View Full Version : Paypal Sucks!!!!

02-10-2007, 11:59 AM
hey guys I don't post much on the forums since I more of searcher. But after my recent dealings with paypal trying to buy some car parts I feel I must share my experience. And hopefully will turn some people away from using paypal in the future.

recently I tried purchasing a part from australia. So i figure paypal should be relatively safe way to send money overseas with some type of protection. Well i send the money using paypal intending to use my credit card. Unfortunately I hastily clicked the send money link without changing the primary funding source to credit card. immediately I tried canceling the transaction, but alas there is no link to be found. I try the search in the help page, and I get and hit to a topic that can help me. But once I click that topic it sends me straight to the main help page. At this point I am thinking crap I have to use the table of contents on the left hand side to find that topic. Well after 20 min of searching I cannot find it and I give up.

I email the seller to please refund the money so i can resend it with my card. unfortunately since he's in australia and im in the u.s it take a little over a day to refund the money. Now the great part is, is that according to paypal if it has been over a day, all currency conversions are applicable even though the money hasn't even been sent yet. So when I get the refund i am out $37 because of the difference in buy sell rate and change in currency conversion. At this point i am pretty pissed, but I get over it.

So the next day i check my bank account and notice that I freakin got charged a $30 overdraft fee. So basically the backup credit card I have on profile is not used to provide extra funds... now again i go to the help page and try and find some clarity on the situation. i search up overdraft, and find a topic that looks like it has the answer I need. I try and click it and again I am sent back to the help home page. Just f'in great. So I spend another 20 minutes searching through the helps contents trying to find that topic, but again come up empty.

Understand at this point I am mad that I lost $67 because I accidently clicked the link to fast, but this is not why I hate paypal. I hate paypal because there site provides no support when I need it. Now your probably thinking why not call them and ask them? I did and spent 30 min on hold and never got to talk to a rep. So as a last ditch effort to simply get an answer I try emailing them. I Finish writing about two paragraphs and click send. But instead of sending I get "Your session has timed out" and everything I just wrote disappears. [email protected]$king son of a f#$#$ing bitch!!!!!! At this point I am completely fed up and vow never to use paypal again.

Some of you might think that this is just bad luck, and i do partially agree. But a lot of this is because of paypals lack of customer support. Now ask yourself how safe do you feel when a company that has access to your bank account and credit cards has bad customer service. These people can royally screw you if the wanted. So rather than give them yet another chance to f me I officially denounce paypal and hope all of you do the same. Do a search of paypal sucks and you will see all the other horrible stories of paypal. /* end rant*/

02-10-2007, 12:11 PM
i know exaclty how you feel. similar thing happened to me using a card that no longer in use that i forgot to update. as rich as paypal is, i'd figure they should have a decent customer service over the phones like bofa or wamu does.

02-10-2007, 12:20 PM
call your bank and ask to reverse the overdraft fees. If it is your first one, then they will usually let you slide.

02-10-2007, 12:22 PM
It's just $63...and honestly, i'd be pissed if I lost that since that's a good date with the lady and some booze...but it wasn't really their fault.

Learn a lesson, take your time with things next time.

I feel you on it though, i'd be pissed. But don't let it ruin your day...it's just some money.

02-10-2007, 12:23 PM
call your bank and ask to reverse the overdraft fees. If it is your first one, then they will usually let you slide.

Yeah this guy at my work had about $200 in it and they just told him to not do it again.

$200 isn't even chump change to them...that's that penny you see on the sidewalk you don't feel like picking up.

02-10-2007, 12:25 PM
Exactly way I stay clear of paypal now. They have NO support or 1-800 line. Ever notice that? They withheld $400 for 6 months from me. They have this 180 day waiting period and I was livid. -99 for Paypal. *a

02-10-2007, 12:36 PM
paypal is fine for payments. ive had issues and did get my money back.(forgot how long it took)

but seriously, you sent the money overseas, used the wrong card, and i dont even know what else but it was your own mistake just live and learn.

at least you werent scammed out of your money.

anyway i get pissed off sometimes too and make hate threads like this haha

Unholy S14
02-10-2007, 12:40 PM
paypal does suck

i got scammed out of 700 bucks and they didnt do shit.

so now i gotta go through the FBI because some fuck in Colorado springs doesnt wanna give me my money back.

02-10-2007, 11:05 PM
i got scammed for 350 dollars and i got my money back

02-11-2007, 05:18 AM
paypal does suck

i got scammed out of 700 bucks and they didnt do shit.

so now i gotta go through the FBI because some fuck in Colorado springs doesnt wanna give me my money back.



02-11-2007, 09:39 AM
Paypal and I have had our disagreements in the past but when I did get scammed I got my money back. Everytime I needed to know anything I called them and they explained it to me.

02-12-2007, 03:25 AM
yeah i totally realize it was my fault that i lost the money. I can accept that. My reason for being pissed off is because of their lack of support. i mean I literally spent hours searching through their help section, and could not get any accurate info from it. A lot of it is very vague or not there. A good company, especially one that deals with your money, should provide enough info and support so you don't make mistakes. On the other hand it almost seems like paypal wants you to make mistakes. Like I said, i've tried calling them and nothing.

but you know what pisses me off the most is that because of all this crap they put a hold on my account. That means I can no longer pull money out. I find it really interesting that they can deposit money, withdraw money, and put a hold on my account, but can't check the balance of it before withdrawing money. By the way, this isn't the first time they've held my account. Wait till it happens to you and you'll understand my frustration

02-12-2007, 06:55 AM
i bought my 240 with paypal at the guys house by sending an e check. they thought i was getting ripped off so when i got home about 500 miles away, i got a call asking why i retracted payment. had to send a bunch of id proof n shit. at least i wouldnt get ripped tho

02-12-2007, 08:18 AM
Paypal does suck.

For some reason, you cannot be both "verified" and have a credit card as your default funding source.

I also got into some trouble with my old bank:

I was verified thru an account that had no money in it - i figured, oh, the bank will deny the charges and the credit card will be used to fund automatically . . . . wrong!

- the bank accepted the charge, hit me with a 33% interest charge, and let those charges build up . .