View Full Version : anyone ever get pulled over in CA and got their s13 w/ sr taken?

02-12-2007, 11:21 PM
Just wondering wat happend and what is the process. Got pulled over for no reason. Not speeding or anything. but ya just moved from FL not too long ago so dont have a CA license. But car was s13 with sr and mods. Car got taken by cops and now got court date in april. Anyone have any ideas on what happens, what I can do, the process, etc. I would really appreciate any type of help. THIS SUCKS BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bite:

02-12-2007, 11:25 PM
Was the car still registered in FL? or was it switched to cali? My suggestions on this would be to first contact local law enforcement, the court... and then seek legal rep.

Seems like a shitty deal. I don't think I would be able to stand living somewhere that pulls over stock evo's cause its got illegal mods...LOL/

02-12-2007, 11:51 PM
what does this have to do with evos? and how can a stock evo have illegal (or any mind of) modification done to it?

02-12-2007, 11:57 PM
dam that sucks, where in cali were you?

02-13-2007, 12:08 AM
yes, need more details,
where were you,
were you speeding/wreckless driving/drinking, etc etc

02-13-2007, 12:09 AM
live in riverside..im only 17 and still has a fl license. the car was bought and registered here in cali. i got pulled over and i guess since i was a minor without a cali license and i was not insured coz the car is insured in my brothers, mom and dads name...the cops took the car and gave me ticket...i have a court date on april and also need to see the ref...whats needed to do..im really freaking out...this sucks...really could use any help anyone might have..thanks

02-13-2007, 12:22 AM
reason number 52 why I live in las vegas..

shitty deal man..

02-13-2007, 12:30 AM
damnnnn, cops are really getting uptight in cali. did your car show any signs of obvious mod? like super loud exhaust or anything? something made them pull you over...

02-13-2007, 12:35 AM
it's always the exhaust, either that or he heard a bov

02-13-2007, 12:44 AM

Contact P/D, find what is needed to spring car from impound.

REF ticket. Register the Car as a "NON Operational" at the DMV after you get the car out. Then, Go to the judge and say, "look, i non op'd it".

More than likely he will not make you prove to the REF that the car is ok. A month later, re register the car, and you are good.

Welcome, to california.

02-13-2007, 12:50 AM

Contact P/D, find what is needed to spring car from impound.

REF ticket. Register the Car as a "NON Operational" at the DMV after you get the car out. Then, Go to the judge and say, "look, i non op'd it".

More than likely he will not make you prove to the REF that the car is ok. A month later, re register the car, and you are good.

Welcome, to california.

you've done that? if you get caught again with the same car, im sure the judge isnt going to be too forgiving.

02-13-2007, 12:56 AM
you've done that? if you get caught again with the same car, im sure the judge isnt going to be too forgiving.
thats why u run

02-13-2007, 01:01 AM
that sux dude... welcome to california

02-13-2007, 01:06 AM
thats why u run
I seriously hope you're joking.

02-13-2007, 01:11 AM
JohnGriff hit the nail right on the head. Oh, and spiker, only run when you actually have a chance of getting away *cough* on a bike *ahem*. In a car they'll get you 99% of the time, and it's instant jailtime.

Let me first say that I've probably put 30k miles on my Duece since I put the SR/front mount/exhaust/aero on, and I've been pulled over 5 times or so - every time, it was for at least 1 small reason. Mostly it's exhaust (until a few weeks ago I ran a 3" straight pipe with a small can muffler on the end), and I show that I have a valid license, registration, and most of the time, they dont even care about insurance. Only once did they write me, and it was because my brake lights didn't work either, so I fixed that, I put the silencer tip in, went to the courthouse, and they signed off on both - $20. In case it matters, I'm 6'3", white, and polite as one can be with pigs, and the cops were all either white or latino.

For your situation, I'm guessing you had more going against you than a loud exhaust and looking 17 (even though that's enough to get ANY cops attention). Did they think you were drunk/on drugs/racing? That'll get your ass out of the car every time. Did they pop the hood right away? Did they catch you in any lies? I'm prying because based on what you've said (your license current, reg current, insurance in your parents name) makes it seem like they should only have written you a fix it ticket. If you really were just unlucky, and depending on what the ticket says as far as charges, the judge will see you non-op'n the car as the "right thing", and consider the matter closed. If the cop wrote you for other stuff also, simply pulling the car off the streets isn't going to help your license.

Non-op'n the car is your first step, and if you need more advice, we're going to need some more info.

02-13-2007, 01:14 AM
+1 to chibo, thats an awesome sig ^

to OP: you CAN always swap a KA back in there, or sell the car out of state. but I would follow Johngriffs advice. and then put a quieter exhaust or recirc bov. but overall. id get a daily driver and just track the 240.

02-13-2007, 01:45 AM
If they catch you with car again.

Well, that is the beauty. Every time a car is registered and emissions tested. Is is certified legal for the road. So, if you take a vehicle from non-op status to operational, when the dmv actually gives you registration, it is saying everything is on the up and up with the vehicle.

So if the same judge did see it, and remembered, you can say that the dmv inspected the vehicle (smog test) and said it was now up to specification, though it may not (WINK WINK) be.

02-13-2007, 01:46 AM
thats why u run
and whats why u live in hawaii.

drift freaq
02-13-2007, 02:03 AM
hmm let me see 17 , no California license,no insurance and driving a car thats known to cops for kids modifying with illegal engine swaps and what not. Well they took your car because your 17 and did not have a California license or insurance and once they found it was SR'd it sealed the deal. You need to learn if your going to drive a non legal car. You have to be a little wiser about it. I.E. carry a valid state license. If your a new resident you have 10 days to change your license. I am guessing you have been here like a month. You also are required to carry proof of Insurance.
Sorry that it happened to you but your driving a targeted car and you fit the profile.

02-13-2007, 02:14 AM
fuck yea.. im moving to vegas too... fuck paying 200+ for smog here and i want limo tint.. lol

02-13-2007, 02:20 AM
Griff... Excellent advice...

02-13-2007, 02:58 PM
If you were hear for school reasons you could say that you are a temp resident and what not. Other guys I know have east coast and northwest plates and they get hassled not often. then again you do live near me and yes there are many idiots around here with SRs and what no. so I can only blame other owners around here. Riverside is very unforgiving, especially with UCR nearby and how tons of imports are always around there.

02-13-2007, 03:10 PM
YEA I got pulled over....but nothing happened..haha
that cop was so dumb!

02-13-2007, 05:17 PM
knock on wood and consider yourself lucky.

02-13-2007, 05:38 PM
damn man that suckssss assss.....

02-13-2007, 05:42 PM
thats why i live in colorado, except they get everyone for exhaust here.....
i once got pulled over for driving with a broken headlight, but the cop didn't realize he was driving without his own headlights on. lol,, it was funny.

GSX Running
02-13-2007, 05:49 PM
U mean cops can pull u over just for hearing ur BOV? it sucks to live in Cali! I'll live in Memphis anyday

02-13-2007, 06:04 PM
sucks to hear about your car man. good luck and follow the non-op plan.

haha CALI laws suck but everything else is great.

02-13-2007, 06:06 PM
U mean cops can pull u over just for hearing ur BOV? it sucks to live in Cali! I'll live in Memphis anyday

Well, considering there is not a 240sx that comes with a turbo stock, or a carb turbo kit, a BOV might just be a good indicator that it is turbo'd.:ghey:


02-13-2007, 06:22 PM
shoulda stayed in florida bro, u know cops dont give 2 shits bout sr20's here.

02-13-2007, 07:46 PM
If they catch you with car again.

Well, that is the beauty. Every time a car is registered and emissions tested. Is is certified legal for the road. So, if you take a vehicle from non-op status to operational, when the dmv actually gives you registration, it is saying everything is on the up and up with the vehicle.

So if the same judge did see it, and remembered, you can say that the dmv inspected the vehicle (smog test) and said it was now up to specification, though it may not (WINK WINK) be.

Ok so, say you have a car with a motor swap that wont pass emissions and your registration is due this month with a required Smog... If I PNO'ed it, I could just go and re-register the car next month and get out of having to Smog? Or is that wrong?

02-14-2007, 12:17 AM
man you're in a tough situation, smog refs here are tough and the cops are starting to be borderline Nazi's

get ready to bend over and grab your ankles

02-14-2007, 12:18 PM
my s13 i got a ref ticket in riverside, im still paying hte ticket so its still open, but i traded my s13 after that, and the guy who registered it, just needs to get it smogged. No ref.

They took your car because of something, had to be more then just a random pull over. Yet ive seen people get pulled over for not much reason besides modified vehicle *my buddy was pulled over 2 times within a 20 minute span within 4 blocks by different cops who had nothing to base their judgments on besides looking like a modified vehicle*

02-14-2007, 12:40 PM
Ok so, say you have a car with a motor swap that wont pass emissions and your registration is due this month with a required Smog... If I PNO'ed it, I could just go and re-register the car next month and get out of having to Smog? Or is that wrong?

I need to get a smog done as well...but that wont work since you have to smog the car to reregister it anyways.

02-14-2007, 12:41 PM
Dude, that sucks about your car. But hey...shit happens when you party naked. First off....the main reason the cops took away your car was because you did not have a Valid California Drivers Licsense and because you did not have insurance. Now what you have to do is contact the Police department that took away the car. They are going to tell you that you need to come into the Police Department to pay them a Realease Fee (that can be anywere from 100 to 300 dollars) and take someone with a valid Drivers Liscense (they have to pick up the car). When you pay your fee and the Liscensed person shows their Liscense they will give you directions to the inpound the car is being held............then you have to pay THEM (Inpound Yard) A FEE wich can be anywhere from 100 to 700 dollars, or for how long the car has been there (40 to 50 bucks a day). It all depends in what city. Also some cities require the car to be inpounded for 30 days until you can get it released..........so good luck with that man. Also, What does it exactly say on your ticket? I know your getting it for No liscense or Insurance, but does it say anything about Modified parts? Be a little more specific about the charges being put on you.

02-14-2007, 01:49 PM
yea.... WELCOME to California... I try not to take my 240 with an SR into riverside much at all... cops are a holes out there, with UCR and RCC right there, cops know us young ones are most likely gonna have something modified they can get us for, its bull, Ive been luck, I got raided at taylor mall a coulple of months ago and 3 state refs looked at my engine they had no idea what engine I had so they let me go, LOL, but know they have been trained more.

02-14-2007, 02:23 PM
The guy said he had a valid drivers license (just happens to be outta state) & said he had insurance on the car (just not under his name). The license thing, he should have got a CA license when he 1st moved there, but he still did have a valid license. Cops cant give you a ticket or take your car becuase your insurance is in someone elses' name. As long as the car is insured, that's all that matters (insurance wise).
Man, I am really dreading moving back to Cali (IE area). I know the second I drive my 240, I will get pulled over. Only good thing I can think of is that my 240 will have outta state plates & I am in the military, so I think I can slide w/ those plates for a while (hopefully).

02-14-2007, 03:54 PM
It seems in cali, everytime you got to register, and everytime the car changes ownership you need a smog test. As well, s13's all seem to be test only.

This is LA. There are literally hundreads of people doing illegal emissions here. I dont know that because i know of anyone doing illegal emissions tests, But because i took classes on emissions testing laws, and the statistics they quoted were daunting.

With that being said, it seems hard to NOT find a hot smog in So Cal if you ask around.

Dont find or advertise hot smogs online either. Easy way to get busted.

02-14-2007, 04:00 PM
live in riverside..im only 17 and still has a fl license. the car was bought and registered here in cali. i got pulled over and i guess since i was a minor without a cali license and i was not insured coz the car is insured in my brothers, mom and dads name...the cops took the car and gave me ticket...i have a court date on april and also need to see the ref...whats needed to do..im really freaking out...this sucks...really could use any help anyone might have..thanks

there u go right there.... NO INSURANCE!! get insurance and then pay to get it out of impound... i know its around 50 bux a day for storage fees not to mention how much they wll charge u for towing it..smooth move exlax :mrmeph: :fawkd:

02-14-2007, 05:05 PM
there u go right there.... NO INSURANCE!! get insurance and then pay to get it out of impound... i know its around 50 bux a day for storage fees not to mention how much they wll charge u for towing it..smooth move exlax :mrmeph: :fawkd:

umm thanks for the kind words... i had a valid license (just not cali) and the car is insured (under parents and brother's name) my bro owns the car and i just happend to drive it and got pulled over. so anyways, theres no need to talk down to anyone in this situation and all im really wanting is advice and help to get out of this junk.

but to everyone else, thanks for all the input and ill keep u guys updated on the situation. thanks and if you have any other suggestions, ideas, inputs, please feel free to post. thanks

02-14-2007, 07:51 PM
^That's the thing though bro, here in Cali "insurance under your parents and brother's name" but not yours is the same as no insurance at all. Unless there is a provision in their policy that allows any other licensed driver to be fully covered, which I highly doubt. Most insurance companies dont even offer that kind of coverage.

The only advice is to just pay to get the car out of impound, take your ass over to the DMV and get yourself a CA license, then find someone to smog it illegally for your brother. And have them add your name to the list of insured drivers for that car. You are most likely going to end up paying out the ass for this one dude.

02-14-2007, 08:14 PM
Are you sure that this is the full story? CA police wont just impound the vehicle unless the car is not registered or insured, and you not having a valid Driver's license will be a ticket to the impound as well. COPS MAKE MORE MONEY OFF REF TICKETS NOT IMPOUNDS! So it would make sense for them to give out a ref tickets instead of just towing the car.

02-14-2007, 10:34 PM
damn bro, that really blows but again maybe all this have to do with the eprson you brought this car from? if i was you i would call the person who you got it from and ask mad questions n see where if that will answer your ques. but anyways goodluck

02-14-2007, 11:04 PM
Sounds like this story is missing something. I'm sure the cops didn't just pull you over and tow your car then send you on your way.

They pulled you over, he told you what's up. Then towed your car because of such. I don't see what's the big deal. You have tons of stuff going wrong for you and the ticket it's self tells you what's wrong.

First thing you should've done before you came to live in cali is have a california drivers license and insurance.

Not to mention a legal car?


02-15-2007, 12:39 AM
ya i got pulled over then ticketed for many things...

-no valid ca license
-no insurance under my name
-the car being sr and stuff doesnt help at all

but yea..car got taken..i got dropped off at home riding in the back of a cop car when it happend but here's update for today:

-just got back from towing company where the car was. paid ridiculous fine of $500 and got the car home.

-now i still have madd tickets, a court date, and a ref ticket.

Any suggestions what to do now? So it can help my situation? I talked to my mom about the registering the car as a "non-op" but my mom is old fashioned and she doesnt like to listen. very hard headed so she was like just go to ur ref or court or whatever u have to do and see what you need to do.

I just know they gonna charge us more money up the butt and that they might have to make me do something about all the illegal parts like motor, exhaust, etc.

Any one got inputs about this? It would really help and be appreciated. Also, on the note of CA license, I'm working on it. Gonna try to take the exam in a week. Thanks guys for all ur help and hope to see more posts when i get back.

02-15-2007, 09:58 AM
I have a buddy who was sent to the ref about a year ago with his SR S13, so rather than swap out the motor then reswap it later, they put together a sort of "kit" to make the engine nonturbo. Stock headers/exhaust/intake box/play with the SAFC and it actually passed the ref. Then he just threw all his shit back on and was good. I dont know if you could still pass with shenanigans like that now, but it could be worth looking into.

02-15-2007, 10:43 AM
As everyone said, that sucks ass, but the way I get around things is that I moved here from Arizona (two years ago this june), and still have good trustworthy friends there, and I leave my 300z and my truck registered and insured in AZ. I also keep my AZ drivers license, to all of which, one of their addresses. So when I get pulled over, they ask why I am here, I say that I am here for work, or visiting my friends (case closed). I am in the proccess of picking up a s14.5 that is RB25 swapped, so I have to do the whole registering thing in AZ again, but I am also going to relocate my hood release to somewhere else in the car, so if I do get stopped again out here, the hood release is "broken" No popping the hood, no ticket for crazy motor (hopefully in either state) :x:

P.S. I am gonna leave the stock lever there, just get a new one and some long ass bike cable to make it all work!

02-15-2007, 01:00 PM

You know that what you just said is a lie.

Japanese SR's do not have an EGT system. The ref will flip out over that. They really dont care about the turbocharger, as long as the engine was:

A: made available commercially in the US.
B: Retains all US specification Emissions Equipment.

Making a whole "kit", would be more work than simply pulling the engine out for an emissions test, and reinstalling the engine.

If your mom in not going to let you Non-Op the car, then your next best bet is to find a Used ka, matching your series chasis and swap it back in. The swap is not that hard and I am sure you can do it yourself plus about $300 in tools.

This will be less expensive than the $1500+ Ref ticket + Losing the ability to register your car, then being forced to Non-Op it.

02-15-2007, 02:07 PM
a short term option would be:
take it and sell it out of state, back in florida or wherever you have family/friends...

02-15-2007, 04:13 PM

You know that what you just said is a lie.

Japanese SR's do not have an EGT system. The ref will flip out over that. They really dont care about the turbocharger, as long as the engine was:

A: made available commercially in the US.
B: Retains all US specification Emissions Equipment.

Making a whole "kit", would be more work than simply pulling the engine out for an emissions test, and reinstalling the engine.

Um, what would be the point of me lieing on this thread? I know for a fact that my buddy with an SR S13 got pulled over and given a ref ticket for his motor. Rather than swapping it out he had the guys at LS Auto figure some shit out for him so that he could ref it. He took it to the ref without uninstalling the SR and passed. Problem solved.

02-15-2007, 04:31 PM
I have a non-turbo sr20de in my 240 and I know if I got a ref ticket he would flip out no egr=no approval from ref.

unless this ref was stupid or new he probably didn't know what he was looking at because an EGR system is required for any 240sx.

02-15-2007, 04:40 PM
damn...when i got pulled over for speeding (in my own small town) i told the cop i got on boost and thats why my exhaust was loud....

when i crashed into the guard rail i told the cop i was gunna have to hide it from insurance cause they didnt know bout my mods..

and when some1 else totaled my car the cop told me to drive it home, stay off boost and part it out....

oh..and when the parkinglot was raided at the pike (major CT car scene) the cop was chill, complemented my car, and just did wat he had to do and gave me a tresspassing ticket....

good to live in CT!!! but emissions still kinda sucks to pass here

02-15-2007, 05:22 PM
that sucks man, im glad i live in oklahoma now =)

02-15-2007, 05:38 PM
I read on another forum that some guy that lives in San Jose has gotten pulled over 5 times with a CA18det and has never gotten a ref ticket which leads me to beleive that most cops that are looking for moded engines in 240s are just looking for red or black valve covers. I know when I get a sr20det and drop it in the valve cover is going to be powder coated silver to through those fuckers off. I have also been pulled over 3 times (for expired tags but with operating permit) and have never been asked to pop my hood I guess the cops up here in the east bay just don't care or maybe its the fact that I am 24 white and very polite with everything legit on my ride (besides engine)

02-15-2007, 07:22 PM
so ok...whats gonna happen with the ref ticket is basically just charge me for the fees? and since my mom don't want to non op it right now coz she is gay, i will still be able to sell it or ship it to fl where i plan on moving back this summer right? im just wondering b/c i dont want them forcing me to take out all the parts off it since i dont want to go through all the problem. let me know..thanks

02-15-2007, 08:13 PM
It seems in cali, everytime you got to register, and everytime the car changes ownership you need a smog test. As well, s13's all seem to be test only.

S13's are test only because they are only OBD1 compliant. They used older smog standards. Now with new emissions standards and an old on Board diagnostics it is more likely to not pass the new emissions standards. If you haven't noticed the emissions testing becomes stricter every 2 to 3 years to get OBD1's off the road..

02-15-2007, 08:24 PM

Contact P/D, find what is needed to spring car from impound.

REF ticket. Register the Car as a "NON Operational" at the DMV after you get the car out. Then, Go to the judge and say, "look, i non op'd it".

More than likely he will not make you prove to the REF that the car is ok. A month later, re register the car, and you are good.

Welcome, to california.

Originally Posted by kouki_s14
you've done that? if you get caught again with the same car, im sure the judge isnt going to be too forgiving.
thats why u run
spiker is offline Add to spiker's Reputation Report Bad Post Reply With Quote

thats fucking so true lol you guys crack me up boi.. ya i get pulled over for looking mexican even this shit is ghey...

02-15-2007, 09:41 PM
Mmm. Cops give ref tickets everywhere. I know many people in SJ also who have gotten them.

When you are reffed now a days you don't take your car there and they write it off.

They print out multiple pdf's on your car and use alldata to go over all lines and whatnot like a fine tooth comb.

Stop with all the bs.

02-22-2007, 11:30 PM
This thread is very interesting and helpful.

02-23-2007, 12:07 AM
Ok. Look, it would HAVE to have an EGR valve.

The ECU would have to be capable of regulating the valves for the EGR system.

So we would be looking @ a SE-R ecu maybe?

And fabbing an egr system on to it.

Then we have to look at, a larger profile cam than the N/A engine, and Lowered compression. Effects on emmisions?

And Dont forget they had to swap the injectors. And a distributor in, because the only SR ecu that will run DIS is the DET series, which fueling and egr would not be an option.

I am thinking, they probably did the mckinney thing, and converted it to propane, took it to the ref, and said "haha! propane biotches" and the ref let them go.

But like i said, this is the web, where 99% of everything you read is fictional, and all 2nd and 16th hand stories about this and that, and who and who not.

Invite your friend or LS for that matter to post in the thread, because honestly, i would be INCREDIBLY interested for an easy modification to get my sr's past a state ref.

K thnx!


02-23-2007, 12:25 AM
if you say "the hood release is broken, no way to pop the hood", they can tow your car right away and get it checked by Ref.

[QUOTE=chrisman2k]so if I do get stopped again out here, the hood release is "broken" No popping the hood, no ticket for crazy motor (hopefully in either state) :x:

02-23-2007, 01:22 AM
YEA I got pulled over....but nothing happened..haha
that cop was so dumb!

The cop was not dumb, he was nice to you.

No cops are not being ANYTHING like Nazis... how many of you have been pulled over because of your religion? And then how many of those people have been taken straight to jail, and possibly killed? Ok none, stop with that exaggeration.

Listen people, nobody is making these laws up just whenever they feel like picking on you. All the information is out there, your sr20 in an s-chassis car is not legal. If you're prepared to deal with the consequences then go for it, but do you really need to make a thread about it? That's like me showing up late for a test at school, and then making a thread about how I had to finish it faster to make up for the lost time. It simply won't add to the forum. If you want to learn how to get your car back there are easier and more effective ways of learning that. If you have legal questions then there are places you go for that.

02-24-2007, 11:36 PM
wow you are such an e-thug...thanks for your wasted time..

02-24-2007, 11:46 PM
Actually, he is just saying what everyone is thinking. People who put themselves in these positions either, knowingly or unknowingly, have really done it to themselves. There is a law, that states, you cannot put a fucking japanese motor in a fucking american car. Get it through your head, either follow that law or suffer the consequences when you are caught. There is a reason why people don't swap motors in Cali, you have CARB. You are overpopulated, and have emissions issues. Don't like being thrown ref tickets and having problems with that motor? Live somewhere without emissions, live somewhere that you can pay to smog, or just swap in the ka and shut the hell up.

In a nutshell, don't do something illegal and QQ when you get caught.

02-25-2007, 06:28 PM
i dont know about u but i love cali.. just some parts suck.. riverside is a good place to get your car taken, because all the people from oc are moving out there a couple years ago.. it was like vegas you could have anything you want loud and i mean loud exhaust. and it wouldnt fase the police but now riverside seems to be the place to race, especially because about 20 min from there in perris they have a drag stripp every friday, and the long long freeways are a fun place to race, but riverside is becoming a scary place to have an sr, cuz there the cops first being trained on engines and whats not legal, so all i can say is fight for it in court and good luck, cuz its looking pretty bad, and dont lie.. lol. AND FOR SOME INFO ON GETTING YOUR SMOG CHECK AND STUFF I HAVE AN UNUSUAL STORY.. well there is a dmv where i live, which is located in westminister, ca in orange county, dude no joke they are the most chillist dmv i have ever gone to, i got my car registered there twice (for two diffrent cars) and not once did they ask me for my smog check... iono if i was lucky but they never checked them both for s13, and on top of that the second time i lost my pink slip and i still got the car registered with a fake bill of sale i did 10mins before getting there.. once again i could have been lucky, but if you want a quick dmv that one is never really busy.. just a heads up.. latah

02-25-2007, 09:22 PM
Some places in CA do not regulate emissions, I don't know where Westminister is, but that may be an area where they don't have smog. I don't know about the registering without a pink slip part though, I mean I'm glad you got your car registered, but definitely makes you wonder about the safety of your car, if someone could fake a bill of sale and register a stolen car. (not trying to imply anything)

02-25-2007, 09:41 PM
getting back into the subject of helping you...

since youre a minor... you cannot represent yourself in court... youre going to need your legal guardian in this case your mother or an Attorney so speak on your behalf...

02-26-2007, 08:46 AM
Some places in CA do not regulate emissions, I don't know where Westminister is, but that may be an area where they don't have smog. I don't know about the registering without a pink slip part though, I mean I'm glad you got your car registered, but definitely makes you wonder about the safety of your car, if someone could fake a bill of sale and register a stolen car. (not trying to imply anything)

Living in those areas does not make you exempt from the CA vehicle code. You are only exempt from bi-annual smog checks. All my vehicles are registered in one of those areas. You still have to smog your car when you first buy it though.

02-26-2007, 10:33 AM
ya i got pulled over then ticketed for many things...

-no valid ca license
-no insurance under my name
-the car being sr and stuff doesnt help at all

but yea..car got taken..i got dropped off at home riding in the back of a cop car when it happend but here's update for today:

-just got back from towing company where the car was. paid ridiculous fine of $500 and got the car home.

-now i still have madd tickets, a court date, and a ref ticket.

Any suggestions what to do now? So it can help my situation? I talked to my mom about the registering the car as a "non-op" but my mom is old fashioned and she doesnt like to listen. very hard headed so she was like just go to ur ref or court or whatever u have to do and see what you need to do.

I just know they gonna charge us more money up the butt and that they might have to make me do something about all the illegal parts like motor, exhaust, etc.

Any one got inputs about this? It would really help and be appreciated. Also, on the note of CA license, I'm working on it. Gonna try to take the exam in a week. Thanks guys for all ur help and hope to see more posts when i get back.

I would sell the car if i was in that situation man. No car is worth that much hassle.

09-09-2008, 12:07 PM
so if you get pulled over and they give u a ref ticket u can go to any smog place or they make you go to certain ones?

09-09-2008, 12:16 PM
try getting a ticket for not having your bicycle registered. lol serious shit it happened to a friend. he actually went to the fire dept. and got it registered. lol

09-09-2008, 12:35 PM
nice one year old bump. I guess this info is still useful. If you get a ref ticket in california you have to schedule and appointment with the ref station and you will fail 100% if you have anything besides a healthy stock KA in there. I still find this law BS. I took my sr20 with front mount and straight pipe to my friend smog station for shits and giggles, and it actually passed all emissions laws, failed inspection and that OBD1 shit. I think all that shit is useless anyways if california only cares about smog. So why cant we have cars that pass emissions legal? its stupid.

09-09-2008, 02:14 PM
everyone who assumes his car was taken because it has an SR are idiots.

If you dont have a valid california drivers license and insurance it's illegal for you to be on the road and they will tow your car. Has nothing to do with the fact it has an SR, he got pulled because the car looked suspicious if his paperwork was ok then he would've gotten a fix it ticket for whatever he was pulled for and let on his happy ass merry way.

jesus you guys are drama queens...

steve shadows
09-09-2008, 03:02 PM
live in riverside..im only 17 and still has a fl license. the car was bought and registered here in cali. i got pulled over and i guess since i was a minor without a cali license and i was not insured coz the car is insured in my brothers, mom and dads name...the cops took the car and gave me ticket...i have a court date on april and also need to see the ref...whats needed to do..im really freaking out...this sucks...really could use any help anyone might have..thanks

The car was impounded because of your insurance.

If you had known how to handle this situation you might have been able to avoide the ref ticket, but if your insurance or registration is flawed they will typically take the car away.

09-09-2008, 03:32 PM
shoulda stayed in florida bro, u know cops dont give 2 shits bout sr20's here.

Yeah, but the homo FHP doesn't like imports to be loud. Only muddin' trucks. YEEHAW!!!

09-09-2008, 03:52 PM
It was a joke and he was being sarcastic. Don’t have ur panties in a bunch!

09-09-2008, 04:02 PM
What a bump on this thread. This is from FEB 07! Im sure the guy sold his car by now, or installed a KA or Painted a picture of a KA on his engine or whatever to take care of it. Hell, hes not even a minor anymore and should have his license by now.

Having a ref ticket would suck. Ive got an SR and was driving in corona the other night following my friends car to my home, and a cop pulls out of a shopping parking lot and starts following me thinking i might be racing. I was going 35-45. I drove in all the high gears with as low noise as i could make with my Greddy Exmag 2 exhaust.
He stopped at a signal with me, 3 stop signs. made all the turns I made. luckily my driveway came. I made a left and pulled into the drive way. At this last turn he didnt turn left and just went on going straight. Whatever his reason was, He didnt pull me over. I consider myself lucky.

09-09-2008, 04:21 PM
so if you get pulled over and they give u a ref ticket u can go to any smog place or they make you go to certain ones?

I see what you did there... damnit for bumping this thread LOL
