View Full Version : Silvia engine smoke..Heeelp!

12-20-2006, 03:56 PM
alright guys so heres the scoop..My 89 silvia has a 98 backtop in it with a T28 turbo a Megan turbo mani and a greddy intake mani..Greddy intercooling system and all that jazz..I was driving the car and at an idle all of a sudden a little bit of white smoke comes out of my exhaust...So I drive a little longer and about 45 mins later the thing is smoking like crazy..but its white smoke..so I take it to a friend and we decide its most likely the head gasket went on the block and coolant may have been getting into it...So We start to pull things and we notice on the right side of the intercooling piping we had some major aount of oil apparently leaking into the piping from the turbos side...Now we arent sure if that may have been the reason..bad turbo seal? If it was burning oil it would have been alot darker colored of smoke..The car runs pretty well, and on long distance its engine temp is shooting up, AC is being iffy..but the car doesnt seem to run that shitty, kinda runs the same but just smokes like crazy...any of you gurus got any ideas?? and what could be causing what? HEEEELLP me!:aw:

12-20-2006, 04:23 PM
Mad oil in the IC piping?


white smoke, if its a blueish-tint white smoke, oil is being burned...

12-20-2006, 04:30 PM
would that explain the over heating tho?

12-20-2006, 04:37 PM
Negitive, sounds like you have more than one problem.... -.-

12-20-2006, 06:05 PM
hmm...but it didnt start Shwing over heating until the car started smoking..

12-20-2006, 07:17 PM
Make sure there's no oil in your coolant, and no coolant in your oil. If so, then you have a blown headgasket.

The smoke at idle just sounds like a blown turbo. Overheating, though.... thats different.

12-21-2006, 08:23 AM
And for the record, you do not have an 89 Silvia. You have an 89 240SX.

12-21-2006, 11:07 AM
Are you sure one of your pistons rings didn't snap and experiencing mad blowby now filling the intercooler piping with oil? Remove the turbo and mani and check the exhaust side of the block for oil coming from any of the cylinders, if wet well you know what's the problem. Also it may be the valve seals as well. Check the obvious before jumping to a damaged turbo. Good luck and let me know what's the outcome.

12-21-2006, 11:14 AM
And for the record, you do not have an 89 Silvia. You have an 89 240SX.

OWNED!!! I have a 97 S14 Silvia and a 99 S15 Silvia though :fawkd:

12-21-2006, 04:19 PM
Negitive, sounds like you have more than one problem.... -.-
If you had bluish white smoke, then oil was being burned, find that problem first, then reassemble the car, but go ahead and do a head gasket/timing kit while you have it off, fill all fluids and drive car. If it continues to overheat, pressure test system and fix problem. If it STOPS overheating, the head gasket was not the problem. Oil in coolant/vice versa are not the only signs of a bad head gasket.

And for the record, you do not have an 89 Silvia. You have an 89 240SX.
Again, I agree, I specifically clicked on this thread expecting to see something specific to a Silvia and not some dickcheese with a 240SX he or a friend put and SR in and now calls a Silvia.

12-23-2006, 12:04 AM
And for the record, you do not have an 89 Silvia. You have an 89 240SX.

um, what makes it not a silvia? I just wanted to know.:tweak:

12-23-2006, 12:07 AM
If you had bluish white smoke, then oil was being burned, find that problem first, then reassemble the car, but go ahead and do a head gasket/timing kit while you have it off, fill all fluids and drive car. If it continues to overheat, pressure test system and fix problem. If it STOPS overheating, the head gasket was not the problem. Oil in coolant/vice versa are not the only signs of a bad head gasket.

Again, I agree, I specifically clicked on this thread expecting to see something specific to a Silvia and not some dickcheese with a 240SX he or a friend put and SR in and now calls a Silvia.

again..it is a silvia..:loco:



For those who put in useful info like GT I appriciate that, Il check the exhaust mani first thing tommorow.

to the rest of you people trying to correct me and telling me my car isnt a silvia..whell you are all an :mrmeph:

12-23-2006, 10:05 AM
They weren't trying to be assholes. It's just there are a lot of fanboys that come on here saying they have a "silvia" when it is in fact a 240sx.

We only assume the worst, because you didn't have any pics of your car. If in fact those are your videos, then it is apparent you have a Silvia.

12-23-2006, 10:27 AM
Fine, it is a Silvia...

... I still call fanboy, go deliver mail in that thing.

12-23-2006, 10:43 AM
haha, you guys got served...

much love to my p-r-e-m-i-e-s and the zilvia attitude!

Have you check your oil or coolant yet?


12-23-2006, 12:03 PM
haha, you guys got served...

much love to my p-r-e-m-i-e-s and the zilvia attitude!

Have you check your oil or coolant yet?


Oil is good and the the car seems to be consuming water, we pressurized it and no signs of a Bad head gasket and nothing is dripping from the car.