View Full Version : creation vs. evolution

12-29-2006, 10:29 PM
whats your belief? id be glad to debate you. im a creationist and i simply dislike error.

EDIT: just as i hit the submit button somebody learning to drive stick drove by and letsj ust say i hope it wasnt a nice car.

12-29-2006, 10:43 PM
This thread fails.

12-29-2006, 11:00 PM
if i wasnt too lazy to type a novel right now, i would debate you. and you would not win.

12-29-2006, 11:02 PM
if i wasnt too lazy to type a novel right now, i would debate you. and you would not win.

go on now, pwn him.

12-29-2006, 11:04 PM
go on now, pwn him.

no, because im going to bed soon. im really not going to type that much lol

12-29-2006, 11:27 PM
its a combination of both, evolution holds plenty of truth and explains alot. But on the other hand, the deeper you delve into the mystery of the universe, the trippier the probability of the universe becomes. Determinism is a fact, I try to think of "God" as not necessarly a being that governs, but merely the glue that holds everything together, "God"s greatest gift is randomness.

12-29-2006, 11:30 PM
I just cant believe that "god" made 2 people, one ate an apple and whatever else "happened." The Bible is a nice fictional work, that is all.

12-29-2006, 11:32 PM
its a combination of both, evolution holds plenty of truth and explains alot. But on the other hand, the deeper you delve into the mystery of the universe, the trippier the probability of the universe becomes. Determinism is a fact, I try to think of "God" as not necessarly a being that governs, but merely the glue that holds everything together, "God"s greatest gift is randomness.
short,sweet an too the point! +1:boink:

12-29-2006, 11:33 PM
i believe that things evolved once the universe created but the stuff that was needed to provide material for the big bang had to be placed here. the more we discover about evolution the more material to prove that its happening is given. however the theory of material for the big bang created by 8 of the 11 dimensions collapsing is too far fetched for me. I dont know I believe in a higher being but science had to take place somewhere.

12-29-2006, 11:35 PM
are you kidding me? this is the most worn out, pointless debate ever. no matter what you say, you're not going to change anyone's mind and therefore there's no point in arguing. believe what you want to believe in and rejoice from the pleasures that that belief brings you or suffer from the down falls that that belief brings you, but don't try to debate it on a car forum.

12-30-2006, 12:04 AM
if evolution didnt happen, populations would have to have a perfect hardy-weinberg equilibrium, which means the population would hold to the equation a^2+2ab+b^2 where a is homozygous dominant, ab is heterozygous, and b is homozygous recessive for any and every given trait. the polulation would have to be EXACTLY 25% homozygous dominant, 50% heterozygous and 25% homozygous recessive. the obvious fact that a perfect hardy-weinberg equilibrium, in fact, DOES NOT happen proves that evolution DOES happen. weather you want to believe we have a common ancestor with primates (no, we did NOT decend from primates, if you think that you are an idiot) or if some almighty power decided to place us here. evolution DOES and IS happening. its a fact.

12-30-2006, 12:22 AM
are you kidding me? this is the most worn out, pointless debate ever. no matter what you say, you're not going to change anyone's mind and therefore there's no point in arguing. believe what you want to believe in and rejoice from the pleasures that that belief brings you or suffer from the down falls that that belief brings you, but don't try to debate it on a car forum.


12-30-2006, 12:26 AM
yes plz lock this thread.

12-30-2006, 12:31 AM
Evolution created God.

Make of that what you will.


12-30-2006, 01:17 AM
bible is a story book. ficticious in all its ways

12-30-2006, 01:43 AM
this is like debating why the color green is better than the color red.

who cares?

12-30-2006, 01:45 AM

12-30-2006, 02:25 AM
You know... for a book that covers the HISTORY of the creation of the world and then thousands of years more... the bible is pretty short.

I bet you could put books about american history together and have a text larger than the bible, and american history only covers a couple hundred years.

Do you think its POSSIBLE? that the bible might have left a LITTLE BIT out?

12-30-2006, 02:42 AM
This thread will only cause problems.

What's next, "Which is better, Pirates or Ninjas"


12-30-2006, 02:51 AM
Chuck Norris or Vin Diesel?

I'd rather see a debate of Scientology vs. creationism. Whatever side wins, it's still conjecture.

Anyhow, to the OP: You say you dislike error and yet your post is filled with a glut of grammatical putrefaction and general destruction of the English language. Interesting.

12-30-2006, 03:04 AM
Here goes another war over this shit...haha its all about personal belief and influences.

12-30-2006, 05:20 AM
This was actually bugging me a couple days ago.
With all the Bio Anthro classes that ive taken, Im a pretty strong believer in evolution. But why do i take the word of anyone with a white lab coat and "Dr." in front of their name. I assume their smarter than me so i believe in them?
but im pretty sure if i grew up christian, i would believe in creation and not evolution.

This video is pretty funny

12-30-2006, 08:09 AM

12-30-2006, 08:53 AM
You cant say the bible is ficticious, when the stories written in are historical facts. I believe in evolution, not Darwin's Theory of evolution.


12-30-2006, 10:44 AM
I don't think this is the place to debate this. I also don't believe that anyone on this forum has the ability to change anyone's mind through their words. I've debated this topic with several people and I always get the same results. we agree to disagree. The only time I've ever had this debate turn to an angry verbal fight is when you try to debate with a very uneducated or just plain stupid person who bases their opinions on random things they've been told by other people.
My advice to anyone looking for the answers is this, STUDY. Read as much as you can about both sides. Every story or debate has atleast two sides and the only way to find truth is to know them both/all.
Here's my only problem with some people's theory of evolution. I don't believe that people developing languages, learning to build society, developing technology, and as a whole getting smarted is considered evolution. I think that is simply the human in us striving to make our surroundings more comfortable and profitable. I see evolution as a measurable change in the structure of the whole human race, and that my friend I haven't seen in any generation of my family. Sure it may have been my parents generation that started the whole computer era but my grandparents learned to use them and became just as comfortable with them in their lives. You and I, our generation, is just taking what our parents started and making it better. I don't see that as evolution I see that as a lot of studying and r&d paying off.

I do have one question, if and when we find the cure for cancer, would you consider that a point where we evolve as humans?

12-30-2006, 11:36 AM
Evo; when I use to attend youth groups the leaders would always talk to me about this... apparently they didnt like the fact that I would say,

"Evolution IS creation, god is still creating us today."

Even though that contradicts a lot of things, I could care less. Accept and Adapt, fall behind if you don't want to survive the winter.

I know this may offend a lot of people, but please do realize, its just an opinion. Some people wouldn't choose to agree, I respect your beliefs too. We are all curious of the unknown, it will always be shrouded in mystery.

12-30-2006, 12:43 PM
^^ haha that was hella deep.

12-30-2006, 01:49 PM
Baby Jesus frowns on this thread.

Isn't it funny that the creationists' beliefs don't even evolve?

12-30-2006, 01:50 PM
Pirate Ninja's


12-30-2006, 04:23 PM
Religion is just a tool used by people that cant explain things that are bigger than them... Dont know how the world started? Forget trying to figure it out, must have been some higher being that created it all. End of story.

Religion = Santa Claus for adults.

12-30-2006, 05:26 PM
Religion is just a tool used by people that cant explain things that are bigger than them... Dont know how the world started? Forget trying to figure it out, must have been some higher being that created it all. End of story.

Religion = Santa Claus for adults.

Because everyone that doesnt know how something happend can just think long and hard about it, and eventually they will figure it out. Hot damn I just figured out how the world began!:keke:

12-30-2006, 05:50 PM
Religion is just a tool used by people that cant explain things that are bigger than them... Dont know how the world started? Forget trying to figure it out, must have been some higher being that created it all. End of story.

Religion = Santa Claus for adults.

everyone is entitled to there opinion...that doesn't mean it's the end of the story, only ignorant people would call it the end of the story when they can't prove their point either.

12-30-2006, 05:57 PM
evolution is a part of scientology, science can't explain anything, thats why many of the views in science are theories. and many of the theories in science cancel each other out. science and evolution is imperfect like humans.
creation is hard to figure out, but again, you have to be open minded to be a Christian. no person can force religious beliefs on anyone.
just spread the gospel of Christ and let the person make the decision for their own.
But again these car threads can't really change someones religious beliefs, we will just have to wait for Christ to return and those who accept Him before He returns will be saved and go back to heaven with Him. g/l to the rest of you with your hardened hearts.

12-30-2006, 06:46 PM
evolution is a part of scientology

Wrong-o fruitypants.

Scientology believes in Xenu and Thetans and nuclear weapons being dropped in volcanos.

Evolution is a theory of *science*.

Not Scientology

Also your understanding of what a theory is clearly needs some adjustment.
A theory isn't just a guess. It's a scientific way to describe an observation or occurance.

Speaking of things being contradictory - http://home.earthlink.net/~owl233/biblequotes.htm
There are a few gems there. I don't own a bible so I can't verify.

You say you need an open heart to be a Christian and that nobody can force their beliefs upon another, and yet when *I* went to church as a Christian, we were instructed that it was our duty to 'mission' to others and that those who didn't believe what we did were condemned to a life in hell. Telling that to someone is very heavy-handed and akin to threatening.
In fact, that's the same stuff a friend of mine in high school told me.

As far as the return of Christ, I'm not holding my breath.
If it happens in my lifetime, you can bet your butt that I'll 'repent' and such, but until I see evidence, proof, truth - I have no reason to believe.
If and when I do, I won't be attending church either.
I believe that religion should be a truly personal thing, and that organized religions are truly and simply unnecessary and against the concept of most belief systems.

In the end, we're all human, and we're all governed by our own personal moral guidelines. Science won't change how humans behave, and if there is a return of Christ, you can bet that scientists are going to be working hard to figure out how.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for a debate - just correcting a few mistakes and giving my thoughts on the matter.

12-30-2006, 08:10 PM
This thread started off completely wrong. A lot of christians come off as arrogant and "right all the time" if you will. As a christian I do believe in creation, but I do not try and shove it down people's throat. If they ask my opinion I will share, but to bring it up saying that you know you are right is just dumb because you just create more tension and push people further from christianity. At the same time I also listen to what they believe to understand where they are coming from. The truth of the matter is that there is not enough physical evidence to prove or disprove creation or the theory of evolution. They both have their fun facts, but it boils down to faith to believe either one. Just my 2 cents.

12-30-2006, 08:18 PM
evolution is a part of scientology

I'm sorry but that statement fails harder then running full speed down the road to face planting on the curb.

:hammer: obviously you dont know what Scientology is and it should have not been brought up during this conversation.

12-30-2006, 09:59 PM
i will accept that i did make the mistake of claiming that evolution is a part of scientology, (my badd),
however it is always fun to see people always try to disprove facts, even with the truths that are happening in this world today, but let me not get off topic.
and for the record, repentence comes before arrival not during[period]
you say that a "theory is a just a guess a scientific way of describing an observation or occurence, ok, then explain how or why we need air to breathe, or why we can't see (observe) it? deeper than the textbook reason.
let me not get into debate.
that contradiction to the Bible page you linked, was pure bs. obviously you can tell the person took verses out and put them together completly taking them out of its context to try and prove his/her point. f for fail; any Hebrew Torah or even Bible scholar can easily disprove everything said in that page. Originally written in Hebrew/Aramaic(OT) and Greek(NT). thats just the "watered down for america's mind" version that you linked me to.

12-30-2006, 10:06 PM
As a christian I do believe in creation, but I do not try and shove it down people's throat. If they ask my opinion I will share, but to bring it up saying that you know you are right is just dumb because you just create more tension and push people further from christianity.

+1 to this.

This debate will never come to an end, everyone knows it. All we can do is to live our lives the way we want to, believing in a God or not, or believing in either Creation or evolution. If He does come back (which I boldy state as 100% sure that he will come back), then the skeptics and non-believers will come to the realization that they were wrong.

But hey, what do I know? :faint:

My $0.02

12-30-2006, 10:12 PM
+1 to this.

This debate will never come to an end, everyone knows it. All we can do is to live our lives the way we want to, believing in a God or not, or believing in either Creation or evolution. If He does come back (which I boldy state as 100% sure that he will come back), then the skeptics and non-believers will come to the realization that they were wrong.

But hey, what do I know? :faint:

My $0.02

no doubt


12-30-2006, 11:08 PM
+1 to this.

This debate will never come to an end, everyone knows it. All we can do is to live our lives the way we want to, believing in a God or not, or believing in either Creation or evolution. If He does come back (which I boldy state as 100% sure that he will come back), then the skeptics and non-believers will come to the realization that they were wrong.

But hey, what do I know? :faint:

My $0.02

people also probably thought if the world was round debate would never end, until science has proven it so.

and to the guy bottom of the last page talking about god being used for things man cannot explain there is a term for this, its called god of the gaps, god fills the gaps in science or whatever for those who choose to beleive in him or whatever.

who cares, the supreme court thinks creationism shouldnt be taught, and i for the one of the first times agree with a bunch of conservative old men.

12-31-2006, 12:29 AM
people also probably thought if the world was round debate would never end, until science has proven it so.

and to the guy bottom of the last page talking about god being used for things man cannot explain there is a term for this, its called god of the gaps, god fills the gaps in science or whatever for those who choose to beleive in him or whatever.

who cares, the supreme court thinks creationism shouldnt be taught, and i for the one of the first times agree with a bunch of conservative old men.

Creationism shouldnt be taught but evolution should? Matt, you know that statement is weak.

You dont want creationism shoved down your throat, but then its cool to shove evolutionism down someone elses when they dont want it?

As a christian I do believe in creation, but I do not try and shove it down people's throat. If they ask my opinion I will share, but to bring it up saying that you know you are right is just dumb because you just create more tension and push people further from christianity.

This debate will never come to an end, everyone knows it. All we can do is to live our lives the way we want to, believing in a God or not, or believing in either Creation or evolution. If He does come back (which I boldy state as 100% sure that he will come back), then the skeptics and non-believers will come to the realization that they were wrong.

that pretty much sums up anything else i would've said. :bow:

12-31-2006, 02:43 AM
Can somebody tell me exactly what parts of the theory of evolution piss christians off so bad? I really don't see how creation wouldn't leave room for evolution. Or why evolution can't exist if things were "created."

Teaching creationism seems kinda dumb to me... how much of it needs to be taught in a public school? Will there be a chapter that says "some people think that a greater being created everything that exists today and it hasn't changed at all since then." ?

12-31-2006, 02:56 AM
The universe isn't a giant episode of I dream of genie.

We evolved from monkeys
When we die we rot in the ground and nothing else.
In a 100,000,000 billion years the universe will collapse back into another big bang or expand until entrophy makes life impossible.

If you want to be religious, whatever, I suppose it does some good scaring people into doing good deeds. but trying to pass of Magic as science is rediculous.

12-31-2006, 03:07 AM
ok, then explain how or why we need air to breathe, or why we can't see (observe) it? deeper than the textbook reason.
let me not get into debate.

what? hahahaha, "I can't see air, that must mean god didn't want me to see it" you can watch the discovery channel and see that they've found most of the missing links between man and primates. They can trace the lineage of every man on the planet to the first man that lived 60,000 years ago. meaning that one mutation a relatively short time ago has spawned an entire species.

the earth has been around for how long? four and a half billion years?

its basic statistics, put 10 monkeys in a room with type writers for long enough and in billions of years they could by chance write the works of shakesphere.

leave a cell in earths air for long enough and eventually there will be a mutation that allows it to live better in air.

bam, evolution.

not rocket science.

12-31-2006, 03:51 AM
If this continues, the discussion won't end well. I pull out the ace of spades. and raise you 2000$.


12-31-2006, 04:21 AM
Can somebody tell me exactly what parts of the theory of evolution piss christians off so bad? I really don't see how creation wouldn't leave room for evolution. Or why evolution can't exist if things were "created."

Teaching creationism seems kinda dumb to me... how much of it needs to be taught in a public school? Will there be a chapter that says "some people think that a greater being created everything that exists today and it hasn't changed at all since then." ?

I was saying it to prove a point about objectiveness.

Evolutionism or whatever its called doesnt piss me off. I dont think anybody said anything about being angry.

The problem with this debate is that there are too many people who are confusing evolution with adaptation. Adaptation and evolution are NOT the same thing. Please do some research. Until then..

Agree to disagree.