View Full Version : smartphones need input pls

01-16-2007, 11:21 PM
been doing a little research on smartphones. i've been with nextel for almost 5 years and cant stand it anymore and im switching to a gsm company. im looking into getting a smartphone with bluetooth, wifi and good reliable software. in my research here http://www.mobiletechreview.com/ they seem to like the dash and the blackjack a lot. im leaning towards either the blackjack or the CINGULAR SAMSUNG 8125. if u guys have had experience with others let me know if it was good or bad and which fone pls. thanx

01-16-2007, 11:26 PM
lol at the blackjack. FAIL haha get a Blue Angel, I rock it, I love it! It does everything.

Brand: o2
Model Xda IIs (Blue Angel)

Although you can only get it from the UK, it is deff worth it!


01-16-2007, 11:29 PM
where did u get it from? looks like it has wifi does it? wat was the price?

01-16-2007, 11:36 PM
he got it on ebay.. yah it does have wifi and sd card ready =D

01-16-2007, 11:45 PM
hows that keyboard? is it easy to use? wats the thing u like about it the most?

01-17-2007, 12:33 AM
I just pick up a samsung 8125 today, its got a lot of stuff. I still dont really know how to use it. I upgraded from a RAZR

01-17-2007, 12:44 AM
I have the htc wizard also known as the cingular 8125. Stock, it sucks. The phone freezes and the edge network is slow as hell.

Get the htc hermes (cingular 8525) It's better in every way.

Want more info on smart phones/pocket pc's, go to howardforums.com

01-17-2007, 12:51 AM
hows that keyboard? is it easy to use? wats the thing u like about it the most?

yah its ez to use,

It does everything.

I cant find anything bad about it.

01-17-2007, 01:21 AM
i have the cingular 8125 as well... but cingular just released the 8525, which is also no 400mhz processor as opposed, to the 200mhz...

as far as blackjack? dont waste money... and it doesnt even have wifi...

01-17-2007, 02:29 AM
i use to have the treo 700w. had the MotoQ and XV6700 for a while as well as the Blackberry 8703e. yes all from VZW.

personally, EDGE sucks ass. yes i know people are ognna throw out the UMTS/HSDPA at me, but whats the point of 3G GSM when its not widely covered?

how about you answer this quetsion

"What are you planning on doing with the PDA, and WHY do you feel you need one?"

blackjack is shit. id pass not cuz it doesnt have wifi, but you cant edit documents! word/excel. thats one reason why ill never get a Smartphone.

if you thought about going to VZW, there are a lot of PDAs coming out very soon with Wifi.

ill be getting the samsung sch-i760 when that baby comes out. but i hate the horizontal slider. blah! but oh well im getting it for cheap ;] and its said to have Windows Crossbow on it.


my next pda for sure...but until the pda comes out..this will be my temp phone when its release



01-17-2007, 02:52 AM
whoa thats like a transformer phone lol. vzw is wat exactly? the blackjack has wifi according to the link i posted up top. so the 8525 is the one to get out of those 2? i might get that if i cant get my hands on the angel then. anymore options would be cool guys let me know.

01-17-2007, 06:54 PM
If you don't need anything to edit documents and such stick with a Q or BlackJack (NO WIFI ON EITHER THO). Treos are nice, plus the 700 is capable of using a Wifi miniSD card.

01-17-2007, 07:58 PM
Nice two people that know what a good phone is.

8525 I will have one in a month or two (forgot when my resign comes up).

I am on the 8125 with the new 2.25 rom for it... its tuned twice as fast as the old model. you have to manually enable wireless g since cingular went limp to do it.

have a 1gig card in it right now... I download a show and shrink it and BAM mobile video watching.... its fun. mp3's and wireless i-net radio is cool as well.

8525: yeah more on board ram and 400mhz clock helps make this bad boy run FAST AS FUCK. UMTS (twice the speed and signal of EDGE) rocks the wireless i-net world. call reception also improves for the caller on the other end (problem with old one was when it sounds good on your end might not be true for the person on the other end). Feels lighter *yeah it went to the gym to tone* thanks to slicker design. 2meg camera (yeah we are finally getting there). Improved layout..... ITS SEXY FOR GEEKS LIKE ME!


01-17-2007, 08:22 PM
so the cingular 8525 is that good huh? well if i cant get my hands on the angel it'll be that. thanx

01-18-2007, 01:12 AM
yah, if you want just find an angel on egay, I found mine for great deal.

01-18-2007, 02:32 AM
LB, Audiovax puts that out. It's the VX6600 in US, it's silver though.

I use the VX6700, it's amazing. I love it.

01-18-2007, 02:33 AM
I have the t mobile mda( same as cingular 8125). I love the damn thing. I have droped it more times than I can count and it works perfectly after 8 monthes. cheap too, with rebates it was like 100 with a free 1 gig sd card from wirefly if i remember correctly.