View Full Version : Weird things you did as a kid

02-13-2007, 02:25 AM
I used to ring doorbells and then run away, a.k.a. ding dong ditch.

I used to throw my cat up to see if it really landed on it's feet. The damn thing always did. Hahahaha

I always put bedsheets/blankets over the sofa and pretended it was a fort. I put in my TV there once and I slept there for like a week. :keke:

Me and my friends use to shoot birds in his backyard with long range BB guns.

I used to call 911 and hang up. Then the cops actually came to my house. I was scared shitless.

Used to put hot water in my super soaker and then blast my friends.

Those were the days. lol

02-13-2007, 10:20 AM
whats up with all these "kid" threads fool?! lol

yea we use to ding dong ditch. we kicked doors too tho. sigh

did the 911 thing too, the only thing they did was call back

did the fort thing, no tv

built ramps for our bikes and skates

made commercials and movies with our camcorder

hella shit!

a lot of vandalism during the teenage years......:ugh:

paintballed cars while we skated
threw rocks into windows of vacant brand new houses.
the list goes on.. ... .. . . .

02-13-2007, 10:21 AM
Its all about paintthinner in squirt guns

I was a smart kid... :keke:

02-13-2007, 10:25 AM
I was a pyro.

02-13-2007, 10:30 AM
I was so lame when I was a kid. Used to play the floor is lava, and hop around from furniture to furniture avoiding the floor at all costs. Built many sheet/blanket forts. Used to play with matchbox cars and make tracks in the dirt. Burn G.I. Joes and watch them melt. Loved locking doors, pissed a lot of people off though lol. Can't really think of too much else...

C. Senor
02-13-2007, 10:34 AM
haha i did the cat landing on its feet thing, this cat didnt land on its feet once, now i realize that was kinda messed up, but funny at the time....haha, also played with hotwheels, used to make tracks in the backyard for them, pretended i was batman and wrapped a towel around my neck and jumped off of everything...so on and so forth...haha i miss being a kid

02-13-2007, 11:05 AM
yus. i was a pyro too.

i put rocks in balloons for water fights with the neighborhood kids. sigh

02-13-2007, 12:04 PM
i put rocks in balloons for water fights with the neighborhood kids. sigh

i know a kid who caught a rock loaded snowball to the eye, needless to say that was a bloody and life changin experience for him...

i did everything from carve sticks down to sharp ass points to blowing stuff up, bottles to pumpkins... bonfires (not very controlled) were an often occurrence, and bike ramps to quad ramps were everywhere

bruises and broken bones were a must in my neighborhood

02-13-2007, 12:26 PM
we used to set up micro machine battle fields with the military collection then burn areas to make it look like a war.

We used to throw dirt rocks at each other and play hide and seek at the local school late at night with all the kids in the neighborhood.

02-13-2007, 12:42 PM
set my neighbors grass on fire with garbonzo beans from mexico
burn ants, burn toy soldiers, hot wheel tracks,

we use to play in the front yard, where my dad had dug a area for a pond, and when it would rain, we would find wooden stakes and pieces of wood, use em as ships, set up micro machine bases all around like they were the the mountains

also did the tent/fort thing, no tv. used to steal the blankets from my parents room though

i also used to hide behind the couch and scare my dad when he came home from work in the mornings...

fun times

02-13-2007, 04:47 PM
When I was 5 I spilled orange soda on an orange shirt. I laughed and kept oooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnn truckin.

02-13-2007, 04:50 PM
^^HAHAHAH thats the fckin best son!

02-13-2007, 04:53 PM
Dam I thought it was just me with the pyro thing.

Somehow every year I got ahold of illegal fireworks.

Almost burnt down the house.

Did the 911 thing multiple times.

Slingshots and BB guns, broke aloooot of things and killed some.....

also built a potatoe gun.

02-13-2007, 06:27 PM
i also built fortresses out of blankets.

calling 911

i baked brownies with my friend just to smear them on mailboxes and windsheilds.

made a huge m&m cookie for a friend and put in pills that look like m&ms that make you go diarrea.

make homemade smoke bombs out of treestump killer... still do every once in a while lol

blowing up things

raised fighting roosters with my friend... i was like 10 too lol. we also biked around vallejo looking for roosters to buy

make my friends pass out by holding their neck firmly for a couple seconds. then shoot them with bb guns when they were out.

02-13-2007, 06:31 PM
made a huge m&m cookie for a friend and put in pills that look like m&ms that make you go diarrea.
I think I'll do that, but I'll mix some TURBO LAX into the mixture instead. :keke:

02-13-2007, 06:38 PM
when i was like three i used to put my head on the ground and push myself with my feet. Im suprised i have hair.

I would pretend i was a film camera and would walk around blinking real fast

I stuck my hand out of the windows whenever i rode in cars and acted like it was a plane.

On roadtrips i would make the passing-by mountains into ramps, and my fingers would become a skater that would jump from mountain to mountain.

I threw firecrackers into sewers

All the neighborhood kids would play laser tag at the school down the street when it got dark out.

Smear the queer, in the desert behind our houses

I used to take the cushions from the couch and put them in the hallway and pretend i was jumping hurdles. Usually i would fuck up and eat shit....hard.

We would shake up sodas and throw them as high in the air as we could.

I would take those green olives with the red stuff in the middle (pimentos i think?) and throw them at the brick wall in my backyard.

i miss being a kid with no worries.

02-13-2007, 06:47 PM
yea i also threw my cat up in the air to see if I could make him not land on his feet,

I finally figured out that adding a little spin to the throw made him miss the ground everytime. hehe

Made a diesel bomb, blew up a rat with a M-1000, tried to burn birds with my homemade flamethower,

put BB's in peoples (mostly teachers) valve stems so their tires would go flat after a day or so, shot fish with my BB gun,

caught fish off a pier and stabed them multiple times and threw them back in the water to see them swim away and leave a bloody streak then

later you see them float up.

I was a very disturbed little kid, but im good now haha ;)

02-13-2007, 07:54 PM
I TRIED making a bow and arrow, never succeeded :zzz:

02-13-2007, 07:56 PM
no one can beat man hunt in the city. running through downtown, north end chinatown and south end of BOSTON trying to catch 20 kids. best time ever in life. almost got robbed in the ghetto.

02-13-2007, 08:38 PM
I still do most of the shit I did as a child (I'm 21 now). Only difference now is that I look silly doing most of these things, and I don't have much time to do these things since I have to work to pay my bills. =/

Hot Wheels, TMNT/GI Joes, fingerboards/bikes (homemade ones many years before the "real" things came out), skateboarding, BMX trail riding/dirt jumping, blowing shit up, setting controlled fires, beating the living crap out of the sick fuck kids that hurt animals for fun, beating up he bullies that picked on my brother, collecting baseball cards and comic books, playing with LEGOS, etc... Man, I wish I still had time for all this shit. =/

EDIT: I just realized this thread is about WEIRD things we did as kids. Exhuastion from being sick = horrible reading comprehension...
I don't think anything I did as a kid was really weird. Just semi-odd/crazy shit that 90% of little boys do. lol
Well, except for when I used to dance in an open window wearing nothing but two pairs of tighty whiteys... One pair in the usual spot, and one pair over the head. I guess that was pretty weird. lol

02-13-2007, 08:44 PM
Did the 911 thing.
paintballed random shit.
Stole golfcarts to drive them into canals with friends.
Spud Guns.
fog golf.(go afound at night wich clubs and use frog as golfballs)
put m80s in fish mouthes and through them back in canals lit.

and the list goes on.

02-13-2007, 10:05 PM
i used to call 1800-Wet-Tits

and we use to use pillows as wrestling mats, and i used to play with gi joes.

02-13-2007, 10:32 PM
i used to call 1800-Wet-Tits

and we use to use pillows as wrestling mats, and i used to play with gi joes.


I used to call 1-800-Sexy-Cow on friends phones.

02-14-2007, 12:05 AM
Lol. We played blindfold, one person would be blindfolded, and we'd play tag. the other players have pillows, or other fluffy weapons for bashing. Fun times.

Mudballs to throw at neighboring enemies.

Roadrash on bikes was the shit. I always rocked a stick to throw into the bike spokes.

Fireworks of course.

We used gas, made a ramp, and jumped over the fire. Ate it once, got burned bad.

FightClub with other hoods.

Manhunt, as stated before.

Prisoner of War, kinda like tag. But once you capture em, you torture.
One time, we had a pumpkin on his head filled with piss, and we broke it open. He asked if it was water, we said yea, and he admitted to having some get in his mouth. LOL.

Random vandalism.

02-14-2007, 09:38 AM
damn manhunt was the shit back in the day
we used to take small pillows and pretend they were boxing gloves and box each other
roadrash on pedal bikes was always fun till someone ate shit riding down the street
ramps, bikes, and skating I think everyone, as a kid, did

02-14-2007, 10:22 AM
- Played with slingshots but mostly only managed to hurt my ribcage a few times and kill a chicken by mistake.

- Would flatten plastic gallons and slide on them down a grassy hill by my house. Managed to knock the wind out once.

- Would arrange an army of toy soldiers. A friend would do the same about 10 feet away in front and we would knock each other's army by shooting marbles. Lots of fun.

- Would play various marble based games for marbles. Hear my dad and unkle were awsome at it. I was mediocre.

- Would play with tops. In one game we would spin the top, pick it up on the palm of the hand and skillfully bash a bottlecap on the ground to push it a certain distance towards a finishing line. Another game called "kill the pig" would consist of a circle drawn on the ground. A person would spin their top in the circle and the rest of the players would try to struck it with their top. You could crack a top in half if you were good. We would also make tops out of guava trees.

- Would make kites and was good enough at making them that other kids in the neighborhood would buy them off me.

- Used to draw a lot: cartoon character and luchadores from the wrestling mags. Some kids bugged their parents for bikes and toys, I would bug for drawing books, markers, china paper (kites) and glue.

- Rubberband tag: take orange peels and cut them into small square bits and use the rubber band stretched in between your fingers to 'tag' you opponents. Not a very smart thing to do now that I think about it.

- Play soccer anywhere we could: school, street, fields, etc

- I grew up in the skirts of the city so there where a few fields around and we would go and raid fruit trees and get chased by cows.

Growing up in Central America was fun.

02-14-2007, 10:48 AM
I pimped three girls when I was 17. Is that weird?

02-14-2007, 11:47 AM
i don't think cousins count. LOL.

Ghetto childhood > sheltered hood.

02-14-2007, 12:11 PM
We used to have airsoft wars at local middle school. The cops came the last two times. The first time, three of us got busted, because they didn't see the rest of us running. The second time we all got away.

We go around leaving little flaming puddles of rubbing alchohol for people to see. . . and burning Christmas trees. . . and we play tennis with flaming tennis balls. . . and have fire fights with squirtguns and WD40. . . and bottle rockets. . .

And we have to get on the roof of everything to explore. . . then jump off. . .

yeah, fun stuff.

02-14-2007, 12:25 PM
Not wierd or anything but this thread makes me think about pogs.

02-14-2007, 12:31 PM
when i was around 5, i used to tell people that i was michael knight. i loved knight rider. my relatives in cali still call me michael to this day and i'm almost 20.

02-14-2007, 12:34 PM
Not wierd or anything but this thread makes me think about pogs.

I had pogs! lol. Those were weird.

02-14-2007, 12:42 PM
i don't think cousins count. LOL.

Ghetto childhood > sheltered hood.

They were all named Nicole too. Ahh, those were the days. Noone expects a white breakdancer to be a real pimp.:bigok:

02-14-2007, 12:51 PM
MAN o man i have thousands of pogs dont ask me how

02-14-2007, 04:23 PM
damn pogs were the shit...i think i lost all mine..or they are stashed away in the attic

02-14-2007, 05:08 PM
I still have a couple pogs lying around somewhere. I kept the coolest looking ones.

02-14-2007, 08:23 PM
Poisons, Black Magics, all the deadly slammers were the shit!

Ballin as hell. I miss pogs.

02-14-2007, 08:26 PM
Back in elementary school I used to think I can control the wind and do corny super hero moves lol

02-14-2007, 10:05 PM
acted like power rangers, it was awesome. picking up women was by far my favorite thing to do, everyone loved asian babies!

02-14-2007, 10:26 PM
I played Pokemon. . .

02-15-2007, 12:17 AM
Back in elementary school I used to think I can control the wind and do corny super hero moves lol

Same here. I thougth if you whistled, youd' make wind blow. And i played Ronin Warriors in the backyard. I was always Kento of HardRock.

02-15-2007, 12:46 AM
jump off the roof of my house ot not get caugh playing cops and robbers.
endless ramops for bikes, skatboards, 50's, etc.
dry ice bombs
fireworks wars
paint striper neoghbor's cars.
egg and tp ppls new homes
water + flour the mexican corn guy
alot of vandalism
ding dong ditch with the shit bag on fire
attach tumble weeds to fishing rods and pull them across the street into moving cars

02-15-2007, 04:08 AM
i think i did everythign that everyone else has done plus every year when people pu tthe xmas trees out we( my brother and firends) woudl dragem out to a park like a block awy , make a crazy big fort adn when they dried in liek a week we would burnem.

and in the winter it woudl freez so we would pour ice on peopels porches ( the ones that were slipery when dry let alone with ice on them)

and order people pizza and watch them get it and argue that they didnt order it

02-18-2007, 06:07 PM
when I was a patrol in elementary school, i use to act like im a hotshot cop maybe even has far has a dirty cop at times like the movies and tv shows lol.

02-18-2007, 07:53 PM
i used to make forts too by stretching blankets over the couch and tenting them and playing inside em lol..
but i think all kids do that

i used to draw cars alot like mad crazy thats all I would draw...

I used to collect pogs

02-18-2007, 08:42 PM
We built a ramp that had us jumping OFF a small (3-4 ft) hill.
We did the "fort" thing
Would make a diorama with the plastic army men, we'd go to the motion of burning some of their body parts off and having them all maimed and fucked up, leading up to some unrelated "villain" toy in the "main torture chamber"
Ding dong ditch, taken a step further, we'd break living room windows.
One time there was this car wash, the letters on the sign spelled "come clean with us" and there were plenty of extra letters, when we got done, it was "come clean ass u"
We used to catch insects and take them and put them in spiders' nests, just to be able to see the spiders work.
General pyromania.
Had this hyper dog, Black Lab that used to like to hump everything that entered the yard. We'd trick our friends into getting humped.
Our friends and I would play the ENTIRE NBA finals or World Series in one day (7 games) in the park that is across the street from where I live now, the basketball court is no longer there.
Basketball in Julian Street park at 2am AFTER ding dong ditch.

... dude, I could do this shit all night, and I say "we," because I have a twin brother and several cousins close in age.

02-18-2007, 09:52 PM
making forts, playin power rangers, man hunt, hide and go seek, good times....

02-18-2007, 10:56 PM
scout camp we did a skit about what happens when scout masters and a little scout do when they are alone... :keke: we were asked to leave that night

dry ice bombed the school... setup 6 of them during recess with no water or anything to rush it.... 45 minutes later BOOM .... BOOM..... BOOOOMMM.... ahahahah no one knew except us... kindergardners were shitting there pants :rofl:

dad gave me a computer when I was 6... went thru what seemed like 25 reformats with windows32...kept fucking with the dam machine some how

first kid to have a Sega Genesis on the block... played sonic and bunch of other games for hours on the weekend... how I started becoming a night person.

scout camp again we found a small cannon that they use for morning call ... took it and proceeded to declare war on other troops... AHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH

bunch of orange orchards allowed us to have a huge fort... had rope bridges to take us tree to tree... before we knew it we had a way out of homes that came in handy in our teen years.

if more posts come up about "when I was/still am a teen" I may just post some stores.

02-18-2007, 11:24 PM
haha, speaking of boy scouts, i think im the only person ever to have been kicked out of boyscouts...that i know of.

I was just there for the free camping trips, which i'd always end up getting in trouble for anyways for doing my own thing.

I remember one time i went out at like 1 am on a camping trip in Cathedral Gourge and ended up finding a underground cavern. It was rad!

02-19-2007, 12:33 AM
Poisons, Black Magics, all the deadly slammers were the shit!

Ballin as hell. I miss pogs.

Fuck yeah! +Rep! Was pogs just a national phenomenon or something? Poisons, Black Magics and deadly slammers!? Thats what all my friends were into! :tweak:

I remember when i was in 3rd grade me and my friends found an old barn. We were pulling grass out and throwing it at each other. I suddenly pulled a carrot out of the ground and was like WTF!? we discovered a big garden full of carrots! of course we pulled them all out and threw them at each other! :keke:

Pyro, duh, my brother didnt stash away his fireworks! :bigok: he didnt stash away the pr0n either

we were like :confused:

"wtf are they doing?"

"OH! my older brother told me about this, sacks?" :tweak:

Tree forts!!! Jack construction sites~!!! Super Soaker Wars!!! Throw Raspberry's at oncoming cars! BMX's! Skateboarding in the 90's! Doom! Wolfenstein 3d!

oh yeah, AM/PM was the shit back then, cheap pop, cheap cheeseburgers <3

02-19-2007, 01:54 AM
I always wanted to make my own car parts and market them for the betterment of the community.

Wait, thats me now.

"Kids say the darnest things."
+Rep to the person that sources who said that.

02-19-2007, 12:12 PM
hah i remember when i was young probaly like 7 or 8 i would play pogs with the next door neighbor, and one time while we were playing there was a drive by at the end of the block. instead of running i started picking up all my pogs because i didnt want to loose em, my mom ended up runing out and bringing me in. those gangster neighbors moved a week later

02-19-2007, 12:26 PM
Pogs were defintely my game of choice. I went everywhere with a tube full of pogs and a tube full of slammers. I shook down every kid on the block. I was the pog king. HAHA

Orly? Yarly.
02-19-2007, 01:00 PM
All I ever did would steal my parents cars and drive them around. And we'd throw rocks into the exhaust of the ice cream man's truck. Oh and once I caught my backyard on fire. I'm still a kid, so I weird things like drift my 80's hatchback.

02-19-2007, 06:31 PM
i didn't play with pogs. it was all about yo! mtv rap cards and garbage pail kid stickers yunguns!

02-19-2007, 09:18 PM
i used to be so afraid of the crypt keeper and goosebumps that i watched it every night and slept with my blanket over my head leaving only a small hole for air.

02-19-2007, 09:26 PM
in elementary, i used to climb the fence to get to the roof of the school to look for random things but all i found was tennis, basketballs. i remember pogs.....i think i still have them around somewhere in storage. haha.

02-21-2007, 06:15 PM
i remember i used to call 911 just to scare my little brother and tell him the cops are gonna get you and the cops would actually come knocking on our door and my mom would always be pissed.

02-22-2007, 01:54 AM
We had this busted ass power wheel jeep that didn't work and we tied a rope to it and had our cousin pull us at insane speeds with a quad...and we would fly off and get busted ass lol. Throwing chunks of rocks at eachother. Handball, teather ball, soccer, blowing up firbys with m80's. making the bombs with the rubbing alcohol and chlorine tablets with 20 oz coke bottles and blowing shit up. Shooting pigeons with bb guns. paintballing. baseball. pogs. street fighter on snes....mortal kombat. Hide and go seek. Pillow fights. Pillow forts. Making parking garages for your hot wheels out of dominoes. Making bows and arrows. Falling off the couch while sleeping through the big ass earthquake that destroyed LA. burning ants,bugs. Catching bugs in glass jars. Making dirt jumps. man so many shit i cant think of it all atm