotus were only $175-$200ish. They have steadily increased in value. Never once have I seen them fall in price. A lot of the older cards fluctuate as they are reprinted in some of the newer sets also. There is a bunch of cards called Dual Lands, which I have a set of (40). They average between 9-15 bucks a pop. Which I paid $3-$4 for them back in the day. Its a pretty good return on my investment.

03-15-2007, 09:01 PM
I spent my allounce everyweds on comic books.

untill i was like 16. i know . but yeah now i spend money on the car instead. love comic book movies.

if you like comic books and your hetero youll like this.


03-16-2007, 09:37 AM
Man there's a ton of Jim lee comics in that pic! I wish that bitch would get outta the way.

JK I'm not gay.

03-25-2007, 12:29 AM
OMG. New Civil War, focus on Eddie.

10-25-2007, 05:42 PM
anyone here read jthm?

10-30-2007, 12:14 PM
Amazing s-man #31 is worth around $420 in good condition so it all matters on the condition of the book. the spiderman books to get right now cause of the movie is #252(first black costume in amazing) and #300(first venom)

Woot! Since the movie it's gone up to $540. :bigok:

10-31-2007, 12:14 AM
This has been my side hobby, but I'm actually thinking about giving it up and selling all my stuff. I have a gang of comics, and collector figures.

10-31-2007, 08:13 AM
This has been my side hobby, but I'm actually thinking about giving it up and selling all my stuff. I have a gang of comics, and collector figures.

See, I just don't get that. Why sell? Why did you start collecting in the first place? It's not like they are THAT great of an investment after a short amount of time.

My whole collection was from the lat 80's to the early to mid 90's. Back when I priced out my collection in the mid 90's I estimated the value to be somewhere around $5000. I have no idea what it's worth now, but it's obviously appreciated. I don't want to sell them though, cause it's gonna be rad to look through them all with my kids someday. Maybe they'll pay for college for one of them.

10-31-2007, 10:52 PM
The reason I'm selling them is because I want to spend the money on my car. I'm giving up one hobby to more actively pursue another.

06-16-2008, 02:45 PM
I've been looking for a reason to bump this thread besides the movies that have their own threads.

This is SO awesome!


06-16-2008, 04:03 PM
I spent my allounce everyweds on comic books.

untill i was like 16. i know . but yeah now i spend money on the car instead. love comic book movies.

if you like comic books and your hetero youll like this.


:hitit::hitit:all day long kid what...but i'd be pissed she on my comics!:werd:

06-16-2008, 04:46 PM
I'm not a collector but I always loved the story line.

Civil War is awweesome.

I never buy the comics, I just wait until they release a few then buy the books that have a bunch of the comics in one book (sorta like this)

06-17-2008, 12:41 AM
I want complete book ones, like 2slow40 mentioned.

I'm about to start reading Civil Wars.

Manga's too.

= )


06-17-2008, 03:11 AM
damn, i haven't read any comics since the phalanx era came out. that was like what? 15 years ago?

09-24-2008, 08:53 PM
Super Bump!

So the Civil War arc is over now, for the most part.

What're you ladiesreading now?

I just finished reading Batman Hush, which is effing amazing. Hush Returns is reallly good too.

I just read Deadpool #1 to 69 i think, at the end of the Udon version.

Anyone read any Secret Invasions? If not, you should. Its building up to be an amazing story arc.

Current reads:
Ultimates Hulk v Wolverine
Green Lantern Origins
Batman Lovers and Sinners (?)
anything Secret Invasion.

lets COLLAB!

09-24-2008, 09:45 PM
:hitit::hitit:all day long kid what...but i'd be pissed she on my comics!:werd:

see thats what happens when u tell a girl ur comics are worth alot of money.

09-24-2008, 09:48 PM
Reason why it's probably because in the early to mid 90s the comic industry sucked - crossover this and that, 4-different-cover editions, finish stories in other books, special edition this, etc. Gimmicks left and right. Now that I think about it this was the main reason I stopped buying then.

Out of curiosity what would the McFarlane Spiderman run (1-18 irrc) would be worth nowadays? I think I still have it stashed somewhere.

exactly, thats why i stopped. i stopped in like 96 and than started again last year. the shit is back, so much better, good stories and good art. esp xmen legacy, and the new wolverines.

09-24-2008, 09:50 PM
Every once in a while. I'll bust out a box of comics and make my wife sit through me explaining each and every one. When I bought. Why I bought it. It's value. What makes it so cool.

Got to love a women that would sit though that.

my girl actually wants to read comics with me, we are saving them for rainy days.

09-25-2008, 07:42 AM
^^ Awh thats so...................weak hahaha.......

Nah that sounds like such a chill idea....

And Cusco yeah i know you cant tell a girl something is worth more than they are ...

I got my cars keyed and tires slashed by a crazy ex

09-25-2008, 10:09 AM
I just finished "The Sinestro Wars" a few weeks back.

Looks like they really got something going for the Green Laterns -- especially since there are 6 other colors out there.

Big fan of Ethan Van Scrier's artwork... though he didn't have as much of a hand in the "Sinestro Wars" storyline.

Methinks that a few of of the current Green Laterns will go "Blue". :naughtyd:

Anything else I should keep my eye out for?

'91 240sx coupe

09-22-2009, 04:41 AM
okay this thread has been in need of a bump for a while. Why because if you read comics you should read the old man Logan stuff, just go to your local store, and ask for it. The last installment of the series comes out this weds. Cool story, and the art is cool too.

Basicaly here is the run down for all the people that dont know. Old man logan takes place in the future, wolverine is old. Back in our time in the book all the villians teamed up because they outnumber the goodguys and killed everyone, everyone except wolverine and hawkeye. And they devided the united states into four areas, that were controled by landlords or bosses, like Hulk, Kingpin, Doctor Doom, and the Redskull. Wolverine has not popped his claws in 20 years or something like that, and he lives in California and that is Hulks domain, and Hulks kids come to collect and give him an ultimatum, pay up by the end of the week or we kill your family. So Hawkeye makes him an offer, to ride shot gun with him( hawkeye has gone blind) on a cross country road trip to deliver some shit in dc. The story is good and I think anyone would like it. well , just wanted to see what the deal was with this thread and if any is still reading and if so what are you reading.

09-22-2009, 05:58 AM
I started reading the BATMAN RIP series. I like the direction it was heading, but I always get lost in the spin-offs they have. After Bruce's event, I have no idea what happens next.

Kick-Ass is AMAZING. From 1 to 7, awesome. He kicks ass.

09-22-2009, 08:04 AM
okay this thread has been in need of a bump for a while. Why because if you read comics you should read the old man Logan stuff, just go to your local store, and ask for it. The last installment of the series comes out this weds. Cool story, and the art is cool too.

Basicaly here is the run down for all the people that dont know. Old man logan takes place in the future, wolverine is old. Back in our time in the book all the villians teamed up because they outnumber the goodguys and killed everyone, everyone except wolverine and hawkeye. And they devided the united states into four areas, that were controled by landlords or bosses, like Hulk, Kingpin, Doctor Doom, and the Redskull. Wolverine has not popped his claws in 20 years or something like that, and he lives in California and that is Hulks domain, and Hulks kids come to collect and give him an ultimatum, pay up by the end of the week or we kill your family. So Hawkeye makes him an offer, to ride shot gun with him( hawkeye has gone blind) on a cross country road trip to deliver some shit in dc. The story is good and I think anyone would like it. well , just wanted to see what the deal was with this thread and if any is still reading and if so what are you reading.

That sounds cool. I wish I could buy a book with all the comics together.

I have a problem reading comic books. I never read any of mine. I bought them to collect them. I wish I would have read'em.

09-22-2009, 12:49 PM
my cuz has the 1st action comic value was at 2mil like 7years ago dont know if it went up or down wish he would sell :)

09-22-2009, 01:21 PM
my cuz has the 1st action comic value was at 2mil like 7years ago dont know if it went up or down wish he would sell :)

pics or gtfo !! haha

Has it been appraised and are you sure it's not a reprint?

09-22-2009, 01:25 PM
pics or gtfo !! haha

Has it been appraised and are you sure it's not a reprint?

Fo' real!

I wanna believe you, but I needs proof.

09-22-2009, 01:42 PM
im not sure if its a reprint im not really into comics only that one cause of the price i have only seen it once he keeps it in a safe

09-22-2009, 01:45 PM
im not sure if its a reprint im not really into comics only that one cause of the price i have only seen it once he keeps it in a safe

If it's a reprint it's not worth that much money.

If you got a pic of it though that would be cool as fuck.

09-22-2009, 01:56 PM
Kick-Ass is AMAZING. From 1 to 7, awesome. He kicks ass.

Kick-Ass rules, but i'm really annoyed at how it came to be. it had a movie deal before the first issue was printed.

my cuz has the 1st action comic value was at 2mil like 7years ago dont know if it went up or down wish he would sell :)

bullshit on all counts.
1.) the most ever offered for a NM copy was one million, back in '03. there are no known near mint copies in existence. a fine condition copy would be worth 100k-300k (est). but, your cousin has neither, because
2.) he has a reprint copy. i have one too. they have a space for the UPC symbol on the cover and are standard size.
3.) sorry :(

anyway, since the last time i posted in this thread, i've stopped buying individual issues (except kick-ass). Punisher has really slipped in quality. i just buy trades now. maybe some day i'll get back into individual issues. they are my preferred format, but the value/hassle/varying quality of current offerings make it hard to want them.

i've recently read:
The Dark Knight Returns (can't believe i JUST read this, it's amazing)
Batman: Year One
the first three trades of Preacher
Black Hole by Charles Burns. HIGHLY RECC'D.

09-22-2009, 02:02 PM
aww that sux well thanx for clearin that up for us owell guess hes hiding it for no
reason lol

09-22-2009, 02:05 PM
i've recently read:
The Dark Knight Returns (can't believe i JUST read this, it's amazing)

This blows my mind that you would know that much about AC#1 and not have read TDKR till recently. BLOWN.

Anyways, I'm in the same boat as you. Times are tough, and I can't justify spending bucks on the individuals either. It's trades or bust.

09-22-2009, 02:16 PM
for the longest time, i only read Marvel, and that kept me from reading anything... well, anything that wasn't shit, really.

09-22-2009, 08:46 PM
Finished Reading Y: The last man (B+) and Preacher(A+ MY GOD.) Last Month.

Currently Reading:

Fables (B+ So Far)(TPB3)
100 Bullets (A+ This volume is BRILLIANT) (TPB3)
Scalped (FUCK ME. Beautiful Art w/ Amazing Story) (Current Issue)
The Walking Dead (So far, all time favorite book/issues. The character development is insane! )(Current Issue)
Sandman (Neil Gainman rarely fails.) (TPB3)

My Pull list is WEAK.
Only Walking dead and Scalped.
I rarely get singles, it's bullshit trying to organize it on the bookshelf.
Trying to do Trades for EVERYTHING.

Catching up on shit I should have read.

09-22-2009, 10:00 PM
Hey exit speed you can buy alot of books like that. And in a hardback! I dont know when they will release it, but I am sure you can find it. Or go to marvel.com and you could possibly read the issues online. I like the hardbacks because you can put them on the shelf, and not mess up the regular issues. A really good hardback x men issue is god love man kills. It was pretty much the inspiration for the second x movie.

09-23-2009, 09:24 AM
Hey exit speed you can buy alot of books like that. And in a hardback! I dont know when they will release it, but I am sure you can find it. Or go to marvel.com and you could possibly read the issues online. I like the hardbacks because you can put them on the shelf, and not mess up the regular issues. A really good hardback x men issue is god love man kills. It was pretty much the inspiration for the second x movie.

Cool. Cause I wanna get the Walking Dead and read that.

09-23-2009, 10:43 AM
comic books used to be 69 cents... in the 90's when I collected them they were 1.25, when image comics started comics jumped up to 2.50 to 3.50.

I have the number 1 issue of pretty much any image comic you can thing of.
Cyber Force
(I never got into spawn until 50-100 so I don't have that number 1.)
Storm Watch
Gen 13
Wild Cats
Wild C.A.T.S
Team 7


Battlechasers was ok, I personally thougth the book sucked and Joe Mad was overrated since his style brought sales up on spiderman for marvel, give the guy his own book and he is like travis charest. Cant make a month to month commitment. I don't even think issue number 4 of that book came out before they cancelled it.

you guys should check out Comic Vine.com ~ Comic Book Database, Reviews, News, and Forums - Comic Vine (http://www.comicvine.com) I regularly post over there and they give video reviews on comics and what you should be checking out. Plus movie buzz news etc. A really cool site.

Actually there is a comic book convention at the long beach convention center this weekend or next I believe. Best time to collect books you need to catch up on.

09-23-2009, 11:08 AM
Battlechasers was ok, I personally thougth the book sucked and Joe Mad was overrated since his style brought sales up on spiderman for marvel, give the guy his own book and he is like travis charest. Cant make a month to month commitment. I don't even think issue number 4 of that book came out before they cancelled it.

Travis Charest's artwork on Wild C.A.T.S. is in my top 3. It's true though that he and Joe couldn't keep a consistent schedule if their lives depended on it.

Battlechaser's was definitely over hyped. (Even though I still have all the issues.)

09-23-2009, 11:42 AM
Cool. Cause I wanna get the Walking Dead and read that.

You should try and find Walking Dead Compendium Vol. 1
It collects issues #1-#48.
The current issue is #64.
it'll catch you up real fast.
It retails for ~$40.
It's technically the four hardcover, in one FAT book.

It's a one time print, so you'd better hurry. The price will sky rocket in no time.

09-23-2009, 12:13 PM
You should try and find Walking Dead Compendium Vol. 1
It collects issues #1-#48.
The current issue is #64.
it'll catch you up real fast.
It retails for ~$40.
It's technically the four hardcover, in one FAT book.

It's a one time print, so you'd better hurry. The price will sky rocket in no time.

Think I can just get that at a comic book shop?

09-23-2009, 12:19 PM
Think I can just get that at a comic book shop?

Both my local shop had it.
I'm sure you can.

09-23-2009, 05:27 PM
I used to be big on Marvel mythos.

But I've since moved to DC mythos.

Both have weird/awesome storylines.

I love re-reading origins and crap.

Anyone watch Batman brave and Bold?

Its TheBatman + Batman(60's) + Campy as hell = WIN.

09-23-2009, 06:04 PM
I'm not a huge comic book fan,
but I fully respect the medium.
Just more familiar & comfy with books & films.

I like some of the graphic novels from smaller publishers (Dark Horse, Image, etc) that are more marketed towards adults.
Even the artwork sometimes feels a bit more artsy & intense.
Stuff like Walking Dead, 300, Sin City, Sandman, etc are enjoyable.

Never really cared too much for the super-hero type stuff from Marvel/DC,
save for a few exceptions like Frank Miller's death of Batman.
Just think there's a completely different approach to comics (and other art forms) made for adults,
and stuff made for kids (or ppl who prefer simpler themes, and more clear-cut disctinction between good & evil).

Will certainly check out some of the recommendations made here.

09-23-2009, 09:49 PM
Anyone watch Batman brave and Bold?

Its TheBatman + Batman(60's) + Campy as hell = WIN.

that's a little redundant

but yeah, i am now! just watched an ep on youtube, it's pretty rad.

09-23-2009, 11:37 PM
so the final part of the Old Man Logan series is pretty cool, kinda predictable, it was nice to see something you anticipated for so long. Good art, and a nice twist on the Marvel Universe.

09-24-2009, 01:32 AM
Redundant + Repeating Oneself = WIN.

09-24-2009, 03:25 AM
any jeff loeb + tim sale paperback is worth picking up.

spiderman : blue
captain america : white
daredevil : yellow
batman : long halloween, dark victory
hulk : grey

any book by jeff loeb is a pretty damn good read (great writer)

tim sale is a very awesome artist, his drawings are simple but are very technical.

09-24-2009, 08:49 AM
So who's everyone's favorite artist?

Mine is hands down Jim Lee. He's always been an idle of mine. I love that he has had so many different styles over the years.

09-24-2009, 12:48 PM

Agreeed. He's so damn awesome.

I saw him once at Frank n Sons, the collector's swapmeet. Freaking sweeeet.

09-24-2009, 12:53 PM
Walter Simonson or John Byrne. I could never pick between them.
Everyone else after that for me.
Third would be John Romita Jr.

09-24-2009, 12:55 PM

Agreeed. He's so damn awesome.

I saw him once at Frank n Sons, the collector's swapmeet. Freaking sweeeet.

I would love to meet him in person. He's been my favorite artist since like 1990. God it doesn't feel like that long ago.

I'd love for him to do one of those sketches he does at the conventions. I'd frame it for sure.

09-24-2009, 12:57 PM

That made me smile.

I love DP.

DoublePenetration AND DeadPool

09-24-2009, 12:58 PM
Travis Charest
Tim Sale
Lenil Francis Yu
Jim Lee
Jae Lee
Frank Miller
John Romita Jr.
Greg Capullo
Todd McFarlane
Mark Sylvestri
Jim Valentino
Sam Keith
Eric Larson
Alex Ross
Adam Huges
Le Sean Thomas who actually is no longer doing comics but is moving to korea to persue his dream of working with a top japanese anime company (he did the character designs for boondock saints the cartoon)

09-24-2009, 01:24 PM
Ahhhhh..forgot my other number 2. Whilce Portacio.

09-24-2009, 01:46 PM
How about Michael Turner?

May he R.I.P.

09-24-2009, 10:43 PM
Mark Sylvestri

Whilce Portacio.

Barry Windsor Smith

Simone Bianchi & Simone Peruzzi

John Romita Jr

Alex Ross

Jim Lee

09-25-2009, 04:13 AM
can't forget whilce...

rob liefield (he sucks at art and somehow manages to create the most awesome characters. CABLE AND DEADPOOL, steals from his friends and then is given his own monthly book again.)

also bill siekenwickz (forget how to spell it)
eric larson
stephen platt (if rob liefeld didn't suck and he actually got better, his work would look like stephens)

a lot of artists looked up to an artist when they got in the game and their styles mimic their idols work.

lots of artists either drew like jim lee, mcfarlane, or liefeld.

anyone that works for top cow pretty much draws like marc sylvestri.

anyway just wanted to throw up some of my recent shit too.




shadow hawk

and now doing a wildcats picture

my own characters (did this months ago while riding the metro link)

and no I do not do commissions, frankly because I draw for fun and people cant afford (what they want).

09-25-2009, 04:33 AM
fucking radical

we should team up, i've had this idea for a homeless superhero for a while

..... also can you draw chicks with huge boobs


09-25-2009, 08:24 AM
I haven't tried drawing in so long. I miss the days of sitting at the kitchen table and drawing for hours with no cares in the world.

09-25-2009, 01:50 PM
Holy Shit.

Do you post up on deviant art?

I could've SWORN I've seen that Robot/Sentai picture before.

Fucking rad. I haven't thrown out a GOOD piece in a long time. Years? I still doodle here and there.

There was a thread in PremieLand that I think Evan did for drawing. SEARCH IT!

09-25-2009, 01:58 PM
I haven't tried drawing in so long. I miss the days of sitting at the kitchen table and drawing for hours with no cares in the world.

You and me both. Shit I am going to start back up soon.

I like what is going on with the marvel universe is right now. I like the idea of Dark Avengers, and what is going on with Harry Osborn, and how they brought Namor to the table. Also I think it is cool that now the mutants live on astroid m which was raised out of the pacific and sits off San Fran, kinda like their own little country/ island. Also they are de-pussyfying Cyclops, which I think has needed to be done for a long time.
Anyway cool art.

09-26-2009, 03:07 AM
Cyclops is so fucking blind to the world. FUCK HIM.

Old doodles =]


09-27-2009, 06:15 AM
you must be talkin about the old cyclops, he has done some pretty damn cool shit lately.

09-28-2009, 11:01 AM
man i went to the comic store yesterday w/ my nephew...and i couldnt believe all the new characters and story lines they have....like RED ROBIN, Batman and Robin, dark DC and marvel series.....the that really grabbed my attention ,but was in a hard back volume cuz i missed the first individual book was MARVEL ZOMBIES......it was crazy gotta check it out

http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/thumb/8/88/Marvel_Zombies_2_Vol_1_1.jpg/395px-Marvel_Zombies_2_Vol_1_1.jpg (http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/8/88/Marvel_Zombies_2_Vol_1_1.jpg)

09-28-2009, 02:43 PM
Thats what I am tellin you guys, the story writing and the art has been stepped up big time since most people last read a comicbook ten years ago.

09-29-2009, 02:21 AM
Just read Civil War.

it was ... alright.

I'm not too keen on Superhero comics now a days.

More into the Vertigo/Image/Indie line.

09-29-2009, 02:53 AM
superheroes are superlame. it always turns into a big soap opera where the main character can fly or has a magic ring or something. the only superhero stuff i enjoy are various batman miniseries, and... he's just a dude in a suit, bein' all detectivey. if he'd kill somebody, he'd just be a rich Punisher.
i'd love to see a Punisher/Batman team up. that'd be way better than Punisher/Archie.

anybody ever read 100 Bullets? i have the first trade and i really don't see the appeal.

rereading Black Hole. really can't recommend it enough (pretty sure i've rec'd it a couple times in this thread). everybody should own it.


09-29-2009, 06:12 AM
Am currently reading 100 Bullets.

First half of the TPB#1 sucks.
it gets muuuuuuch better by TPB#2

I'm on #3

Picking up Black Hole, Blankets, and Ghost World next week.

09-29-2009, 03:20 PM
One I picked up that made me laugh was Jesus Hates Zombies. Anyone ever read that? Especially the zombie lovers on here.

09-29-2009, 06:56 PM
my bad, yes I have a deviant art page... my user name over there is o137o

here is that wild cats jam finished.


09-29-2009, 07:37 PM
i got the simpsons comic #1 and bartman #1 in the shed if those are cool

09-29-2009, 09:48 PM
Wayne, that shit is off the hook man. Mad props.

09-30-2009, 09:18 AM
Damn that shit is bad ass. Makes me realize how much I suck. lol.

09-30-2009, 02:42 PM
if it makes you feel any better, i'm also coloring it now lol, no inks, straight off the pencils.

09-30-2009, 03:19 PM
if it makes you feel any better, i'm also coloring it now lol, no inks, straight off the pencils.

You using Photoshop to ink and color?

09-30-2009, 08:37 PM
Just wanted to post some pics.
I have this Alex Ross poster, I think he is an amazing artist.

And this Simone Bianci Stuff in Astonishing Xmen, was really good.

I really like Marc Silvestri's old stuff, I love this cover, the use of colors was cool.

09-30-2009, 10:46 PM
No I traditionally ink my artwork, but I've seen people have some success with inking with corel photo painter and photoshop, however I color with a gaming mouse...

Someday I'll be able to afford a wacom cintique.

10-12-2009, 11:26 PM
I recently got back into comics. Im really liking the Dark Reign arc with Norman Osborn being top dog now.
Also for those who want to read an amazing arc, I HIGHLY suggest Marvel's Secret Invasion. That whole thing was amazing and leads right into Dark Reign.

10-13-2009, 07:42 AM
New Pick-up:

100 Bullets TPB 4
Fables TPB 5
Sandman TPB 4
Batman: Year One
Flight Vol. One

Comics are expensive. FUCK.

10-13-2009, 07:50 AM


10-13-2009, 08:01 AM
Can't read anything without me physically holding it.

Yea, it's weird.

I read 'From Hell' that way, and I didn't get engrossed into the story.

Just can't do.

(FYI: WTF, it's 7am! back to sleep!)

10-13-2009, 09:02 AM
Wacom Intous3 Drawing Tablet (http://inlandempire.craigslist.org/sys/1418725578.html)

FUCKING STEAL. Someone get it.

Wacom Intuos3 for 50 bucks

10-14-2009, 12:59 AM
4x6 too small, i want the 12in cintiq.

anyway newest inks.


12-01-2009, 04:56 PM

i recently discovered my county library system has like a billion trade paperbacks. so i stopped buying comic books completely.
in the past two months i've read:
-Preacher TPB #1-9 (whole run)
-Batman: Year One and Year Two (year two SUCKED)
-The Dark Knight Strikes Again (sucked!)
-Punisher MAX TPB #1-4
-Ghost World
-The Walking Dead TPB #1-3

12-01-2009, 06:35 PM

i recently discovered my county library system has like a billion trade paperbacks. so i stopped buying comic books completely.
in the past two months i've read:
-Preacher TPB #1-9 (whole run)
-Batman: Year One and Year Two (year two SUCKED)
-The Dark Knight Strikes Again (sucked!)
-Punisher MAX TPB #1-4
-Ghost World
-The Walking Dead TPB #1-3

Preacher -> props!
recently a bunch of comics found their way into my laptop...:coold:
bunch of lame 90s Batman one-offs...
Silver Surfer - too corny, only got through two issues
Lobo run - mindless dribble but fun, dig the Main Man
haven't had the interest to see what else is there
been looking for the complete run of 100 Bullets and Fables
Is Spawn still around?

12-01-2009, 06:48 PM
yeah, Preacher is my favorite series of all time at the moment. just awesome. i'm hunting more Ennis/Dillon stuff now... i've got Hellblazer vol 1 sitting on hold i think, get to it as soon as i finish reading American Psycho

oh, i forgot i also did
-Batman: The Killing Joke

most Batman stuff except Year One and TDKR... really not worth picking up.

i've got the first volume of 100 Bullets, could never get into it. Fables looks killer though

Spawn is still going, yeah

12-01-2009, 06:57 PM
yeah, Preacher is my favorite series of all time at the moment. just awesome. i'm hunting more Ennis/Dillon stuff now... i've got Hellblazer vol 1 sitting on hold i think, get to it as soon as i finish reading American Psycho

oh, i forgot i also did
-Batman: The Killing Joke

most Batman stuff except Year One and TDKR... really not worth picking up.

i've got the first volume of 100 Bullets, could never get into it. Fables looks killer though

Spawn is still going, yeah

Hellblazer - I've read whatever I could get my hands on (and not had to pay)
mucho bueno! I think you'll dig it.

more decent Batman stuff.. hmmm

I really liked 100 Bullets when it was coming
felt really fresh and different (in a good way) to everything that was coming out at the time to me (and Fables too).
Pulp Crime Noir....

The Sandman - one of my all time favorites. pure genius
(also read Gaimans other stuff but stay away from the film/tv stuff - doesn't do justice to his talents)

anything Frank Miller has done.

Ten - superhero world, rookie cop on the job.
V for Vendetta

other stuff I can't remember right now

12-02-2009, 08:35 AM
Damn i never thought about checking the Library for The Walking Dead.

12-02-2009, 11:36 AM
wow...didn't even know this forum existed. I grew up on jim lee's uncanny....the same reason why I got into art. it slowly came from drawing coming books, to going full blown art. I currently tattoo as a hobby just to stay in the whole art mindset.

A lot of you guys have been into the comic book stuff for a long time. I want to draw for a comic book company. I've looked online...don't even go on marvels website...they kinda laugh at you just from reading one of their tabs. But really....how do these guys get into it?

I have only been able to do black and white stuff...since I'm kinda old school. but what computer programs are you guys using to color this stuff....and using a normal scanner to get it on the comp? or are there specific scanners that can pick up pencil without the glare? Anyone with knowledge, pm me so we dont stop the flow.

side note....My first born son is named logan. because when I knew xman....that was wolverines name. Oh, and my wife dressed up like silk spectre for holloween...damn sexy!

12-02-2009, 02:02 PM
i recently lost my job so i decided to finally clean my room in a year. i found 3 batman books that i still haven't finished reading (Arkham Asylum, Joker and Dark Knight Returns). so, i think i'll read them now. lol

BustedS13... my fav batman books so far: Year One, Killing Joke, Hush and the Long Halloween.

12-02-2009, 02:06 PM
When i still did/tried digital stuff, i just used Photoshop. But I've heard Corel is REALLY fun stuff.

Scanner = anything works. Try to get as as high-res as you can on the scan as the control.

Do you have a drawing tablet? That helps TONS when converting your pencil work into linework.

Just fuck with the levels for the art to make the darks dark and whites white.

01-21-2010, 02:10 AM
just got the mutant massacre hard back from marvel. Man I missed reading those, I used to have them when I was a kid but most got lost in the countless moves and some were stollen. Good stuff though.

02-14-2010, 10:20 PM
Bruce Wayne is Dead/TimeTravelling.

Dick Grayson is Batman
Damian Wayne is Robin
Tim Drake is RedRobin

I really like the roles being given, and their family story is filling out nicely, but its just kinda weird. Discuss.

Rant : I love ComicVine. Good forum, cool people. One HUGE thing I hate are the reviews done. Yea, a review is a recount of the product at hand, but how CVine does it, its a spoilerfest, IMHO. The guy, no idea whats his name, tends to try to be vague, but ultimately tells you what the hell just happened. Hate him. Fire him.

06-04-2010, 09:32 PM

in the last couple months i've a few good hardcovers and back issues. and one else read anything lately?