View Full Version : bush was right

02-01-2007, 09:51 PM
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bad video, no one thought its funny, i failed, never mind

02-01-2007, 09:57 PM
errr... creative?

02-01-2007, 10:22 PM
I guess he was right. But then again, if the video said bush was wrong, i'd beleive that too.

02-01-2007, 10:28 PM
I thought it was catchy, wouldn't make me vote anymore than I already would.

LookOut Nick
02-01-2007, 10:37 PM
its pure shit. we didnt start the fire by billy joel scope it.uninspired. not creative fail

02-02-2007, 11:51 PM

Spanish for garbage.

You have just been cultured.

02-03-2007, 12:22 AM
^ every day with you is a wonderful day...lol

02-03-2007, 01:46 AM
except you didn't have a day with me.. 'cuz you flake and lie!

02-03-2007, 03:22 PM
That video was shite...not to mention utterly wrong.

I wonder if that's the song the Republican National Commitee sings before they engage their right-wing, circle jerks.

02-03-2007, 03:50 PM
eh. i have to say that most people are getting veary fanatical over a veary mediocre president. he's not good, but he's not that demon that the media makes him out to be either

02-03-2007, 10:29 PM
bush can suck my cock all day long. I guess this stupid video is a pure joke cuz....... he's probably one of the stupidest person alive in this fucking country. He's just manipulating the public opinion like no one ever did. I guess it's a damn texas redneck who did this video....

02-04-2007, 10:48 AM
i can say for a fact that the media is manipulating public opinion in about Iraq. those people are happy and helpful for the most part. they like making money off us and haveing us there to back them up cause they can't for themselves.

02-04-2007, 11:23 AM
How can you say for a fact? Sources? I dont want to see "the drudge report" articles on it either? Its simply chaos, suicide bombing a couple days ago?

Someone could just as easily make a Bush was Wrong video.


02-04-2007, 12:17 PM
am i the only person sense the sacarism of the video?

02-04-2007, 01:02 PM
there is no sarcasm in it, its meant to portray a message of patriotism and pride that none of the media believing, leftist people on this forum are able to understand... yes its lame and underdeveloped, but its the truth, but who needs truth when they have the media?

02-04-2007, 09:00 PM
yeah dude... i'm pretty sure it wasn't being sarcastic at all

steve shadows
02-04-2007, 09:06 PM

Spanish for garbage.

You have just been cultured.

uh oook

IMO its pretty cool. Although his policy is not perfect it has effected the most change in the entire world than any other single presidents actions. Sometimes if you want to make an omlet you have to break some eggs. But hey I also Lean Right so ya know...:coolugh:

02-04-2007, 09:12 PM
so they found a few crumbs in the bottom of the barrel about bush...i still think they listed only about 2-3% of what the bush regime (yes, im saying regime) did, the other 97-98% is of them screwing up and trying to screw over the american people.

02-04-2007, 09:21 PM
yes, affecting the world militarily...

02-04-2007, 10:33 PM
How can you say for a fact? Sources? I dont want to see "the drudge report" articles on it either? Its simply chaos, suicide bombing a couple days ago?

Someone could just as easily make a Bush was Wrong video.


I can say for a fact because i lived in iraq for almost a year. what happens over there and what the media says happens over there are two differant things.

I experienced Iraq first hand so i know. i don't have to rely on mis information that i see on the TV. It is damn shocking to be honest, if they can spin this incident this mutch, i wonder about anyhting i hear from mass media.

02-05-2007, 10:03 AM
I can say for a fact because i lived in iraq for almost a year. what happens over there and what the media says happens over there are two differant things.

I experienced Iraq first hand so i know. i don't have to rely on mis information that i see on the TV. It is damn shocking to be honest, if they can spin this incident this mutch, i wonder about anyhting i hear from mass media.

no one will ever listen, they think it must be true if it was on the news, i guess i better believe everything i see on TV!

mass media wants a story, the left wants the white house... welcome to politics and everyday life, altering your view since 1776

02-05-2007, 10:38 AM
I can say for a fact because i lived in iraq for almost a year. what happens over there and what the media says happens over there are two differant things.

I experienced Iraq first hand so i know. i don't have to rely on mis information that i see on the TV. It is damn shocking to be honest, if they can spin this incident this mutch, i wonder about anyhting i hear from mass media.

Cool, you did your time and you have first hand knowledge. I can appreciate that. But remember, there just as many people that spent their time over there that have completely different experiences.

no one will ever listen, they think it must be true if it was on the news, i guess i better believe everything i see on TV!

mass media wants a story, the left wants the white house... welcome to politics and everyday life, altering your view since 1776.

Riiiiight...I mean, all media outlets are nothing but the left's misinformation policy at work. Except if it's FOX News, then it must be true. After all, their slogan is Fair and Balanced. Give me a break.

I have no doubt that we're doing a lot of good things over there. No doubt about it. But the fact remains, there's still a civil war over there, and as much good as we're doing we still haven't solved the problem. If we did, you wouldn't hear about carbombs and suicide bombers killing dozens of people everyday.

The reason the bad news is portrayed more often is to remind people that the problem that is Iraq has not been solved. What would rather have them do, ignore all the crap that is happening over there? Out of sight, out of mind?

Perhaps, from now the news should always start out, "with nothing eventful happened today. Everything's working fine. Tune in tomorrow for the same message."

The media's purpose to relay information. And guess what, information about things that aren't working like they should not only gets more ratings, but it's more important as well. It lets people know that there are issues that need to be fixed.

Look, the fundamental problem in Iraq isn't that United States isn't spending billions of dollars improving the infrastructure over there. The problem is that Iraq lacks any sort of stability or security. Even in areas that we do manage to stabilize, after a few months the situation deterioates again. For example, Al Anbar in Iraq was largely secured by US forces in 2004 and remained so until early 2006. Once units were shifted to other parts of Iraq, mainly Baghdad, everything flared up again.

But surely, this is just the mainstream media's political bias at play; or not.

"the prospects for securing that country's western Anbar province are dim and. . . there is almost nothing the U.S. military can do to improve the political and social situation there. reporting that there are no functioning Iraqi government institutions in Anbar, leaving a vacuum that has been filled by the insurgent group al-Qaeda in Iraq, which has become the province's most significant political force,. . . Another person familiar with the report said it describes Anbar as beyond repair; a third said it concludes that the United States has lost in Anbar."

That's from an analysis conducted by the USMC.

And there are many more.

In the end, it doesn't matter if you're left, right, center, blue or red. What matters is that there is a problem in Iraq, and all the denial in the world isn't going to change that. Let's find out what the problem is and focus on that instead of blaming the media for everything.

In my personal opinion, too many in the pro-war crowd blame the media for our failures in Iraq, which makes no sense what-so-ever. If the media were so powerful as to determine the future of entire nations maybe we should disband the military and funnel all the DoD's money into the media.

02-05-2007, 10:46 AM
Although his policy is not perfect it has effected the most change in the entire world than any other single presidents actions.

Bullshit. Proof? Statistics?

Thats what I thought.

02-05-2007, 01:29 PM
he and his cabinet have done a lot, no question about it... but that's not what's in question; his ethics are.

02-05-2007, 03:39 PM
sure they've done a lot....a lot of good, or a lot of bad?

02-05-2007, 05:41 PM
I love lamp

I like pie

02-05-2007, 05:46 PM
and at this point all i see coming out of this is a stalemate.

but can't we all agree on something? like County Music sucks?

steve shadows
02-05-2007, 05:48 PM
Bullshit. Proof? Statistics?

Thats what I thought.

I would ask the same to you.

If we left Afghanistan alone and did not step up a major counter-intellegence swing to counter further attacks you think we would still be safe as we have been or should I say lucky with regards to strikes on US interests foriegn and abroad?

I would say that Berkely has gone to your head as pretty much everyone who rolls in that town is.

I am an open thinker, who leans right. Bush was wrong about a lot but he was also right (maybe not him but his cabinent and people around him).

The middle east is a road bump compared to the true global issues ahead.

We're entering a new cold war and global econmic down spiral centering on our cultural disegagment with resolve and integrity and China's thirst for Oil.

But either way Im voting Obama just to be different lol.

02-05-2007, 05:53 PM
The middle east is a road bump compared to the true global issues ahead.

We're entering a new cold war and global econmic down spiral centering on our cultural disegagment with resolve and integrity and China's thirst for Oil.

The arms race and such is already on the way, its gonna be interesting to see how the rest of our lives play out internationally

02-05-2007, 07:12 PM
I would ask the same to you.

If we left Afghanistan alone and did not step up a major counter-intellegence swing to counter further attacks you think we would still be safe as we have been or should I say lucky with regards to strikes on US interests foriegn and abroad?

I would say that Berkely has gone to your head as pretty much everyone who rolls in that town is.

I am an open thinker, who leans right. Bush was wrong about a lot but he was also right (maybe not him but his cabinent and people around him).

The middle east is a road bump compared to the true global issues ahead.

We're entering a new cold war and global econmic down spiral centering on our cultural disegagment with resolve and integrity and China's thirst for Oil.

But either way Im voting Obama just to be different lol.

You would say much to say Berkeley has gotten to my head. I'm not studying politics, I'm studying Engineering. I don't even read the news. So no, Berkeley has no effect on my political views.

You wanna know how I know there was a president before with more impact on the world than Mr. Bush?


Its all cool that he sets up the Counter Intelligence AFTER the fact that 9/11 threats and info was ignored..

and who said anything about my opinion? maybe I meant the video/song was garbage Mr presumptuous. (which it is)

Im just saying, if you're gonna make a statement like the one you made.. add some proof.

No need to make it personal. ;)

steve shadows
02-06-2007, 12:59 AM
i make everything personal

personally sexy yayayayayayayayay :keke:

gosh im ghey

sup my main men

elect me your world leader

make your time!