View Full Version : Lego Bandit in Florida

02-14-2007, 12:16 PM
this is taken from Ananova.com

be on the look out for a pink bicycle with streamers on the handlebars :keke:

but seriously, whats the world coming to, that a 7 year old little girl has to do this....

Armed robber, 7, in Lego heist

Police in Florida are looking for a little girl, aged about seven, who tried to steal Lego at knife-point.

The girl pulled a knife on a cashier at a Wal-Mart store in Largo as she tried to walk out with two boxes of Lego.

Police say the girl, aged about seven or eight, hid the toys under her coat and tried to walk out, reports Tampabays10.com.

A store employee approached the child, asking her to turn over the Lego blocks.

Police say the little girl then opened her jacket and pulled out a 10ins carving knife.

The employee talked the girl into putting down the knife and the toys. The girl then rode away on her bicycle.

02-14-2007, 12:19 PM
We dont fuck around in Florida. I'll slice any bitch who gets between me in my Dutch toys. Largo is about 45 minutes away from me and the entire area is definitely trash.

02-14-2007, 01:11 PM
lol thug ass little girl huh

02-14-2007, 01:19 PM
seriously... we're more thugger than cali.... booya!! hahaha

02-14-2007, 01:20 PM
^^^ you've lived both so your oppinon ends this thread.

02-14-2007, 01:22 PM

02-14-2007, 01:25 PM
Danish toys.

You guys must have some hardcore Legomaniacs in Florida.

02-14-2007, 01:39 PM
Dats how we do it down hurrr. lol.

A Spec Products
02-14-2007, 01:42 PM
The employee talked the girl into putting down the knife and the toys. The girl then rode away on her bicycle.[/i]

What is this world coming to.

This, and that mall shooting?


seriously... we're more thugger than cali.... booya!! hahaha

Nah, if this was Cali, she would've sliced the employee with a box cutter then rode away on her bike with the legos screaming "ugh ugh ughhh west side!"


Now, this is an example of how to NOT westside:


Check out their site LOL:


02-14-2007, 02:06 PM
yeah that mall shooting in utah where that teenager shot and killed 5 ppl and one of the dead victims son is in the hospital with a "brain injury"...

02-14-2007, 02:44 PM
damn thats worst than new orleans!

02-14-2007, 04:09 PM
7 year old be holdin it down, shit.

02-14-2007, 04:42 PM
^^^ you've lived both so your oppinon ends this thread.

haha, tru dat... I lived all three, NorCal, Central, and SoCal... then here in Melbourne, Fl and Orlando.... And so far, Florida is more fucked up than Cali lol

Nah, if this was Cali, she would've sliced the employee with a box cutter then rode away on her bike with the legos screaming "ugh ugh ughhh west side!"


Now, this is an example of how to NOT westside:

hahaha, ohman white people has yet again gone down the ladder

02-15-2007, 12:18 AM

02-15-2007, 04:14 AM
the shootin in florida was all about mormans tired of being seen as push overs, now theyll walk to your house and shootya. ( its a joke)

and the little girl thug? yeah

but when i worked at a grocerie store back in the day
a lil girl like 5 and a 7 year old boy were stealin whiskey and beer and steaks for there redneck parents who lived behind the store.
and when they were caught te boy started to cry when he was told the cops were coming.
the girl barly 5 years old started yelling,
" im tellin momma your being a cry baby, a little punk butch, stop being a pussy!!!"
i could stop laughing.

i know you have lived in all parts of cali and in florida, but try living in fresno, that place is a shit hole, a matter of fact my mom called me yesterday to tell me that the kid house accross the street was involved in a drive by shooting, the neighbor kid was shot in the leg and there was also another one the same day that killed one person.

02-15-2007, 01:22 PM
Danish toys.

dang! I couldnt remember exactly were they were from beside that general area. Iam Dutch too so I was trying to steal some thunder for us...

02-15-2007, 03:56 PM
damn that little girl is straight G
I'm going to have to start looking over my shoulder from now on in case someone tries to pull up on me:coolugh: