View Full Version : Police shoot, kill teen Playstation robbery suspect

12-04-2006, 03:20 PM
WILMINGTON, South Carolina (AP) -- A teenager accused of robbing a student of two new Playstation 3s on the day the popular game consoles were introduced was shot to death by police sent to arrest him.

Peyton Strickland, 18, was killed Friday at a house he shared with three roommates, New Hanover County Sheriff Sid Causey said.

"If this boy would've come to the door, opened the door, we probably wouldn't be talking," the sheriff said Sunday.

Roommate Mike Rhoton said Strickland was unarmed, but may have been holding a video game controller when he went to the door as it was bashed in by officers.

Authorities promised Monday to fully investigate the fatal shooting. "No one is above the law and no one is beneath its protection," District Attorney Ben David said. He declined to discuss details of the case.

The State Bureau of Investigation is examining the case and three deputies on the team were placed on paid leave, normal practice whenever officers fire their weapons, Causey said.

Arrest warrants alleged that Strickland, a student at Cape Fear Community College, and a University of North Carolina-Wilmington student stole two PlayStation units from another UNC-Wilmington student that day.

The sheriff said the robbery victim had waited three days in line to buy two Playstation 3 units for $641 each at a Wal-Mart. He was unloading the units at his campus apartment when one man beat him to the ground while another took the PlayStations, Causey said.

The sheriff said Strickland was shot by members of a special police unit who went to help university officers serve warrants. He would not say why the special team was assisting.

Strickland's dog, a German shepherd, also was shot to death.

The second man named in the warrants was arrested at another address and was released on bail on Saturday, authorities said.

The nationwide introduction of the Sony game system on November 17 was marked by rowdy crowds and store stampedes. One buyer waiting in line at a Connecticut store was shot by armed robbers.


12-04-2006, 03:24 PM
wow thats just amazing, they could have just used a less extreme measure to take them in for a couple of playstations, but damn they killed the dog too...

12-04-2006, 03:32 PM
This is exactly why when the cops ask you to do something and they don't have you in direct view, you damn well better do it.

12-04-2006, 03:40 PM
Thats nuts.

Listen to your elders.

But really, shot to death is kinda extreme.

12-04-2006, 04:06 PM
Cops want the PS3 really bad too. Thing's going to be in "evidence" for months.

12-04-2006, 04:17 PM
Police resistence, fall of a man.

12-04-2006, 04:35 PM
I hate thieves more than anything.

But that's a bit extreme. Of course, he shoulda known better to not resist.

12-04-2006, 04:47 PM
So wrong. Iam really quite pissed about this. Nice Christmas bonus though when those PS3's up on Ebay though.

12-04-2006, 05:29 PM
This is exactly why when the cops ask you to do something and they don't have you in direct view, you damn well better do it.


fo shiz

12-04-2006, 05:53 PM
damn, thats horrible....Crazy. almost as crazy as spending 641 on video games a piece

12-04-2006, 07:21 PM
Bull shit. They needed to put a bullet in an un-armed man that "was approaching the door"? why not his knee? Fuckin' itchy trigger finger hate mongers.

12-04-2006, 07:31 PM
This is exactly why when the cops ask you to do something and they don't have you in direct view, you damn well better do it.
I bet he was dead before they said a word. Got all hyped up cause the robbery made the news and the arrest would too. Gonna be interesting what happens cause his roommates were there as witnesses. Gonna be hard to burry unless they lean on them.

12-04-2006, 07:37 PM
Thats bullshit. Fuck cops. Sorry, I have felt like that for years now. Bullshit for them to shot a 18 year old kid. *a

12-04-2006, 07:40 PM
Bull shit. They needed to put a bullet in an un-armed man that "was approaching the door"? why not his knee? Fuckin' itchy trigger finger hate mongers.

We don't know the whole story but it does say the guy had a controller in his hand as he went to the door. The cop rushing in through a door could easly mistake a controller as a weapon.

12-04-2006, 07:47 PM
Still.. I doubt it was raised.. and it had a long cord coming out of it..

12-04-2006, 07:52 PM
I still think bachelors degrees and required service in the armed forces should be mandatory for police officers.

12-04-2006, 08:04 PM
Or a competency test.

And they're worried about people on the streets with guns..
41 shots

12-04-2006, 08:13 PM
I still think bachelors degrees and required service in the armed forces should be mandatory for police officers.

Just because you are book smart doesn't mean you have common sense. Also, a lot of police deparments are undermanned.

12-04-2006, 08:16 PM
Or a competency test.

Test? What do you think police academy is for?

12-04-2006, 08:53 PM
Training cops to kill unarmed kids?
Amadu Dialo?

12-04-2006, 09:18 PM

It's real easy to shit on cops when they screw up and dismiss all the stuff they do right.

12-04-2006, 09:46 PM

It's real easy to shit on cops when they screw up and dismiss all the stuff they do right.


Im sure the cops didnt go into the room expecting to kill somebody. Im not saying that shooting the guy was the best way, but im almost positive they had a reasonable reason to use force considering that they felt that their life was in danger. controller,fake gun,dog, spoon, fork, knife, whatever dude, dont FUCK AROUND.

12-04-2006, 09:52 PM
God this ps3 shit causes mad drama...

12-04-2006, 10:05 PM

It's real easy to shit on cops when they screw up and dismiss all the stuff they do right.

Killing someone over a PS3? I think that merits being shit on.

They had no reason to believe the suspects were armed. So no reason to think about using force. Especially deadly force. Nervous rookie or a power-hungry psycho.

If they enter with guns drawn, they're ready for something.. Life in danger? UNarmed suspects.. the reported crime was a physical beat-down.. no weapons.. nothing.

Wait, you're right... poor cop. I mean.. all he did was shoot/kill someone and a dog.
A dog?! For what? Target practice?

12-04-2006, 10:25 PM
i go to unc-wilmington which is in North carolina and not south carolina(sc sucks) :jerkit: but anywho, it really is rediculous that a young man was killed b/c of a ps3. The people that were involved in this are in serious 5H!T too cuz the kids dad is a prestigious lawyer in raleigh. some heads are gonna roll for this one.

12-04-2006, 10:35 PM
Killing someone over a PS3? I think that merits being shit on.

They had no reason to believe the suspects were armed. So no reason to think about using force. Especially deadly force. Nervous rookie or a power-hungry psycho.

If they enter with guns drawn, they're ready for something.. Life in danger? UNarmed suspects.. the reported crime was a physical beat-down.. no weapons.. nothing.

Wait, you're right... poor cop. I mean.. all he did was shoot/kill someone and a dog.
A dog?! For what? Target practice?

LOL you are armchair quarterbacking the situation after the fact. You don't have a clue about the circumstances that led them to draw their weapons. Maybe given the information they had at the time, it was warrranted, maybe it wasn't. Nobody knows except the cops right now. But you automatically assume there was no reason to draw their weapon based on a few snippets of information in a news article.

12-04-2006, 10:39 PM
Thats so f'ing sad. This is some shit you would see on a skit for Reno 911. It shouldn't happen in real life....

12-04-2006, 10:45 PM
I would go into every situation as my life depended on it if I am a cop. Danger strickes when you get complacent. You never know what someone will do. Crack heads will do more for less.

12-04-2006, 10:48 PM
I would go into every situation as my life depended on it if I am a cop. Danger strickes when you get complacent. You never know what someone will do. Crack heads will do more for less.



12-04-2006, 10:50 PM
They had a special tactics team with them.

Where were the tactics?

Sorry, I won't forgive them because sometimes they get it right.

Killing someone is killing someone, no matter what side of the law.

Just because they're on one side, doesn't make it excusable.

And the witnesses know what happend.. we'll find out, I'm sure of it.

A dead (un-armed) body is NOT an acceptable margin of error, for any kind of law enforcement official.
If they make those kind of mistakes, they aren't fit to be law enforcement officials.

They may have very well been poorly trained. If that's the case.. then these "tests" need to be more tightly "graded".. as was stated earlier..

They may be human, but they better be damn good if they're given the right to USE man-killing weapons.

12-04-2006, 11:25 PM
Anything can be used as a weapon of opportunity. Even a controller with a cord. I could use that to strangle someone.
If the guy was willing to beat someone up for a ps3, who knows what else he would do. Sounds pretty stupid to beat someone for a $650 dollar item.

12-04-2006, 11:27 PM
ASounds pretty stupid to beat someone for a $650 dollar item.
Or any item, in that case.

12-04-2006, 11:38 PM
I would go into every situation as my life depended on it if I am a cop. Danger strickes when you get complacent. You never know what someone will do. Crack heads will do more for less.

Granted... but they weren't dealing with a crackhead. He was a college student. And also, this is why you shouldn't be a cop. (no offense)

there were 3 cops.. they didn't need to fear for their lives against 1 unarmed man.

They bust in and shot before they could distinguish a controller from a gun? That's trigger happy. I don't care what circumstances. How long does it take for your brain to process what it really is? How he's holding it (THE CORD)... 2 seconds tops.. less time than it takes for the signal to go from your brain to your trigger finger.

$1300? Pulling a gun for issuing an arrest warrant for that isn't called for either.

And $1300 is not worth someone's life.

More is expected of them and their actions. More scrutiny is expected on their mistakes.

12-04-2006, 11:46 PM
i go to unc-wilmington which is in North carolina and not south carolina(sc sucks) :jerkit: but anywho, it really is rediculous that a young man was killed b/c of a ps3. The people that were involved in this are in serious 5H!T too cuz the kids dad is a prestigious lawyer in raleigh. some heads are gonna roll for this one.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing when I read that. I graduated from UNC Wilmington a few years ago. I can't stand the cops in that area, they are always up to something shady.

12-04-2006, 11:56 PM
It's sad that we live in a society where we fear the ones that are supposed to protect us. I think that cops have too much power.

12-05-2006, 12:01 AM
Both parties fucked up. Police were trigger happy because they had reason to believe that they should be... but they wrongly pulled it. The deceased had a warrant out for him but..... there's no more fucking relevant info to base anything on at this point. We don't know what exactly happened, we don't know who provoked who.

I'll talk shit when they release more info

12-05-2006, 12:01 AM
there were 3 cops.. they didn't need to fear for their lives against 1 unarmed man.
Officers are in fear of their life everyday they get into their uniform. It can be 1 unarmed man, or a whole army of armed men, just being a police officer instills fear into you, because you never know what can happen, in ANY situation.

They bust in and shot before they could distinguish a controller from a gun? That's trigger happy. I don't care what circumstances. How long does it take for your brain to process what it really is? How he's holding it (THE CORD)... 2 seconds tops.. less time than it takes for the signal to go from your brain to your trigger finger.
Are you serious Evan? 99.9% of guns are black, and so was the PS3 controller he was holding. Also, in those 2 seconds, that cop could be dead. I agree that the officers could have handled it differently, but I don't blame them for doing what they did. I'm sure they have been in circumstances where it was a real gun the suspect was holding. Experiences like that really fuck with your head.

12-05-2006, 12:12 AM
All the cops I've talked to and dealt with are always polite and do their jobs competently. We'll see what the investigation finds though as I'm curious as to why they shot the kid and the dog. I can understand why they shot the
dog as it was probably barking at them and can probably attack them at any given moment, but the kid is the main focus.

To beat someone down and steal $1300 worth of product should be looked at seriously...if the person was crazy to beat someone for two PS3's, what would that same person do if the police was at the front door? Like another member here said, if I were a cop I'd go into any situation if my life depended on it because it does. If you were to let your guard down even if the situation seem to be under control, I'd say you're too trusting of a person and can be attacked or killed.

Same as giving a traffic citation...I've seen plenty of those police videos on television where the person they have just pulled over attacks them or pulls out a weapon. Now if you were the officer you probably were thinking it was just another traffic citation and had no worries, then the person pulls out a weapon and you were unprepared for the situation...what you gonna do? Of course most likely get hurt/shot/stabbed.

Police work is stressful and who's gonna pull a weapon and who's not? That's one reason why I speak to a police officer I'm always polite, reasonable, and straight to the point. Makes their job easier!

12-05-2006, 12:13 AM
A college student isn't capable of hurting someone? He or his buddy is for beating someone up for a ps3.
They did not know he was unarmed. They probally just saw his comming at them with a object in his hand.
Do you know how fast someone can attack you with a knife if you had a gun in your holster? I know it wasn't a knife but it doesn't take that long to come at someone from 5 or so meters.

12-05-2006, 12:14 AM
EDIT: Jung, your reference of a crack head implies a different situation.. thats all the comment meant. They went with the wrong intentions/suspicions..

If they're afraid of being a cop, they aren't fit for the job man. Its what I'm sayin'..

More is expected of them.. they need to be above typical shit normal people aren't.

Ok Romeo, theres gray area.. but it just seems they bust in and shot without analyzing the situation properly. They had pre-meditated suspicions, without a strong basis.. (or so it seems to me *since I'm being objective now *'cuz I love Romeo)

When more info comes out, we'll know.

12-05-2006, 12:17 AM
dude they're human too. fear is your connection to your humanity.
but they do have more responsibility

12-05-2006, 12:19 AM
Fear is fine, they just need more/better training.
They're walking around with guns and intent to use them.. they can't be trusted to do so if they aren't in control of their emotions.

12-05-2006, 12:28 AM
ok so they thought the controller was a gun. can someone explain why they killed his dog too? where are the animal activists in this one?

ya the dog was gonna bite all the 3 cops? i'm sure they coulda shot somewhere else for the student (in the knee or at least the arm?) usually when they say the person was shot to death, means several shots to make sure he is dead.

i wonder how many rounds they pulled off in those 5 seconds. and how many rounds are in the dog.

the cops made a mistake, and if they are afraid to put on a cop uniform, they shouldn't and retire asap. they are dealing with life. its just like a doctor, they should be above average with the skills that they have since they are dealing with something bigger than an object.

the cops fucked up from how the article states it, but more info would make it more clear.

12-05-2006, 12:31 AM
The dude who stole the ps3's is a criminal for assualt, robbery, assault with a deadly weapon.

As said prior, there is always two sides to the story.

The ps3 controller has the ability to unplug the cord. So that makes the object harder to identify.

After you get in trouble for most things, cops just to grab a warrant. Someone had to have gone to his room first. Then being as how he couldn't be found or he wouldn't let his room be searched, the cops had to get a search warrant issued.

NO cops just busts in.

So that means that the were knocking and NO BODY not even his roommates answered the door.

After the cops had reason to believe that he was in there, they forced their way in.

At that point there is a 25% chance that he would've been the first person they saw; could've been him or one of his three roommates.

Being as how they found him and not the roommates gives a possibility that they passed them then later found the suspect.

If the suspect was resistant and then came running in the room with the, "ps3 controller" and his German shepherd. It could be believed that they shot in defense.

Just because the story is now known, people are able to say, "what if".

Truth of the matter is, the cops had no idea what was going to happen when they entered the complex. There was no telling if it was an ambush or not.

As for being trigger happy, it's a possibility, but standard procedure is to keep the index finger straight across the side of the trigger. Not in a squeezing position.

12-05-2006, 12:34 AM
Okay guys. Lets all wait and see what happens as the investigation unfolds.

You can argue one way, or another...but no point until evidence

Is placed out on the table, and storys.. Kid was shot by police, he shouldnt have stole

the ps3's to begin with. Argue for that kid, but He had it comming..

Mel, Are those Facts??? No one knows yet...

12-05-2006, 12:40 AM
Pulled from http://www.wilmingtonstar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061203/NEWS/612030440/0/BREAKING

Saturday at the one-story, brown rental house, Strickland's friends and roommates stopped by to grieve the death of the tall, thin welder who friends say wanted to start his own business and was attending Cape Fear Community College.

They also searched for answers.

"I don't understand why shots were fired," Rhoton said. "I've just been trying to figure out why they shot him."

What further shocked Strickland's friends and family was that a deputy also shot and killed Strickland's German shepherd named Blaze.

The dog's blood stained the front porch, and shards of glass from the front-door windows littered the area.

A light blue sheet hung in the door frame after investigators took the door away.

The robbery

UNCW Police planned to arrest Strickland on charges of armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon and breaking and entering.

On Friday, officers arrested another suspect, UNCW student Ryan David Mills, on the same charges. The 20-year-old lives at 4500 Crawdad Court.

Two weeks after the robbery and after reviewing surveillance video from Wal-Mart, law enforcement officers got a break in the case that started Nov. 17.

That's the Friday when UNCW student Justin Raines was among the first at the Market Street Wal-Mart to buy two coveted PlayStation 3 consoles, released that day.

When Raines came home to the on-campus Seahawk Village apartments after midnight with the games he bought for $641 apiece, two white men in a gold Pontiac pulled up to Raines' car, struck him with a six-inch blunt object and stole his purchases, leaving him with bumps and bruises, UNCW police said.

Because of safety concerns, UNCW Police Chief David Donaldson requested the help of sheriff's deputies to serve the warrants on Strickland, according to a university news release.

Three unloaded guns were in the house - a hunting rifle and two shotguns - which were in Strickland's room, Rhoton said. And when Strickland answered the door, he may have been holding a PlayStation controller in his hand, he said.

Across the country, the release of the PlayStation 3 has sparked robberies, stampedes and other violent incidents.

Before the shooting

Neighbors said they long feared that something bad would happen at 533 Long Leaf Acres Drive - a home historically known for loud parties and noise.

"We even have this address on our refrigerator because we know where the noise is coming from," said Joan Kester, adding that the complaints in the past have revolved around loud music and kids on the roof yelling.

On Friday night, Rhoton said he and Strickland played a PlayStation video game while taking a break from cleaning the house they had moved into in August. Their other two roommates weren't home.

They were playing Tiger Woods PGA Tour when they heard a knock on the door.

Strickland, who sat on a couch closest to the front door, got up to answer, Rhoton said.

As Strickland approached the door, law enforcement officials knocked it down and "there was a bunch of yelling," he said.

"Four or five shots went off and they killed him," he said. "They pinned me down to the ground and told me not to move anything."

Within seconds, Strickland lay on the floor moaning while officers held a gun to Rhoton's head as he lay on the floor.

He said they mentioned something about a search warrant, but they did not provide a copy.

"They never said why they were here, even when I left last night," said Rhoton, who attended Jordan High School with Strickland in Durham.

David assured that the District Attorney's Office would conduct a thorough investigation.

"There's nothing more important than assuring the community that officers are there to serve and protect," David said.

Welding wonders

Strickland's green, 1964 boat he rebuilt sat in the front lawn Saturday - sparking memories for his roommates and friends about how he had sunk a bunch of money into it to rebuild it.

Strickland was the youngest of three children and the only son of a well-known Raleigh-Durham-area lawyer Don Strickland.

Strickland's handiwork extended to almost anything fast - and on wheels. He loved working with metal, even making a chopper from scratch, said his friend Nick Kane.

"Not long before this ... happened, we were planning out an exhaust system for one of my four-wheelin' trucks," Rhoton said.

Strickland was like a brother to many of his friends, said friend Mike Bernard

"He was the best kid, talented, gifted, determined," he said.

Peyton Strickland

12-05-2006, 02:40 AM
I hope that these officers get the book thrown at them. I doubt they will be punished at all though.
They deserve to be treated the same as any civilian criminal case of this nature. They don't have a license to kill. Serve and protect my ass, dont shoot me.

Frankly, I dont dislike cops. Theirs is a role that is necessary. However, their role isnt to shoot and then ask questions. I dont think that requiring 4 years of school before you can carry a gun is a bad idea.
Even though i have met nice cops, they still scare me because of brainless idiocy like this.

12-05-2006, 04:02 AM
There are always two side to a story and who ever put it together best end the drama. It's really hard for me to say the cops were wrong or the victim. I'll break it down and say that..

When the cops were creaming and yelling to open the door. The victim should of drop everything and then open the door. If i'm not wrong PS3 controller some are wireless too, so the cops thought it was a weapon. Also the dog prolly came running toward the cops, so they shot it.

I do feel that the cops are also wrong here. They didn't have to fire so fast at the kid..unless he was pointing the ps3 controller toward the cops or something. What i think trigger the cops to open fire is the dog. The dog prolly came toward the cops really fast and caused them to panic and open fire.

I think it sucks that the result had to end like this. That's my thought and i will be waiting for the final result on this investigation.

12-05-2006, 05:45 AM
^^ thats why they should have waited at the door, provided the copy of the search warrant, and then maybe would have known or heard the dog barking long before.

if they were there for at least 30seconds, they should have heard the dog starting to bark at the door. my dog can sense a footstep on my driveway and he's only a golden retriever, so imagine a german shepperd.

makes me think they busted in a bit too fast if they didn't know a dog was in the house. dogs arn't lazy when it comes to protecting their own house that they live in.

12-05-2006, 06:16 AM
Notice they Mention a PlayStation Controller but never if they ever recovered any PS3's. Also not providing a Warrant is a big no no. Welcome to lawsuit city.

12-05-2006, 09:03 AM
Notice they Mention a PlayStation Controller but never if they ever recovered any PS3's. Also not providing a Warrant is a big no no. Welcome to lawsuit city.

I was looking for that information too, nothing was said about the consoles, what version of Tiger Woods PGA Tour were they playing, which controller was the kid holding? The kid is an armed assailant with a Bluetooth 6 Axis Playstation 3 controller. Shoot him down! :mad:

They are going to say that they were in pursuit of an armed assailant, they had a sting going, busted down the door Cops style, saw a half naked kid wielding something similar to a gun, took no chances. :cj:

12-05-2006, 10:00 AM
It's quite humorous how people are so quick to side against the cops.

Anthony: Most of what I stated were fact. And the rest were educated guesses.

12-05-2006, 10:21 AM
love you mel.

time for work...

12-05-2006, 10:52 AM
This is retarded.

We can sit around the computer all day and debate what should or shouldn't have happened. Unless all of you are well versed on proper police procedures or have first hand knowledge of what it takes to execute a search warrant I suggest your reserve your comments.

This is not to say I condone police officers killing someone over stolen property simply because he was a criminal. I'm just saying there are a lot of details out there that probably weren't addressed publicly.

I would also refrain from automatically siding with the LEOs on this. There are procedures in place that address these types of situations and specifically focus on how to avoid shooting the suspect.

Sadly, many (most) police departments across the country do not properly train their officers/deputies how to properly execute a search warrant. From personal experience I'm willing to bet that the LEOs involved weren't properly trained or experienced enough to execute an operation of this nature.

I think a big problem with situations like this is that a lot of people in law enforcement have lost sight of the fact that all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. Add to that, that a lot of LEO's put more emphasis shoot first, ask questions later in order to protect themselves and you've got a recipe for disaster. There's an old addage that many LEOs follow, "I'd rather be judged by twelve than be carried by six."

Again I'm not condoning either side on this matter, just adding some food for thought.

12-05-2006, 11:36 AM
For the people saying to go for the knee/arm shots or whatever... that's bullshit. Try to imagine how much fear you have to be dealing with when you feel you need to SHOOT somebody. Now try to aim for the smallest target possible and see if you can hit it. Taking chances is death.

For the dog, I'd bet it was barking up a storm, and when these strangers busted down the door and charged in it might even attack. Its not a chihuahua, its a german shepard. Cops know exactly what those dogs are capable of and if it made the wrong move then they had to protect themselves.

If the roommate is telling 100% truth then the cops should have chilled out before opening the door. Maybe the kid was trying to get the dog into a safe place, or Lots of things could have been happening. If the kid was hiding, and they went to his room and saw 3 unloaded weapons, and then came into another room with a college kid holding a black mysterious object, and a pissed off german shepard. Then you have another story.

Everybody is so quick to be pissed off about the dog, but I picture more circumstances that justify shooting the dog than I do for justifying the death of the kid.

I seriously doubt those police officers wake up everyday and pray to God that they have a chance to shoot a kid and a dog. Being afraid is no reason to quit a job. There's no reason a police office SHOULDN'T be afraid if they have to go into the same room as somebody suspected of beating somebody and stealing their stuff. I'd rather have scared police officers protecting me than some gung-ho cops that have no fear of the people that they hold so much power and responsibility over.

12-05-2006, 02:17 PM
Why do they need to break into the room to serve a search warrant?... Say this young man had not stolen the ps3's at all. For standard procedure with search warrants is it common to have weapons drawn for a violent crime when it is not an arrest?
Why is everyone biased so strongly one way or the other? Why is it wrong of me for wanting strongly educated individuals being those who protect me?

12-05-2006, 02:24 PM
Well you're from Florida, you should know that's impossible.

12-05-2006, 02:27 PM
bwhahah. I've had guns drawn on me for riding my bike. Cops are meanies sometime!

12-05-2006, 03:19 PM
I feel bad for the dog. Not so much for the kid. After all, karma is a motherfucker.
The cops... They did wrong. But they'll get off with slaps on the wrist.

12-05-2006, 08:20 PM
Karma? Die 'cuz you stole something.. Wow.

12-05-2006, 08:36 PM
At least he wasn't playing Medal of Honor on the Wii...

12-05-2006, 08:51 PM
Or duck hunt.

12-06-2006, 06:22 AM
Or duck hunt.
cops must have played this game

12-06-2006, 10:02 AM
Still.. I doubt it was raised.. and it had a long cord coming out of it..

PS3 controller is wireless

The people that were involved in this are in serious 5H!T too cuz the kids dad is a prestigious lawyer in raleigh. some heads are gonna roll for this one.

Yea, the officer that pulled the trigger is definately in trouble.

All I can say is that's its truly sad for the kid to die in this incident and the cops will have to deal with this for the rest of their lives.

12-06-2006, 12:10 PM
Karma? Die 'cuz you stole something.. Wow.

i wish it always worked out like that.

i've seen a few people mention that the cops shot him over a PS3. they didn't, they shot him because they thought their lives were in danger. it doesn't matter if it's a pack of gum or a bently, cops will shoot to protect their lives, not to recover an object.

12-06-2006, 12:32 PM
First of all:
NemGuero, if that kid had beat you over the head with a pipe and then stole your car, I doubt you'd even blink if you heard he got shot. I know I would not only not blink, but walk to his grave and piss on his tombstone as well.

I've been shitted on by the cops as well, but I know better than to assume they're all evil. I've worked at a state building manned by an army of CHP officers, some are dicks, some are cool- just like all sorts of people.

Those that trump on the fact that cops have shot an "unarmed teen" are caving into snap-judgment. That is not only hindsight, but biased, FLAWED hindsight. If I were the original robbery victim, I'd be up in arms that people are defending the ROBBER.

1. If you weren't there, then put your attitude away. You don't know the facts, you certainly don't know the people involved. Basing your judgment upon past personal experience with cops and your own biased opinions of the police and the law makes you a worthless source of analysis.

2. The teen was unarmed at the time, but check out the news article:
"Because of safety concerns, UNCW Police Chief David Donaldson requested the help of sheriff's deputies to serve the warrants on Strickland, according to a university news release.

Three unloaded guns were in the house - a hunting rifle and two shotguns - which were in Strickland's room, Rhoton said. And when Strickland answered the door, he may have been holding a PlayStation controller in his hand, he said."

The teens had weapons in their house, so I'd say even if the cops mistook a playstation controller for a gun, it was a pretty justified mistake. It very easily could have been a gun in the teen's hand.

The suspects had already beaten down one man (for video games, no less). If you're approaching the door of a suspect for an armed felony and he brandishes a black object at you, then you're naturally going to react. I have no problem accepting that at the time the police had an honest belief he was under attack. I don't think cops should be required to take a slug in the chest before being allowed to retaliate.

Then you go inside and find these guys have guns lying around the house. Wow, it these kids are SO unreasonable. Why the hell would college students need shotguns lying around anyways?

Look, I have no problem with a dirty cop going down in flames, and if it turns out these cops were shady, then crucify them and i'll dig the graves myself. But automatically assuming they fucked up and giving your sympathy to the ROBBERS is ridiculous.

Me, I feel sorry for the original robbery victim, and if those kids really did beat him up for the PS3s, then I say put a round in all of them.

12-06-2006, 12:42 PM
First of all:
NemGuero, if that kid had beat you over the head with a pipe and then stole your car, I doubt you'd even blink if you heard he got shot. I know I would not only not blink, but walk to his grave and piss on his tombstone as well.

I've been shitted on by the cops as well, but I know better than to assume they're all evil. I've worked at a state building manned by an army of CHP officers, some are dicks, some are cool- just like all sorts of people.

Those that trump on the fact that cops have shot an "unarmed teen" are caving into snap-judgment. That is not only hindsight, but biased, FLAWED hindsight. If I were the original robbery victim, I'd be up in arms that people are defending the ROBBER.

1. If you weren't there, then put your attitude away. You don't know the facts, you certainly don't know the people involved. Basing your judgment upon past personal experience with cops and your own biased opinions of the police and the law makes you a worthless source of analysis.

2. The teen was unarmed at the time, but check out the news article:
"Because of safety concerns, UNCW Police Chief David Donaldson requested the help of sheriff's deputies to serve the warrants on Strickland, according to a university news release.

Three unloaded guns were in the house - a hunting rifle and two shotguns - which were in Strickland's room, Rhoton said. And when Strickland answered the door, he may have been holding a PlayStation controller in his hand, he said."

The teens had weapons in their house, so I'd say even if the cops mistook a playstation controller for a gun, it was a pretty justified mistake. It very easily could have been a gun in the teen's hand.

The suspects had already beaten down one man (for video games, no less). If you're approaching the door of a suspect for an armed felony and he brandishes a black object at you, then you're naturally going to react. I have no problem accepting that at the time the police had an honest belief he was under attack. I don't think cops should be required to take a slug in the chest before being allowed to retaliate.

Then you go inside and find these guys have guns lying around the house. Wow, it these kids are SO unreasonable. Why the hell would college students need shotguns lying around anyways?

Look, I have no problem with a dirty cop going down in flames, and if it turns out these cops were shady, then crucify them and i'll dig the graves myself. But automatically assuming they fucked up and giving your sympathy to the ROBBERS is ridiculous.

Me, I feel sorry for the original robbery victim, and if those kids really did beat him up for the PS3s, then I say put a round in all of them.

FINALLY!! this is the first post from someone that actually thought about the situation. i agree with everything except the part about the guns. the guns were unloaded in his room, which is the way a gun should be stored and is LEGAL. having a gun does not make you a criminal. shit if the cops raided my house they would find an unloaded SKS and a shotgun in my room too. if the guns were loaded it would be a different situation.

12-06-2006, 02:01 PM
FINALLY!! this is the first post from someone that actually thought about the situation. i agree with everything except the part about the guns. the guns were unloaded in his room, which is the way a gun should be stored and is LEGAL. having a gun does not make you a criminal. shit if the cops raided my house they would find an unloaded SKS and a shotgun in my room too. if the guns were loaded it would be a different situation.

Actually, you could have a loaded gun in your house. At least in all the states I've lived in. It may be smarter to store your weapons unloaded, especially if you have kids.

Anyway, I doubt they knew about the guns before they entered, probably discovering them after the fact.

In any case, if some dude was trying to beat the shit out of me and steal my PS3 he better pray I'm not carrying. I would shoot that motherfucker, no question about it.

I don't know why, but it seems like theft is being rationalized more and more these days with more people siding with perp than the victim.

Think about this. If Mr. Strickland hadn't decided to assault and rob the dude with the PS3s he'd still be alive today. Not-doing-stupid-shit FTW!

My two cents.

12-06-2006, 02:07 PM
Yeah cause Shotguns and Hunting Rifles totally look like a PS3. He can legally own those guns and a lot of people do. He can't own a handgun and they had no evidence he was armed with one. Gun wasn't even used in the crime.

I have baseball bats, Knifes in the house. Should the cops shot to kill then? Holding a controller is not threatening.

What happened to inocent to proven guilty? I see no PS3's, No Case Solved. Someone fucked up.

Oh, it gets better:

Bullets May Have Gone Through Door Before Killing Durham Teen
Sheriff IDs Deputies Who Fired Shots

POSTED: 11:36 am EST December 6, 2006
UPDATED: 3:29 pm EST December 6, 2006

WILMINGTON, N.C. -- Some of the shots fired by New Hanover County deputies serving warrants went through a door before hitting and killing a Durham teen last week, a pathologist said.

Peyton Strickland, 18, a student at Cape Fear Community College, was killed Dec. 1 at his Wilmington home. Nine deputies accompanied University of North Carolina at Wilmington police to the house to serve warrants for Strickland's arrest to search the house.

Strickland, his roommate and another man were suspected of assaulting a UNC-W student on Nov. 17 and stealing two PlayStation 3 consoles from him, authorities said.

The pathologist who performed the autopsy on Strickland said "some of the bullets went through intervening targets, probably the door," before hitting the teen, the Wilmington Star-News reported Wednesday. Two bullets passed through Strickland's head and shoulder before lodging inside the house, Dr. Charles Garrett said.

Garrett told the newspapers that he's working with the State Bureau of Investigation to determine how close the deputies were to Strickland when they shot him.

Witnesses said Strickland was unarmed during the shooting.

Detective Larry Robinson, 34, Sgt. Greg Johnson, 39, and Deputy Christopher Long, 34, have been placed on administrative leave pending the results of investigations by the SBI and the New Hanover County Sheriff's Office.

Sheriff Sid Causey previously declined to identify the deputies involved in the shooting, saying he feared for their safety. But he said all three had moved their families, so he felt they were safe.

Causey refused to identify the other six deputies who were at the house at the time of the shooting.

Robinson has been with the New Hanover County Sheriff' Office since 1994, while Johnson, who works in the Detention Division, and Long, a member of the Emergency Response Team, were hired in 1996.

Long also was involved in a 2003 shooting, but no details about that incident were available.

Strickland's roommate, Braden Delaney Riley, 21, of Apex, was arrested Monday and charged with armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon and breaking and entering a motor vehicle, according to Ryan David Mills, 20, of Durham, was arrested last week on similar charges.

Strickland's funeral was scheduled for Wednesday afternoon in Durham.


12-06-2006, 03:25 PM
Owning a weapon certainly does not make you a criminal, but it does give some reason for cops coming to arrest you to be wary, and it also raises your responsibility not to act suspiciously and give others cause to fear you.

Given that these gun owners previously commited armed, violent robbery, I think the gun ownership is just another strike against them. What if they had brandished those weapons at the robbery?

Curious to see what the results of any forensic investigation to see how this all went down.

12-06-2006, 03:47 PM
So gun owners are instant criminals? Lets ban all the guns and make the US safer. Certainly worked for Australia and the UK... Not.

12-06-2006, 03:49 PM
Please read my first sentence: owning a gun does not make you a criminal.

Anyone is free to exercise their constitutional privilege of owning a gun. They just shouldn't be surprised that it comes with its own burdens and risks.

12-06-2006, 03:56 PM
Yeah cause Shotguns and Hunting Rifles totally look like a PS3. He can legally own those guns and a lot of people do. He can't own a handgun and they had no evidence he was armed with one. Gun wasn't even used in the crime.

I have baseball bats, Knifes in the house. Should the cops shot to kill then? Holding a controller is not threatening.

What happened to inocent to proven guilty? I see no PS3's, No Case Solved. Someone fucked up.

Oh, it gets better:


there could have been PS3's in the house because his roommate got arrested for armed robbery and assault w/ deadly weapon. which are the charges he would have been charged with. also when you kick in a door it my fly back towards you after swinging open which may have been when they shot.

12-06-2006, 05:12 PM
Everything I said was before the second link to the article.

I'm not shitting on cops because I dislike them at all.

Car > ps3.. and I still wouldn't want them to KILL him.. rather.. I'd enjoy knowing he was suffering in jail.

Facts are facts. He's dead. He didn't have a weapon. He wasn't assaulting.. he was approaching the door.

12-06-2006, 09:37 PM
I haven't read the thread, but this situation is totally fucked up.

The kid was a felon and there were pictures of him holding automatic weapons or some stuff, so this wasn't just the average warrant.

They sent some special squad BS.

Don't judge, just look for the facts.

12-06-2006, 11:39 PM
The problem is you don't know ALL the facts, and neither do cops before they actually enter through the door. You're filling in the unknown to get the the result you want and to justify the view you've created prior to actually thinking through the situation we have.

Life isn't that simple man.

12-07-2006, 01:44 AM
I fabricated no facts.

12-07-2006, 06:47 AM
Facts are facts. He's dead. He didn't have a weapon. He wasn't assaulting.. he was approaching the door.

I fabricated no facts.

you don't know if he was assaulting or approaching, you weren't there.

secondly, he did have a weapon, in fact he had three. if they were legal, the cops knew about them before they knocked on his door. he had something in his hand that resembled a pistol, not much of a stretch that he had one of those too.

12-07-2006, 07:20 AM
A gun is not a weapon until you use it as such. Just like your Hands, Legs and Forehead.

12-07-2006, 08:32 AM
its so retarded how they only release so few of the game consoles.

12-07-2006, 11:20 AM
I only repeated facts stated in EITHER article. I didn't make any up.
Do I really gotta keep saying that?

12-07-2006, 11:49 AM
its so retarded how they only release so few of the game consoles.

Wow way to contribute. Now SU.

These are probably points that have already been touched on but...

It's crazy to me that people think someone should die for something like this. It seems life is no important to some then the newest Gram lights that Logan's posted up. Sad, that our society is so quick to want others to die over life's mistakes.

I've had shit stolen from me in the past and I wouldn't wish death on any of the people involved. Yea it sucked, but not that bad that I wish death o them. They made a bad choice in life, and they'll pay for it. I believe in Karma because I've payed for many of my mistakes in life.

Playing Devil's Advocate, if the cop did feel threatened by the PS3 controller in teh guys hand, he should have at least fired to wound him, not kill him. Cops are trained to know how to do this and there is no excuse.

12-07-2006, 12:26 PM
A gun is not a weapon until you use it as such. Just like your Hands, Legs and Forehead.

A gun can also be a paperweight, but that does not diminish its potential to do damage.

Given two people equal in every way except one has a gun and one does not, the one with the gun deserves more scrutiny simply because if he does turn out to be a bad apple, he's capable of inflicting much greater harm.

12-07-2006, 12:52 PM
i gurantee that a lawsuit is waiting to happen.

12-07-2006, 01:28 PM
Playing Devil's Advocate, if the cop did feel threatened by the PS3 controller in teh guys hand, he should have at least fired to wound him, not kill him. Cops are trained to know how to do this and there is no excuse.

Wrong. The overwhelming majority of law enforcement officers are trained to shoot only at center mass (chest).

12-07-2006, 02:00 PM
Wrong. The overwhelming majority of law enforcement officers are trained to shoot only at center mass (chest).

Well then the overwhelming mass's training sucks. I overestimated Police training obviously. Not suprising.

12-07-2006, 03:18 PM
Well then the overwhelming mass's training sucks. I overestimated Police training obviously. Not suprising.

Their training is dead on if you think about it. Aiming for limbs is pretty moronic for several reasons:

1. It's very hard to hit a limb in the heat of the moment. It's even harder to hit a limb in a spot that would actually disable a man.

2. Studies show that if cops shoot a limb (remember that cops only shoot when they think their life is in danger) they often receive return fire if the criminal also has a gun.

3. Legally it's very stupid to train a cop to shoot to injure and not kill. What happens when a cop shoots to disable and the guy ends up being killed? The lawsuits would be through the roof.

12-07-2006, 03:30 PM
Their training is dead on if you think about it. Aiming for limbs is pretty moronic for several reasons:

1. It's very hard to hit a limb in the heat of the moment. It's even harder to hit a limb in a spot that would actually disable a man.

2. Studies show that if cops shoot a limb (remember that cops only shoot when they think their life is in danger) they often receive return fire if the criminal also has a gun.

3. Legally it's very stupid to train a cop to shoot to injure and not kill. What happens when a cop shoots to disable and the guy ends up being killed? The lawsuits would be through the roof.

I can agree with those statements. I just don't think police shootings are always justified. Not just in this case, but in general. The officers safety should be number one, but a live suspect should be an easy #2. Suspect is the key word here too.

12-07-2006, 07:56 PM
Well then the overwhelming mass's training sucks. I overestimated Police training obviously. Not suprising.

If you fire your weapon at a hostile target and miss, then you're dead. If you aim for the smallest target possible then you're a lot more likely to miss, and a lot more likely to die.

Imagine how scared you are if you think you're about to get shot, are you going to try and pull off a hero trick shot? or will you make sure you survive? thought so. real life isn't a movie, heroes get killed.

12-07-2006, 08:47 PM
Pathologist: 'Tumbling' Bullet Killed Durham Teen

POSTED: 10:14 am EST December 7, 2006
UPDATED: 10:41 am EST December 7, 2006

JACKSONVILLE, N.C. -- The bullet fired by a New Hanover County deputy that killed a Durham teen last week was tumbling when it hit him, suggesting it first struck something else, according to a pathologist.

Peyton Strickland, 18, a student at Cape Fear Community College, was killed Dec. 1 at his Wilmington home. Nine heavily armed deputies accompanied University of North Carolina at Wilmington police to the house to serve warrants for Strickland's arrest and to search the house.

Strickland, a roommate and another man were suspected of assaulting a UNC-W student on Nov. 17 and stealing two PlayStation 3 consoles from him, authorities said.
Dr. Charles Garrett, who works in the State Medical Examiner's Office in Jacksonville, performed the autopsy on Strickland and said the teen was shot twice -- once in the head and once in the chest. The head wound, which was the fatal shot, struck Strickland sideways instead of straight on, he said.

Because the bullet was "tumbling" when it hit Strickland, Garrett said, it hit something else, likely the front door to the house, before it struck him.

The bullet that hit Strickland in the chest did not hit anything else, Garrett said. There were no other wounds on the teen, he said, noting "nothing else was wrong" with him.

By law, officers can't shoot from the outside into an occupied home unless they believe their lives are in imminent danger.

Witnesses said Strickland was unarmed during the shooting.

Detective Larry Robinson, 34, Sgt. Greg Johnson, 39, and Cpl. Christopher Long, 34, have been placed on administrative leave pending the results of investigations by the SBI and the New Hanover County Sheriff's Office.

Sheriff Sid Causey has refused to identify the other six deputies who were at the house at the time of the shooting.

Strickland's roommate, Braden Delaney Riley, 21, of Apex, was arrested Monday and charged with armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon and breaking and entering a motor vehicle, according to Ryan David Mills, 20, of Durham, Strickland's friend who was arrested last week on similar charges.

12-07-2006, 08:50 PM
when i first read the news.. i was mad.. of mixed opinion.. ive seen the harshness of cops and thier misjudgments.. like cops pounding at my door at 3 in the morning becuase a nieghbor says i was on his roof.. dam shit is scary when cops pounding on your door wildly with no respect for anybody. You cant even tell a cop your story becuase they try to pin shit on u or basically put words in ur mouth to confuse you to admitting something..

but i understand tho, that when cops have warrants, they are going to be prepared and have their guns drawn when doing an entry like this one.

maybe the kid was an asshole, fighting and resisting and had the controller in his pocket.... after a ruffle and shots fired.. the cops come up with a story, like having the controller in his hand etc.. reminds me of the old 2pac movie "Gang related" where they try to pin a murder on something as cover up. lol

but the end result is a kid dead, and cops on paid leave.

We can argue all we want, we all know life isnt worth loosing over this. Esp to a college student, who was attending to better himself for the community.

12-07-2006, 08:51 PM
1st off sucks that this event took place over a stupid ass over priced piece off crap! But that’s another story. I’ve been reading everyone’s comment and its kind of a messed up situation but I do think the cops did over use force. Sorry to offend all the people that are defending the cops by saying the do more good than bad but in my opinion there are far too many cop related deaths do to itchy fingers or mistaken weapons. Case of fact a little boy in New York was on his apartment rooftop playing when 2 cops patrolling those same roof tops shot him dead, because he had a toy play. A black man walking home from work still wearing his security uniform was stopped because he fit the description of a suspect in the area he was black was stopped dead when he was told to raise his arms at gun point an had his thermos with coffee. In CA a girl called 911 because her friend was locked in her car an was unresponsive due to a medical condition was shot dead by numerous police. Ca a Hispanic service man was shot in the back at point blank range by an officer when he was on the ground complying with the officers commands. These are only a few examples of what happens when officers fuck up an are too gun ho! I do understand that there are decent police officers out there but in my eye’s an experience there are too far from few. I’m not some kid who is complaining because I have a huge ass exhaust hanging off my ass that scrams PULL ME OVER! Since I was 16 I have had negative experiences with the police I am Mexican and when I do get pulled over they call me “homes”, vato”, essay”. They tell me things like “where’s my shit?” when I ask them “what are they talking about?” they basically beat around the bush talking about how they know I either have a gun or some drugs. I don’t know about the rest of you guys out there but that’s bullshit an pisses me the fuck off! I’m sure there are some people not of my cultural background might think that’s some funny shit but if they had, had that happen to them they would cry too mommy or to the police officer right there an then. I have been pulled over an had my car searched an been handcuffed an placed in the back of a police car many of times, but the incident the remains in my mind now an forever was when I was pulled over for no reason the officer was asking me questions like when I was going where I was coming from then he asked me if I knew what time it was, that it was kind of late to be out. I told him I was going to my moms house an he asked me for my driver license my registration an proof of insurance. When I went to get my insurance an registration the drew his pistol an pointed at my face. I couldn’t believe I was staring down the barrel of a gun for no damn reason. He opened my passenger door (that was the side he was on) dragged me out an shoved his knee in my back an kind of kept jumping on my back telling me to quit resisting. So I have my reasons to accuse the police for using too much force. I really think the police need too re-do their training methods and really need to updated their physic evaluation.

12-07-2006, 09:00 PM
hey 180sexy that sucks man, i feel u..

its not that people hate cops from teh beginning, we are all started in elementary school that cops protect and serve, its after many of our personal negative experiences with cops that makes us think twice about them.

I recently called the cops because my old ass neighbor came on my property and threatend and pushed me, (i wanted to beat his ass, but i kept my cool since its not worth fucking my life up if I did something crazy and go to jail) and when cops came over and i told em what happened, they where blaming me for saying I let him push me and that I started it becuase I knew he was old and probably goin crazy.

12-07-2006, 09:28 PM
hey 180sexy that sucks man, i feel u..

its not that people hate cops from teh beginning, we are all started in elementary school that cops protect and serve, its after many of our personal negative experiences with cops that makes us think twice about them.

I recently called the cops because my old ass neighbor came on my property and threatend and pushed me, (i wanted to beat his ass, but i kept my cool since its not worth fucking my life up if I did something crazy and go to jail) and when cops came over and i told em what happened, they where blaming me for saying I let him push me and that I started it becuase I knew he was old and probably goin crazy.

Should have beat the old man's ass after the cops left then.

12-08-2006, 01:28 AM
Because the bullet was "tumbling" when it hit Strickland, Garrett said, it hit something else, likely the front door to the house, before it struck him.
Well. If thats how it went down, then those cops are fucked. I guess they won't be getting a little slap on the wrist after all.

Karma? Die 'cuz you stole something.. Wow.
He didn't just steal something. He beat the crap out of someone and stole something that dude had worked hard for.
You do something bad, you get it back 3x worse. Isn't that the tyical rule with karma? In this case, the guy did something bad enough to warrant death. Good fucking riddance, I say. One less fucktard out there to beat and steal from people.

12-08-2006, 02:05 PM
i dont care what anyone says but if the kid wouldnt have been stupid and stole the game and beat some kid up then this wouldnt have happened. its his own fault, he chose to break the law. no one forced him to do that. i dont think they should have killed him, but he put himself in this situation not the cops. if he wouldnt have stolen the PS3 he would still be alive today!

12-08-2006, 02:32 PM
Innocent till proven guilty.

I still see no recovered PS3's...

12-08-2006, 02:36 PM
Innocent till proven guilty.

I still see no recovered PS3's...

Same goes for the Officers in question. Until a Judge states otherwise, they had every right to fire on the suspect. No one here is a Judge.

12-08-2006, 02:40 PM
never said they found one and never said they didnt... but the kids roomate did get arrested for the same charges he was facing. that tells you something

12-08-2006, 02:45 PM
i dont care what anyone says but if the kid wouldnt have been stupid and stole the game and beat some kid up then this wouldnt have happened. its his own fault, he chose to break the law. no one forced him to do that. i dont think they should have killed him, but he put himself in this situation not the cops. if he wouldnt have stolen the PS3 he would still be alive today!

That is true. I agree with this point entirely. Though he does not deserve to die, he put himself in a dangerous position.

12-08-2006, 03:30 PM

in the middle of that page is a link to the search warrant. everyone should read this and you will find out why the cops acted the way they did.

suspect was arrested for assualt causing serious bodily injury (broken jaw)
suspects roommate was seen on internet posing with handguns, assault rifles and shotgun
suspects roommate is known to carry firearm on his person
one playstation was supposedly sold on Ebay and one was at the home.

AND THE BIG ONE they have a list of all seized property INCLUDING a playstation 3

12-08-2006, 03:42 PM
This was in my hometown. I have never had a great deal of respect for the local law enforcement, or at least the majority of the officers/deputies I have met due to there lack of respect and common courtesy for law abiding citizens that pay their salary. I'm not sure what happened there, but I'm pretty sure there was no need for the police to shoot his dog too. There were shots fired throught the front door, I'm not sure whether he shot out or the police shot in but the door was taken by the cops. This incident does not make me feel safer going back home.

12-08-2006, 03:50 PM
This was in my hometown(Wilmington, NC). I have never had a great deal of respect for the local P.D, or at least the majority of the officers I have met. I'm not sure what happened there, but I'm pretty sure there was no need for the police to shoot his dog too. There were shots fired throught the front door , I'm not sure whether he shot out or the police shot in but the door was taken by the cops. This incodent does not make me feel safer going back home.

im sure the dog attacked the cops, i know if a strange person came in my house my dog would attack. dog attacks cops, cops shoot dog
thats simple

12-08-2006, 07:30 PM
He didn't just steal something. He beat the crap out of someone and stole something that dude had worked hard for.
You do something bad, you get it back 3x worse. Isn't that the tyical rule with karma? In this case, the guy did something bad enough to warrant death. Good fucking riddance, I say. One less fucktard out there to beat and steal from people.

Yah he's a fucktard.. but killing someone over a fuckin' beatdown and playstation console hardly deserves the death penalty.

12-11-2006, 12:53 PM
Cops do more good than bad i do agree with that, but some of them are still just power hungry bastards.
I've gotten pulled over for being "asian" before and it was COMPLETE AND UTTER BULLSHIT. Me and my friends driving in a STOCK s14, get pulled over by cops. Comes and asks for my friends papers and such, asks if we have drugs or weapons, we say no then he walks away and doesnt give us any reason to why he pulled us over. Next thing we know 2 more cop cars come up, 6 officers total. 2 officers come up to the passenger window and ask us if we have any "ink" on us, none of us had any idea wtf he was talking about (i later found out he meant tattoos). so we looked at him with a confused look and said no.
Cops asks us "where were you guys going?"
we said "home"
he said "where is that?"
we told him where we lived
he says, "Oh are you guys going to dave and busters?"
also i have to add he saw our ID's and we were only 17, so even if we wanted to go to DB we couldn't have
we answered "no"
he asked again "OH then where are you going?"
we said "home" thinkin to ourselves you dumbass we answer your dam question already
he said "oh"
then he told us to take off our hats, WTF? are police enforcing a fucking dress code now or what? then he told my friend to take his cambodian flag off that was hanging on his rearview mirror. after few minutes of sitting in the car the cop tells us to leave, again with no explanation why we were pulled over.
Some cops like to flex their power because they feel above the law and the worse part is that these assholes get away with it until some shit like this happens.

Some of you guys say a cop is supposed to aim for the chest, which it seems that he did. I'll give you guys that, but explain why he was shot in the head? You can say he didnt aim at the head and he shot through the door? But why the hell was he shooting through a closed door? Then some of you can argue that he busted the door open, he saw the "weapon in his hand" and shot and as he shot the door swung back and the bullet went through the door. BUT the question comes back, why did he aim for the head and not the chest like he is trained to do?
Since the police knew that they had weapons at the house, and they even knew what kind of weapons, they could of prepared for it. Call in the SWAT team or wear full body armor. Surround the dam house with cops and DONT go inside.
Considering that this cop has been involved in another shooting, where the details are being withheld makes things fishy. I think he was just a trigger happy cop.
Again im not saying all cops are bad, but someone that is in the field of work should really have some sort of ego test because most, not all, of the cops ive encountered are assholes. I do not have any sort of criminal record, and the cops have no reason to harrass me to begin with.
i honestly dont feel safe around cops, ever, even if they came to help me. I see a problem with that, dont you guys?

12-11-2006, 01:00 PM
Did you give her the motorboat? You gave her the motorboat didn't you? You motorboatin' son of a bitch!

They can ask you to take off the rearview mirror thingy 'cuz it "obstructs" your field of visibility..

12-11-2006, 01:04 PM
Did you give her the motorboat? You gave her the motorboat didn't you? You motorboatin' son of a bitch!

They can ask you to take off the rearview mirror thingy 'cuz it "obstructs" your field of visibility..

o but come on, how many people have shit hanging there? and how many times do cops yell at people about it?
dont you think some of the reasoning behind telling him to take it off was because we were asian and it was a flag of an asian country? honestly now...

12-11-2006, 02:01 PM
I think your trying to pull race into this. having something hanging from your rearview mirror is illegal and its one of those things cops look for to pull people over. just like stickers on the windshield, tint and that sort of stuff. right after i graduated i had a class of 96 tassle on my rear view mirror and was told to take it off as well. it must be because he hates the class of 96!?!?
i guess i got pulled over for being class of 96

ive had a cop pull me over sit me on the curb and proceed to give me a 1k ticket for ashing my cigarette in the gutter. shit happens. i dont think they did that cuz im white, i think they did that cuz they were being assholes(BTW the judge threw the ticket out but i still had to spend a day at the courthouse)

12-11-2006, 02:14 PM
o but come on, how many people have shit hanging there? and how many times do cops yell at people about it?
dont you think some of the reasoning behind telling him to take it off was because we were asian and it was a flag of an asian country? honestly now...

just because other people do it, doesn't mean it's OK. maybe that cop tells everyone he pulls over to remove crap from their mirror and just hasn't gotten to everyone yet. if it obstructs your view, it obstructs your view. quit bitching and stop breaking the law.

now getting pulled over for nothing is crap, but anecdotal evidence isn't really worthwhile in this discussion, unless you live in Durham NC and your name is Peyton Strickland.

12-11-2006, 05:57 PM
i just threw it out as an example, of my personal experience, of how cops can be unreasonble. Okay so the cop telling us to take it off is reasonable, i can give you that, scratch that off the table. HA police protection at its fullest...
But i can still pull the race card because none of you have thought of a reason for the cop pulling us over, he was behind us and did not see the flag to begin with AND for trying enforcing a non-existant dress code upon us.
If you are not a minority in this country, you havnt experienced racism at its fullest so most of you have no right to tell me to stop bitching. Until you experience it, you dont know.

If you're gonna be offended by what i have to say, ignore it and proceed with comments about this murder (that is my opinion on what it was and mine alone). Again i threw it out there as an example, IGNORE IT.

12-11-2006, 10:01 PM
Bullets through door/walls are explained by the fact that the officers may have sought cover when they saw the "weapon." How many of you think it's a good idea to chill in a doorway silhouetted against the outdoors while someone who may have a weapon is approaching you? I know some of you are gamers... would you really just stand there while an enemy is approaching?

That said, I would've dropped the kid too, probably. I'm not about to get killed just to keep some moron thief alive and fed by tax dollars. I'm going to put a few rounds center mass as I'm backtracking to cover. I'll shoot the dog too, because I'd rather have a dead dog than a ton of stitches.

Why the shots to the head? Muzzle climb. You pull off a few shots as fast as you can in a short-barreled gun of a decent caliber and you'll walk the rounds from chest to head. Or, of course, the cop may be a decent shot in stressful situations and shoots to kill rather than wound.

Surround the house and don't go inside? Then what, exactly? Fire McDonalds fries into the house until the suspects are gorged? Do you have any idea how much a call-up like that costs?

Wear full-body armor? Then just let the suspect shoot you, because hey... it's ok. Full body armor is pretty much solely for demo guys, and they walk like slightly more mobile penguins. Occasionally the SWAT team will utilize a breacher dressed in full-body armor to knock a door down, and then the rest of the team goes in and puts holes in people who need to be aerated.

Don't want to get shot? Don't get arrested for assault with serious bodily injury.

12-11-2006, 10:23 PM
+1 for truth

12-11-2006, 11:54 PM
+1 for kill this mutha fuckin' thread already..

12-12-2006, 10:17 AM
Just got off the phone wiht my girlfriend. She said the deputy that actually shot the kid is being charged.

EDIT: Found the news article http://www.wral.com/news/10511332/detail.html

12-12-2006, 10:41 AM
"Still to be held accountable are those who put a SWAT team at the door of an 18-year-old college student who was unarmed.

"When the ram hit the door, he thought it was gunfire," David said. "His belief that there was gunfire coming from the inside out was not shared by others."


12-12-2006, 11:23 AM
loaded shotgun and ski mask found in roommates car?!?!?

12-12-2006, 11:49 AM
this is a tight thread. its koo that everyone has expressed their opinion and nobody had resorted to insults an put downs to get their point across. +1 for this thread!!!

12-12-2006, 04:50 PM
Man, the authorities really need to get their act together. http://www.wral.com/news/10519097/detail.html

"The grand jury never intended to charge Cpl. Christopher Long with second-degree murder, but the foreman checked the wrong box on the indictment, authorities said Tuesday."

12-12-2006, 05:00 PM
this is a tight thread. its koo that everyone has expressed their opinion and nobody had resorted to insults an put downs to get their point across. +1 for this thread!!!

fuck you! You're such a dumb ass! Jesus christ man, do you seriously believe that? You must be dumber than I thought!!


12-12-2006, 05:04 PM
dude, what an asshole.....


12-12-2006, 05:08 PM
fuck you! You're such a dumb ass! Jesus christ man, do you seriously believe that? You must be dumber than I thought!!

lolz at first i was like WTF lolz! i got :Owned: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: