View Full Version : For those needing Management w/o standalone.

12-29-2006, 08:29 PM
So i feel you guys.

Alot of people have asked me now about getting a haltech. Alot of people have misconceptions on what it does, when they need it, and have a HUGE fear of tunning it.

I can accept that, years ago(5?), i was in the same boat, and wanted to run everytime i hear STANDALONE!

Ok, taking that into account + my ABSOLUTE HATRED for the AFC (check my previous posts) i stumbled onto a toy in the haltech catalog.

The Haltech Interceptor (http://www.rpsport.net/product/RPS31400)

Today i dealt with one of our long time customers who has recently blown out his turbo. He is on a budget, so we are upgrading his turbo/rebuild on a budget, but want to offer him the best tune while maintaining the most flexibility.

So I ordered one of these badboys up. I am pretty sure no one in the states have played with these thus far. I am going to do a step by step on the install, the software, and my impressions of it. If i dont like it, believe me, i will say so, because honestly, I hate crap.

This unit is a piggy back, not a full standalone, so idle, a/c, fuel pump are all still controlled by the standard ecu.

"As advertised"
I will be able to adjust fuel 100% independant of the ignition map.16x16
I will also be able to adjust timing independant of the fuel map.16x16
I can data log a wide band.
I can control the haltech boost controller (about another $100).
The possibility exists to convert to map, (maybe).

With the retail from me on this at about $830 shipped, boost controller and laptop tune, i think this is what ALOT of zilvia guys have been looking for.

We take delivery of the car next week sometime, there will be TONS of 10megapixle pictures of the install, a full write up on my blog, and i'll make a scene here on zilvia as well.

My question to you guys is: "Would you be interested in this?"

Thanks for any feedback, and keep it honest.


12-29-2006, 08:44 PM
Holly shit can't wait. I'm not a fan of piggy backs either so my only option would have been a PFC, since the greddy e-crappage sucks.

Looking forward to the write-up thingy.

12-29-2006, 09:31 PM
Do you think Haltech will have support for the ka?

12-29-2006, 09:38 PM
hmm, how would this compare to the nintendo pfc per your sig?
since it's about the same price and it's a standalone?

12-29-2006, 10:26 PM
hmm, how would this compare to the nintendo pfc per your sig?
since it's about the same price and it's a standalone?

It's not a standalone. He says its a piggyback setup

12-29-2006, 11:32 PM
The interceptor has a windows software interface.

I use the PFC w/Dataloggit and it works ok.

My sig is in reference to the commander itself.

This would be less than retail on a pfc. Have more control, and more support, with all the menu's/functions allready unlocked to you, and everything written in english.

I see this as a viable option to MSD/AFC/AVCR combo (less expensive), with greater flexibility in tunning.

When compared to the PFC + Boost controller + Data Loggit, this is also less expensive.

Jung: Were you in irvine when i demo'd the full e8 software out there? What support do you speak of? In terms of a plug and play patch harness for the standalone ecu's, no I do not think so. Here we are kicking around the idea of a making our own terminated harness for the ka/sr with the E8, but ka sales have been non-existant. If the interceptor ends up working really well for the SR, I will definately try one on a KA.

12-29-2006, 11:36 PM
I have all the software for Megasquirt. A few of my buddies got together about a year ago to rejoyce when my friend Marc picked up the unit for his 86.

My laptop was to new for the serial port, same with his. Luckily our buddy up the street dusted off an ancient IBM... We all couldn't read the documents that came with it... Sounded like someone failed english... *ugh*

If there was a workshop for this ish, I'd be glad to attend. I've been getting into homebrewing lately with my Motorola RAZR and PSP. Once I pick up a PS3 I'm not stopping until I have Windows Vista and Counterstrike Source installed.

Soon after it will be time to do this ish to my car. *ugh* Maybe Bellingham Tech is the way to go, but I'd rather have a workshop with a bunch of nissan geeks.

12-29-2006, 11:40 PM
hahaha! It does exist!


Some of the efi classes are even taught by Matt Wright from haltech.

Oh yeah, your serial port issue. You would/could have the same issue with a haltech using a newer laptop w/o a serial port. You need to purchase a USB/Serial Converter.


You should spend between $20-$60 on your link cable. It should have a data light. It should come with installing software. After this, you need to make sure you PORT # selections between windows and your software are the same. IDK if megasquirt lets you assign com port settings, but halwin does, but mega squirt is kind of a pile. I am making sure i go through all the crap with each haltech unit first, that way when i sell a unit to someone, they pick up the phone and call me, and 99% of the time, I have allready experienced/fixed their issue.

So by the time i say "heh buy this", you can trust you have 100% support behind you from steve, nathan and myself.

12-29-2006, 11:48 PM
wow this is quite interesting... ill keep that setup in mind for my curently being built drift car

12-30-2006, 02:14 AM
It's not a standalone. He says its a piggyback setup

yeah i know, i was referring to comparing his product (piggyback) to pfc (standalone)

this is interesting stuff...
maybe its time for me to step up from my janky safc, lol

12-30-2006, 02:14 AM
Ohh. Something else I can waste money on for my ka.

12-30-2006, 06:19 AM
Used PFCs go for that price

why wouldnt you go standalone for 800 bucks instead?
an 800 dollar piggyback seems stupid IMO.

12-30-2006, 09:19 AM
I think why alot of people do not use the Haltech is because of all the wiring they would have to do. The aem ems is pretty much plug and play. That is mainly the reason why I am leaning towards the ems.

12-30-2006, 11:05 AM
I paid less shipped for my new PFC and commander. I wouldn't pay that much for a Piggyback. Although the KAT guys may.

12-30-2006, 01:48 PM
It would be nice to have a harness converter where it would be plug and play. That would help sell this product more.

O yea.. Matt89, why does a emange suck for? I know the blue version does not have a lot of features, but the ultimate is another story which sounds like the haltech interceptor

12-30-2006, 02:05 PM
yea for 800 you can get a rom tune, ect. but if its compatable with my obd2 97 ecu ill spend the 800 and use this.

12-30-2006, 02:15 PM
It would be nice to have a harness converter where it would be plug and play. That would help sell this product more.

O yea.. Matt89, why does a emange suck for? I know the blue version does not have a lot of features, but the ultimate is another story which sounds like the haltech interceptor

I agree with you, plug and play is where its at. The e-manage ultimate knows where its at. I know you can get USB to Serial converters, but gets annoying, not to mention the slow connectivity.

Next gen should be USB 2.0 :keke: That way, maybe in a few year or so we can be tuning with our PSP's. XD

12-30-2006, 02:43 PM
Ems on an Sr has a lot of issues that have been spoken on their forum... yes aem's ems forum. However KAT I have heard a lot of good feedback ... maybe due to more US manufactures knowing more on KA-T's?

One reason people like PFC is because of the map size (20x20) but when it comes to haltech many remain skeptical due to little feedback out of the 240 community.

infact i only know one guy out in az that runs haltech on his sohc ka-t... thats about it except for all the Rx guys.

If and if you do what you promise regarding the write-up and answer all questions about it... I think you guys will gain a lot from the community.

DO IT!!! :)

12-30-2006, 03:49 PM
Thanks for the feedback.

All in all these issues have to be looked at. Some people veer away from the pfc, and support can be hit or miss.

A write up is being done, as long with an install video for the SR, either flying lead or plug and play.

I guess the elephant in the room is the ka at this point.

12-30-2006, 05:13 PM
No ka-t love?

12-30-2006, 05:20 PM
We have no KA-T's to around. The flying lead kit for the e8/e11 will work.

I am more than sure the interceptor will work for the ka's since the eccs system between the ka/sr is very similar. Just have to get one and install it to see.

12-31-2006, 12:59 AM
if it was around $500 id be the gunie pig... hope some one can afford to be the test subject b/c if this works im sold...