View Full Version : 3 Roommates = Rent Split 2 ways? need help

12-30-2006, 01:46 AM
So I decided to post this up because I've been racking my brain about this:

here's the situation: I came back from overseas not too long ago and I needed to find a place. A friend of mine and his wife were also looking to find a place too. So we ended up getting a house together.

The rent split goes as follows: the rent is 1800$, I pay 860 and they pay 940. Because they have a bigger room than me. The only reason I agreed on this is well the wife isn't a US citizen yet and she had planning to move back to her country in January. I was under the distinct impression that she would be gone and me being a nice person I said it was cool. Because my GF comes to visit me all the time and all and I thought it was fair.

But know it seems as though she will not be returning back to her country. And to top that she's talking behind my back to my GF to insinuate that they did me a favor by living with me.

He's my dilemma. What am I suppose to do and how do I approach this situation tackfully? my friend and I are future business partners and I don't want to rock the boat too much. But on the other hand she's basically squatting in my house.

Help me guys...

12-30-2006, 01:51 AM
never mix friends women and business.

per person, you pay more than they do.

where the fuck do you live that charges 1800/mo? daaaaamn. thats a texas mortgage for a full 4/3

12-30-2006, 02:46 AM
You already agreed to the terms, why get mad about it now?
If you're not comfortable with the situation, get yourself out of it, don't force others to deal with your sudden decision that you're unhappy with your situation.

I agree that mixing women, business, and friends is always a recipe for trouble.

Yes - you are in a disadvantaged payment situation, but they're acting as one entity here, not two. That is, they're only going to rent one place after this, only pay one rent - it's illogical to ask them to pay for two. Apparently you've already sorted out that a larger room = larger rent, so it's senseless to suddenly decide that the terms you agreed to are unfair or surprisingly unwanted.

12-30-2006, 07:16 AM
marry your gf, bring her to ur house and split the rent. make $$ off your business. install cameras in the house and sell the rights to ur TV show to FOX.

12-30-2006, 10:47 AM
they have one room, you have one room (bedrooms that is) meaning that the place should be split 2 ways. couple=single in this case. I think you are being unfair.

12-30-2006, 12:43 PM
you get to stay in a room by your self , where they have to share 1...unless you are annoyed by her i wouldnt say anything thats going to cause a reason for you to move out and pay a whole rent.

12-30-2006, 01:22 PM
Just remember not to shit where you eat.

12-30-2006, 01:30 PM
Move out and get your own place.

12-30-2006, 02:51 PM
three people = three ways. larger room = larger rent. even if a couple the rent is always split per person since for every aditonal person the use of the bathroom, kitchen, storage space, and fridge space all go down. and the utilities go up. but since you alrady had an agreement you are stuck. unless tha agreement was that she would leave after x months and x months have passsed where it is time to re negotiate the terms. but the easiest thing to do is to tell them you are moveing out and then find a new roomie and make new terms up front.

12-30-2006, 02:55 PM
hold on ... what kind of "favor" is this if you stay with them?

get a one on one convo with your bro/business partner about whats going on... dont raise your voice and watch your words... show that you are as nice as your are.... basically that you care about stuff.

if things dont go well from the conference between the two of you.... well time to beg your GF to room together. Rent actually sounds fair assuming that she(miss illegal) is paying a bit in some way or forum to your buddy.

you also need to consider your current location that your living at... do you have frequent problems like cops or stolen items? if not then you have a reason to say... safe > insecure .

pm or post back.... we can always help...someway/somehow

12-31-2006, 05:24 PM
I'd think that you paying 40%, and they pay 30% each would be fair.

You pay 720, they pay 540 each.

You have your own smaller room, you don't tread in their shit, you pay a smaller share.

They've got a bigger room, twice as much shit, twice as much crap to haul around, and twice as much trash and crap. Utilites should be split 3ways evenly tho, as you do roughly consume as much resources, as a guestimate.

A Spec Products
12-31-2006, 10:04 PM
Nah man. Technically you cannot split it up 3 ways.

I would split it up per square footage.

Obviously don't include the shared areas, but just compare room to room.

It is the most "fair" and "exact" method.

That's how I used to do it with my old roommate. No problems, no complaints.

As far as utilities and stuff goes, that you could negotiate to be split 3 ways possibly.

Communicate, he's your roommate.

01-01-2007, 08:44 PM
Communication is key.
Just next time...don't live with a future business partner.

01-01-2007, 10:33 PM
who signed the rent paper work? whose name is on the bill?

01-01-2007, 10:44 PM
utilities divide by 3. as for rent it goes like this at my house:
total rent $1700
3 bedrooms
master 650 with garage use
#2 room 550 with garage use
#3 room 500 no garage use
and as stated above utilities split evenly. hope that helps your problem.