View Full Version : What is this gunk in my coolant passages? (pics inside)

12-20-2006, 03:05 AM
I don't remember this crap being there when I changed the water pump,
and I've only run it for a very short period of time since then.
I don't want it to clog my brand new Koyo...

I've never put radiator leak-stop stuff in the car before,
but the previous owner may have.
The stuff is pretty gummy, almost snot-like.


Any ideas on what it is,
and how to get rid of it besides flushing it out with a hose??

12-20-2006, 03:06 AM
And no, its not SKEETSKEETSKEET.:fawk2:

12-20-2006, 05:09 AM
It's coolant gone bad! I've only seen this on a blown KA, but it sat for about a year. I believe there was a thread, where someone had that stuff on a running car. I think it was in the valve cover area. I'm going to try a search.

here's a link gunk in coolant (http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=94493&highlight=gunk+coolant)

12-20-2006, 11:23 AM
Pic link is broken

If your running a new rad your going to need new fluids, do a search on how to flush your coolant.

12-21-2006, 12:32 AM
If you're referring to the white stuff in the photo, then it's probably calcium buildup from the previous owner not flushing the radiator/cooling system on a regular basis. The additives in the radiator coolant actually break down over time due to the repeated heat/temperature extremes the engine puts the coolant thru. See attached links for an explanation...

The short version:
The LONG version:

Anyhow, getting back on topic, to get rid of the white calcium buildup, you'll have to chemically flush your cooling system. You'll need to go to your local automotive supply store & get a can of radiator flush. To see how the chemical flush is done, click on the attached link:


Anyhow, hope this helps...


12-21-2006, 12:47 AM
yea like idlafie said its just calcium build up and it costs like no more than $15 to get a good flush kit

12-21-2006, 09:16 AM
I'll add that after you flush it fill it with DISTILLED water, or just buy some 50/50 premix.

Using tap water to dilute coolant will certainly add to this sort of buildup.

12-21-2006, 09:35 AM
the calcium most likely indicates that there has been tap water in your radiator one time or another. Always use distilled.

12-21-2006, 11:00 AM
Calcium for sure, I use the Texaco extended life 50/50 with distilled water, removes most calcium and keeps the engine at a good operating temp. I recommend flushing the system and using this after, will help keep your sensor in good working order as well. Imagine how your sensors are looking now with buildup all around them, causing them to not read properly.

12-21-2006, 09:29 PM
Ooh, good info. I saw some of that gunk when I changed the thermostat a while back. Better flush out the cooling system....

12-22-2006, 12:04 AM
Ewwww. Those look like some super bad calcium/gunk deposits. What kind of coolant was run before? It looks like it might have been Dex-Cool.

If a system running Dex-Cool isn't properly bled of air, then it can react with the coolant & create a snotlike gunk that will f up your passages & radiator. RMI-25 cleans that shit out like nothing. Google if it you need some.

Your problem might not be like this, but here's a case of an iron block & Dex-cool:


In any case, when it's time to fill up with coolant again, flush your system with some radiator cleaner & distilled water until it's clear, then fill with the OEM nissan stuff OR Zerex G-05 with some food coloring of your choice (due to the light color of G-05) & bleed your system well.