View Full Version : sr turbo acts like stock turbo??

07-27-2002, 05:28 AM
i was wondering..if the stock turbo from a SR acts like a stock turbo from other cars..like u know how the GST eclise turbo..u can leave it there and it will work fine..dont need to check up much..is it the same for the SR?..or does it act like an aftermarket turbo..where u need to check up on it all the time to make sure its running..im jw

07-27-2002, 10:46 AM
uh. . .

Turbos are all turbos, stock vs aftermarket you still have the same potential differences in quality. Basically you would probably want to keep an eye on  any higher mileage turbo for shaft play.

Only thing I can think of on your stock vs aftermarket turbo comparison is most folks who install aftermarket turbos put them under greater strain. . .

07-27-2002, 04:10 PM
so is the SR considered as a stock turbo?...since some GST owers get the stock turbo..but dont ahve no BOV or IC..but the SR does..ppl who have GST get it and dont care of the turbo and let it run..can SR do the same?

07-28-2002, 01:55 AM
iirc, the SR uses a recirculator, not a BOV. It does have an intercooler. I still don't see where you're getting there's a differene between "stock" and "aftermarket" The stock turbo on a sr is typically a t-28. . . Some aftermarkets can be more powerful, more efficient- just like they could be cheaper and weaker. With ANY turbo car, you need to keep an eye on the turbo, 'cause they do wear out and die making a very expensive repair.

07-28-2002, 12:03 PM
If i understand you right you are basically saying that the DSM/Eclipse guys just don't pay much attention to the turbos and don't have turbo timers and boost controllers, FMIC's and BOV.s right? You're saying they just don't touch it, don't do anything special?  Well yes the same can be done with an SR. You could install it totally stock and PROBABLY not worry about it too much.  You have to keep in mind that most SR's are used and possibly have been beat on by the Japanese owner so some preventative maintaince would be a really good idea.  But if everything is in decent condition and working properly I would expect that you would not have to "check up on it" very much. But in my opinion if you are gonna go the SR route why leave it stock? Definately add a turbo timer, boost controller, BOV, and a big FMIC. Even then you shouldn't have to worry about reliability to much.

And for the record S-13 sr's use a T-25 turbo, s-14's use a T-28 with ball bearing center section.

07-28-2002, 04:48 PM
i have a 1gen Eclipse GSX. I don't have a FMIC but i do have a sidemount intercooler.. just like the rest of the turbo eclipses do.. stock. They also come w/ a stock BOV... Although i don't have a turbo timer (i will soon though) i still let my car idle a while after i run it hard. I don't have a boost controller because i don't have use for one at the moment. When you push the boost on the stock turbo then that's when you start putting serious strain on it. (don't take that last sentence out of context) But i think i can help w/ the SR question. All turbos are not created equally, but the stock turbo on an SR is generally made to handle everyday abuse. Just pay attention to your car and do the general maintanance.. you know, make sure you have enough coolant, change your oil regularly, check your belts and hoses. Its kind of like taking care of any other oridinary car, just don't missinterpret what i'm saying and go overboard on the whole thing. If you want a lot more boost (probably around 18psi +) you should just get a bigger turbo. I don't feel like explaining it all but i'm sure you get the general idea. Just take care of your car and pay attention when it acts odd.