View Full Version : Jordan, Kobe, Vince

02-11-2007, 01:02 PM
Michael Jordan: http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia/nba/nbacom/history/top10/jordan_top10_dunks_070208.asx

Kobe Bryant: http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia/nba/nbacom/history/top10/kobe_top10_dunks_070208.asx

Vince Carter: http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia/nba/nbacom/history/top10/carter_top10_dunks_070208.asx

I have never really been a fan of Vince Carter, he was always a jerk when he was at Carolina and has never quite appealed to me as anything other than a self-serving asshole as he has been in the NBA, Karma has been the bitch that sees that he will find no success, but I digress.

... discuss what you have viewed amongst yourselves

02-11-2007, 02:02 PM
They got #1 wrong for Vince Carter ... how could they not include the dunk from the 2000 Olympics? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVOLH21DB_w

02-11-2007, 02:09 PM
I would actually like to see one of these reels with Tracy McGrady's dunks too

02-11-2007, 03:29 PM
Vince is F**king sick he's got sick hop's one of the best dunkers in the league right now he busts straight out crazy shit.

02-11-2007, 05:09 PM
they're all crazy balllers.

midnight zenki
02-11-2007, 05:15 PM
Carter had the best reel of the three I think. All his dunks had more flair than Kobe or Jordan. The power of Carters dunks is undeniable and, while Kobe has some power he was more technical and Jordan just overpowered the opponent at the net whereas Carter just had bigger moves al around.

02-11-2007, 05:28 PM
carter does have a lot of flair but Jordan is a legend. Kobe has some good flair too with that behind the back reverse dunk.

02-11-2007, 05:36 PM

they also have wilkins and erving from the judging panel, as well as honorable mentions from jordan, bryant, carter, and wilkins.

02-11-2007, 06:58 PM
gawd I hate this stream video crap (yes I have broadband)

but anyways...Vince Carter has the best dunks out of those three.

02-11-2007, 09:09 PM
I don't think Kobe belongs in the same category as Jordan and Vince or even J Rich when it comes to dunking. He's more comparable to Isiah Rider cause' he won the slam dunk contest the same way Rider did in 94... no originality!

Don't forget about the shoes... If Jordan had better soles I'm sure he'd be able to get up there a little more. Try playing ball with some retro Jordan shoes and swap em out with Nike Air Shox then you'll see what I'm talkin about.

02-11-2007, 09:28 PM
I don't think Kobe belongs in the same category as Jordan and Vince or even J Rich when it comes to dunking. He's more comparable to Isiah Rider cause' he won the slam dunk contest the same way Rider did in 94... no originality!

Don't forget about the shoes... If Jordan had better soles I'm sure he'd be able to get up there a little more. Try playing ball with some retro Jordan shoes and swap em out with Nike Air Shox then you'll see what I'm talkin about.
You know what? I am going to disagree with you.
Watch Jordan, then watch Vince, then watch Kobe, in that order...
Now, I want you to look at the dunks that were created by simply monstering the dude trying to defend with upper body strength and body control once airborne, versus jumping higher than an unprepared defender or being right handed doing a counterclockwise spin at the end of a fast fucking break.
Now, let's talk basketball, which one of the three in the the comparo has been injured with some bullshit called "jumper's knee," where they have basically fucked their own knees out of usefulness, overcompensating for a lack of something else in their game?
Again, I am so NOT a Vince fan that I create myself as a big 2/quick 3 in video games, then score 85 points while defending Vince to single digits. Petty? Hell yes, but it is a PS2 game, who cares?
My point, here, is that I presented the 3 in the order that I saw fit, and I was never the world's hugest Jordan fan. Fact is that game recognizes game, and VC just DON'T look familiar to me.

... I DO agree with you on shoes. When I put on the Jordan III or V, I have on some jeans and something to match the colors. When I lace up to go shoot hoop, know that my shoes will be equipped with Zoom and/or Max Air, simple as that. Technology is the savior to my arches, ankles, heels and shins. Ask Grant Hill, I would be a hundred bucks against a bucket of shit that he wouldn't take that Fila contract if he knew then what he knew now.

02-11-2007, 09:29 PM
Michael Jordan: http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia/nba/nbacom/history/top10/jordan_top10_dunks_070208.asx

Kobe Bryant: http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia/nba/nbacom/history/top10/kobe_top10_dunks_070208.asx

Vince Carter: http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia/nba/nbacom/history/top10/carter_top10_dunks_070208.asx

I have never really been a fan of Vince Carter, he was always a jerk when he was at Carolina and has never quite appealed to me as anything other than a self-serving asshole as he has been in the NBA, Karma has been the bitch that sees that he will find no success, but I digress.

... discuss what you have viewed amongst yourselves

I hope you aren't trying to say that Vince hasn't had any success.... Anyway, they did get #1 wrong with him. The one from the olympics, in my opinion, is in the running for one of the best of all time. He straight up jumped over that dude!!!! He was over 7' tall!!!! Jumped over him.... I have loved the Chicago bulls since I was a child, hell, I still have there team poster up from '92 in my room. Michael Jordan will always be an icon, but, I still think vince has the better dunks. He was def. ahead of his time. I would like to see him coming up through the NBA with the players of today. I wonder how he would match up to Labron, AI, or Carmello. Would be interesting... Kobe on the other hand, is a wining bitch!!!! I have never liked him and I never will. He's good, no doubt about that.... he displayed his skills well in the 80pt game. But, when they lose, it's NEVER his fault, def not a team player.

02-11-2007, 09:35 PM
Kobe on the other hand, is a wining bitch!!!! I have never liked him and I never will. He's good, no doubt about that.... he displayed his skills well in the 80pt game. But, when they lose, it's NEVER his fault, def not a team player.
I guess you don't watch much basketball.

02-11-2007, 09:37 PM
I hope you aren't trying to say that Vince hasn't had any success.... Anyway, they did get #1 wrong with him. The one from the olympics, in my opinion, is in the running for one of the best of all time. He straight up jumped over that dude!!!! He was over 7' tall!!!! Jumped over him.... I have loved the Chicago bulls since I was a child, hell, I still have there team poster up from '92 in my room. Michael Jordan will always be an icon, but, I still think vince has the better dunks. He was def. ahead of his time. I would like to see him coming up through the NBA with the players of today. I wonder how he would match up to Labron, AI, or Carmello. Would be interesting... Kobe on the other hand, is a wining bitch!!!! I have never liked him and I never will. He's good, no doubt about that.... he displayed his skills well in the 80pt game. But, when they lose, it's NEVER his fault, def not a team player.
I am DEFINITELY saying that Vince hasn't had any success, feel free to prove me wrong. As impressive as the dunk in the olympics was, let us not ignore the VERY pronounced forearm to the guy's head.

02-11-2007, 09:41 PM
I guess you don't watch much basketball.

I watch plenty, just don't follow Kobe. I don't like him and I never will. Just like P doesn't like Vince. He's never appealed to me. I said the dude's got game, I just don't like him. And P if you are counting championships as success.... then no, he hasn't had any. I'm talking about personal success. In my eyes, he has proven himself a good basketball player, an impact player if you will. He has always stood out on whatever team he is on. Maybe he was an ass at Carolina, don't know, never met him. But, I think he stay there went well. He did what he was supposed to do while he was there. Like him or not, you can't deny his impact on the teams. Oh, and by the way... that sig is nice!!! I haven't seen that shit in forever.

02-11-2007, 09:50 PM
I watch plenty, just don't follow Kobe. I don't like him and I never will. Just like P doesn't like Vince. He's never appealed to me. I said the dude's got game, I just don't like him. And P if you are counting championships as success.... then no, he hasn't had any. I'm talking about personal success. In my eyes, he has proven himself a good basketball player, an impact player if you will. He has always stood out on whatever team he is on. Maybe he was an ass at Carolina, don't know, never met him. But, I think he stay there went well. He did what he was supposed to do while he was there. Like him or not, you can't deny his impact on the teams. Oh, and by the way... that sig is nice!!! I haven't seen that shit in forever.
Actually, I have watched Kobe Bryant will the Lakers too victory, I have seen him follow that with the MOST extreme maturation of any player I have ever witnessed in one offseason. I come from a family that has born 3 carolina graduates, spanning from 1992-2005 in attendance, with 1998-2001 being the only years "off," but one cousin walked onto the team, so we were always on campus. Yes, Vince Carter was and still is a dick. Yes, Vince Carter has a very disconnected sense of reality as is relates to himself.
Personal success? Rookie of the year in a season shortened by a lockout and bastardized by an overall weak draft.
Impact on teams? Toronto fell apart when he couldn't share the ball with his COUSIN! New Jersey is only successful because of Jason Kidd and the fact that they're in the eastern conference, nothing more, Move them west and they're burned to a fucking crisp. That is coming from a lifelong North Carolina resident, real talk...
Everything else is happenstance, the sun shines on a dog's ass here and there.
I repeat, while entertaining to watch on a highlight reel, on the whole, FUUUUCK Vince Carter.

02-11-2007, 10:29 PM
vince has better body control. i dont really like to talk about kobe because,
SHAQ RULES! AND HE'S BACK! time for the empire to strike back...

tum tum tum tumtatum tan tatum tum tum tum tumtatum tan tatum

02-12-2007, 03:03 AM
you wanna talk about self serving assholes?
I know a guy who is a waiter at a mortons steak house in costa mesa.
Kobe bryant went in with like 12 -15 people ate and drank and left likea 30 dollar tip.

plus he thinks he is the next jordan? fuck thaaaat guy.
basketball isnt about scoring 81 points or 45 points a game.

02-12-2007, 03:16 AM
When did he ever say he wanted to be the next MJ? The media and people labeled him as that, he always wanted to be his own person.

Alot of people here... don't watch basketball, and it shows.

02-12-2007, 07:03 AM
OMG.....I just saw a clip of the Vince Carter Olympics 2000...that should have been #1 lol


02-12-2007, 08:09 AM
I still say Jordan......I don't think anyone embarrassed people the way he did.

02-12-2007, 11:47 AM
yeah, all 3 are good, my vote for numero uno would be the olympics dunk, i mean, it's a game time dunk over a 7 footer, that's crazy...
another dunk that was pretty cool, ahead for its time by VC is when he was fooling around with AND1, pass from half court and did a windmill in mid air...

I agree with VC not being a winner, but then again, look at KG and the timberwolves.... they're all good players, I'd put KG in the top 5 for the last several years, but doesn't mean that all good players win, it takes team chemistry and excellent coach/coaching staff, (remember lakers right before phil, they had a stronger/better team than the ones that won the rings IMO)

thing is with the 3 links listed above, MJ had more hops, he's shorter, shorter arms too probably, need more hops to rise up which he does frequently

also another big time game dunkers is dominique, vicious dunks over people all the time, until he tore up his leg

02-12-2007, 04:12 PM
vince is also 6'6

02-12-2007, 04:34 PM
vince is also 6'6

I highly doubt it. He's as tall as Jamison who's listed at 6'9". They usually lie about their height in the NBA to throw people off. Like Nate Robinson listed at 5'9" when he's the same height as 5'7" Spud Webb.

02-12-2007, 04:43 PM
he may be listed at 6'6, but just seems like mj is shortest of them all

02-12-2007, 04:52 PM
Kobe lists at 6'7"
MJ and Vince list at 6'6"
Again, I have met Vince and MJ in person (NC is the shit most of the time), I will readily agree that they're the same height, even though I met them at different times.
Kobe appears to be damned close too

02-12-2007, 05:02 PM
sorry about bringing this off tangent....

i also saw kareem up close at an airport once in person, homeboy is taaaaall....

02-12-2007, 05:26 PM
of those 3, Vince Carter definitely had more flamboyant dunks, but notice how many of them were not against defenders? The MJ and Kobe reels are all about out gunning defenders, thats the real measure of skill.

02-12-2007, 05:42 PM
My vote goes for...

fuckin badass
doesnt take no shit either

02-12-2007, 07:15 PM
My vote goes for...

fuckin badass
doesnt take no shit either

The main theme of this topic is about dunking......

02-12-2007, 07:24 PM
of those 3, Vince Carter definitely had more flamboyant dunks, but notice how many of them were not against defenders? The MJ and Kobe reels are all about out gunning defenders, thats the real measure of skill.
PRECISELY!!! Impress me, break off 3 motherfuckers at the top of the key with a crossover that you almost shake yourself with, then cap it off by placing Patrick Ewing, Dikembe Mutombo, Yao Ming, Alonzo Mourning or whomever your victim will be in a poster.

... damn, I just realized how much Dominique this conversation lacks.

02-12-2007, 08:51 PM
or shawn bradley

visit the link "nba.com"

02-12-2007, 09:16 PM
'Nique, and again, keep mind on the number of these that have victims, in comparison:
... I had a poster of #7 up in my bedroom for years, back in middle school

02-12-2007, 09:34 PM
Larry bird dont need to dunk

02-12-2007, 10:20 PM
Larry bird dont need to dunk
I wouldn't either if my vertical leap was "tiptoes"

02-12-2007, 10:33 PM
wilkins only became my favorite because i used him
in the game Lakers vs celtics against my brother
with his bulls & jordan. spud & wilkins was a good combo
but, he would beat me cause he actually plays better,
shot selection & defence. I was only 10yrs old, i had no strategy.
Then later, i found out tom chambers can dunk from
the 3-point line, from then on i was unstoppable.

funny thing was, even though he was a jordan fan, he was also a knicks fan.
which equals traitor!

02-12-2007, 10:52 PM
jordan is the best thats it

02-13-2007, 08:04 AM
Watching the MJ clips almost brings a tear to my eye. He's so great.

02-13-2007, 12:33 PM
of the 3, Carter is certainly the best leaper had the more stylish/flamboyant dunks. MJ and Kobe are more "game" dunkers. As much as I love MJ, I'd have to give the slight nod to Carter. My 2 cents.

02-13-2007, 09:20 PM
If we are taking about dunkers then I would agree with some people here, Vince Carter does have some impressive personal highlights.
But as an overall player he isn't all that great imo. I've never heard people chant MVP for him in the stands. He isn't nearly as mentally strong as MJ was (nobody is really) nor as fearce a competitor as Kobe or KG.
I'm a Laker fan so I'm biased when I say that Kobe plays a role similar to the one MJ used to play where the team takes its poise from them. Perhaps since they both were played under the same system and coach...
As far as dunks, I've personally always liked seeing smaller guards take it to the hole. Kenny Smith, Clyde Drexler, vintage Penny Hardaway, and John Starks had some of the best dunks in NBA history imo.
I think there comes the time when a player realizes that jumping over people and dunking leads to injuries and a shorten career. MJ realized it and I think Kobe has too to a degree. Don't think Carter is there yet.

02-13-2007, 09:51 PM
If we are taking about dunkers then I would agree with some people here, Vince Carter does have some impressive personal highlights.
But as an overall player he isn't all that great imo. I've never heard people chant MVP for him in the stands. He isn't nearly as mentally strong as MJ was (nobody is really) nor as fearce a competitor as Kobe or KG.
I'm a Laker fan so I'm biased when I say that Kobe plays a role similar to the one MJ used to play where the team takes its poise from them. Perhaps since they both were played under the same system and coach...
As far as dunks, I've personally always liked seeing smaller guards take it to the hole. Kenny Smith, Clyde Drexler, vintage Penny Hardaway, and John Starks had some of the best dunks in NBA history imo.
I think there comes the time when a player realizes that jumping over people and dunking leads to injuries and a shorten career. MJ realized it and I think Kobe has too to a degree. Don't think Carter is there yet.
Let me place the 2 items I highlighted in perspective:
Everyone who knows pro ball knows about the Lakers/Celtics rivalry that predated them actually sparring in the finals all those years, it followed Magic and LB from college. Understanding this, one sees the sheer MAGNITUDE of the fact that the fans chanting "MVP" were at a Lakers' ROAD game, IN BOSTON
Jordan successfully avoided fucking over his knees with his antics, but he was also built like a motherfucking STALLION. (scary is that his sons are too, and both are southpaw, but I digress) Kobe had a rather pedestrian, almost "standard" knee procedure, where Vince has overcompensated for lacking in other areas requiring an actual basketball IQ by simply jumping over motherfuckers and dunking real hard.
All that said, I readily expect that anyone within 3-5 years of age above or below me to love Jordan and the love or hate thing with Kobe is a 50/50, I like Kobe, personally. And I am speaking as a "Showtime" Lakers' fan who has never lived in California. Vince? Fuck him, give him a dollar, I am SO waiting to see him traded to a shittier team, even though EVERY team in the eastern conference seems Junior Varsity compared to the west.

02-13-2007, 10:29 PM
you guys are SLEEEEEPING!!! forgot about the ReIgN MaN, SHAWN KEMP. best dunker ever in life.

edit: youtube link http://youtube.com/watch?v=OlAuCLFqjmY

02-13-2007, 11:37 PM
during his prime, one of the best game time dunkers, no doubt,
and then he got traded to cleveland, and then the lockout, and then he blew the fvck up, got sooo fat, basically ended his career...

02-14-2007, 10:00 AM
So, does that mean you agree with me Phil? lol, I personally don't like Kobe all that much going by his personality and private life - the ego, snobbery, hubris, cheating, etc. But we are talking basketball and on the court he's one of the best. Although I feel he's done a lot of maturing in the last couple of the years. The post Shaq lean years and rape accussation did him a lot of good getting him down from his pedestal imo.

The Boston game chants of MVP were surreal. Never in my wildest dreams would i have imagined it. I'd be ashamed if I were an old school Celtic fan to see that happen.

Hear Clevaland is actually shopping Carter around. Also hear the Lakers may trade Kwame and Farmar for Kidd. But it's all talk, I still remember the KG to Lakers rumors from last year.

Kemp was an awsome dunker in the same mold of a Dominique but also just a one dimensional player.

I would also add to the list of awsomeness the court to court monster dunks that Barkley used to have in his prime.

Fred Allen Burge
02-14-2007, 11:33 AM
Crap, Larry Bird was amazing, makes the other videos look pretty weak.


02-14-2007, 12:07 PM
another off topic,

anyone remember larry bird vs mj video game,
this is for really old skool folks, lol... graphics is like atari pixels, jordan only has couple different dunks

Got Sileighty?
02-14-2007, 03:34 PM
PRECISELY!!! Impress me, break off 3 motherfuckers at the top of the key with a crossover that you almost shake yourself with, then cap it off by placing Patrick Ewing, Dikembe Mutombo, Yao Ming, Alonzo Mourning or whomever your victim will be in a poster.

... damn, I just realized how much Dominique this conversation lacks.

im at work right now so i cant find it, but vince did that exact same thing to Zo last year i believe. he spun or crossover-ed from the elbow, then jumped, cocked back and posterized zo.

anyway, im not a big vince fan either but i would have to say that hes DEFINITELY the best dunker of the three.

02-14-2007, 04:05 PM
I don't think Vince is the best out of the 3. He may be the most flambouyant, but the best I think belongs to MJ. I'm pretty sure MJ and Kobe can do the dunks Carter does, when no one is guarding them. Most of MJ's and Kobe's dunks are in-game and against defenders, not free dunks.

Got Sileighty?
02-14-2007, 05:18 PM
but that doesnt necessarily make them the best dunkers, does it?

one of the best dunks i ever saw in an nba game was carter vs indiana. back when they still had rik smits. carter took off from the right baseline, avoided smits' blk attempt with a pump, came out the other side of the basket and dunked it in reverse. i wish someone would post a video of that.

02-14-2007, 07:05 PM
So, does that mean you agree with me Phil? lol, I personally don't like Kobe all that much going by his personality and private life - the ego, snobbery, hubris, cheating, etc. But we are talking basketball and on the court he's one of the best. Although I feel he's done a lot of maturing in the last couple of the years. The post Shaq lean years and rape accussation did him a lot of good getting him down from his pedestal imo.

The Boston game chants of MVP were surreal. Never in my wildest dreams would i have imagined it. I'd be ashamed if I were an old school Celtic fan to see that happen.

Hear Clevaland is actually shopping Carter around. Also hear the Lakers may trade Kwame and Farmar for Kidd. But it's all talk, I still remember the KG to Lakers rumors from last year.

Kemp was an awsome dunker in the same mold of a Dominique but also just a one dimensional player.

I would also add to the list of awsomeness the court to court monster dunks that Barkley used to have in his prime.
Yes, I very much agree, the chants of MVP from an "arch nemesis" - level opposing club's fans is damn near enough to make one escape a tear or 3. I don't think Kobe cried, though, because he had extramarital affairs with a young white woman and has no conscience or soul (kidding about the conscience/soul part, I think).

... Hey, where is Gilbert Arenas' dunk reel? Wait, he doesn't have one

02-14-2007, 07:07 PM
but that doesnt necessarily make them the best dunkers, does it?

one of the best dunks i ever saw in an nba game was carter vs indiana. back when they still had rik smits. carter took off from the right baseline, avoided smits' blk attempt with a pump, came out the other side of the basket and dunked it in reverse. i wish someone would post a video of that.
Actually, yes it does...
Tracy McGrady too, back when he had a back that worked like it was supposed to. Again, I say; show me some spectacular shit while being defended without using a hip or forearm to your advantage.

02-14-2007, 11:03 PM
Now P, I'm sure you watched the VC reel. Go back and watch it again, lol. VC took the ball all the way down the court, Threw the ball off the backboard and slammed the ish out of the ball. No hip.... No forearm...

Remember this thread is for dunks, not overall player. I DO think VC is the better dunker. However, I DO NOT think he is the best player. That belongs to the man who's jersey is hanging in the Bulls Arena..... #23.

In closing this is the best thread I've been a part of in a while. P, I'd like to thank you for creating it, and all of your contributions.


Got Sileighty?
02-14-2007, 11:39 PM
show me some spectacular shit while being defended without using a hip or forearm to your advantage.

#2,5,6 of the vince clip shows that....as for dunking on people, im sorry i dont think thats what makes someone the "best" dunker. if that was the only criteria, then maybe shaq is the best?

02-15-2007, 12:21 AM
shaq during his rapping/movie days, he punishes everyone, including several backboards

02-15-2007, 03:30 AM
anyone heard of kadour ziani? his 5'11 with mad bungees. just watch the video.

mj dunks are finese. it got creatvity. same goes with vc. but vc got some hops. its all about the vertical leap.

02-21-2007, 06:25 PM
kobe is my man!