View Full Version : auto cross

07-17-2002, 08:08 PM
can some one point me in the right direccion i want to try auto cross..were in the mid west re the events held? i guess i just want to try something new..i dpont know what to do with the car anymore..hahah and waiting for the tranny to do the 5 speed swap..( sweeeeeetttttttttttt <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/cool.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':cool:'> )

07-17-2002, 08:41 PM
Click here (http://www.execpc.com/~mcscc/)

07-17-2002, 08:41 PM
Search for the SCCA in your area. There may be private autocross clubs in your area as well. Once you find the SCCA you can talk to other enthusiasts there who can tell you about the other clubs if there are any.

Drifting Ricer
07-17-2002, 08:54 PM
You decided to actually drive your car? I'm happy for ya. Here to get you started you want to go to www.scca.org. Then look for you're region. look under solo 2 and you should be all set. All you need for auto is nothing. he he he he. Just make sure you're car is empty (no spare). battery in place. They most likely have loner helmets, But is good idea to have one anywayz.

Here so notes from fellow auto xer.
Walk the course at least 3 times. You want to walk more than that. You wanna make sure that when you about to get ready, you have a good idea how the course is laid out.
walk the course with some that done it before.

You firts event you want to make sure you at least finish the course. Don't get mad is you get low position. It takes usually a couple of events to get completive. Yes the little car like CRX will mostly be the fastses car of the day.

well that's all I have for now. Any q's just PM me.