View Full Version : as anyone ever seen the

07-16-2002, 11:01 PM
if you have never seen the commercials it is ther same guy from those oxy clean infomercials..anyway...this thing is like a miny dent puller.  its is supposed to pull out dents and it is only around 30 bucks.....so i was wondering if any has ever bought or used one.....i want to try but will wait until a friend of mine gets his then ill let u know how it works unless someone on the board has used it

07-17-2002, 12:58 PM
im kinda skeptical too.  its got limitations though from what i can see.  first of all its gotta bee on a relatively flat surface (i.e. side of door, hood) and it looks like it only works on larger dents cause thats all i saw him pull out, not those little mini dents that are a pain in the ass.

07-17-2002, 05:43 PM
yeah it only takes out big dents and doesnt leave it smooth - theres still creases and its all messed up - its a waste of money - taking off the panel and pushing it out would be just as effective if not more

07-19-2002, 03:47 PM
i was about to buy it but when i when to their website i found a good reason not to.  the kit only allows you to remove 2-3 dents.  so basically if you want to remove more than a couple dents you need to pay another $30.  and say you mess up & dont pull a dent right, then you just wasted one of your 3 pulls.  see what im saying?  ill stick with panel removing thank you very much.