View Full Version : Senior Prank

02-14-2007, 10:49 PM
Alright people.

Im a Senior here at Rancho Verde HIgh School in Moreno Valley California. I have 2.5 months left of school and well I wanna pull off the best prank to be remebered. Keep in mind I don't have many firneds (or any for a fact) they seem to have graduated last year...... anywho I wanna throw it down atleast for my year. Senior Ditch Week is already planed and we have that done for next week. the only thing trtoubleing us (me) is the Prank. all the seniors are too scared to do a prank because we where threatened if anyone pullls off a prank we won;'t get to pick our seats graduation day (yeah we get to pick where we sit and in the order which we walk the stage) but I can care less about since i got noone to walk the stage with. at first I thought of getting the Gigantic Frosty from wendy's and putting it in the commons. but that is kinda weenie. i want something that people will be like "damn" any Ideas?

02-14-2007, 10:53 PM
Fill giant inflatable penis's with helium and fly them off the lightpoles or flagpoles

02-14-2007, 11:00 PM
lmao rancho dirty? jk that was old school.

02-14-2007, 11:01 PM
^ lol i remember that story :keke:

02-14-2007, 11:03 PM
Wow, at my high school, doing a prank would keep us from walking.

I remember a couple of years before I graduated, some guys stole the big sierra panda...you know the commercial "the panda knows!" haha anyways, they stole that and tied it up top on a building in front of the school on grad day.

No clue how they got it, but it was hilarious when i heard about it haha

02-14-2007, 11:03 PM
won't get to pick seats? weaksauce. we got threatened with expulsion my senior year. the senior class before mine wrote 2004 in plastic forks on our football field. sideline to sideline tall letters. ours was sucky, though. (i was too lazy to take part in it.)

02-14-2007, 11:09 PM

here are some Ideas,

Start getting to know some crazy friends...


02-14-2007, 11:13 PM
Not to much of a prank, but, my senior year, the entire senior class, well, all the guys, rode riding lawn mowers to school and we parked them in all the teachers parking spots, lol. We had a grocery store across the street from the high school, so we trailored them there and rode them across the street into the parking lot. Every teacher had to park across the street that day, lol. Not to much of a prank, but damn it was funny. The school officer stopped traffic and 250 lawn mowers crossed the street, lol.

02-14-2007, 11:15 PM
^~~~~Haha, Thats Ballin right there. Thats fucking hilarious. *a

02-14-2007, 11:22 PM
dude you should of seen it, looking back in the yearbook, it was so damn funny!!! Damn 7:30 traffic... STOPPED, so 250 mowers could roll through. AND take the teachers spots.

02-14-2007, 11:23 PM
"have all the seniors bring an alarm clock to school (battery powered), put it in his or her locker, and set it to go off at the exact same time. so you'd basically have like 700 alarm clocks going off at a given time during the day." sounds kinda dumbish

02-14-2007, 11:25 PM
LOL at lawnmowers.

02-14-2007, 11:29 PM
the key to a prank of this size is execution. If you do the clock thing.... You will have the idiots who's batteries go dead. There will be people that set the clock to 2am instead or pm. Hardly none of the clocks will be right on. I think next idea on that one. Good start though. You see, with the mowers, we were all together, so the execution was on on point!

A Spec Products
02-14-2007, 11:48 PM
The key to a prank is not telling an entire forum about it.

I never pulled a prank in high school cause I wanted to go to college.

This reminds me of that MTV show with La La as the host.

02-14-2007, 11:57 PM
well in our school the teachers always had the really really good lot right in front of the school and we had to park way in back. so one of the pranks i was involved in was bringing black paint, painting over the STAFF, and stenciling the word SENIORS

anyway, the senior class got in deep sh*t and a grip of us had to go back our and paint them black w/ the schools paint so that they can put staff back on

another is to just park stupidly in the parking lot, get there early, and start telling people where to park. crooked, sideways etc. it annoys the hell out of everyone but the outcome is funny

02-15-2007, 12:18 AM
dude you should of seen it, looking back in the yearbook, it was so damn funny!!! Damn 7:30 traffic... STOPPED, so 250 mowers could roll through. AND take the teachers spots.


i would love to see that shit on youtube

02-15-2007, 10:04 AM
My senior year my best friend and I pulled our class prank. Our classrooms had those removable tile ceilings like in office buildings, with lots of space above them and overhead steel beams. We both went to REI, bought climbing harnesses, ropes, and figure eight's. We had an in with the administration, so the custodian let us in at 6:00am, we tied the ropes to the beams, and rigged handles to two of the inside ceiling tiles. We then snuck up there right before we had a class in that room, had custodian put away ladder we used to get up there, and waited. The room filled with students, and as the teacher called our names for roll (right next to each other on the list), we hit play on our boombox that had "Mission Impossible" theme song, lifted the tiles, and came sliding down from the ceiling on the ropes. The entire class couldn't believe what they were seeing, and we even had one of my friends videotape from under his coat! Everytime we go back to visit, we still get kids asking us if we actually came through the ceiling!!

02-15-2007, 11:15 AM
We let out feeder mice and crickets in my highschool, pretty awful prank.

02-15-2007, 02:10 PM
Nice job 240silvia!

MIT had some good ones in the past but might not work for a HS

BTW MIT rowing FTW!

Anyway here http://hacks.mit.edu/

02-15-2007, 02:18 PM
At our school we painted the majority of the school pink. The ASB building, the benches, trees, sidewalks, and our big inflatable mascot. Oh and we painted a big 04 in pink in the grass area where everyone ate. If we would've been caught we would have been expelled and arrested. HAHA, good times.

02-15-2007, 02:20 PM
Our highschool, not relaly a senior prank but our football team went to another school and made a mountain of quick dry cement in to their driveway of the parking lot.

Their parking lot was closed that day. :)

02-15-2007, 02:41 PM
i bunch of seniors bought tons of feeder mice and let them loose during lunch and girls would run scared and in the process stomp on like 20 of them. People were throwing them in the air. I was not part of it. It was a big thing and some people were threatened for animal cruelty etc etc.

02-15-2007, 03:40 PM
just ass long as theres no vandalism...like dont go torching books. plant a grip of trees in your school. haha..j/k i just have no ideas.

02-15-2007, 03:58 PM
superglue pr0n onto the windows facing outside. superglue condoms onto the windows as well.

I like super glue.

I used to glue up friends wallets, and the zippers on their backpacks.

One time, i glued a bunch of cafeteria food onto cardboard food cartons, and glued those onto the table. It looked cool as shit when we folded the table up.

02-15-2007, 07:40 PM
Some of the kids superglued the keyholes to teachers cars shut that they didn't like for ours among other things.

And about the clocks in the locker, don't be surprised if school officials get all freaked out and call a bomb squad. They're crazy about that shit here.

02-15-2007, 08:17 PM
my junior year, the seniors pretty much vandalized the school with paint (sidewalks, doors, windows, etc). needless to say, there wasn't a senior prank the next year. the prank should be funny, not malicious, and not cost the school thousands of dollars to fix, cuz then it spoils it for future students.

02-15-2007, 09:15 PM
What you need to do is have every senior buy a 10 pack of hot dogs. Have them chop each hot dog into ten pieces, and freeze them overnight.

Then the next morning have every senior plant those pieces around the school.

I guarantee, you will have every stray dog, cat, whatever in a 5 mile radius tearing the shit out of the schools lawn.

02-17-2007, 10:22 AM
Don't try the laxative in the brownies trick :fart:


02-17-2007, 10:43 AM
we took cow shit from a farm, put it in all of the air conditioning vents. then we took 2 80 lb bags of salt and poured it over the field into our grad year. salt is great at killing things.

02-17-2007, 11:05 AM
Me and some guys swapped the CD of music for a school drama production with one that had the last song changed, from some classical piece, to "Rhinestone Cowboy"... and then a whole bunch of us threw on cowboy hats, we had stashed under our seats, and started singing along very loudly. Some peope from the rest of the audience even joined in. The teacher in charge of the production tried to get mad... but she couldn't stop laughing. haha

02-17-2007, 11:35 AM
A bunch of the seniors in my class stole porto-potties from construction sites and put them spread out in between our schools two main buildings. They also TP'd the same area and saran wrapped the pass between the two buildings...

edit: i fail. i don't know how to host pictures for this site...

02-17-2007, 02:01 PM
My senior year we stole some letterhead paper from the principle's office and drafted a formal looking notice that said the school was infested with asbestos and that the school would be closed immediately for repairs for a 3 day period. We made like a thousand copies and had every senior handing them out to all the underclassmen. Notices made it home to the parents and very few people went to school for the next 3 days. Schools have a policy that if under a certain percentage of the students don't show up, they can't hold it against them. We were actually praised by the staff when school started back up because we gave them some time off too.

02-17-2007, 02:57 PM
we took cow shit from a farm, put it in all of the air conditioning vents. then we took 2 80 lb bags of salt and poured it over the field into our grad year. salt is great at killing things.
At my highschool they were over protective of the football field, no one was allowed to walk on it except football players so we got a grass seed spreader and spread salt over the whole field with it. A few people in my class had saved every metal fork they had gotten from the cafeteria for 4 years and wrote "fuck you" on the field with them.

02-17-2007, 03:12 PM
Destructive pranks are great.
My sister's senior class poured oil on the hill leading up to the school. LOTS of oil. Needless to say, people had a bit of trouble getting up the hill and into the parking lot that day.

One of my buddies put heavy duty snow chains on the rear tires of his '67 Cougar and did donuts on the track and football field. 300+ hp + spool rear end + chains = fun. lol

I wanted to fill all the toilets with quick dry cement for my senior prank, but I realized that would be a wee bit too destructive. lol

02-17-2007, 04:48 PM
my senior class drove 4 vw bugs into senior hall and parked them there all day.

02-17-2007, 10:22 PM
We tried the alarm clock in the locker thing, except we did it with all our cell phones, and each group of students (it was divided up alphabetically) had their own time to set the alarms for. So it gradually got louder as the day progressed. And it was on Senior skip day, so none of us were in school for the day. Just came in, dropped phones in the lockers, and left. Have to say it turned out pretty well. We even got lucky and it was planned for an exam day and we didnt even know it. Disrupting underclassmen learning FTW!!

02-18-2007, 12:46 AM
you should just get a bunch of buckets of paint, bright colors and poor is out in the shape of giant penis.
all over school
and if you can even do put on the roof cause te school wont know its on the roof, and anyone flying over the school will see it.
kinda lame but kinda funny. the only thing i can think of other than puting vasaline on all the poles and doorknobs

02-18-2007, 02:13 AM
how many people are down with you if you come up with a cool plan???

02-18-2007, 02:59 PM
Learn to weld in 2 months.
Cut up a VW Beetle.
Bring dismantled vehicle inside...in the cafeteria...a classroom...gym...etc.
Weld together before police arrive.
Come next day.
Say "OMG it's a tiger."

Or do what i'll do.
Fill up the school full of water...make it an aquarium.
By the doors put scuba suits.
Inside put squidsies and sharks.
Watch the massacre.

02-18-2007, 04:12 PM
I couldnt get away with much for my senior prank. They cracked down on my class hard. Especially my vocation (Television productions).

The things we did were little, but got most of us suspended for a while.
1. In every news story we did, we had a sign somewhere in the background that said "Fuck the administration"
2. One of the live newscasts we did, we put on a porno instead of airing the news
3. Put vasoline on toilet seat lids

but my brothers class got away with a ton of shit

They had the teachers in on the prank so they had access to the school.

They took a car, cut it up, hauled the parts up to the second story, and welded it all back together in a classroom.

02-18-2007, 09:19 PM
i bunch of seniors bought tons of feeder mice and let them loose during lunch and girls would run scared and in the process stomp on like 20 of them. People were throwing them in the air. I was not part of it. It was a big thing and some people were threatened for animal cruelty etc etc.
Same shit happened at my school. People let chickens out in the hall and people started punting them and kicking them. Kids got sued for animal cruelty :ugh:

02-21-2007, 06:16 PM
you should super glue condoms on every classroom doornob