View Full Version : VH1 airs Nick Hogan drifting episode tonight...

01-28-2007, 05:32 PM
They're going to air the episode of Hogan Knows Best on VH1 where Nick Hogan decides to become a drifter. Hehe. Gonna check it out to see how the road to drifting is for the rich, and see where he eats the wall in the Viper. :keke:

Airing 10pm and 12am ET tonight.

Jimmy Up
01-28-2007, 05:40 PM
i was at irwindale with my buddy on that day. little hogan blamed it all on the car, because the team mopar viper built for drifting is not capable of handling all his talent. im definitely watching again tonight.

01-28-2007, 05:50 PM
i heard he totaled 5 vipers.

01-28-2007, 05:52 PM
I watched the sneak peek already and so far everything you have all said is wrong. I wont spoil it for you guys, it was interesting to watch and you could tell he wasnt really welcomed by the competition.

01-28-2007, 06:00 PM
from what i saw in the clips they show on tv. It looks like that dumbass just went srtaight in to the wall like head on. Oh well poor car. I like his family's reaction "Omg our 16 year old son who we just put behined a 800hp car just smacked in too the wall!.....oh No and it was real hard!" oh gosh, yeah i have too watch that. I wonder if he had his grill in when he was drifting.

01-28-2007, 06:01 PM

god that show is starting to piss me off...

01-28-2007, 07:40 PM

Life can throw you a curve ball every once in a while, and despite having all the money in the world; sometimes things just cant be bought.

01-28-2007, 08:08 PM
there was a big thread on drifting.com about it. there had been problems with the steering rack binding up. there was also a post of him linking the course a few times. as well.

01-28-2007, 08:25 PM
Glad I saw this thread, I just turned it on. What a tard... Not as easy as it looked in Tokyo Drift now was it hot shot?

01-28-2007, 08:32 PM
"I've decided that I want to become a drift racer"

LookOut Nick
01-28-2007, 08:42 PM
God so much hate on him... AWESOME

01-28-2007, 08:46 PM
God so much hate on him... AWESOME

Is that you Nick Hogan? haha, jk :aw:

01-28-2007, 08:46 PM
there was a big thread on drifting.com about it. there had been problems with the steering rack binding up. there was also a post of him linking the course a few times. as well.

Fuck that, did you watch the show????? It's called understeer. If the guy would of pulled up the damn e-brake, it wouldn't of heppened. That shit straight up pissed me off!!!! Hogan made one call to the dodge rep and Nick was in the drivers seat of the Mopar Viper. That shit must be nice. The other drifters were NOT happy about it. Nick didn't get any respect from those guys. He understeered twice into the same corner. It shows the in car video where he has the wheel turned all the way to the left and the car is going straight. Then he snapped the damn nuckle, I think, and hogan called the dodge dealership, and drove off with a new viper just to use the parts. If we only had it that easy.....

01-28-2007, 08:55 PM
Another example of Failorida.

LookOut Nick
01-28-2007, 09:01 PM
Is that you Nick Hogan? haha, jk :aw:

yeah..i am trying to get my d1 liscence still :2f2f: insert sweet photochop...o wait i dont have photoshop any more...sadface

A Spec Products
01-28-2007, 09:30 PM
People are just jealous.

Anyway you slice it, its just envy.

01-28-2007, 09:36 PM
I was there at irwindale, he never cleanly linked the course. If he didnt spin out he understeer on every run. If you watch both videos from drifting.com they never show him on the inner bank...

He initiated drift 3/4 way through the first bank and would spin out on the inner bank. If you know drifting and irwindale.... unless you have a 120-200hp corolla you gotta smoke the whole bank. And spinning on the inner bank after the second clipping point... no car control.

Jimmy Up
01-28-2007, 09:36 PM
I watched the sneak peek already and so far everything you have all said is wrong. I wont spoil it for you guys, it was interesting to watch and you could tell he wasnt really welcomed by the competition.

i was there, and he only jacked up one viper...but thats one too many

01-28-2007, 09:51 PM
Yea i watched the show. He is bad but he def needs to start off in a lower hp car. I guess he already got his D1 license. He has a myspace showing what cars he has and stuff. myspace.com/hogandrift.

01-28-2007, 09:58 PM
Yea i watched the show. He is bad but he def needs to start off in a lower hp car. I guess he already got his D1 license. He has a myspace showing what cars he has and stuff. myspace.com/hogandrift.

No... he has a provisional formula D licence. He basically got it by default, all the other drivers he beat out in the pro am series either crashed out or burnt out or ran out of funds(tires). He went into one tandem battle... dude has no tandem skills. I think he went up against aRB S14.... only running mid 300hp. Couldn't even hang.

Dude shoulda started with a less hp vehicle and needs to start hanging out with just regular up and coming drivers. Go to some local practices, not just qualifiers for pros.

Oh yea, the provisional licence is only good for 3 pro events. Meaning if he qualifies top 32 in any of those 3 events he has a full licence... cool huh lol. I doubt he will ever qualify.

01-28-2007, 10:00 PM
Why the hell are you guys STILL clammoring about Nick Hogan. There are ALOT worse drivers here on these boards. Some even talking about Nick.

I don't give a damn.

Just shut up.

01-28-2007, 10:30 PM
that driving instructor almost hit hulk-wife's car. bahhaha

01-28-2007, 10:33 PM
How much practice did he actually get? It seemed like he did pretty good for his first qualifying event, also it maybe wasnt him just the show director but it seemed like he was reflecting his snobby rich boy side a lot. Wish I was rich like that

Baka Sama
01-28-2007, 10:35 PM
Can we please talk about something a little more serious???

Like......... How hot his sister is!!!! WOOT!!!!!11!!!1!


LookOut Nick
01-28-2007, 10:40 PM
she's hiding a dick under that skirt ...a shriveled yet muscular dick passed on by the hulksters steroid enhanced sperm

Jimmy Up
01-28-2007, 10:44 PM
i did kinda feel bad for him when he complimented that guy for doing his own tech and got a weewee slap to the face with "you got a free Viper" all in all, i was entertained.

01-28-2007, 10:51 PM
hmm... gotta check that out... i was at irwindale that day.

LookOut Nick
01-28-2007, 10:52 PM
I am guilty of the same thing...I tend to talk down to kids that are 15, its a bad habit i developed when I was working as a lifeguard.I was a punk at 15 too so.. You never know they could have edited and chopped the guys words together to make it extra harsh.

01-28-2007, 11:02 PM
Why the hell are you guys STILL clammoring about Nick Hogan. There are ALOT worse drivers here on these boards. Some even talking about Nick.

Sorry dude but most of the people on this board who are worst then nick and even some of the dudes better then nick aren't trying to be professional drifters with there lack of skill. Hes not even trying to make a attempt to be a good amature. He comes on the scene with nooooo skill other then knowing how to drive a car on a street, he has a full sponsor with a full team. I really expect better from someone who loves the sport, why stink up the sport with your lack of skill? You love the sport right? If you love the sport why don't you go to all events, local practice events... support the amature side of the sport. Step your game up, your not going to get better driving with people you cant compete with skill wise.

01-28-2007, 11:16 PM
Saw the episode. He did better than I thought. The car's power did overwhelm him. He has the ability to get better though from more track time.

01-28-2007, 11:27 PM
haha, i saw quite a few people i know on there.

The guy under the greenish blue s14 is Roy (lonely_driver)

01-28-2007, 11:31 PM
hmm... gotta check that out... i was at irwindale that day.

lol i saw your car in the parking lot

01-28-2007, 11:39 PM
hmm well the episode just finished. kind of wierd how he got the mopar viper just after one phone call.

i was really entertained when everyone else in the pits was bashing him, but I thought the guy who nick talked to seemed a little bit harsh and could've handled the conversation a bit differently (unless it was all editing).

01-28-2007, 11:49 PM
I like how hogan said, he was proud of how hard he worked for it an it did'nt come easy. wow being a daddy boy is kinda hard you know.

01-29-2007, 12:07 AM
I lol'd at that episode.

Im not personaly offended on how celebrity's offspring automaticly have a higher position,

but I know if I competing against him, I would like him to be in a diffrent class, maybe one with like Will Smith's son, and Keanu Reeves's son or something :keke:

for others, review this disscussion.



01-29-2007, 12:20 AM
from what i saw in the clips they show on tv. It looks like that dumbass just went srtaight in to the wall like head on. Oh well poor car. I like his family's reaction "Omg our 16 year old son who we just put behined a 800hp car just smacked in too the wall!.....oh No and it was real hard!" oh gosh, yeah i have too watch that. I wonder if he had his grill in when he was drifting.
His first car was a 911whp Supra that he still owns :ugh:

I love how much shit he gets because of that damn show, he really isn't that bad over at Supraforums. I do hope you all realize they act that way on camera to make money, they aren't really like that in real life. He's actually pretty well down to earth.
hmm well the episode just finished. kind of wierd how he got the mopar viper just after one phone call.

i was really entertained when everyone else in the pits was bashing him, but I thought the guy who nick talked to seemed a little bit harsh and could've handled the conversation a bit differently (unless it was all editing).
One phone call? He was tested by Sam Hubinette before he got the Viper.

Christ, the kid has balls to go out and try and do something he likes while he is under the eye of every 'professional drift driver' on the forums and shit like that. I commend his ass. He is lucky enough to have a family that can support him so that he can try things he likes - I'm not afraid to admit I'm envious, you can bet your ass I would give near anything to be in his position.

01-29-2007, 12:29 AM
any updates on what hes doing now? still into drifting?

01-29-2007, 01:46 AM
whatever, that kid sucks, im not sayin gim better than him , but the spoiled fuck doesnt have to work and he is gettin all his shit payed for , with personal lessons from samuel hubbinett. and private track sessions and he keeps wreccking vipers. i dont like him, but ill watch, when i saw it the first time, i laughed for a week,.

01-29-2007, 02:36 AM
i talked to his dad at that event earlier in the day when drift day #33 was still going on, his dad said he started with a rental, then two s14's(nick says they "didnt work out") then he used his dads viper and now the mopar viper...apparently the two s14's didnt have enough power for him or something, w/e money buys you into events, but dosent buy talent

i dont go around claiming to be an all knowing drift god or anything, but clearly, piloting an 800 horsepower car isnt a good start

01-29-2007, 02:58 AM
whatever, that kid sucks, im not sayin gim better than him , but the spoiled fuck doesnt have to work and he is gettin all his shit payed for , with personal lessons from samuel hubbinett. and private track sessions and he keeps wreccking vipers. i dont like him, but ill watch, when i saw it the first time, i laughed for a week,.

so your saying if you had the chance to have your shit payed for and get private lessons from samuel hubinett..you wouldnt do it? hell i know i would lol.

01-29-2007, 04:03 AM
People are just jealous.

Anyway you slice it, its just envy.


Rogan speaks the truf

Hes going out and giving it all hes got, which is more than I can say for most of you guys. Dont hate on the guy just because he can afford what you only dream of doing.

01-29-2007, 04:32 AM
No... he has a provisional formula D licence. He basically got it by default, all the other drivers he beat out in the pro am series either crashed out or burnt out or ran out of funds(tires). He went into one tandem battle... dude has no tandem skills. I think he went up against aRB S14.... only running mid 300hp. Couldn't even hang.

Dude shoulda started with a less hp vehicle and needs to start hanging out with just regular up and coming drivers. Go to some local practices, not just qualifiers for pros.

Oh yea, the provisional licence is only good for 3 pro events. Meaning if he qualifies top 32 in any of those 3 events he has a full licence... cool huh lol. I doubt he will ever qualify.

All your info about FD proam nationals is incorrect. I was there. I got 4th and a full year FD pro license so I know first hand. Nick Hogan did pretty well towards the end of the event and earned himself that provisional license. A lot of people choked and some crashed but that's all a part of the game. Nobody ran out of tires because the pavement was brand new. You could make bald tires last all weekend.

As for him losing in tandem, no worries. You make it seem like the amount of hp reflects how well you should be able to compete in tandem. I'd like to see you get in an 800hp viper and enter full speed into a corner that is surrounded by a big wall and make it out alright. That was why he couldn't win in tandem. He doesn't have the confidence yet to enter a turn full throttle so he's not going to be able to keep up with the more experienced drivers. Hell, I lossed to david (the winner of the event) and he only has like 100whp in his corolla while I have 300whp. Sometimes you're on your game and sometimes your not. O yeah, and doing tandem battle is super difficult when you are driving against a much slower car. You have to time your drift much differently so that you don't hit the guy in front of you. You basically do everything different than what you are used to. How much pressure do you think nick hogan is under driving such an expensive automobile with walls surrounding him? I know I was damn scared so I drove a little more conservatively than I normally do.

Lastly, I doubt that nick hogan will do well in formula D this year but it's commendable that he legitimately earned his way into the series unlike the previous years where people could buy their way in. A lot of you guys sound like a bunch of jealous haters. If you wanna do FD, man up and enter the proam series this year and see where you end up. No excuses if you have stock motors either because the winner of last years event had a stock motor corolla. Slowest car you could possibly drive but he managed to bring the "A" game all weekend. Plenty of stock KA's out there as well.

This link below has all the info you need to know. If I have time to do this event, I'll be there because it's a ton of fun and I'll be one of the pros that you will compete with on sunday of this years national event.

01-29-2007, 04:38 AM
hes better than most of you so get off that haterdildo

anyways i was sad i didnt see me or any of my friends interviews on the show, but it was cool to watch none the less and my roomates got a kick out of it, first time i watched tv in about 5 years.

01-29-2007, 06:22 AM
no, nick.....sam hubinette is not the best drifter in the world right now.....

01-29-2007, 09:05 AM
Fucking thank you flybert!

TRUTH! hahaha.

01-29-2007, 09:09 AM
I think the kid has balls for drifting an 800hp viper. That would scare the shit out of me.

01-29-2007, 11:21 AM
I would imagine drifting that beast is not an easy task so props to him for that, but he sounds like a douche on his myspace site.

01-29-2007, 11:21 AM
Hes going out and giving it all hes got, which is more than I can say for most of you guys. Dont hate on the guy just because he can afford what you only dream of doing.

That's the damn truth. There isn't ANYONE on this forum that wouldn't be doing the same thing considering you were in teh same circumstances. Heck there isn't a guy here that (if given his money) wouldn't mod his car to shit with the most baller wheels and kits....

I learned a long time ago that life isn't fair, there will always be someone richer than you, and always people who get things handed to them....all 3 instances are circumstances for those of us who are not as fortunate to look at, evaluate, should stive to excel in even with lack of the 'ease'.

I know for a fact if I was rich and could, I'd be pimping some older 996 Turbo car....and there isn't anyone else there that would be doing differently (well car of choice obviously)

01-29-2007, 11:52 AM
All your info about FD proam nationals is incorrect. I was there. I got 4th and a full year FD pro license so I know first hand. Nick Hogan did pretty well towards the end of the event and earned himself that provisional license. A lot of people choked and some crashed but that's all a part of the game. Nobody ran out of tires because the pavement was brand new. You could make bald tires last all weekend.

As for him losing in tandem, no worries. You make it seem like the amount of hp reflects how well you should be able to compete in tandem. I'd like to see you get in an 800hp viper and enter full speed into a corner that is surrounded by a big wall and make it out alright. That was why he couldn't win in tandem. He doesn't have the confidence yet to enter a turn full throttle so he's not going to be able to keep up with the more experienced drivers. Hell, I lossed to david (the winner of the event) and he only has like 100whp in his corolla while I have 300whp. Sometimes you're on your game and sometimes your not. O yeah, and doing tandem battle is super difficult when you are driving against a much slower car. You have to time your drift much differently so that you don't hit the guy in front of you. You basically do everything different than what you are used to. How much pressure do you think nick hogan is under driving such an expensive automobile with walls surrounding him? I know I was damn scared so I drove a little more conservatively than I normally do.

Lastly, I doubt that nick hogan will do well in formula D this year but it's commendable that he legitimately earned his way into the series unlike the previous years where people could buy their way in. A lot of you guys sound like a bunch of jealous haters. If you wanna do FD, man up and enter the proam series this year and see where you end up. No excuses if you have stock motors either because the winner of last years event had a stock motor corolla. Slowest car you could possibly drive but he managed to bring the "A" game all weekend. Plenty of stock KA's out there as well.

This link below has all the info you need to know. If I have time to do this event, I'll be there because it's a ton of fun and I'll be one of the pros that you will compete with on sunday of this years national event.

So Nick didnt get a provisional licence, he didnt qualify on the bottom of top 16? And everyone else that didnt qualify on the second day didnt because they were not good enough. I was there too, you should know that a lot of good drivers didnt even make it into the second day because they crashed out or had engine problems.

And seriously man, me with my skill I would never go out and try to drift a 800hp viper. And if I did it wouldn't make me a better driver, it wouldn't make a man. It wouldn't give me a reason to look down upon other drivers (not saying nick did any of the sort). If I had the money and that name I would be smart and say no too mopar and build a 300HP S chassis.

He had a chance to do that also, he was in contact with a Florida base S chassis company (some of you know what I'm talking about but I wont name names, you really think he built those hi powered supras on his own..) but he opted on going with mopar and driving a 700hp viper. And yes, it is easy to drift a 700hp viper when your good. Sam didnt win overall last season because the car was a pos and hard to drift.

But seriously, I wish him all the luck. But there are too many drivers in formula drift anyway. There is like 50 something licence holders and only 32 competing in each event. I want to see the sport progress and saying to a driver with no skill 'yea you suck and tandem no biggie' ' yea your not consistent who cares' yet still giving him a factory backed team wont do anything for the sport.

You saw how pissed he was when he crashed and when he didnt qualify... did he really think he was going to beat out drivers who have been doing this for years? He shouldnt have been out there in the first place. Be humble, tell your self its not your time yet and get some more practice. Practice with people withing your own skill level, drive a car thats within your skill level. Take a peep into the reality box....

01-29-2007, 12:27 PM
it is easy to drift a 700hp viper when your good.

Easy to drift an 700hp viper

Sam didnt win overall last season because hard to drift.

Pro Rally driver didn't win because it wasn't easy to drift.

Inconclusion, shut the fuck up clown, you don't know what its like to drive an 700hp Viper.

01-29-2007, 12:59 PM
Nick's a good guy.

Pro drifting is ghey.

this thread is super ghey.

Pro-Am rocks.

Any questions?

01-29-2007, 01:02 PM
Do you???? I don't see why you guys are defending him. Ok, here is the deal... i've been in the sport for about 6 months. I go to, and compete in every event I can, and attend, and participate in every practice I can. I didn't just wake up one day and say, "you know, I wanna drift," and get behind the wheel of a 800hp car and try to slide it around the track at 60+ mph. No, I'm not "hating," but my point is he is NOT at the skill level of Sam H. And he shouldn't of expected to go out there and drive the car like Sam does. Yes, if I had the money, and the fame, I would take EVERY advantage that I could. BUT, BUT, BUT, BUT, he should of had the sense to know and understand that his skill level isn't up to par. I'm sure all of you know that the sport isn't easy, it takes time to work up your skill. I wouldn't even think about trying to qualify for Formula D. I don't expect to beat out the guys here that have been driving for 6+ years. I just think the whole situation is bullshit and he shouldn't expect to get ANY respect b/c of his actions. Nick Hogan or no Nick Hogan, you EARN respect in the sport, when YOU build YOUR car. If he would of build his own car, and came up through the proam series, he would of gotten respect.

01-29-2007, 01:19 PM
Do you???? I don't see why you guys are defending him. Ok, here is the deal... i've been in the sport for about 6 months. I go to, and compete in every event I can, and attend, and participate in every practice I can. I didn't just wake up one day and say, "you know, I wanna drift," and get behind the wheel of a 800hp car and try to slide it around the track at 60+ mph. No, I'm not "hating," but my point is he is NOT at the skill level of Sam H. And he shouldn't of expected to go out there and drive the car like Sam does. Yes, if I had the money, and the fame, I would take EVERY advantage that I could. BUT, BUT, BUT, BUT, he should of had the sense to know and understand that his skill level isn't up to par. I'm sure all of you know that the sport isn't easy, it takes time to work up your skill. I wouldn't even think about trying to qualify for Formula D. I don't expect to beat out the guys here that have been driving for 6+ years. I just think the whole situation is bullshit and he shouldn't expect to get ANY respect b/c of his actions. Nick Hogan or no Nick Hogan, you EARN respect in the sport, when YOU build YOUR car. If he would of build his own car, and came up through the proam series, he would of gotten respect.

i highly doubt that. then he wouldve gotten ripped on for having infinite amounts of money in his car and not working for a penny of it.

Listen, i dont know the kid but from what i see on tv he doesnt seem THAT bad for a rich 16 year old kid (ive seen more stuck up kids). although his last name was the reason he was given the chance to compete, i guaran-damn-tee you that if ur dad was able to get a free car for u to drift, u would do it. trust me, if my child has the opportunity to do some of the things that nick is doing b/c of my wealth then i will definitely promote the habit as long as they dont become too pigheaded.

01-29-2007, 01:25 PM
No, actually I wouldn't. There is a difference between taking a free S13/14, and taking a 800hp Viper. Come on man, are you serious? Would you put your kid with NO experience behind the wheel of a 800hp car? Why not take a decent car, do the work your damn self, and learn about the car???

01-29-2007, 01:26 PM
So Nick didnt get a provisional licence, he didnt qualify on the bottom of top 16? And everyone else that didnt qualify on the second day didnt because they were not good enough. I was there too, you should know that a lot of good drivers didnt even make it into the second day because they crashed out or had engine problems.

And seriously man, me with my skill I would never go out and try to drift a 800hp viper. And if I did it wouldn't make me a better driver, it wouldn't make a man. It wouldn't give me a reason to look down upon other drivers (not saying nick did any of the sort). If I had the money and that name I would be smart and say no too mopar and build a 300HP S chassis.

He had a chance to do that also, he was in contact with a Florida base S chassis company (some of you know what I'm talking about but I wont name names, you really think he built those hi powered supras on his own..) but he opted on going with mopar and driving a 700hp viper. And yes, it is easy to drift a 700hp viper when your good. Sam didnt win overall last season because the car was a pos and hard to drift.

But seriously, I wish him all the luck. But there are too many drivers in formula drift anyway. There is like 50 something licence holders and only 32 competing in each event. I want to see the sport progress and saying to a driver with no skill 'yea you suck and tandem no biggie' ' yea your not consistent who cares' yet still giving him a factory backed team wont do anything for the sport.

You saw how pissed he was when he crashed and when he didnt qualify... did he really think he was going to beat out drivers who have been doing this for years? He shouldnt have been out there in the first place. Be humble, tell your self its not your time yet and get some more practice. Practice with people withing your own skill level, drive a car thats within your skill level. Take a peep into the reality box....

You are wrong on so many levels.

First, if people crash and put themselves out of the competition, that's a part of the sport. You don't have to give it 10/10's in early rounds of amateur competitions. It's all strategy. I've won and placed well at a shitload of amateur comps because of this. At pro-am, we had 3 qualifying runs. My first one was conservative, second one was less conservative, and third was 100% taking it close to the wall. I slowly pushed myself closer and closer to the wall and got a really high score without risking slamming into the wall on my first run. Nick Hogan didn't crash and that's because he was driving conservatively. It works in amateur comps, especially where people are hyped up to get pro licenses and give it their all every run.

As for engine and drivetrain problems, if you don't maintain your car or choose the right parts for your drivetrain, you aren't gonna do well because you will break stuff. If you push it 100% in practice on a track like laughlin, you will kill your car eventually because of that big jump and the wall. It's all a part of the game. You have to know the limits of your driving and the abuse that your car will take. I've done 17 events now with my SR and I've never broken anything. I choose the right parts to get the job done. Sure there are clutches and turbos that will help me make more power but I chose reliability above all that, especially on a small budget like mine. It's all strategy and common sense.

As for him not doing anything for the sport, are you serious? Drifting is going mainstream due to people like him. More money goes into the sport, FD gets bigger and is now going to ESPN2, my friends in Formula D will make more money and people can actually make a living off of doing something they love so much. More people see it on TV and want to do it. More local events happen and the sport grows. More talented drivers pop up and the US steps up their driving skill and give the japanese a run for their money at D1GP.

As for Nick's old car, who cares about his s14 or whatever he had? I'd jump at the chance to drive for a professional team like mopar. More seat time and get to travel around the country on someone else's dime. Some people have it better off than others and that's just the way life is. Get over it and don't let it bother you.

Nick Hogan or no Nick Hogan, you EARN respect in the sport, when YOU build YOUR car. If he would of build his own car, and came up through the proam series, he would of gotten respect.

Uhhh, no. You earn respect from people when you drive well and pull off gangster shit. Nobody cares if you built your own car.
BTW, your avatar has DA in it. That's cool. Chris and Tony are friends of mine. Guess who supports DA by sporting DA clothes on TV? The hogan family.

01-29-2007, 01:41 PM
I like how everyone is still heated. Again, the question comes up 'Would you do it if you could?'

Obviously, he wants to. Other drivers feel shit about it because they had to work hard to get where he is. If your dad wanted you to pursue this, wouldn't you jump at the chance to try and quality for FD? I sure as hell would, but again, most people aren't that fortunate and it all comes down to envy.

-1 for cheapass 240 owners.

01-29-2007, 01:53 PM
it is apparent that you think you know everything, and responding to your posts is just a neverending spiral of you "know" how everything is! So, I want you to answer this and I'm done with this thread.

This big problem that everyone seems to have is that EVERYTHING is being handed to him!!!!!!! The team, the car, pro lessons, the track all to himself on several occasions. You mean to tell me... that he wouldn't get more respect if he started where everyone else started, with a car that everyone else started with, and doing the same shit everyone else does??????? Are you fucking kidding me???? The biggest reason why he caught so much shit at the event from the other drifters, was because he didn't work for anything! Yea he's out there "giving it his all... blah... blah... blah." Guess what, everyone else is too. You compete right??? Then you should know what it takes to be in the events. My point is he's not going to get the respect by doing what he is doing. At least not from me.

And dude it's not about envy. I don't envy him. I would take the opportunity, if you would of read my previous post, you would of seen that. BUT, I know that my skill level at 6 months in the sport is not ready for a 800hp car. He should of known that his skill level at 0 months in the sport wasn't either.

01-29-2007, 01:56 PM
"Don't hate the player, hate the game." Like it's been stated before, you take whatever advantage you can get. He just happens to have a rich & famous parent, so he used that to his advantage.

Anyways, did anyone notice the red S14 that had something like "Team Hogan" in yellow while they where at the driving course?

01-29-2007, 02:18 PM
everything is for sale except skill and consistency.

If he quits before he gets good at it then he is a loser and a poser.

01-29-2007, 03:06 PM
it is apparent that you think you know everything, and responding to your posts is just a neverending spiral of you "know" how everything is! So, I want you to answer this and I'm done with this thread.

This big problem that everyone seems to have is that EVERYTHING is being handed to him!!!!!!! The team, the car, pro lessons, the track all to himself on several occasions. You mean to tell me... that he wouldn't get more respect if he started where everyone else started, with a car that everyone else started with, and doing the same shit everyone else does??????? Are you fucking kidding me???? The biggest reason why he caught so much shit at the event from the other drifters, was because he didn't work for anything! Yea he's out there "giving it his all... blah... blah... blah." Guess what, everyone else is too. You compete right??? Then you should know what it takes to be in the events. My point is he's not going to get the respect by doing what he is doing. At least not from me.

And dude it's not about envy. I don't envy him. I would take the opportunity, if you would of read my previous post, you would of seen that. BUT, I know that my skill level at 6 months in the sport is not ready for a 800hp car. He should of known that his skill level at 0 months in the sport wasn't either.

The reason he gets shit from good drivers is that he's not that good at drifting yet. It has nothing to do with being handed everything for free. At pro-am nationals he managed to step up his game and earned some of my respect. I was one of the people talking shit up until he started doing pretty well. If you are handed everything for free for the sole reason that you garnish publicity, you will get a lot of shit until you step up your game. That is how it works.

A good example of this would be Verena Mei. She sucked bad before but she had sponsors due to the fact that she gets publicity. We all talked shit back in the day but when she started to kick ass, she earned our respect. She did so well that she earned her way into pro-am. Nobody cares who built your car and nobody cares if you get handed everything on a silver platter. When it comes to drifting, people care if you can lay down gangster shit and it's even better if you're a cool person to hang out with at the track.

Here's another example. Do you think people like Michael Schumacher don't deserve respect? He grew up in a family that put him in a go-kart when he was a little kid. He didn't pay for anything. He then started kicking ass and eventually made it to where he is at now. I doubt he paid for much. I doubt he built any of his F1 cars. I bet he just gives his input about how the car performs and ways to improve the performance of it. Why do people respect him then? Driving skill. Plain and simple.

If Nick Hogan were to drift the entire bank at irwindale, scraping the rear bumper all over the wall, and lighting up the whole place with smoke and getting super gangster sideways, you mean to tell me that he wouldn't earn any of your respect?

01-29-2007, 03:51 PM
Yes he would, driving skill has a lot to do with it. Like I said before, he went into the Qualifier with a minimal amount of skill. And he automatically put his self in a hole by doing what he did. If he doesn't care about the respect, and is doing this for his self and his self alone, then fine, what i'm saying doesn't matter. Personally, I like for my peers to respect what I do. I like to know that they have seen me progress through months of hard work. When I see him step it up and continue to develop his skill, then yes, I'll start to respect him as a competitor, not because he's Nick Hogan.

And I don't really feel like you can compare him, nor the sport the F1 drivers/series. You don't just pick up an F1 car for around 2-3g's, start building it, and your way up through the competition, lol. Those situations are a little harder to come by.

01-29-2007, 04:15 PM
i think mopar was smart. think about it him tapping the wall was unfortunate yet he still drove the car the rest of the day. plus look it has the whole motorsport/drifting community talking about it almost 1 year later. sounds like great marketing skillz bye mopar 2 me. plus the car was going to be retired anyway that season. the charger was the new car on the scean. big plus 4 mopar in my mind. there was alot of stuff that happned that day. yes a bunch of the drivers didnt respect how he got into the sport but they gave him a chance and alot of the drivers liked talking to him giving him pointers.

01-29-2007, 04:18 PM
I wouldn't say he "tapped" the wall. You don't "tap" the wall and snap a spindle.

01-29-2007, 04:30 PM
Yes he would, driving skill has a lot to do with it. Like I said before, he went into the Qualifier with a minimal amount of skill. And he automatically put his self in a hole by doing what he did. If he doesn't care about the respect, and is doing this for his self and his self alone, then fine, what i'm saying doesn't matter. Personally, I like for my peers to respect what I do. I like to know that they have seen me progress through months of hard work. When I see him step it up and continue to develop his skill, then yes, I'll start to respect him as a competitor, not because he's Nick Hogan.

And I don't really feel like you can compare him, nor the sport the F1 drivers/series. You don't just pick up an F1 car for around 2-3g's, start building it, and your way up through the competition, lol. Those situations are a little harder to come by.

How did he put himself in a hole by qualifying for pro-am nationals? That doesn't make any sense. He earned his way into the nationals by placing well in the norcal qualifier. Sure he didn't drift that well up there but he beat a bunch of people. The whole point is that he's out there driving, he's improving, and eventually with more seat time, he'll turn into a decent driver. Why would you hate on that?

While you are slowly earning the respect of your peers in a stockish s13, he's earning respect from peers in an expensive viper. He's doing it quicker too because he has the available resources to improve his skills quicker. Why wouldn't you want to improve as a driver quicker? The slow path is fine but so is the path with the 800hp viper backed by mopar and getting pro driving lessons. You could improve your skills to pro level in under a year if you have the natural talent in those types of conditions.

My comparison to F1 was just an analogy.

01-29-2007, 04:36 PM
lol holy cow! there is entirely tooo much debating on this subject.. nick hogan's pops is rich as hell and can do what he wants. yes when i watched the show and saw the hulk callin up that rep and instantly gettin approval to drive the viper i was pissed. but now im like whatever. he got a car handed to him and he hit the wall. yeah he might be ok but he still hit the wall. nuthin i or anyone else can say or do will ever change the fact he gets things handed to him. if hes got the skill more power to him.

01-29-2007, 05:10 PM
goto supraforums.com, hes really into the scene and knows his shyt about cars. and yea he gets a freee ride through life but isnt that why we all work for our kids and family? to provide a better life for them..... Apparently some people work and think life should be about strugglign and just getting by....

Although I dont think its cool either, it really doesnt matter at this point so more power to the 16 yr old

01-29-2007, 05:27 PM
at the irwindale event he came up and talked to me for no reason, seemed alot cooler than most of the people bitching on this thread.

01-29-2007, 05:30 PM
Let me pose this question

since people like to bring up F1 analogys...

how many F1 drivers start in motorsports driving F1 spec cars? none

that goes for just about ever single motorsport.

People start from the bottom, most f1 dudes start from karting. Most nascar guys start off on dirt short tracks driving minis. And most drifters start out with 120-300hp corollas and S chassis. Its just the way motorsports are.... and thats how drivers develope. Nick driving this car will never get him to the top, it has never ever happened. He has never competed with any other vehice, and a couple private stunt driving school days dont count either.....

Now, lets see, if nick still wanted to drive for mopar with out driving that D1/FD spec 700hp viper he could of asked mopar to get a stock viper. Strip it, seem weld it, give it all the suspension mods that the FD spec one has but just leave the motor stock. Mabey upgrade the cooling system but keep everything on it stock. Thats 400hp, more then enough to drift with without killing your self. He would probably do better, the power will not be overwhelming. He can push the car hard without pushing it into the wall.

And its not like he was smoking the whole bank at irwindale in the first place, or initiating like sonny did at drift battle. Seriously, I wouldnt mind having the sponsorship, but if I was in his shoes I wouldnt want to run that D1/FD spec vehicle. Everyone knows what potential that thing has with a good driver driving it, for him to get in it and not meet expectations really shows his flaws as a driver.

01-29-2007, 05:32 PM
at the irwindale event he came up and talked to me for no reason, seemed alot cooler than most of the people bitching on this thread.

Now don't get me wrong either, I'm not even going to act like the dude is a bitch. Talked too him before also, talked to him at streets of long beach before he even started drifting. Seemed like a cool dude, but cool dudes can make big mistakes.

01-29-2007, 05:51 PM
I give up on this thread.

01-29-2007, 06:01 PM
nick is a great guy i have partyed with im a few times. he wales seems to reamember me when i run into him at events. drifting or nopi nationals. heck i even have his cell number and chat with im on occasion. he has a stunt river who teches him the fundamentals of car control and rents a track out 4 himself 2 learn on. i wish the best 4 him and whatever he choses to do. but all in all it was a great marketing move bye mopar hands down. so im leaving this thread alone. thx carles and nick 4 posting if u have any questions u have the digets as well.

01-29-2007, 06:38 PM
I give up on this thread.
It's a pointless battle, oh well :hs:

01-29-2007, 06:51 PM
Who cares.

Leave the guy alone. He seemed like a nice enough guy when i hanged out with him

01-29-2007, 07:20 PM
seems like he was rushing it. from the begining of the show to the end how long was that? lol seemed like a week at the most.

01-29-2007, 08:05 PM
all in all, who fucking cares. The guy is better then 70% of the people on this forum, me included. Just because the kid gets things for free doesnt mean shit. over 96% of us grew up with a FREE house over our heads. Sure it wasnt free for our guardian's, but it was to us. Nobody ever went around talking shit because you lived in a free place as a kid.

I know sure as hell if i was granted the opportunity to get a free car to beat the shit out of on the track, i would take it in a heartbeat.

01-29-2007, 09:52 PM
I think its dumb to put him in such a high power car. If he has wrecked a couple of them that is completely why I think its dumb. His dad was never a professional race car driver. To become a professional wrestler what do you do? Get as big and bad as you can as fast as possible. So thats kinda what he is getting his son to do.

I sure as fuck wouldnt do that with my kid. You learn how to be a better driver in lower hp cars as well. So its dumb he is in to powerful of cars and I wouldnt thrust my son in the lime light. He has allready done THE SAME THING with his daughter if anyone has watched the show. Now its his sons time.

what he needs, 150hp Miata and a lot of track time

some of you are salty pricks.

01-29-2007, 10:54 PM
Yeah i agree with that.

Although like it has been said over and over, his first car was pretty damn ballsy.

01-30-2007, 12:35 AM
Its the EDrifters that are mad.

Its okay Chris, i agree with you.

I think every hater's opinion is pretty assinine.

Its like saying "I'm going to work hard to give my kids a good future, but give them the most FUBAR things, and a ghetto life to teach em a lesson."

Maybe its just me, but i prefer working hard for my kids to not have to struggle. But again, thats just me.

01-30-2007, 01:20 AM
Its the EDrifters that are mad.

Its okay Chris, i agree with you.

I think every hater's opinion is pretty assinine.

Its like saying "I'm going to work hard to give my kids a good future, but give them the most FUBAR things, and a ghetto life to teach em a lesson."

Maybe its just me, but i prefer working hard for my kids to not have to struggle. But again, thats just me.

I highly doubt that anyone here is saying he would be a better driver if he was broke and poor. But its pretty safe to say he would be a better driver if he got more experience in a toned down vehicle. Or even start him off competing in a diferent motorsport. Maybe kart, or autocross, geez even the drift alliance dudes started out in bmx and motorcross. Just get some sort of competitive experience and spirit in the kid.

There is nothing wrong with driving a semi built S13 or AE86 to start off. Most of the drivers who got there licences this year were driving either of the two. But apparently there is something wrong with driving a fully built viper as your first drift car. But as long as your having fun, do and drive what ever the hell you want. Just don't complain when the results don't go in your favor.

01-30-2007, 07:30 AM
This thread is getting kind of rediculous, but here's my $0.02 at this point and that's it.

The only way Nick Hogan's drifting and/or success would piss me off is if the judges or some higher up in D1 made an exception for him over the other naturally progressing drivers.

The other drivers are going to give him a run for his money. They're not going to let up on him because he's Nick Hogan. I know I wouldn't.

If he has the skill to hang with those guys then he has every right to be there. Just as if I had that same skill, I would have every right to be there and so would you guys. If he doesn't, it will show and he won't be racing much longer. If/When he starts losing, that's when he'll drop off the circuit.

Mopar will waste some money on him because of his celebrity status, but they're not going to let it go too far. Or at least I hope not.

I wish him luck as I would hope others would me if I was out there with my car. Doesn't mean I particularly like him.

I have no aspiration to become a pro-drifter so going to the track to shoot the shit is all I care about. To me hanging out with friends and having a good time is more than money could buy, so to hell with envy.

02-01-2007, 10:07 PM
hmm well the episode just finished. kind of wierd how he got the mopar viper just after one phone call.

i was really entertained when everyone else in the pits was bashing him, but I thought the guy who nick talked to seemed a little bit harsh and could've handled the conversation a bit differently (unless it was all editing).

i am friends with the guy who talked to him. it was ALL editing. the conversation TOTALLY didnt go that way. it was a 15 minute conversation cut down to 15 seconds