View Full Version : where do people get off

01-18-2007, 10:26 AM
So i've posted this in the wrong place twice, I rule.

Thatguy must have fastkeys for every forum in here, as he eats my shit up hella fast.

heres my info pals:

So get this! I go look @ a 91 240 yesterday in Hollywood, "DriftFreaq" on here....

Says there 99k miles, "all stock", 2700.

So me and my boy get there, checkin out the car, etc, the body aint that great the lack of paint in a few places... ehhh The gauges in the car didnt work, there was exhaust, a new transmission put in and theres no fucking license plate, the title aint even in his name and he's sittin here bein a salesman, not a 240 enthusiast. Anyway, he claims it's in great condition.

I say I dont want to buy it, too expensive for what was there, and in no way in hell is the car stock!

Long story made short, this fool insulted me in an e-mail (twice) for wasting his time ( i drove 56 miles, he drove 2)... and that "everything was fine"

try droppin your price, i'll deal with ya.

Was rude, called me and my boyfriend all sorts of names, that i'm a fool for not buying the car, that its a "STEAL!"

then fucking sell it already,
what happened to honest people, willing to do shit just fot the sake of unity.

fuck that!!! whos got a 240 for me?

just a word to the wise...

01-18-2007, 10:34 AM
1st. I have bought items from DriftFreaq an no probs. Got the item to me with no issues for a great price.
2nd. Its his car! if he wants too sell it for a million then thats his issue.
I can see you complaining about the cluster not working but crying cuz it has a new tranny???WTF I wish when I bought my 240 it came with a new tranny!you did'nt even buy the car so why is it a rip off, and why are you crying about it????

01-18-2007, 10:42 AM
word to 180sexy's 2nd statement

and why was this tagged s15 in the title, i did not know they made those in 91??

LookOut Nick
01-18-2007, 10:49 AM
180 dont be so harsh bro shes a girl :drama:
Complaining is well seated in gal pal DNA, its just what some people do, these generic traits added to locked threads and being a sweet sweet newb = teh gayness.
I meen the price is up there, but like he said it is d freaqs car. He can try to sell it for whatever price he feels like. And since their was no transaction. Other than you and the gas pump i dont see why this third thread exists

01-18-2007, 11:09 AM
its understandable that you had high hopes about the car

and that it wasn't all he it described it to be

but it is a 16 year old car

most s13's you'd be lucky to find a straight body and semi decent paint

99k is a fresh start with a new tranny

im not choosing sides but you get what you pay for...

and it is understandable the seller shouldn't be unprofessional about someone not buying what they're selling

just search around the for "Cars for sale" thread theres alot of good deals just be patient :bigok:

good luck on your 240 :D


btw post more pics of you :keke:


drift freaq
01-18-2007, 11:14 AM
So i've posted this in the wrong place twice, I rule.

Thatguy must have fastkeys for every forum in here, as he eats my shit up hella fast.

heres my info pals:

So get this! I go look @ a 91 240 yesterday in Hollywood, "DriftFreaq" on here....

Says there 99k miles, "all stock", 2700.

So me and my boy get there, checkin out the car, etc, the body aint that great the lack of paint in a few places... ehhh The gauges in the car didnt work, there was exhaust, a new transmission put in and theres no fucking license plate, the title aint even in his name and he's sittin here bein a salesman, not a 240 enthusiast. Anyway, he claims it's in great condition.

I say I dont want to buy it, too expensive for what was there, and in no way in hell is the car stock!

Long story made short, this fool insulted me in an e-mail (twice) for wasting his time ( i drove 56 miles, he drove 2)... and that "everything was fine"

try droppin your price, i'll deal with ya.

Was rude, called me and my boyfriend all sorts of names, that i'm a fool for not buying the car, that its a "STEAL!"

then fucking sell it already,
what happened to honest people, willing to do shit just fot the sake of unity.

fuck that!!! whos got a 240 for me?

just a word to the wise...

ahem lets clarify this . you agreed to buy the car for $2600, then you backed out at your boyfriends apprehension. You insulted me because I was being straight up honest and you did not take it for whats its worth true honesty, both you and your boyfriend. Car is basically in stock form . The car does not have a license plate because it has a California temporary operating permit.That is perfectly legal in the state of California. I am a fool? Grow up.

P.S. even if I dropped my price I would not deal with the likes of you or your boyfriend.

01-18-2007, 11:16 AM
in reply to sexys post

i didnt buy the car and the guy wrote me 3 emails insulting me.
is that what he did to you?

what i wanted was all stock cryign about a new tranny no way
i'm no mechanic
i sell investments for a living not working on 240s

i barely know anything and am just getting started
for the guy to call me a fool, was just rude

a sweet sweet newb = teh gayness.

do people even use this anymore? unles your on a fuckin bbs board and playing major mudd, wtf is with this usage. talk english mother fucker!!!!1
just kidding btw

and to be lucky to find a straight body and semi decent paint
dude theyre fuckin everywhere
everywhere!! teh freshness

your right he can sell it for whatever,and i can not buy it for whatever
and this is a review
so eat my ass punkz :D

<3 - teh newb, teh gayness, teh speak in sw33t r0x0rz my s0x l3ngiuge u fhaggiez :)D

01-18-2007, 11:19 AM
the likes of me and my boyfriend???????????

cars not stock and you called me fool!!! look @ this e-mail u sent, member?

karin the title was all ready to go. I know my business, I told you
earlier about the gauges and the fact they were being fixed in the
morning. the car was not bad on the paint and body. there is nothing wrong
with doing a 5 speed swap lots of people do them. the car is stock and had
not been played with stop making lame excuses . I was being kind before
but both of you really do not know your cars very well, and your
boyfriend is a fool for buying RACEON USA cheap crap which everybody in
the scene knows is crap. thank your for wasting my time

talk about growing up.
insulting people is not grown up nor good karma, anyone that has any sort of self discipline knows this, and is willing to be a gentleman, not a haggler talking about wasted time.
i still love you though,

cheers mate....

ahem lets clarify this . you agreed to buy the car for $2600. You insulted me because I was being straight up honest and you did not take it for whats its worth true honesty. Car is basically in stock form . The car does not have a license plate because it has a California temporary operating permit. I am a fool? Grow up.

P.S. even if I dropped my price I would not deal with the likes of you or your boyfriend.

drift freaq
01-18-2007, 11:28 AM
ahem cherryblossom, I was not insulted that you did not buy the car, I was insulted by your boyfriends general attitude( which was poor at best) and your lack of faith because of it. I was honest with you guys about everything on the car. Yet at everyturn you boyfriend was mr doubting thomas. Thats fine if you like that. Though coming on here and trying to state your weak case just becuase I emailed you about the way you acted towards me, as a reaction to that, seems to prove my point. You deep down feel you did insult my honesty.
If you did not why would you bother?
P.S. I did not cry about a new trans, I told you I put one in. Should I post the emails you sent to me about how the price of $2700 was a good deal!
You did not think it was a good deal till your boyfriend started sayng he bought his car two years ago for $1900 with 160k on it 160k vs 99k? There is a little bit of a mileage difference and you even said to him while I was there that you had been watching prices and my price was fair. Get your facts straight before you speak up your digging yourself into a hole here.

01-18-2007, 11:41 AM
dude all your gauges were broken your fuckin clutch was in the wrong spot
dont start with me here
keep sellin your cars,
and dont worry about my boyfriend.
he's mine to deal with :D
and believe me i do....

love you see you

01-18-2007, 11:43 AM
hahahaha you gonna tell me too eat ass??? lolz well at least i have a 240 hahahahaha!

01-18-2007, 11:46 AM
and to be lucky to find a straight body and semi decent paint
dude theyre fuckin everywhere
everywhere!! teh freshness

so thats the reason i see so many pieced together 240's?

looks like you and boyfriend you're really new to the scene.......

you're not really listening to the people that are trying to clarify things for you

You did not think it was a good deal till your boyfriend started sayng he bought his car two years ago for $1900 with 160k on it 160k vs 99k?

he obviously doesn't know about mileage depreciation :rolleyes:

01-18-2007, 11:49 AM
no worries mate

and yeah they are pretty much everywhere
drive around any city you'll see at least 15 old ladies driving 240s

why is that everyone needs to jump on a band wagon accusing everyone of being new to any scene?

i dont care what you have to say it doesnt metter.

and what are they clarifying for me? the fact that people are shitty.

you all suck!! fuk you

S13 Charlie
01-18-2007, 11:53 AM
If you want an all-stock car, and don't want to modify it, then why are you buying a 240sx? If you sell stocks for a living, then you should be ballin' in a G35 or some other fine automobile, not a 240-bucket-sx.

Gauges not working? Big deal, if you find a 240sx with working gauges, then guess what? You're the lucky owner that they break on! I've had only good interactions with Drift Freaq, in the past, and I'll buy from him in the future.

01-18-2007, 11:56 AM
If you want an all-stock car, and don't want to modify it, then why are you buying a 240sx? If you sell stocks for a living, then you should be ballin' in a G35 or some other fine automobile, not a 240-bucket-sx.

Gauges not working? Big deal, if you find a 240sx with working gauges, then guess what? You're the lucky owner that they break on! I've had only good interactions with Drift Freaq, in the past, and I'll buy from him in the future.
I second that!!!

01-18-2007, 11:56 AM
i might be a newbie but i can tell when a clutch aint in the right spot! fuck this thread.

ya'll can eat, i give you a review you give me bullshit

here, keep dreamin :D anyone actually want to help me and give me knowledge about buying a 240 and going about meeting the right people,
without having to put me down because i'm just getting intersted in the sport.


you say im not listening eh wrong? i dont like being pushed into buying a 240, regardless of what he may say is right or wrong.
i push people into variable anuities who dont need it.
its called sales, people.

anyone willing to give me positive feedback i'm more then willing to lsiten.

jsut watch who you're putting down,

as a matter of fact

kiss my

http://www.flickr.com/photos/[email protected]/361743056/

01-18-2007, 11:57 AM
isn't the beauty of modifying doing it yourself? i thought it was... maybe you take yours to your local corner mechanic.

and good for you
dont worry about what i drive
and be a little nicer <3

If you want an all-stock car, and don't want to modify it, then why are you buying a 240sx? If you sell stocks for a living, then you should be ballin' in a G35 or some other fine automobile, not a 240-bucket-sx.

Gauges not working? Big deal, if you find a 240sx with working gauges, then guess what? You're the lucky owner that they break on! I've had only good interactions with Drift Freaq, in the past, and I'll buy from him in the future.

01-18-2007, 11:58 AM
and who said i didnt want to mod it charlie ?

QUOTE=S13 Charlie]If you want an all-stock car, and don't want to modify it, then why are you buying a 240sx? If you sell stocks for a living, then you should be ballin' in a G35 or some other fine automobile, not a 240-bucket-sx.

Gauges not working? Big deal, if you find a 240sx with working gauges, then guess what? You're the lucky owner that they break on! I've had only good interactions with Drift Freaq, in the past, and I'll buy from him in the future.[/QUOTE]

01-18-2007, 12:03 PM
yeah they are pretty much everywhere
drive around any city you'll see at least 15 old ladies driving 240s

if you want a bonestock 240 buy it from older lady then!

we were just explaining our expieriences with our cars

for example:
WTF I wish when I bought my 240 it came with a new tranny!

you just went the complete opposite way by acting like a kid and name calling

and what are they clarifying for me? the fact that people are shitty.

you all suck!! fuk you

how are you gonna get help acting like that?

01-18-2007, 12:04 PM
isn't the beauty of modifying doing it yourself? i thought it was... maybe you take yours to your local corner mechanic.

and good for you
dont worry about what i drive
and be a little nicer <3

what a b*tchy winny thread.

You didnt buy it.
We dont care.

He didnt cheat you. You just are jumping the band wagon.

01-18-2007, 12:06 PM
if you want a bonestock 240buy it from older lady then!

we were just explaining our expieriences with our cars

for example:

you just went the complete opposite way by acting like a kid and name calling
+1 on that!!!!

01-18-2007, 12:06 PM
yep i can bitch and whine however much i want.

you guys have nothing better to do than telling people their jumping on the bandwagon. it's too funny.

like i said
and will say again
eat it!

01-18-2007, 12:07 PM
and name calling hardly!

01-18-2007, 12:09 PM
and lb motoring i talk to you on aim all the time, dont know why you're hoping on the band wagon of insulting people.


01-18-2007, 12:10 PM
wow! Learn how to post in a thread, are you going to make a new post for every sentence????? Just wondering.

01-18-2007, 12:11 PM

if it will make you upset, and to talk trash on me. sure why not!


01-18-2007, 12:12 PM
i get off on shti like this.

because i'm teh newbs haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

:jumps on bandwagon:

i got thick skin

01-18-2007, 12:35 PM
Wow, three times a charm.

Helps to search the private sellers forum for a previous thread on the user you are reviewing. You would have found he has a thread already. http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=90672

Also I don't think it's appropriate to review of a transaction that never happened. I could trash almost every car dealer within 150miles of me if that was the case. You're not setting a good precedent of yourself when 16 of 17 posts are just trashing a user for a sale that didn't happen.
Don't complain - it's not a grievance forum.

So, this is locked cause 1)There is already a thread. 2) Looks more like a complaint/grievance not a review.

Also, I don't care if that is you ass. It's not appropriate for this forum.