View Full Version : L.A Galaxy sign David Beckham $250million

01-11-2007, 11:48 AM
L.A Galaxy announced today that they have signed David Beckham for a $1,000,000 a week contract for 5 years. ($250 million).


Not only is that a shit load of money for an athlete to earn for playing the sport, but I can't imagine how much he will make in endorsements from American companies... at least we get this too: POSH!


01-11-2007, 11:53 AM
Damn.....I don't know if he still has five years in him. Victoria is OK....they are big everywhere in the world except the states...but now that is going to change. Still would like him to play for Manchester United.

01-11-2007, 12:08 PM
Damn.....I don't know if he still has five years in him. Victoria is OK....they are big everywhere in the world except the states...but now that is going to change. Still would like him to play for Manchester United.

Yeah, unfortunately his career has come to the point where he just sat and waited to take the free kick in europe... but I think in the states, he might be able to relive some of his old glory days. His experience and talent will still prevail over the inexperienced, younger players in the MLS.

01-11-2007, 12:40 PM
Yeah, unfortunately his career has come to the point where he just sat and waited to take the free kick in europe... but I think in the states, he might be able to relive some of his old glory days. His experience and talent will still prevail over the inexperienced, younger players in the MLS.

i second that for sure

01-11-2007, 01:19 PM
That's quite an investment. It's hard to imagine he'll increase profits for the club by $250 million in the 5 years he's there. That's a smart decision by Beckham though. Time for an anology:

MLS : burnt out soccer stars as Florida : old retired people

Maybe next season I'll actually watch some MLS games instead of watching reruns from the EPL and SPL.

01-11-2007, 01:24 PM
Holy shit. He finally decided to take the plunge. I hope this helps bring over some other superstars to help kickstart this sport and make it a little more mainstream.

01-11-2007, 01:38 PM
Holy shit. He finally decided to take the plunge. I hope this helps bring over some other superstars to help kickstart this sport and make it a little more mainstream.

In Europe, as you know, it is the most popular sport, so clubs over there have the money to put towards these hefty salaries. But as you said, i would love to see the MLS begin to break the Atlantic barrier between european and american soccer.

01-11-2007, 02:15 PM
$250 million, you could buy a lot of orange slices for that!

01-11-2007, 02:22 PM
beckham is a stupid fool......who is he going to compete with now?.....if i was him, i'd rather end my career in madrid......

01-11-2007, 02:28 PM
I didnt realize the american soccer clubs had that kind of money.

Are those games even televised?

01-11-2007, 02:28 PM
beckham is a stupid fool......who is he going to compete with now?.....if i was him, i'd rather end my career in madrid......

And turn down $250 million??? That would be a poor move on your part sir.

01-11-2007, 02:29 PM
i use to play for galaxy....in the 5th grade. haha. wow he got a fatter deal than zito. beckham is a winner. we lose.

01-11-2007, 02:31 PM
How the hell does any US soccer team have that kind of dough? That's more than he was making at Madrid.

01-11-2007, 02:34 PM
How the hell does any US soccer team have that kind of dough? That's more than he was making at Madrid.

um.. yeah... it's the biggest sports contract in U.S history

01-11-2007, 02:36 PM
And turn down $250 million??? That would be a poor move on your part sir.

dude, he already had enough money to feed a small third world country.......it's all about the glory, man.......look at eric cantona....he left the soccer scene in a blaze of glory.....besides, everybody knows that MLS is a joke......his diehard fans will be so piss off......

01-11-2007, 02:36 PM
Isnt that some shit. What happened with Barcelona? lol

Like he needs more money lol

01-11-2007, 03:54 PM
dude, he already had enough money to feed a small third world country.......it's all about the glory, man.......look at eric cantona....he left the soccer scene in a blaze of glory.....besides, everybody knows that MLS is a joke......his diehard fans will be so piss off......

I am from the U.K and am currently over here in England at the moment, you would be surprised about the reactions over here. Mostly everyone thinks that his football career has finished, so why not earn the extra dosh. Beckham has been in the news for the past three days and all the talk has been about his retirement... it was just today when the announcement came in that he was in fact playing for another 5 years in the U.S. Everyone just thinks he is going over there for the money as a part of retirement, but no-one really gives a shit... but it is an interesting overall reaction. Shit, I was surprised... but always had a feeling it would happen. Ever since he announced his resignation from the skipper position for the England team, I knew something was up.

01-11-2007, 03:57 PM

..this is not gonna do anything to soccer here in US.
waste of money for the galaxies.

01-11-2007, 06:48 PM
I am from the U.K and am currently over here in England at the moment, you would be surprised about the reactions over here. Mostly everyone thinks that his football career has finished, so why not earn the extra dosh. Beckham has been in the news for the past three days and all the talk has been about his retirement... it was just today when the announcement came in that he was in fact playing for another 5 years in the U.S. Everyone just thinks he is going over there for the money as a part of retirement, but no-one really gives a shit... but it is an interesting overall reaction. Shit, I was surprised... but always had a feeling it would happen. Ever since he announced his resignation from the skipper position for the England team, I knew something was up.

I'm not surprised... there were talks of this a while ago. Especially when Real Madrid put him on the bench.

I'd rather have him still play in Europe, even if he went to a weaker team than RM so that he would play more. But, whatever hes coming here and maybe will help out MLS a little bit. Who actually knows anything about MLS? I bet you could find more people in this country that know more about European football than the MLS. Its more of a publicity thing to help make MLS more popular.

01-11-2007, 07:02 PM
Those are some fake-ass titties :sadwavey:

01-11-2007, 08:07 PM
A quater billion dollars. wow and who is going to pick up that tab, I am sure that any 2 teams in the mls with all the player's salaries combined don't pay that much or make that much for that matter.

01-11-2007, 08:24 PM
I dont know too much about soccer.. but you have to agree.. regardless of how ppl will veiw him after this.. do you really think he cares? 5 more years and then hes free to travel the world without worrying about anything for the rest of his life... 250 mil is crazy.. How does a sports team come up with that kind of money.. maybe endorsements are included in that deal?

01-11-2007, 10:06 PM
wow 250 million.... I dont think anyone is worht 250 million bucks!

s14 shishido
01-11-2007, 10:27 PM
wow 250 million.... I dont think anyone is worht 250 million bucks!

A. Rod, but over the span of a couple more years.. i think that's a huge investment that the team made.. wut exactly is LA Galaxy trying to accomplsih?

01-11-2007, 10:33 PM
yay now i have a reason to go see galaxy

01-11-2007, 10:36 PM
A. Rod, but over the span of a couple more years.. i think that's a huge investment that the team made.. wut exactly is LA Galaxy trying to accomplsih?

yay now i have a reason to go see galaxy

probably what they are trying to accomplish right here...only on a grander scale

01-12-2007, 04:50 AM

probably what they are trying to accomplish right here...only on a grander scale

haha... well said.

01-12-2007, 06:14 AM
beckham is the scarfce of soccr yo

01-12-2007, 07:46 AM
Those are some fake-ass titties :sadwavey:

I think that picture was mid-bounce and that's why they're up so high. The best part about her is that she seems very smart and quick witted in interviews. Can't beat that.

01-12-2007, 08:05 AM
beckham is a stupid fool......who is he going to compete with now?.....if i was him, i'd rather end my career in madrid......

Yea, go out in a blaze of glory, huh? sitting on the bench being that burnt out super star. Or go have fun, make a million a week for the next 5 years, and live in LA with all the other celebrities.

You're right, what a fool.

I assure you that even though David Beckham is a world famous super star, he's not going to blow away everyone in the MLS and make them look like little kids. The MLS has gotten a lot better, and even though it's not full of big name, big salary players, they can still compete with most teams in the world. I'd say if you put a top MLS team in the EPL, they'd probably finish up somewhere in the middle of the table. Everyone acts like the MLS is going to be a walk in the park for David Beckham, but look at Youri Djorkaeff and other great European players that have come to the MLS.

01-12-2007, 11:20 AM
I just heard that David Beckham's salary for the L.A Galaxy is FIVE TIMES MORE than all of the galaxy player's salaries COMBINED!


01-12-2007, 11:43 AM
it's absurd,
he can live off of his money for 134954xyz years comfortably

if only i can get 0.00003% of his worth....

01-12-2007, 12:23 PM
I'm torned with this one.

I heard that the only way he would have stayed in Europe and play for a bigger club was if there was still a chance for him to make the England squad. Guess that didn't happen. But he isn't as washed up as some are making him sound out to be; there was still plenty of interest from big name clubs in Europe.

Having said that, I've never thought that his popularity matched his talent in the pitch. He is an above-average player but not quite up to the status he enjoys. That probably has to do more with his looks, wife and lifestyle. He can cross and take free kicks granted, we all know this, but he really can't play both sides or command both legs equally good, his defense is mediocre at best, he's not amongst the fastest players out there and his dribbling skills are only average aswell.

He was brought to MLS to raise the profile of the league and as already mentioned perhaps to lure other talented players in the world. Everybody in the world now knows about MLS and the LA Galaxy. That type of publicty my friends IS worth a quarter million dollars.
It's no secret that he and his wife would like to start/resume an entertainment career once his playing days are over. What better place?

As far as the money. MLS recently sold the DC United, the leagues most successful club, for a reported $33 million iirc. That money, combined with endorsement rights is what's paying his salary. Rumor is Adidas ponied up a nice chunk of change to have their logo prominently displayed on the Galaxy's jerseys in the coming year. And lastly, as we all know, salaries aren't paid up front but over the course of the time so the actual value of the deal isn't that high.

I understand what MLS is doing but at the same time I hate the continuing shuffling of players from teams that they do every year and their constant acquistion of players past their prime who come without hunger for the game but to vacation instead (Hermosillo, Campos, Hernandez....). Not saying that that will be the case, just a noticeable trend.

One thing is certain though: I'm going to be following MLS next year with just a little bit more interest than this past one.

01-12-2007, 12:42 PM
... all of the Beckham fans' out there will now consider the L.A Galaxy their favorite team.

01-12-2007, 01:06 PM
^lol.. I'm a soccer fan, live in LA and the Galaxy is at best my 4th favorite soccer team...

01-12-2007, 01:39 PM
Also just heard on the news that the Galaxy have already sold 2500 season tickets the day of the contract announcement.

01-12-2007, 01:54 PM
Yea, go out in a blaze of glory, huh? sitting on the bench being that burnt out super star. Or go have fun, make a million a week for the next 5 years, and live in LA with all the other celebrities.

You're right, what a fool.

I assure you that even though David Beckham is a world famous super star, he's not going to blow away everyone in the MLS and make them look like little kids. The MLS has gotten a lot better, and even though it's not full of big name, big salary players, they can still compete with most teams in the world. I'd say if you put a top MLS team in the EPL, they'd probably finish up somewhere in the middle of the table. Everyone acts like the MLS is going to be a walk in the park for David Beckham, but look at Youri Djorkaeff and other great European players that have come to the MLS.

Youri Djorkaeff......a great player......have u guys ever heard of him?.....U think they can compete wit all those talented guys in EPL such as gerrard, henri, rooney, drogba, ballack, etc.?.....MLS just can't compete in EPL.....maybe in the second devision.....don't talk shit about EPL with ur half ass knowledge, plz....MLS is a joke....

01-12-2007, 02:31 PM
calm down, trooper... you're not their spokesperson

01-12-2007, 03:11 PM
Haha, ok jeeper. Why don't you go ahead and read this:


01-12-2007, 03:26 PM
Few top clubs in EPL (about 5 I would say) rest are kinda mediocre.
But I still agree with you EPL >> MLS but so are many other quality leagues aswell.
La Liga still the best though.:rawk:
Would depend on the type of futbol one preferrs. EPL is fast and hard whereas La Liga is more flamboyant I would say.
Also love the Argentina league and Boca Jrs is actually my favorite of all clubs (followed by Barca and Arsenal).

01-12-2007, 03:29 PM
Haha, ok jeeper. Why don't you go ahead and read this:


Can't really draw conclusion or comparasons from friendlies most clubs see as an opportunity to take a vacation.

01-13-2007, 12:06 PM
Haha, ok jeeper. Why don't you go ahead and read this:


it's a friggin' vacation.....do u think they were playing seriously?....okay, if u want to do this......how about EPL allstar against LA galaxy?.....BAKAyaro...

01-13-2007, 12:51 PM
Youri Djorkaeff......a great player......have u guys ever heard of him?
I'm assuming you're implying that noone has heard of him so he stinks? He has 80+ caps for France and won a World Cup and Euro 2000. Are you kidding me?! Just because you, or others haven't heard of him doesn't make him a bad player.
.....U think they can compete wit all those talented guys in EPL such as gerrard, henri, rooney, drogba, ballack, etc.?.....MLS just can't compete in EPL.....maybe in the second devision.....don't talk shit about EPL with ur half ass knowledge, plz....MLS is a joke....
Why name a bunch of attackers? I'd be more impressed with your knowledge if you threw in maybe one other player who wasn't an attacking midfielder or a striker.

Neither I, nor probably anyone else in this thread believes the MLS is as good of a league as the EPL, but I'd put MLS teams up against Aston Villa, or Portsmouth, or Reading any day of the week as a good game. Do I think they would get handled by Chelsea or Man U? Probably, but most teams do. Do I think they would be a lock for relegation every year? Nope. I think they could compete.

Why does everything have to be so me against the world with you? You're always trying to bash someone personally by talking about this guys "half ass knowledge". Why don't you calm down a little, take your blood pressure pills, and relax. You must just love those red squares.
it's a friggin' vacation.....do u think they were playing seriously?....okay, if u want to do this......how about EPL allstar against LA galaxy?.....BAKAyaro...
I wouldn't call friendlies a "vacation". Sure, players aren't playing all out, but there is still a lot to prove, and pride is on the line, especially with Chelsea going down to MLS. As bad as they think (or know) Americans are at soccer, they don't want to come and get beat to the worthless MLS they laugh at.

If the MLS couldn't hang at all with the EPL, or La Liga, they would have absolutely gotten worked. It didn't happen that way.

As for the EPL all stars vs. Galaxy...well...that doesn't really prove anything. Your point was that the MLS can't hang at all with anything but 2nd division EPL. Well, if that's so, then of course MLS would be murdered by an EPL all-star team. We're arguing that if an MLS all-star team can best, or more appropriately, not get beat 4-0 by Chelsea, then apparently they could hang with some of the first division teams.

Note that I couldn't care less about the MLS and couldn't name more than 4-5 teams. I follow EPL, Bundesliga, La Liga, etc., but I still think you're being a bit ignorant to think MLS is a "joke" or can't hang at all.

Go Arsenal. :D

01-13-2007, 12:57 PM
soccer players get paid more than all athletes. but just to say this he's not that good no more. he's not as good as the Brazilian superstar.

01-13-2007, 01:02 PM
250 million in 5 years is still less then Schumacher was making. Scary!!

01-13-2007, 01:02 PM
Well jeeper is going to eat his words when Beckham comes to the MLS and doesn't run circles around everyone as though he seems to think.

01-13-2007, 01:12 PM
he's not as good as the Brazilian superstar.
Ronaldinho? You're right, but that's not his job. He's not a pure flamboyant striker who breaks ankles. He's a midfielder who sets up long passes, good crosses, and most importantly, takes free kicks. It's a bit unfair to compare him to Ronaldinho. That's like saying "Tom Brady stinks. He's not nearly as good as Steve Smith." :shrug:

01-13-2007, 03:06 PM
Was reading the paper and his salary is around $10 million a year (on par with many NBA, NFL or MLB players). The rest is estimated income from advertising and endorsements.

soccer players get paid more than all athletes.
Not actually true, Beckham was actually making less in Real, $4 or $6 mil/year I think but I'm not sure. The huge amounts of money mentioned when players change teams have to do with the transfer of their rights which are owned and paid to clubs. American sports pay way more to their star athletes.

Barca losing to Espanyol 1-0 at half right now... got Barca!

01-13-2007, 03:38 PM
his coach at Real Madrid benched him, because he doesnt want him to play if he has another team he mite have loyalty too

01-13-2007, 04:08 PM
WTF are you talking about? Why comment on something you have very little insight into?

Real Madrid has been having personel changes (players, presidents and coaches) in the last few years that has led to instability in the club. Beckham was brought in by a coach to play a certain way, new coach comes in and he has a different approach, player(s) fall out of favor. Happens in most teams all the time. In fact, many of the stablished Real players are having a tough time with the new coach Capelo who's time may be coming to an end soon aswell.

01-13-2007, 05:30 PM
From what I hear China is trying to buy rights for MLS sooo maybe the idea wasnt so bad... im sure advertising and stuff will skyrocket...

01-13-2007, 05:39 PM
"Was reading the paper and his salary is around $10 million a year (on par with many NBA, NFL or MLB players). The rest is estimated income from advertising and endorsements."

Heard about this too... I suspected it has a lot to do with upcoming endorsement partnerships.

01-13-2007, 05:52 PM
Damn, its like living under a rock when I don't watch ESPN for a few days!? This is crazy, definitely going to bring attention the MLS needs. You know everyone is going to watch the games now out of pure curiosity.

01-13-2007, 06:12 PM
WTF are you talking about? Why comment on something you have very little insight into?

Real Madrid has been having personel changes (players, presidents and coaches) in the last few years that has led to instability in the club. Beckham was brought in by a coach to play a certain way, new coach comes in and he has a different approach, player(s) fall out of favor. Happens in most teams all the time. In fact, many of the stablished Real players are having a tough time with the new coach Capelo who's time may be coming to an end soon aswell.

check it, ill even quote it for ya:

"The player's decision is to go to Los Angeles. He has always been a great professional, but a player who has such a major contract with another team ... we cannot count on him," Capello said. "I think one cannot have the same drive if one is already with another team."


01-13-2007, 07:29 PM
galaxy is actually only paying about 50mil the rest comes from the sponsers

ps i dont think anything is going to change with beckham playing in mls because in the past i ve seen many attempts like this and everything is still the same except more people are gonna go to the LA games the first season and then it ll start going down

01-13-2007, 08:08 PM
As far as the money. MLS recently sold the DC United, the leagues most successful club, for a reported $33 million iirc.

wait....what? I <3 DC United (they are a local team to me)....how can MLS sell the club? who they sell it to?

01-13-2007, 08:15 PM
check it, ill even quote it for ya:

"The player's decision is to go to Los Angeles. He has always been a great professional, but a player who has such a major contract with another team ... we cannot count on him," Capello said. "I think one cannot have the same drive if one is already with another team."


I don't think thats what he was saying. The way you said it was that he left because he got benched. He wasn't starting, but was still playing. He got benched for good becasue he's leaving at the end of the season.

Capello is an idiot, but I do think Beckham's time is coming to an end, at least playing at the level that is played in Europe. So maybe RM can get a younger player to take his spot.

01-13-2007, 08:35 PM
I don't think thats what he was saying. The way you said it was that he left because he got benched. He wasn't starting, but was still playing. He got benched for good becasue he's leaving at the end of the season.

Capello is an idiot, but I do think Beckham's time is coming to an end, at least playing at the level that is played in Europe. So maybe RM can get a younger player to take his spot.

nah i knew he wasnt starting, i meant that he was benched permanently b/c he signed with Galaxy, i guess maybe it threw him off b/c i said it backwards...

ill edit it for ya guys

01-13-2007, 08:43 PM
BS excuse. Shit been happening for a while now.

01-13-2007, 08:48 PM
excuse or not, its the final straw and the reason hes not playin anymore

01-13-2007, 08:51 PM
wait....what? I <3 DC United (they are a local team to me)....how can MLS sell the club? who they sell it to?

I think the sale just goes through MLS. Since the previous deal for the club fell through, MLS had been somewhat helping the previous owners sell the club. Now they found a new group who wanted to buy so MLS "sold" the club even tho they never really owned it.

I don't know if that makes sense, and don't quote me on that. Just what I read a while ago.

01-13-2007, 08:53 PM
BS excuse. Shit been happening for a while now.

I agree, I was angry when I first heard this. But this could be the best thing for RM and I'm a big fan. We'll see what happens.