View Full Version : CA Nazi Fines in Full Effect - 2007

01-26-2007, 11:12 AM


Updates on traffic Violation Fines:

1. Carpool lane - 1st time $1068.50 starting 1/1/07 (NOT $271, posted on the highway is old).
2nd time offense - Doubled. 3rd time - Tripled. 4th time License Suspension.

2. Incorrect lane change $380. Improper lane lane crossing of solid lines or intersection

3. Block intersection - $485

4. Driving on the shoulder - $450

5. Cell phone use while driving. - Double fine
Cell phone use while driving in the construction zone. - Double the

6. Passengers over 18 not on the seatbelts - Both driver and
passenger(s) get tickets.
No “Trunking” – Both driver and “Trunk” passenger – Fines and
Points in Driving Record.

7. Speeders can only drive 3 miles above the limit. Street racing commits felony
on injuries.



New Laws for 2007

This listing does not contain all of the bills enacted in 2006 that made changes to the California Vehicle Code. Only those having a significant impact are referenced. For complete information on chaptered bills enacted in 2006, please refer to the legislative website at http://www.leginfo.ca.gov
Unless otherwise indicated, these new laws become effective on January 1, 2007 and are divided into the following categories:

* Vehicle Registration
* Driver License
* Occupational Licensing
* Records Access & Confidentiality

drift freaq
01-26-2007, 11:40 AM


Updates on traffic Violation Fines:

1. Carpool lane - 1st time $1068.50 starting 1/1/07 (NOT $271, posted on the highway is old).
2nd time offense - Doubled. 3rd time - Tripled. 4th time License Suspension.

2. Incorrect lane change $380. Improper lane lane crossing of solid lines or intersection

3. Block intersection - $485

4. Driving on the shoulder - $450

5. Cell phone use while driving. - Double fine
Cell phone use while driving in the construction zone. - Double the

6. Passengers over 18 not on the seatbelts - Both driver and
passenger(s) get tickets.
No “Trunking” – Both driver and “Trunk” passenger – Fines and
Points in Driving Record.

7. Speeders can only drive 3 miles above the limit. Street racing commits felony
on injuries.



New Laws for 2007

This listing does not contain all of the bills enacted in 2006 that made changes to the California Vehicle Code. Only those having a significant impact are referenced. For complete information on chaptered bills enacted in 2006, please refer to the legislative website at http://www.leginfo.ca.gov
Unless otherwise indicated, these new laws become effective on January 1, 2007 and are divided into the following categories:

* Vehicle Registration
* Driver License
* Occupational Licensing
* Records Access & Confidentiality

hmmm those laws and fines are Nazi? Lets look at all of them carefully. 1. carpool lane. Well gee whiz short of making a improper entrance or exit into a carpool lane one should not be in it to begin with unless they have multiple people in the car. Oh wait your complaining about the fine increase? Don't do it and you won't pay the fine.
2. Incorrect lane change, hmmm thats been a illegal manuever for years nothing new here, oh wait higher fine? Don't do it! and you won't have to pay the fine.
3. Blocked intersection? again don't do it. ITs been a law for a long time.

4. Driving on the shoulder? Ya your real smart to drive on the shoulder. the only time someone should drive on the shoulder is an extreme emergency situation or car is stopping or starting . End of story there.
5. Cell phone use while driving? This is a great law, I have seen way to many accidents caused by fools on their cellphones not paying attention.

6. seatbelt law. Well again this is not a big deal seatbelts protect you. Gee why do you have a full harness in your track car? It saves your body in the event of a accident. no brainer here.
As for trunking thats just dumb. putting people in trunks is for gangsters.
7. Speed limit 3 miles over law. Well that law will be interpreted according to the area. Up there in the bay area I am sure they will stick it you . Down here in socal they average freeway speed is 80mph thats 15 over the posted limit. Do you think they are going to keep everyone down to 3mph over? lol.

8. DUI , go to jail. Thats a good thing, people drinking and driving especially to the point of inebriation is just a fucked up thing to begin with. Lock those fools up.
All in all I see nothing terribly drastic here beyond fines. The Fines are drastic though to stop you from doing the stuff to begin with. Hmmm most of which are reasonable laws.

01-26-2007, 11:43 AM
Interesting how using a cellphone in a normal lane won't be illegal until July 1st 2008 according to the DMV.

01-26-2007, 11:46 AM
Re read subject...does it say Nazi Laws?

I have no problems with the laws in place as I don't break'em.

But more to the point, how do you feel about the fine amounts?

-Peace and stay safe

drift freaq
01-26-2007, 11:51 AM
Re read subject...does it say Nazi Laws?

I have no problems with the laws in place as I don't break'em.

But more to the point, how do you feel about the fine amounts?

-Peace and stay safe
Uh re read my post...
The fine amounts are there for a reason like stated in my post. There is nothing Nazi about them. Its called to many people felt the fines were low enough to violate the law and there were to many violaters which actually ties up the courts. Hence raise the fine and the person is most likely going to think twice about violating unless they are just a complete dumbass.

01-26-2007, 12:01 PM
Then why not make it $5K for a fine? or 10K for that matter? Offer a installment plan for high risk traffic violations to pay out the fines maybe?

If it is to make a point of having people think twice, maybe an answer is taking it to an extreme so that it is never violated?

your thoughts?

Just so you know, I'm not trying to cause a flame war. Other viewpoints on a topic are what forums are about. The main focus of your response was the law in place, but I am more interested in the fines associated. Are we cool on that? Not looking for a fight (there's enough of that going on right now), just looking for constructive input from different people.

S13 Charlie
01-26-2007, 12:09 PM
I think #7 (speeding) is not necessarily pulling people over for 3mph over the limit, but moreso the separation between "exceeding the posted limit" and "speeding" which are two separate violations.

drift freaq
01-26-2007, 12:11 PM
Then why not make it $5K for a fine? or 10K for that matter? Offer a installment plan for high risk traffic violations to pay out the fines maybe?

If it is to make a point of having people think twice, maybe an answer is taking it to an extreme so that it is never violated?

your thoughts?

Just so you know, I'm not trying to cause a flame war. Other viewpoints on a topic are what forums are about. The main focus of your response was the law in place, but I am more interested in the fines associated. Are we cool on that? Not looking for a fight (there's enough of that going on right now), just looking for constructive input from different people.
I told you my opinion on the fines in the first post. Though you seem to be getting yourself hung up on the point that I also pointed out the violations themselves.
I will say this again. If you don't like the fines don't commit the crime. Why is that so lost on you? Are you determined to violate the laws which for the most part are reasonable laws?
Instead of listening to my logical answer about the fines, you decide to take it to extremes, to try to illicit a debate. A debate over something that is really not worth the time to expound upon on a enthusiasts forum about cars not about fines.
Now if they said we are going to fine you for this on your car, which they do do I might add. Then it might be a more worthwhile debate. Though for you to take it to extremes for a pretty much worthless debate. I.E. the laws are on the books already short of getting a bill before the state senate to lower the fines nothing is going to happen either way. Is pretty much a excerise in forum bandwith waste.

01-26-2007, 01:22 PM
Re read subject...does it say Nazi Laws?

I have no problems with the laws in place as I don't break'em.

But more to the point, how do you feel about the fine amounts?

-Peace and stay safe

If you can't do or pay the fine, don't do the crime, it's simple. The only reason the fines go up is most likely because they have repeat offenders, or people still commit these offenses, because the punishment isn't strict or harsh enough.

01-27-2007, 01:14 AM
So, then I vote we make all traffic fines 1 million dollars because that will stop everyone from breaking traffic laws. Oh and all crime will have a minimum punishment of life in prision. Wait, actually all crime will have a punishment of 1 milliion dollars also because fines are the best way to keep people from breaking the law and making everyone safe. It wouldn't be just to generate revenue, California would never do anything like that....

I feel safer now that they have raised the fines, don't you?

01-27-2007, 01:19 AM
well if i get a ticket its gonna be for speeding and that will pretty much make me have to sell my body cause i cant afford it. 450 or 1000 for a fine....shit most people cars arent worth that. SHIT people cant even afford 400 dollars maintneance

01-27-2007, 02:27 AM
So, then I vote we make all traffic fines 1 million dollars because that will stop everyone from breaking traffic laws. Oh and all crime will have a minimum punishment of life in prision. Wait, actually all crime will have a punishment of 1 milliion dollars also because fines are the best way to keep people from breaking the law and making everyone safe. It wouldn't be just to generate revenue, California would never do anything like that....

I feel safer now that they have raised the fines, don't you?

It's very simple, (at least easier to understnad than your horribly constructed paragraph.) don't break the laws, you know you SHOULDN'T be speeding, its a risk YOU choose to take.

Laws are great, until they affect me. :mepoke:

01-27-2007, 02:28 AM
i thought DUI always meant jail time.
that carpool lane fine is uncalled for. esp when 1 out of 100+ cars even use it.
cell phone/headset law not in effect until July 1, 2008. we still got a year and a half.

pasted from site:
Reckless Driving/Racing

Increases penalties for first conviction of reckless driving or engaging in a speed contest resulting in specified injuries to a person other than the driver.

First-offenders would be subject to confinement in state prison or county jail for not less than 30 days nor more than 6 months, or by a fine of not less than $220 (reckless driving) or $500 (speed contest) nor more than $1000. The specified injuries which would incur these sentences are; loss of consciousness, concussion, bone fracture, protracted loss or impairment of function of a bodily member or organ, wound requiring extensive suturing, serious disfigurement, brain injury, and/or paralysis.

01-27-2007, 02:41 AM
No street racing in Cali that's for sure.

01-27-2007, 03:02 AM
Living in california sucks so much ass.

01-27-2007, 10:29 AM
california laws are created to keep everyone in check. If it wasnt a problem, then the laws wouldnt be soo strict. but we got soo many soccer mom SUVs, Cell phone drivers stereo bumpin not paying attention, drunks, lol..

01-27-2007, 12:55 PM
they need to make a law saying if you driving slower than 70 in the carpool lane youll get shot, thats nazi, and that would actually help with traffic.

adn if you get cought without papers or documents you get deported. see how bad la traffic gets when half the residence dont live here anymore.

and I still dont get why people brake on the freeway.

and there should be a $500 fine for not signaling when changing a lane.

01-27-2007, 04:18 PM
and I still dont get why people brake on the freeway.


Normal people are DUMB.

01-28-2007, 10:42 AM
Umm. I could care less about the law changes.

There is ZERO reason why Cali sucks because they want to keep people safe. All you're doing is looking for a reason to whine.

Near all those laws are new so it's nothing too special about it.

Just like how they changed the state ref requirements in how you use to be able to pay $400 and they would waiver it as if it never happened.

Now the law was changed to a $735 and if you pay it you get a point on your license. Why? Because too many people felt it was worth it just to keep whatever illegal items they had on their car and just pay off the, "minor setback".

Same circumstance here.

Stop thinking the government is after you.

01-28-2007, 11:53 AM
yeah it could be worse, the government could just take 30% of your paycheck without asking...

01-29-2007, 08:37 AM
It's very simple, (at least easier to understnad than your horribly constructed paragraph.) don't break the laws, you know you SHOULDN'T be speeding, its a risk YOU choose to take.

Laws are great, until they affect me. :mepoke:

I don't have a problem with the laws. I have a problem with the exorbinant amount of money they want for a carpool violation. It shouldn't be about the money it should be about public safety, if people aren't following the laws because the fines aren't high enough then maybe they should think of another way of punishing people besides taking their money. Maybe something that is a a little more of a level playing field, liking taking people's time. Cops make mistakes and people make mistakes and it shouldn't take a second mortgage to finance a ticket. To a lot of people $1000 is a lot of money.

Saying I know the laws and so I should not break them is weak argument... (and this isn't about the laws is about the punishment) Laws and punishment shouldn't be about money and to me this clearly is.

01-29-2007, 09:58 AM
Hey, I don't know about you, but I work, and working takes my time. In return for my time, I receive money. Time = money. That's why they take so much of it.

I'm not agreeing with the raise of the penalty, but at the same time, I couldn't think of any other punishment that is more fitting than people getting charged money for being unsafe, or stealing time that isn't theirs legally (car pool lane.)

Drift Motion
01-29-2007, 10:42 AM
i love driving in the carpool lane all by myself...lol

obviously not in my s13...haha
prius owns

on the other hand, i need to get myself a bluetooth headphone for my cell...

01-29-2007, 11:03 AM
i think the CA gov is just trying to milk us for money. THey know we are bound to violate one of these rules sooner or later.

Its awesome how they can fine the passengers too. LOL....

In a couple of years, they will start giving tickets in our own drive ways hahahahaha...

01-29-2007, 12:35 PM
Hey, I don't know about you, but I work, and working takes my time. In return for my time, I receive money. Time = money. That's why they take so much of it.

I'm not agreeing with the raise of the penalty, but at the same time, I couldn't think of any other punishment that is more fitting than people getting charged money for being unsafe, or stealing time that isn't theirs legally (car pool lane.)

Yes, but if you make $100 an hour and I make $25 an hour there is a significant difference in how you and I are going to feel it and the amount of time it takes to pay a ticket. I guess now I am ranting, but I think there are better ways to punish offenders, or at least give people an option.

It shouldn't be about the money it should be about public safety. To me illegally driving in the break down lane is way more dangerous than being in the car pool lane.

I'm a salaried employee so I can't simply work more hours to make more money. So to me an option to work off the hours by doing community service would be better. It still doesn't make the playing field even but at least it gives me an out. I have never had a moving violation of any kind in my 10 years of driving, but if I received a $1000 fine that would put a serious hurt on my disposable income and I if community service was an option I would seriously consider it.

The best way to punish someone is to take their license or suspend it. Get caught in a carpool lane twice lose your liscense for a month. That, I think, gets everyone's attention equally.

steve shadows
01-29-2007, 12:47 PM
Living in california sucks so much ass.

kind of...but you got to pay to play in paradise...

cough or what was paradise and is quickly becoming soddom and gumoura. lol

01-29-2007, 01:03 PM
yeah it could be worse, the government could just take 30% of your paycheck without asking...

LOL, I remember looking at my first real paycheck and going WTF?!

01-29-2007, 01:17 PM
The best way to punish someone is to take their license or suspend it. Get caught in a carpool lane twice lose your liscense for a month. That, I think, gets everyone's attention equally.

I think that's a brilliant alternative. Problem being is that it would get more unsafe drivers off the road, and if unsafe drivers aren't on the road, then you can't get money from them from their tickets.

These fines are outta CONTROL. You holier-than-thou asshats with your "don't commit the crime, don't pay the fine" bull shit have no idea what you're talking about. You're the same ignorant, stupid sheep that say government wire tapping is AOK cause if you're not a terrorist you have nothing to hide. What happens when they make something YOU do illegal? Who's going to stand up for YOU? No one, we'll all be in jail or too poor to even speak out against the atrocity that is our justice system.

It's crap, just because I don't break any of these laws (except speeding, and I don't really break it I just go with the flow of traffic, which is illegal in CA), doesn't mean I don't see how BS these fines are.

1000$ carpool fine?????? A THOUSAND? I'd lose my car, probably have to take a second job just to pay that. For what? Driving in a lane just as everyone else is, the only difference is I don't have a passenger. I'm not putting anyone at risk, caused no harm to anyone, yet I pay as much as a DUI??? Ridiculous. (again, I don't commit this crime. I just see the stupidity in the inflated fines.) A thousand dollars is a SHIT load of money to a great number of us lower income Californians, and I just don't think it fits the crime.

As stated earlier, driving on the shoulder is 10x more dangerous than driving in a carpool lane, yet it's 1/2 the ticket price! So here's what you do, instead of driving in the car pool lane illegaly, just drive on the shoulder! GREAT!

Price you pay to live in paradise? This place is a shit hole. It's smoggy, the cops are over zealous, the government is out of control, you get raped everyday for your money, running a business here is impossible, everyone sues everyone, you get your cars jacked, your family members murdered and what people associate as "paradise" in California, the beaches and the weather, it's shit ass hot and the beaches have more trash in them than our city dumps do.

And don't tell me if you don't like it, leave. Because California has one thing I can't leave, employment. If everyone that broke laws left California, there'd be no one here.


01-29-2007, 01:34 PM
Cops are NAZIs! Got one friend that got a DUI, and wasn't even in a car (or on a bike). Got another friend, she had her car taken after her friend was street racing. She saw the street race, but wasn't in the race. She saw her friend get owned by the cop, but she went on her marry way to go eat. She got a call from her friend to pick her up, when she got there, cop took her ride too. She had a 240sx, no mods.

Cops are just like the local gangs around here... you look at them wrong, they will fuck you over. Not all, but most it seems. I personally haven't been pulled over yet, but I have been followed enough times to know they are just itching for ya to do one freeken mistake.

Case in point, driving down the 5 freeway just the other day, fucken cop sitting in the middle of the freeway (aka illegally parked) just waiting for some one to make an illegal lane change into the diamond lane. I'm sorry if it's not an emergency his dumb ass isn't allowed to sit there ether.

Rawr ok I'm done ranting.

01-29-2007, 05:34 PM
the fines are great
i hope they are enforced well
i dont od any of that stuff, getting better at not using the cell
so yeah go for it

i know i drive like a bitch on the streets, not worth dying.

02-02-2007, 07:12 PM
Time for me to cut my hair and join the poilice force. Can't beat 'em? Join 'em!

02-02-2007, 07:40 PM
werd, why dont we all become popos. starting is like 30k and sheriff deputy is like 60k-70k. ive been thinking about it a lot.
buncha slacker cops like super troopers or reno 911.

i'll bust you aaron for driving like a bitch.

02-02-2007, 07:53 PM
do you guys know if they changed the modified intake law or something? i got a 300$ fine for a intake =*( i thought it was just a fix it ticket

02-05-2007, 01:14 PM
do you guys know if they changed the modified intake law or something? i got a 300$ fine for a intake =*( i thought it was just a fix it ticket
Yeah, it changed along with exhaust iirc.

California laws are great for the most part.

People also need to understand that as a whole people are making more money.

With more money more can be spent on tickets. That's another reason why ticket prices go up.

Don't drive like a fool, or ghost ride and you are fine.