View Full Version : Spware and Adware Software

02-04-2007, 05:26 PM
download.com has many programs but are all trials..or have limitiations..
for example, it can find the problems but can fix them...SUX right.
so what are you guys using...
or do you know any other sites for this stuff

post it up....im pretty sure others could use this too.

02-04-2007, 05:27 PM
NOD32(anti virus)

It works well.

02-04-2007, 05:29 PM
Spybot Search and Destroy
Ad Aware SE
Spyware Blaster

All free from download.com and have been working great for the last few years.

02-04-2007, 06:06 PM
pestpatrol is the one ive been using. works pretty good for me

02-04-2007, 10:00 PM
I have ad aware for adware/spyware for a while now, but I am too far gone with Norton (and know someone who has gotten it for me free since 2005) to use anything else for that.

02-04-2007, 10:12 PM
I've been working in IT for six years and I use Ad-Aware SE Personal and Spybot Search & Destroy. Both are free downloads with free updates, they will detect and CLEAN fairly decently, I use them both regularly in our installation of thousands of PCs at the University of Washington. Good luck with the cleaning, might just be time to blow the thing away and start over...

02-04-2007, 10:18 PM
I use BazookaScanner.

Tells you how to remove it manually if all else fails.

02-04-2007, 10:24 PM
like listed above...ive always gone with spybot search and destroy

02-04-2007, 10:33 PM
all you need to do is find a version (legal is fine) of Spyware doctor 4.0 and DL it. Save to your pc and go ahead and add a 'start up icon' on your desktop. Install the program...

Once you have this done...check back and I'll provide you with the cracked log name and password.

if its ok with the mods

02-04-2007, 10:38 PM
all you need to do is find a version (legal is fine) of Spyware doctor 4.0 and DL it. Save to your pc and go ahead and add a 'start up icon' on your desktop. Install the program...

Once you have this done...check back and I'll provide you with the cracked log name and password.

if its ok with the mods
no torrents or anything else I know to not be legal, fine by me

02-04-2007, 10:40 PM
once you have the spyware doctor 4.0

open the program and select "register"

the name is

Jerryl Trammell

the code is:


Copy and paste...

you might want to hurry, these dont last forever....

once you have this, your in....go ahead and do a "FULL version scan" and it'll find whatevers fucked up in your pc...and select to remove it....

02-05-2007, 08:05 AM
I use BazookaScanner.

Tells you how to remove it manually if all else fails.

^^ Same here. I use it at work to get rid of crap on peoples computers that Adaware and M$ Antispyware don't get. It's saved me many times.

02-05-2007, 11:03 AM
Spybot Search and Destroy
Ad Aware SE
AVG Free

If you're still having problems or just want to be really safe use ZoneAlarm. Awesome firewall program

02-05-2007, 11:10 AM
I use:


AVG Anti-virus and Firewall
Norton Firewall

ZoneAlarm was good when it first came out, but after it started crashing both of my computers. This was 2 years ago. I haven't used it since.

02-05-2007, 01:38 PM
I use common sense... has worked for me for the last couple of years. *knocks on wood*

02-05-2007, 02:35 PM
The best advice I can give is;

#1 - Don't use internet explorer, It is a gaping security hole. They "fixed" it many times but it's still a portal for viruses. Firefox is far superior in lots of ways including security IMO
#2 - Update your windows security patches before you do anything on a new or freshly formatted computer. Windows just like their internet explorer is full of leaks and you need to get them patched ASAP.

Those two things combined = No viruses for 2 years

02-05-2007, 10:42 PM
thanks for all the input...my comp has been [email protected]#[email protected] up cuz of that...

02-05-2007, 10:43 PM
once you have the spyware doctor 4.0

open the program and select "register"

the name is

Jerryl Trammell

the code is:


Copy and paste...

you might want to hurry, these dont last forever....

once you have this, your in....go ahead and do a "FULL version scan" and it'll find whatevers fucked up in your pc...and select to remove it....
this right here is a real fellow friend zilvian...thanx man.

02-05-2007, 11:23 PM
I use common sense... has worked for me for the last couple of years. *knocks on wood*

That's the best protection. I barely ever scan my computer, but when I do I never have problems. Don't go searching for crackz, warez, free porn, etc etc. Those sites are plagued with bad shit. Don't just click shit. If you're not sure, don't click it.

I've given into buying most of my software instead of trying to get it free and that has saved me a lot of hassle. Trying to get it free usually end's with the same result = :madfawk:

And yes, get Firefox. I can say browsing has been much more secure since I started using it. Also, a lot of the add-ins are awesome for it.

02-05-2007, 11:37 PM
yeah but i share with my whole family....they dont know what they're doing..so yeah..just trying to protect mine...thanks though.