View Full Version : Nismo steering wheels?

02-19-2007, 12:41 AM
I currently have a nismo steering wheel but its old and worn and fat and came with the car.
I have searched but all I come up with is knock off shit.
can someone please let me know where to find them, I appreciate it.

02-19-2007, 12:47 AM
IIRC, Nismo never made a steering wheel. I might be wrong, but if they did make em, it'd be on a production race car.

02-19-2007, 12:51 AM
no tey never made a sterring wheel... i have a knock off one from ebay on my car.. and i like it.. looks real nice.. lots of compliments... look into it if u want..lol

02-19-2007, 01:02 AM
you guys are retarded.

yes, nismo has made steering wheels

and you can tell the real from the knockoff's mostly by the bolt pattern on the wheel.

nismo ones have the same bolt patterns as the Nardi wheels

knock offs usually have the momo pattern.

to my knowladge there are 2 different authentic Nismo wheels,

theres the oldschool one which is a 350mm 3 spoke, anodized black coloured wheel with a concave face, with sheepskin leather, and the oldschool block letter "NISMO" logo printed on the bottom spoke in dark blue letters, which is the one i have


thats the only pic of my car that i have showing the steering wheel.. yes. it doesnt really help much. but eh.

and then theres the newer 330mm 3 spoke, black, has the newer "NISMO" logo engraved into the bottom spoke.


02-19-2007, 01:05 AM

... and a pic of the knock off egay shit "NISMO" steering wheel . :rolleyes:

you can tell its fake by the momo bolt pattern, and the fact that it looks ugly as shit.

02-19-2007, 01:06 AM
Yes I have the same wheel you have. It does have a Nardi bolt pattern while the knockoffs have the MOMO style 1. Japan Parts sells the wheels and some other random NISMO goods as well.
you guys are retarded.

yes, nismo has made steering wheels

and you can tell the real from the knockoff's mostly by the bolt pattern on the wheel.

nismo ones have the same bolt patterns as the Nardi wheels

knock offs usually have the momo pattern.

to my knowladge there are 2 different authentic Nismo wheels,

theres the oldschool one which is a 350mm 3 spoke, anodized black coloured wheel with a concave face, with sheepskin leather, and the oldschool block letter "NISMO" logo printed on the bottom spoke in dark blue letters, which is the one i have


thats the only pic of my car that i have showing the steering wheel.. yes. it doesnt really help much. but eh.

and then theres the newer 330mm 3 spoke, black, has the newer "NISMO" logo engraved into the bottom spoke.


02-19-2007, 01:15 AM
i've seen the real nismo wheels at autobacs in stanton. iirc, that shits like ~$400 for the one with the valour grip... hella expensive. ive seen a few used old school nismo wheels on ebay that sold for like $100, it had the old school nismo logo where the s is like a z.

02-19-2007, 01:35 AM
where can i get the second one, i dont care if its 400 atleast its not whateveryone else has.

02-19-2007, 05:16 AM
can i buy your worn old one? get pics of it

02-19-2007, 06:13 AM
here's a better picture.


02-19-2007, 04:36 PM
i love it. i waqnt to try and get that one.

02-19-2007, 04:41 PM
$280 plus shipping.


02-19-2007, 04:47 PM
Yes I have the same wheel you have. It does have a Nardi bolt pattern while the knockoffs have the MOMO style 1. Japan Parts sells the wheels and some other random NISMO goods as well.
Sorry, I didn't notice you already suggested Japanparts.

A Spec Products
02-19-2007, 04:58 PM
Back in the day, I had a Momo Monte Carlo and got a Nismo horn button and did it that way...another route you could do if you want "Nismo" and not FISMO

I think Sam @ JSpec sells the horns still maybe (I bought mine from him)

It was a Nismo International part, so I'm not sure if Perf Nissan carries it

02-19-2007, 06:34 PM
in suede 330

leather 330

02-19-2007, 07:03 PM
I'm not sure about the new ones, but the old ones were just overpriced Personal steering wheels. Waste of money, just get the horn button from somewhere.

02-19-2007, 08:45 PM
i saw a nismo at up gargae once with two buttons on it, nismo was laser cut into it, and it had nissan and some other shit on it