View Full Version : FS: Sealand

01-10-2007, 11:01 PM
The world's smallest country, Sealand, is now for sale!

THE self-proclaimed independent state of Sealand is offering backers a unique off-shore investment - a stake in the famous principality.

And now the owners of the former Rough's Tower, a Second World War fort situated six miles of the east coast, believe its location and tax status could be ideal for an outside business to operate.

Sealand was declared a sovereign principality by Roy Bates - who took on the title of Prince Roy - in 1967.

The Ministry of Defence tried to evict him by sending out Royal Navy Boats and helicopters but Prince Roy, a former Army major with a distinguished war record, fired warning shots and they retreated.

Prince Michael of Sealand
Prince Michael of Sealand
He was taken to court, but a judge ruled that as the platform - situated off the port of Harwich - was outside the three-mile limit of UK territorial waters, the Government did not hold jurisdiction over it.

Meanwhile Prince Roy and his wife, Princess Joan, poured millions of pounds of pounds into the ugly, wind-battered concrete slab balanced on two huge pillars and transformed it into a luxurious palace.

However, in June last year a faulty generator led to the fort catching fire and it suffered hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage.

Yesterday Prince Michael of Sealand, Roy's son, said the fire was one of a number of contributory reasons the family were exploring the possibility of selling off a stake in Sealand.

“We are trying to see what interest we can get. We decided to do this a little while after the fire, which is among the reasons we are looking at it,” he said.

He added it was expected that the family would retain access to the fort and it was unlikely the titles of prince and princess would be available for purchase.

“I suppose everything is negotiable, but we can't really transfer that. We have had 40 years of history and independence.

“But we have a different tax arrangement - it could be very beneficial for a business,” he said.

Prince Michael said that Prince Roy, now 85, was fully aware of the situation but that he and Princess Joan now spent most of their time in Spain.

In the past, the Principality of Sealand played a key role in pirate radio and also hosted internet services and industries.

The estate agents currently handling Sealand, Spanish firm Inmonaranja, said they were currently looking for bids above €100,000,000.

“Since 1999, the principality has been the home of several information industry companies which offer to the world safe and secure internet facilities - this industrial base makes the country even more interesting as an investment opportunity.

“Even a disastrous fire last summer in the accommodation section of the fort failed to affect the industrial activities - the country is based upon a military fort, with all its multiple backup and reserve systems.

“Sealand's current economy is based in the issue of its currency 'Sealand dollars', stamps, titles of nobility and above all the 'digital paradise' companies which are located there.

“The opportunities for developing these and other activities become available to potential investors and those who take part in the development and realisation of the Principality's future will be able to share in and become part of the history of the most famous and oldest micro-nation in the world.”




01-11-2007, 12:07 AM
Doesn't seem big enough for anything

01-11-2007, 12:26 AM
all i can say is wow...

01-11-2007, 12:37 AM
sweet.. i gotta get it for sure.. .keep my car registered there.. hehehe =D

01-11-2007, 12:37 AM
yeah read that couple days ago,

and in one of the articles, there were attempted takeovers by some businessmen, haha

01-11-2007, 01:50 AM
I dont see the millions of british pounds poured in for renovations. But, if i want to start another napster, then i guess that is the place.

01-11-2007, 02:21 AM
Interesting reads...


01-11-2007, 02:24 AM
thats some austin powers shit right there

01-12-2007, 03:36 PM
You could start a music download site from there, charge like 10c per download, and pay no royalties to the artist, because laws are not applicable there.

Or run a P2P service from there as well.

01-12-2007, 04:13 PM
Seal Land?


01-12-2007, 04:34 PM
i think it's called sea land not seal land, as in land on the sea perhaps

but that'll be funny if seal did buy it

01-12-2007, 06:27 PM
You could start a music download site from there, charge like 10c per download, and pay no royalties to the artist, because laws are not applicable there.

Or run a P2P service from there as well.

You must be referring to The Pirate Bays possible purchase of Sealand? (http://www.buysealand.com/) :aw: I read this earlier today.

01-12-2007, 09:39 PM
hell yeah the perfect place for pirate bay.... redecorate it..... nice big sign saying "fuck off RIAA, MPAA" ahahahahahahahhaha

I wonder if they will make it... sure a long way to make it to that amount

01-12-2007, 09:58 PM
Yeah, I don't know. They at least have to tie up a huge pirate ship.

On the flip side, I don't know if buying Sealand for internet hosting is the best idea for them. They would have limited room for expansion.

01-12-2007, 10:15 PM

Sealand is fucking amazing....wow.

01-13-2007, 12:49 AM
thats fukin wack... excuse my drunken rage. haha

01-13-2007, 01:31 AM
thats fukin wack. i hate how the world is some elrods claim a platform in the middle of the sea and they get all this media and attention that cost however much money but the people who are barely survivin hardly get any attention form any kind of media source to expose how messed up some shit is... i think sealand is stupid and a waist of time but thats just my personal opinion..

Cool it man, this has just been an internet phenomenom so far. Not like it's hitting CNN or something. If what you're professing was reality, there would never be good news. But that's your opinion.

01-13-2007, 09:22 PM
instead of buying that go buy a island.http://www.privateislandsonline.com/

01-13-2007, 11:35 PM
instead of buying that go buy a island.http://www.privateislandsonline.com/

The ex-CEO (and friend) of the company I work for just bought an island off of the coast of Florida near Tampa. Shits awesome. He sold Rhino Video Games to Blockbuster (who just sold it to Gamestop) and bought some condos to manage in Mexico and his own island. Pimp ass shit. :aw:

01-14-2007, 12:05 AM
instead of buying that go buy a island.http://www.privateislandsonline.com/

There's a difference between owning and island and owning a country.

One problem I see is that Britain doesn't recognize the sovereignty of Sealand, even though it was AFTER Sealand was established that they decided to change their laws regarding their territorial waters (which previous to the change, Sealand was outside of).

01-14-2007, 12:14 AM
There's a difference between owning and island and owning a country.

One problem I see is that Britain doesn't recognize the sovereignty of Sealand, even though it was AFTER Sealand was established that they decided to change their laws regarding their territorial waters (which previous to the change, Sealand was outside of).

Very true, I wouldn't be surprised if (and that's a big if) Pirate Bay did in fact buy it and started running their business there that Britain would jump in and claim it. If anyone has say so in the matter, it's Britain. No other countries will care if they take over.

Pirate Bay has already been shut down once only to be reopened so I don't know if they will even leave where they're at (Sweden or Switzerland I think? I can't remember...)

01-14-2007, 12:20 AM
owning a country means you can make up your own laws??

imagine that

01-14-2007, 12:50 AM
TPB will never raise the cash that the Sealand people want.
They're looking to get rich from some rich moron, and will likely never sell to some small group like TPB.

Britain will likely not give two shits about what the new owners do.

01-15-2007, 03:47 PM
is that platform REALLY sealand or was that a joke picture? Sorry for my ignorance...

why cant anyone just go build two collumns in the middle of the ocean and call it their own country...i'm confused.

01-15-2007, 05:21 PM
is that platform REALLY sealand or was that a joke picture? Sorry for my ignorance...

google it if you want to verify the pics...

01-16-2007, 06:54 AM
lol.. sealand!!! LOLOLOL!! amazing, i thought it was bigger though

01-16-2007, 10:55 PM
haha me and a buddy discovered Sealand LOOOONG time ago like couple years. anyway it fascinated us. what they were trying to do was turn the place into a data safe haven, where laws basically don't exist. I could foresee that something like that would be of great value to less than legal businesses and could drive very lucrative businesses. however all you sick fuckers please don't apply. these guys said they would stay away from child porn and other serious issues. I am still fascinated by it, though now that more people have found out about it, I am disappointed, kind of like when the 240 went mainstream, I will now search out a new hobby.