View Full Version : stuppid scammers

01-04-2007, 10:23 PM
So I have someone intrested in teh wheels...lol
Classic Scam artist.....he is in red, i am in blue....his email is at the bottom of the page for all who want to fuck with him

Please am interested in your 18" Baller wheels ,then I want to know the condition...And get back to me with the last price?
Thank you

where did you see them for sell at?
$2400 is the bottem dollar

Thanks for your response to my mail.I am perfectly okay with the 18" Baller wheels due to your description.I will send a shipping company to come for the pick-up of the 18" Baller wheels from you when we finallize our deal.Kindly send your payment details for the money order to be issued and send to you:
Zip Code:
.I await to read from you soonest.

cool, here is my address

Bill Johnson
4567 Meadow Brook Lane
Cucamonga, Tx 45364

Hi Bill,
Thanks for your response to my mail.I will send a shipping company to come for the pick-up of the 18" Baller wheels from you when we finallize our deal.
I have a client who is ready to issue the money order and send it to you immediately.I just called him and give him my own price and add my profit and he has agreed to pay because i'm an agent in this sale.The money order will be issued and send to you immediate and i shall get back to you immediately i confirmed it has been sent.
Any amount more that your asking price in the money order should be send to the Shipping Company who will come for the pick up of the 18" Baller wheels at your place after payment have been confirm .Kindly delete the advert from the site you placed it for sale and as he is so much interested in buying it.I hope you are clear with my mail.Hope to hearing from you soonest.

[email protected] :Owned:

01-04-2007, 10:35 PM
So what are these 18" Baller Wheels? ROFDieing! lol. *a

01-04-2007, 10:42 PM
work equips.....

01-04-2007, 10:58 PM
get him to send you a fake cashiers check and keep making excuses to why you cant send the wheels right then.:bigok:

See how mad you can make him.

A Spec Products
01-04-2007, 11:03 PM
I hope that's not your real address.

Otherwise I suggest you take it down immeggiately before someone comes to your house and "buys" them off your hands.

01-04-2007, 11:30 PM
i got a similar scam, came from craigslist

uber gay

01-05-2007, 08:44 AM
I hope that's not your real address.

Otherwise I suggest you take it down immeggiately before someone comes to your house and "buys" them off your hands.


aprohgqperohgnqao;enrapgouiheqr;kqlejnqp;orhjgql;k erangfo;phfj;laqngopq

01-05-2007, 10:35 AM
I want Baller wheels too.:-/
Nothing new here, welcome to 1995.

01-05-2007, 11:29 AM
I like how he called them "18 inch baller wheels" every single time he referred to them. Pronouns are awesome. They make sentences sound much less awkward.