View Full Version : JWT ecu for SR20DEt

07-20-2002, 01:07 AM
When I talked to someone at JWT they weren't very nice or helpful ::weaping:weaping::  Anyway I would like to know if anyone has or know someone that has the JWT ecu for the SR.  The guy I spoke to rambled off a few categories:
1. 240hp
2. 300hp
3. above 300hp (specific to mods)

The website is pretty vauge and dosen't even list the SR mods.  Can someone be a doll and explain what exact changes they will make to adjust output.  Thanks for any help

07-20-2002, 03:08 AM
Well what do you want to know? The ecu itself doesn't gain you any HP. It would allow you to run larger injectors and a different MAFS.