View Full Version : when removing KA to replace w/ SR, what should be kept?

02-07-2007, 06:18 PM
i am taking the ka out of my 97 s14 and was wondering if there was anything in particular i should keep for when i put the sr in?
thanks for any good info in advance,

steve shadows
02-07-2007, 06:43 PM
I would keep your heater core, run the heater lines etc.

I mean what do you mean? Like specifically?

The AC depends on region. On a nice 97 like yours I would keep the AC unit up front (looks like rad) and all the lines and just recharge the system and use it.

You could keep the charchoal cnaster too although I havent used one on an sr ever hmmm :rolleyes:

Clean up the wiring while your in there and upgrade to z32 fuel filter, a little bigger and sold at your local auto parts store.

Change the motor mounts to SR nismo or better imo also.

02-07-2007, 06:59 PM
what i mean is, anything from the engine or engine bay i should keep. thanks for the few you mentioned sir!

steve shadows
02-07-2007, 07:05 PM
Yeah for sure.

I remove heater cores and all the assemblies under dash on the cars i seriously RACE. Daily driver I keep everything.

If your car is not a weekend car (like my SR car is pretty much) then keep as much as you can,and just focus on a torque friendly drivetrain/engine/turbo.

The ladies will love 330 ft lbs of trq (later down the road) wiht AC, Heater and your warm hand on their thigh than 500 hp and loud bumping insanity.

unless you date the crazy cali chicks haha. used to brah-mobiles.

02-07-2007, 07:10 PM
no, the beezies i bring around complain already, and i have stock interior.