View Full Version : T-Mobile problem?

01-05-2007, 01:57 PM
***I apologize for the long read, but if you've been shafted by a cell phone plan, this might concern you***

Two years ago I signed on a 1-year contract with T-Mobile through an independent store. The selected plan had unlimited nights and weekends minutes. But turns out they made an error and counted my night minutes. After seeing overages, I called T-Mobile and they corrected it, adding the nights for free.

Last month I signed another 2-year contract with T-Mobile through a different independent store. The selected plan had unlimited nights and weekend minutes. But it turns out they made the same error again and deprived me of free night minutes. After contacting T-Mobile, they corrected it again for free.

I asked the representative on the phone if this was a common error and what is the cause of it. After all, a plan without night minutes did not exist for the number of minutes i selected. He said sometimes independent stores mess up because the code for weekends vs nights+weekends is a difference of one key. If you did not sign for a contract of at least one year, you didnt get free nights.

If you did sign for 1+ years, you had an option of weekends or nights+weekends, both of which are free. The existence of this option for 1+year customers makes no sense to me. It only leaves room for error. Possibly intentional error.

My question is, do they do this on purpose? I experienced the same exact problem for two different stores on two different plans. Do they purposely deprive you of the feature you chose and wait until you catch the mistake? Because this was at two different stores, is this standard procedure from corporate T-Mobile?

If so, who is to blame? The store, corporate T-mobile, or no one? Is it just a conincidence that these independent stores messed up? Although my problem was fixed, I feel this is still highly unethical if it is intentional.

Have you encountered this or a similar problem?

01-05-2007, 02:09 PM
The independent stores are to blame. They have no accountability to the company and get a kickback for every package they sell. Some packages are worth more than others. They will promise you the world but sign you up for what gets them the most money.

Cingular had some major problems with skimmers and abuse of there system and has pretty much gotten rid of all independent store contractors.

Basically, Do Not buy from Independent stores! They are scammers.

A Spec Products
01-05-2007, 02:30 PM
I always buy from the Chinese cell phone guys around here.

They give the SICKEST deals, word life!

01-05-2007, 02:41 PM
i buy from the vietnamese guys in westminster. with my vietnamese wife i get sick deals, and overseas phones! this my current
samsung sgh-d520.

but the independant stores are the ones to blame. go t-mobile directly or go where all your friends go.

01-05-2007, 03:00 PM
Authorized dealers of any kind are shady. Go to a corporate store for your deals next time....

I can tell you for a fact that the way the plan is set up, you have to choose the appropriate night minutes package before it will let you activate the plan. ( I worked for T-Mob Direct for 2 years)

The dealer honestly either made a mistake or didnt really give a shit what night minutes he gave you since he gets paid on the rate plan value rather than the optional minutes.

01-05-2007, 05:30 PM
that's the thing, the corporate stores don't give you as good of a deal

the small shops give you the best deals, i've seen free phones, free plans, etc etc all for 1 yr contracts
but some of them may promise you some kickbacks after 6 months (after they get theirs) but they may shut down right after like it happened to me one time,

only 1 yr, so no biggie

01-05-2007, 06:32 PM
I've always gotten free phones from the corporate stores. As a matter of fact, I just got a $200 phone for free from T-Mobile.

01-05-2007, 06:54 PM
here in nyc, i usually go to the asian stores in flushing.... for some reason they usually give crazy deals... on top of that, you can bargain for better cellphones... not like the ones that are only locked and branded by the carrier....

01-05-2007, 07:25 PM
here in nyc, i usually go to the asian stores in flushing.... for some reason they usually give crazy deals... on top of that, you can bargain for better cellphones... not like the ones that are only locked and branded by the carrier....

1. those phones dont have warranties and arn't covered by insurance...
2. the phones are cheap but be careful about changing your plan or removing features after the point of purchase.

if its a smoking deal then often times going to a mom and pop shop is worth the risk. the prices are always cheaper but there's no guarantee that your phone is going to last you.

most authorized dealers will charge a credit card that they keep on file if you do anything that jeopardizes their commission payout. most chargeback periods are about 6 months, so just make sure you know what you're signing when you get your nokia n80 in chinatown for 50bucks.