View Full Version : bracket to mount single cam AC comp on SR

02-08-2007, 09:14 AM
I've seen mention of these on other forums, but have never actually seen one. Does anyone know of a source for the bracket to mount a single cam AC compressor onto an SR? I'm dropping one in to a 94 hardbody pickup, formerly single cam. The truck has a practically new, fully charged and working, AC system, that I'd rather not break down and rebuild if I can avoid it.

Any leads are appreciated.


02-08-2007, 03:25 PM
Seen them but they've been custom one of deals. As far as I know, no one mass produces them. I tried talking a buddy that works at a machine shop into making them but he's a pothead and I'm too lazy = fail.

Another solution would be to use the SR pump and have the lines spliced by a willing and competent AC shop, then recharge the system. There is one here in Gardena that does it - I know, lot of help that'd do you.

Good luck.

02-09-2007, 08:31 AM
Thanks. I've already looked at the SR comp route, and that's definitely an option. It would just be nice to use what I already have, that works.

I figured the brackets would be limited production, at best, I was just hoping someone either had them for sale, or had at least gone down this road before, and could share the design.
