View Full Version : Guess who's a racist? - Cosmo Kramer!

11-20-2006, 08:07 PM
Old news by now and I forgot to post this early today when the story broke but it seems no one else has so:

Kramer's racist tyrade (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjE0E5lgm9Q)

Apparently he was bombing at LA's Laugh Factory and was being heckled by a couple of black guys until he finally lost it.

11-20-2006, 08:15 PM
I am just plain fuckin' speechless

11-20-2006, 08:17 PM
It's palpitable how the audience mood changes from nervous laughter to shock!
Crazy how that one lady was 'is the show over?' 'why is everyone leaving?'

11-20-2006, 08:26 PM
i would have thrown sumthin at his punk ass.

11-20-2006, 08:35 PM
so much for his career.
seriously, how can you make it in standup if you can't deal with hecklers?

11-20-2006, 08:56 PM
I can't wait to see how hes going to try and spin this on Letterman. Theres no denying it, he is racist. Can't say he was drunk or under the influence of drugs. It was not a slip, he was not just saying the most hurtful thing he could possibly say at the moment. What he said is whats truly in his heart. I was listening to a LA talk show today and could not believe the stupid and ignorant excuses people were coming up with to try and defend him.

11-20-2006, 09:10 PM
theres no doubt hes a racist, the way he said it even implied it. Are there charges against this dude? On a talk show i was listening to today said that there was a huge difference between how a person of that decent would say it to another person, but he was just attacking in the way that he said it.

11-20-2006, 09:32 PM
Yah he did go over the top,

but take into account, about how many people are mad fun of, which are mexican, red neck etc., yet a man of dark skin can make fun of a white guy, but the other way around, its all over.

Im not justifying how he acted, im just saying all around, its kinda like that... which I dont understand, You will see how white people are the most racely blind now becouse of this... Im trying to remmber a commedian that described this... chapell mencia, etc.



damn, he got booed off that stage, Its too bad he didnt go out the back, as did the rest of the croud :keke:

11-20-2006, 09:49 PM
Yeah, because you know, black people enslaved white people for thousands of years, and made up the most hurtful word for them ever to hear.

You're comparing pin pricks and chainsaw wounds. Watch those waters you're treading, you're gonna turn this into a race war.

11-20-2006, 09:53 PM
Thats what confuses me about this country here you have the right to speak you're mind-Freedom of speech. But they when you talk about something or what ever in public or to people or what ever they get all pissed off about it. Dont get me wrong that kramer Foo should have said or poped a joke in other words with out really saying you know the N word!!! If you're called a raciest for speaking you're mind then isnt that denying you're right to freedom of speech?

11-20-2006, 09:53 PM
I saw him perform at Laugh Factory a while ago and he was not funny at all. i was very disappointed. he was just like this pretty much yelling and cussing at audiances, except times he gone too far

11-20-2006, 10:03 PM
I saw him perform at Laugh Factory a while ago and he was not funny at all. i was very disappointed. he was just like this pretty much yelling and cussing at audiances, except times he gone too far

yah thats why i think he didnt get that much laughter, and he got the booo, and then he went off..:mrmeph:

11-20-2006, 10:10 PM
Yah he did go over the top,

but take into account, about how many people are mad fun of, which are mexican, red neck etc., yet a man of dark skin can make fun of a white guy, but the other way around, its all over.

Im not justifying how he acted, im just saying all around, its kinda like that... which I dont understand, You will see how white people are the most racely blind now becouse of this... Im trying to remmber a commedian that described this... chapell mencia, etc.



damn, he got booed off that stage, Its too bad he didnt go out the back, as did the rest of the croud :keke:
Are you fucking stupid?

I've heard a lot of dumb shit come out of your mouth, and by far this is the worst.

I have zero sympathy for that ass. Even the white audience members were astounded.

it was not just the black people.

what he said wasn't even funny. And when he was called on it, he continued with his racism.

black people did not enslave any minority for any time, nor did they beat them to death using the word.

I'm SURE if your family and friends ancestors were beat amist being called a that, you wouldn't allow someone to call you that.

So you can keep your white supremesist theories to yourself.

Making people feel like trash never was/will be funny.

Freedom of speech? Are you serious.

You all are so retarded, I'm speachless.

All in all, you fail at fucking life.

11-20-2006, 10:38 PM
So you can keep your white supremesist theories to yourself.

Lets try to keep this thread from being a race war :/

All in all...I'm really shocked at his delivery....not only was it not funny...but you can easily see his racism, especially after he got called on it.

11-20-2006, 11:00 PM
I'm sorry, but that shit was funny.

Yes, that was racist as hell. Yes, he went too far. But damn, look at the guy that called him on it. What a bitch, getting all butthurt over some fucking words. He could've just said something to his buddies, and left. But he had to act like a child and make a huge scene.

Kramer is lucky though. Thats the type of silly shit people get killed over around here.

11-20-2006, 11:05 PM
PR stunt????

11-20-2006, 11:12 PM
wow, im a white supremist?

Sorry, but I'm far from it. Thanks for trying to profile me becouse I have light skined nationalities with in my heritage...

Im not backing that dummy cramer, Im talking generaly, so many examples, look @ you avatar. black and proud, If my avatar said White and proud, do you know how pissed off you would be?

It also seems its ok to be proud becouse of the past oppression, Im part Irish, and if you dont know history, there was oppression, and slavery amongst the irish community in America Too.. but you dont hear people dwelling on it. Everyone has a story and history. now is now.

..... there is no equality, becouse people to pretend to enforce it in actuality perpatuate it.

dont ever, ever label me.

this arguement could go on forever, but it doesnt need to.
I have no problems with any race many people know this on here I am amongst all races we are all humans,
so dont bring that BS here.

11-20-2006, 11:19 PM
Are you fucking stupid?

I've heard a lot of dumb shit come out of your mouth, and by far this is the worst.

I have zero sympathy for that ass. Even the white audience members were astounded.

it was not just the black people.

what he said wasn't even funny. And when he was called on it, he continued with his racism.

black people did not enslave any minority for any time, nor did they beat them to death using the word.

I'm SURE if your family and friends ancestors were beat amist being called a that, you wouldn't allow someone to call you that.

So you can keep your white supremesist theories to yourself.

Making people feel like trash never was/will be funny.

Freedom of speech? Are you serious.

You all are so retarded, I'm speachless.

All in all, you fail at fucking life.

!Zar! I agree except for the part in bold. Africans actually captured and sold off there own people to slavery.

If that kramer dood was trying to be funny while still offensive he failed. He only offended every person of color in that entire room.

His career SHOULD be over but it wont be. White america will find a way to spin it so he comes out on top. This is why there will always be tension between white and black.

11-20-2006, 11:25 PM
Yeah, because you know, black people enslaved white people for thousands of years, and made up the most hurtful word for them ever to hear.

You're comparing pin pricks and chainsaw wounds. Watch those waters you're treading, you're gonna turn this into a race war.

not to be demeaning but this is not an excuse, over 1/2 of the world has been made a slave of at one point or another. christians were slaves, but i see no EO for them, irish and scottish were fucked by the british for the longest time... middle east, american indians, chinese had it worst as slaves, Some Hispanic people work at slave wages to this day in the US.

it seems that i hear this alot when anything remotley racist comes up but at the same time everyone conviently forgets that at one time in history everyone was a slave segragated by race, origin, or creed. so unless it is coming from someone who is currently been a slave (3rd world country slaves,prision labor, US millitairy, etc..) i tend to classify it as argueing without thinking.

words have no power but the power a individual puts to them. I don't belive in any sterotypes because i sterotype doesn't exsist. none what so ever. everyone is an individual and should be judged accordingly. it is still beyond me how peopel let words evoke so mutch emotion on something when someon else told them to feel that way about it. if i was brought up that the word "the" had the meaning of mo#$er F*$ker that i would be offended by it the first few times, but after a while i would just let if slide off and take no offense to it, even if someon was trying to offend me with it.

just my 2cents on that.

about Kramer... that guy is stupid as shit he is a professional and should never be so ignorant as to say or think like that. but i guess it goes to show you that even in this day and age some people refuse to let go of hate that should not be there in the first place. that guy is just plane dumb.

11-20-2006, 11:25 PM
......ever......for...... ev......er........

be quiet robby!! get back in your cage!! dont make me get the hose!!

11-20-2006, 11:26 PM
remember that video of that white teacher who called one of his students n****, then everyone had a fit, and the teacher defended himself because everyone says that amongst themselves yet he says it and all hell breaks loose... yah that shit is stupid, i blame the urban media for people gettin all pissy.. tho he shouldnt have said it still *edit here is the video http://youtube.com/watch?v=XURRzofbMc0

hi im black too (mixed ethnic background) and i still think people really do get upset with other ethnics use the words.

11-20-2006, 11:29 PM

He failed.

People call me a redneck when im driving my lifted chevy with a cowboy hat, smokin a sig, and blasting country.

Now im going to go emo myself off.

11-20-2006, 11:34 PM
wow, im a white supremist?

Sorry, but I'm far from it. Thanks for trying to profile me becouse I have light skined nationalities with in my heritage...

Im not backing that dummy cramer, Im talking generaly, so many examples, look @ you avatar. black and proud, If my avatar said White and proud, do you know how pissed off you would be?

It also seems its ok to be proud becouse of the past oppression, Im part Irish, and if you dont know history, there was oppression, and slavery amongst the irish community in America Too.. but you dont hear people dwelling on it. Everyone has a story and history. now is now.

..... there is no equality, becouse people to pretend to enforce it in actuality perpatuate it.

dont ever, ever label me.

this arguement could go on forever, but it doesnt need to.
I have no problems with any race many people know this on here I am amongst all races we are all humans,
so dont bring that BS here.

The problem with that bro is that the men/women involved in the black power movement were fighting for equality.. much like the womens rights movement... theres nothing wrong with saying your white and proud of it. The problem is the majority of the people that say that usually follow it with something refering to nazi germany or the KKK. It jsut depends on the context of how it is said.

11-20-2006, 11:37 PM
Robby, seriously stop talking. The other way around? that isn't "making fun of".. thats blatent racism.. not funny in any way.. nothing comical about it. Where is the Humor?

What the fuck does a Carlos Mencia video have to do with Kramer being a racist fuck?

Zar isn't profiling you because of your skin color, he's profiling you because of the ignorance of your careless comments.

Its not because of inequality of the "white man" vs the "black man" its about ignorant fucks. Period. Irish Slavery? Are you even trying to compare that to African slavery? Sure, every "minority" has been oppressed but there are no terms comparable to those invented for African slaves.

Kramer is one of these people. Sad, because I actually enjoyed his character the most on Sienfeld.

And calling someone racist is NOT denying their freedom of speech. Its calling a motherfuckin' ass-clown what it is.. an ass-clown.

Tenchuu, I agree with you to a point. However.. there is a difference between a joke and what was said. Lynchings are in no way funny. And Kramer was blatently expressing a "superiority" over this man because of the color of his skin.. which is dumb. He could have addressed it in a way to be comical.

Maybe.. about his social standing.. or something else, pick something to make fun of... Be funny, not ignorant. You know what I mean?

Is saying "50 years ago you would have been lynched for interrupting me because I am 2/5* more human than you?" funny? At all?
No. So this isn't even comparable to jokes made by comedians like Carlos Mencia.

*for those in the un-be-known Africans were considered to be 3/5 of a human being.

11-20-2006, 11:38 PM
Its all about the sterotypes the run rampid in our generation, and the Loads of double negitives that cant even be counted..

11-20-2006, 11:40 PM
Robby, seriously stop talking. The other way around? that isn't "making fun of".. thats blatent racism.. not funny in any way.. nothing comical about it. Where is the Humor?

What the fuck does a Carlos Mencia video have to do with Kramer being a racist fuck?

Its not because of inequality of the "white man" vs the "black man" its about ignorant fucks. Period. Irish Slavery? Are you even trying to compare that to African slavery? Sure, every "minority" has been oppressed but there are no terms comparable to those invented for African slaves.

Kramer is one of these people. Sad, because I actually enjoyed his character the most on Sienfeld.

And calling someone racist is NOT denying their freedom of speech. Its calling a motherfuckin' ass-clown what it is.. an ass-clown.

LOL, so your going to compare the pain of one man to another. LOL thats classic...lol, like anyone of us was there?


the whole thread is about how Kramer is a dumbass, and he succeeded...


arguing with anyone about this issue is completely retarded and open ended...

11-20-2006, 11:41 PM
i can vouch for lbmotoring, i know him, we live in socal and stuff recently hasnt been looking too good this decade... alot of people do get a lil heated about ethnic so lets lay off that... underneath, we are all the same, we are all here on this very forum because our passion for cars (particularly the 240sx) brings all together as equals.

I liked Krammer on sienfield, he was fucking stupid funny.. but by himself he is nothing.. thanks for the video, i didnt know what he was doin, looks like he is tryin to survive the has been life.

Its ok for a comedian to make fun of thier own ethnic.. its touchy when they step out of boundaries like he did.
I felt offended that carlos mancia got his own show, shit he blasts on everybody, yet no one screams him being racist. he makes a living off making fun of people

11-20-2006, 11:50 PM
Sure some black people, and mexican people are racist towards white people but its kinda different when they act like that.

For instance white people had slaves and treated them worse then a farm horse back in the day. Thats why i can understand why they are still pissed.

And when white people are racist towards black people it is even more messed up because of what the white race did to their people, and when white people act like that, they are belittling them in the same gawd awfull way that slave owners did.

11-20-2006, 11:51 PM
LOL, so your going to compare the pain of one man to another. LOL thats classic...lol, like anyone of us was there?


the whole thread is about how Kramer is a dumbass, and he succeeded...


arguing with anyone about this issue is completely retarded and open ended...

No I'm not comparing one man's pain to another. Good job dancing around/avoiding my other points though.

And learn to use the EDIT button instead of double posting.

And Hypertek... do you not see a difference between a joke and what was said? Even a black comedian (by your logic) would NEVER be accepted for saying some shit like that. How does your point hold any fuckin' water?

11-20-2006, 11:55 PM
lol, you didnt make any points.

Im careless, oo nice point. yes im careless, Im also raceless. I dont care who you are.

dont bring this here anymore. you will just fail. no point can correct the past.

lol nice edit yourself. how about you suck it up and stop argueing about a useless subject, we all know how it is. dont bother wasting your time.

sorry if I affended any of you, I do get worked up, but not as much as kramer :keke:

Dont worry, Ill still hug you tommaro,

night guys :love:

11-21-2006, 12:05 AM
I made plenty of points, you're just avoiding them. But its easy to appear nuetral when you can't confront facts. You're raceless? Thats funny.

I brought it here, and will continue as long as people like you exist. Don't tell me what to do, you have no authority over my actions.

I don't consider this subject useless, nor a waste of my time.

You just don't get it and you're trying to twist your way out of it. Cute.

The only thing I "fail" at is educating you, Robby.

11-21-2006, 12:22 AM
I'm probably gonna get flamed for this. Maybe banned. Or scolded. But this is my opinion and you should respect it, no matter how twisted/untrue/fucked up you find it.

Hi i'm Farzam and i'm Iranian and 1/8 Kenyan.

I don't give a fuck about racism. It's fucking stupid, but it's no big deal. It's just a word, it won't kill you. And if you get offended over being called a hick/sandnigger/nigger, you should be offended by being called a doodoo head.

And yeah, I call people words. If you're an ignorant sack of shit who uses the excuse that you aren't allowed to produce more than 3 brain cells cause of the "destruction of your people's rights", then fuck you. You are allowed into free public school, you could very well work and try and achieve a decent future instead of praising weed and Slim Thug. You're a fucking sack of shit and I hope my words offend you cause you deserve it for making yourself so worthless.

If you aren't like the above, and I don't like you, you're nothing but a loser.

Before you say it, urban/inner city/mostly black/___ schools are only bad because they allow it. If the kids weren't such idiots, teachers and students wouldn't fear going in or finding it unimportant and they'd get their education and go out and become doctors or managers or something better than collecting social security and working at McDonalds.

The people who bring up slavery need to shut up. OMG, your father's father's father had a cousin in slavery. Was that you? No. That's like me saying that my grandfather was tortured in a war and that makes me have ADD.

Life happens, move on.

Don't be a critic for someone saying something, cause you've more than likely said it one time yourself, and that's no excuse. You may have gotten wiser, but maybe they haven't yet. Enrich them, don't flame them.

Racism is stupid. People fighting for their rights is stupidI(99% of the time).

Street punks are stupid. Anarchists are stupid. Black power people are stupid. White people power are stupid. Brown people power are stupid. Power people are stupid.

America is THE best place to ever live, and if you're black, i'll send you back so you can get AIDS. Mexicans? Yeah, have fun getting kidnapped by a drug lord. Middle eastern? Well, it's not really that bad over there...but have fun in the Baghdad area. Oriental? I'll send you to China just so you can cry yourself to sleep for a while(cause freedom of choice is cool).

As Ricktalife(vocalist of 25 Ta Life) said, "If you're ever depressed about something, you're a little bitch. America is THE GREATEST country in the WORLD, and you should all know that."

Racist beliefs, race-related issues<The cum stains on my gf's bed.

But yeah, I personally think that legal citizens in this country, namely Hispanics, need to be paid more. I had my deck build, and you can't believe how much they flipped out when I paid them market value for the work they did. I like saving money, but not at the expense of hard working Americans having to feed their babies ramen.

11-21-2006, 12:24 AM
And Hypertek... do you not see a difference between a joke and what was said? Even a black comedian (by your logic) would NEVER be accepted for saying some shit like that. How does your point hold any fuckin' water?

sorry.. but carlos mancia blasts on people with a passion.. he looks freaking pissed and means it.. i dont see him laughing expressionally. Jay leno or david letterman would get thier shows taken off the air if they had that type of energy to blast on people.. but they cant do it.

That cramer guy, jus fucked up.. end of story

11-21-2006, 12:28 AM
yes my lack of education gives me point in which to help me argue with you evan.

Sorry Im neutral? becouse there is no real answer to this besides why does raceism still exsist? becouse people like you will continue to argue about it, instead of letting it go, just like how anything else breaks out. fights? becouse someone isnt man enough to let it go and walk away. But in your mind, im sure your dead on correct.

11-21-2006, 12:30 AM
For people who can't understand, being called that, is just like having a swastika
and parading around about the Jewish and the holocaust.

11-21-2006, 12:34 AM
lets all get on viceroy, is that some sort of cult??
viceroy secretly planting the swastika in thier sig pictures... they all happen to be of caucasian ethnic.. and have pictures of japanese people in thier sig as well..

anyways... lets end this thread, our views and expressions wont change the world here. We have all aggreed that the actions of Krammer was wrong.

11-21-2006, 12:36 AM
Hypertek- there is still a HUGE difference between Carlos's comedy.. and what Kramer didn't even try to play off as comedy. Why excuse it? Or try?

Robby, same goes to you.. that is the only point there is. Haha, I keep racism alive? No, I don't excuse people's ignorance because "hey, we should all get over it."

It wasn't comedy.. end of story.

"In my mind".. "not man enough to let it go"..
Watch yourself Robby, I don't appreciate the way you are speaking to me.

11-21-2006, 12:38 AM
lets all get on viceroy, is that some sort of cult??
viceroy secretly planting the swastika in thier sig pictures... they all happen to be of caucasian ethnic.. and have pictures of japanese people in thier sig as well..

anyways... lets end this thread, our views and expressions wont change the world here. We have all aggreed that the actions of Krammer was wrong.
What the hell does Viceroy have to do with this?

The swastika means the circle of life.

Hitler had a vision of the perfect life and society. So he decided to use that as his emblem.

Why are you socal boys even attmepting to argue this?

Your only reason of defense is, "Look they are doing it to". That isn't going to help america or anyone. All it's going to do is try and make that acceptable. If you have such a problem with what you see, stand up and state something. Instead of just sitting back.

My signature? Damn straight I'm black and proud.

And I could give a shit less if you had. I'm proud to be part irish as your sig.

Being proud of who you are has nothing to do with being racist.

Being proud to be a racist is the issue.

11-21-2006, 12:41 AM
those happen to relate to the axis powers of WWII... Germany and Japan... so those 2 images in a signature happen to be randomly cool for an image or jus poser? i dont know.. being americans, that just looks poser

ok i appoligize for whatever ive said in this thread.

11-21-2006, 12:43 AM
I'm sorry, but that shit was funny.

Yes, that was racist as hell. Yes, he went too far. But damn, look at the guy that called him on it. What a bitch, getting all butthurt over some fucking words. He could've just said something to his buddies, and left. But he had to act like a child and make a huge scene.

Kramer is lucky though. Thats the type of silly shit people get killed over around here.

The only reason people get hurt, is when actions are commited out of MALICE.

He was purposely trying to say the most hurtful thing possible, and that was to attack the color of their skin. Something that they cannot change.

To be raised and be told that you should be proud of who you are is how America is now a days.

For some 2 bit, washed up comedian to try to belittle you on something you CANNOT change in your life is degrading. He was trying to get laughs out of the people with his INTENTIONAL belittling of those individuals.

If he was ANY caliber of a comedian, he could've handled the hecklers in stride, turned the tables on them and kept his show going.

This thread is going to get locked.

11-21-2006, 12:45 AM
LOL, we all have decided that it wasnt funny allready,
sorry you arnt hearing what you want too, were all sorry, lets so skipping into a forest now evan, please dont cry, were still e-friends :keke:

if we dont get over it, it will never happen"

haha, i love how we will start the revolution, from 240 world to the real world..


11-21-2006, 01:52 AM
not to be demeaning but this is not an excuse, over 1/2 of the world has been made a slave of at one point or another. christians were slaves, but i see no EO for them, irish and scottish were fucked by the british for the longest time... middle east, american indians, chinese had it worst as slaves, Some Hispanic people work at slave wages to this day in the US.

it seems that i hear this alot when anything remotley racist comes up but at the same time everyone conviently forgets that at one time in history everyone was a slave segragated by race, origin, or creed. so unless it is coming from someone who is currently been a slave (3rd world country slaves,prision labor, US millitairy, etc..) i tend to classify it as argueing without thinking.

words have no power but the power a individual puts to them. I don't belive in any sterotypes because i sterotype doesn't exsist. none what so ever. everyone is an individual and should be judged accordingly. it is still beyond me how peopel let words evoke so mutch emotion on something when someon else told them to feel that way about it. if i was brought up that the word "the" had the meaning of mo#$er F*$ker that i would be offended by it the first few times, but after a while i would just let if slide off and take no offense to it, even if someon was trying to offend me with it.

just my 2cents on that.

about Kramer... that guy is stupid as shit he is a professional and should never be so ignorant as to say or think like that. but i guess it goes to show you that even in this day and age some people refuse to let go of hate that should not be there in the first place. that guy is just plane dumb.

AGREED. Honestly...your the one that makes sense.

11-21-2006, 01:58 AM
For people who can't understand, being called that, is just like having a swastika
and parading around about the Jewish and the holocaust.

It's because you LET it hurt you.

Nigger hurts because you allow it to.
Cracker hurts because you allow it to.
Chink, spic, beaner, wetback, towelhead, what the fuck EVER are words. If you're weak enough to be hurt by some syllables, then you aren't strong enough to be flying your races flag at all. You're just as weak as a racist piece of shit. You perpetuate the disease.

Racism exists, because people let racists get to them. Otherwise, it's just ignorance.


EDIT* 'Kramer' is a fucking ignorant tool. He deserves the same as any other ignorant tool, to be ignored and avoided. I in no way defend his actions, but just as deplorable as the words he has said, are the words some of you are saying here today.

11-21-2006, 02:10 AM



11-21-2006, 02:21 AM
It's because you LET it hurt you.

Nigger hurts because you allow it to.
Cracker hurts because you allow it to.
Chink, spic, beaner, wetback, towelhead, what the fuck EVER are words. If you're weak enough to be hurt by some syllables, then you aren't strong enough to be flying your races flag at all.

Racism exists, because people let racists get to them. Otherwise, it's just ignorance.


Very well put, Squidd.

11-21-2006, 02:50 AM
Til this day I dont understand the terminology of "wetback" like seriously.

Beaner = Mexicans eat beans
Cracker = A cracker is white like the White man (Btw what fuckin race is "white" anyway?)
Nigger = I assume originated from the word "Negro"
Chink = Im really not sure on this one either

But my point being, ok how am I a wetback? Im Mexican (in all honesty I really dont care much for race, I value the person and what they have to contribute to society) and like this word comes from mexicans crossing the border and getting their backs wet? Wtf? We swim backwards or what? Man If I did cross the border illegally my whole damn body would be soaked from swimming a river not just my back? Not only that being a wetback hella sucks (not the mexican kind) But the kind where you drive your damn non-air conditioned 240 in the freakin summer heat and your back gets all wet, that shit is HELLA nasty, and then when people hit you on your back and your wet shirt touches your back, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Ok /rant

thanks for your time!

11-21-2006, 03:06 AM
Til this day I dont understand the terminology of "wetback" like seriously.

Beaner = Mexicans eat beans
Cracker = A cracker is white like the White man (Btw what fuckin race is "white" anyway?)
Nigger = I assume originated from the word "Negro"
Chink = Im really not sure on this one either

But my point being, ok how am I a wetback? Im Mexican (in all honesty I really dont care much for race, I value the person and what they have to contribute to society) and like this word comes from mexicans crossing the border and getting their backs wet? Wtf? We swim backwards or what? Man If I did cross the border illegally my whole damn body would be soaked from swimming a river not just my back? Not only that being a wetback hella sucks (not the mexican kind) But the kind where you drive your damn non-air conditioned 240 in the freakin summer heat and your back gets all wet, that shit is HELLA nasty, and then when people hit you on your back and your wet shirt touches your back, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Ok /rant

thanks for your time!

Got me man, as a fat German dude, I sweat profusely on my back. No idea. That's why these words are so god damn silly.

11-21-2006, 03:08 AM
ummm so, let say someone at school everyday is racially degrading you. what
would you do? avoid it? tell the teachers?


11-21-2006, 03:11 AM
ummm so, let say someone at school everyday is racially degrading you. what
would you do? avoid it? tell the teachers?


yea its called verbal assault, that necessarly doesnt mean racism, but he could be calling you a bitch ass dorky punk ass skinny ass lame poor ass wack ass stupid ass etc etc kid, all of that stuff falls under verbal assault and if your cant deal with it, be smart and have someone of authority help you handle it

11-21-2006, 03:13 AM
I am not even touching this debate with a 100 foot pole. Zilvia needs to enroll heavily in some history classes this Spring Semester.

My 2 cents have to do with cramer himself, and my disgust for celebrity.

Around 2 years after the end of seinfeld, i was bumming around london. If you have been/know to london, you would see they have a very large theatre scene (kind of like ny). Kramer was doing some show, that at this point i cannot remember. He was center stage, and his performance was horrible.

We are having a discussion about someone who has NO concept of reality. He is one of these performing arts freaks, that sees things like this act as "true genius". Outrageous, fighting stereotypes, "waking people up". That is what this asshole thinks he has done.

He is now, for all the internet to see, a waste of human life, or at least a waste of celebrity. So don't give it to him.

Some of you pulled some very unreasonable cards on each other, very early in this debate, to gain weight to your respective points of view, that really skewed things. Using such hot button words might win you the day, but rarely gains respect in such a debate.

11-21-2006, 03:29 AM
ummm so, let say someone at school everyday is racially degrading you. what
would you do? avoid it? tell the teachers?
Is that a real question?
If so... You do the same thing you would do if a bully was insulting/degrading/bullying you in any other fashion: You beat the crap out of him. Or, if you can't do that due to being weak like a 6 year old girl, you at least stand up for yourself. A little violence goes a long way. lol
Its simple, really.

11-21-2006, 03:46 AM
ummm so, let say someone at school everyday is racially degrading you. what
would you do? avoid it? tell the teachers?


That was me all during grade school. I Was and still am the source of constant ridicule. I got help from teachers, friends and my parents. I still face ridicule to this day, and sure it's affected me but I know how to deal with it as a person. This is a totally invalid arguement though because as children we are impressionable, as adults, comments like the N word shouldn't even phase us as we've outgrown the ridiculousness of this petty ridicule.

11-21-2006, 04:02 AM
yea its called verbal assault, that necessarly doesnt mean racism, but he could be calling you a bitch ass dorky punk ass skinny ass lame poor ass wack ass stupid ass etc etc kid, all of that stuff falls under verbal assault and if your cant deal with it, be smart and have someone of authority help you handle it

I said "racially degrading you."

this is what his saying to you. "what's that fucken smell? do i smell pussy? no! i think its beans cooking. it must be them wet beans. damn, do you ever take a bath? No... i meant a fucken shower, you dumb fucken mexican. not on a toilet bowl. no? where do take a bath? haha maybe on that fucken canal behind your wetback motel house. no wonder you smell like shit thatiflush out last night. does your fucken mom laundry your there too? hahaha you mother fucken smell like wet diarrhia beans. what a fucking beaner. whatchu looking at? you gonna fight me beaner boy. you and your wetback posie. hahaha what? what? what? i cant understand what the fuck you sayin? what a duur?
speaka proper english you fucking wetback. what? your walking away? andele andele arriba.(makes fart noises) iiiiiieeeeeeyaaa eeeyyiiiiaaaa yeeeehaa."

imagine, if you have to deal with that everyday.


11-21-2006, 04:33 AM
Ok according to your dob it says your 26, umm your 26 and you dont know how to deal with it? If it was me

"Oh shit that was fucking funny dude!! How did you know I smell like beans?! Damn your fuckin smart!!! Hey hey I got an idea Ill bring you some beans tomorrow ok!? I think you might like them! Thanks dude"

(next day, with bag full of nasty ass smashed up beans)

"Hey man look! (throw the bag at him) Is that what I smell like?! Haha its fuckin funny huh! Look everyone, its bean boy!"

I dunno thats what I would do, then of course we'd get down and Id make sure I give him a black guy so everyone knows I got a hit off before he knocked me out, IF that were be the case.

11-21-2006, 05:41 AM
those happen to relate to the axis powers of WWII... Germany and Japan... so those 2 images in a signature happen to be randomly cool for an image or jus poser? i dont know.. being americans, that just looks poser

ok i appoligize for whatever ive said in this thread.

OK They are using the buddhist symbol, and it was not in reference to Nazi Germany. Look at a map of Japan, you see them all over the map...why? Because it marks the spot of a temple.

You all really need to stop this inccesent arguing. Racism is wrong. Be it someone calling another either the N-word or returning the N-word with Cracker...they are all unacceptable on here. Call me a cracker and you would be banned, the same as you would be banned for using the N-word...

You all need to grow up and realize that degrading someone for any reason should be uncalled for...if it makes the person feel like shit then it is wrong. Grow up, be men/women and fucking talk out your differences. End of story.

11-21-2006, 07:45 AM
If you can't tell the difference between what another comedian did, and what Michael Richards did, then you're being ignorant and/or naive. He was truly saying what he felt, as he was genuinely upset. Why don't people realize that when people get angry, people say what's REALLY in their hearts? Regardless if you apologize or how bad you feel after the fact.

"Black people call each other that all the time!" No, it is different. When a black person calls another black person the word, Im sure they don't mean "You inferior, used-to-be slave person". We (yes, we, as I am black) don't get mad at another black person and say "You nigger!" Unfortunately, it's become a certain "slang" word if you will and is actually "nigga"...don't ask me how and I can't say that I agree with it 100%. But I can say that it isn't used in a derogatory manner, as when (usually) when some other race uses it.

It's a matter of respect. Period.

11-21-2006, 08:16 AM
You all really need to stop this inccesent arguing. Racism is wrong. Be it someone calling another either the N-word or returning the N-word with Cracker...they are all unacceptable on here. Call me a cracker and you would be banned, the same as you would be banned for using the N-word...

Isn't it funny you can say "cracker" no problem, but you say "the n-word" instead of nigger. Their both just words...

It's too bad someone that did what he's done has gotten so much attention. Washed up as he is, he obviously still has the power to spread his point throughout the media. Unfortunatly people like him are still around.

Last, I would just like to say that Squidd has made the most valid points IMO.

That is all...

I think we should lock this before more tention is built between fellow premie's...

11-21-2006, 09:03 AM
wow, I slept on this thread.
I apologize for the bad feelings this thead may have caused.
It wasn't my intention to get my fellow Zilvian's arguing against each other but
rather to gasp and laugh at what this idiot did in a moment of passion.
We're all human beings first and foremost and in a few hundrend years such concepts as race will hopefully be forgotten.

11-21-2006, 09:19 AM
Zilvia is all about arguing, are you kidding?

As for using either or words, there are words people are comfortable with saying, and words they are not.

For them to know the difference in the power of the words they use means alot, and shows that they have distaste for such ignorant terms.

Certain words carry more power than others, and for someone to say that the words are just words and carry no weight, that's stupid.

Some words hurt more because they're INTENDED to hurt more. Like I said, anything said out of MALICE and when someone is upset, hurts alot more than if they're just discussing or making a joke and using the word.

I know you guys took english, the context the word is used in means EVERYTHING.

We've had enough racism threads, and the point has been beat to death.

Manonegra, thanks for the vid, and shining the light upon another racist celebrity, but I think this shit deserves a lock.

11-21-2006, 09:27 AM
It's easy to say it's just words; which is true. But it does mean something to me when I personaly have been in fights at my school just for being black.
Trust me, it's no fun being beaten just because of your skin.

There is a reason why people can be banned over racism/racist terms on these boards...

For people who said that the gentlemen who voiced their oppinion should've sat and listened. Oppinions could be exchanged. Abet it be the silent walk away approach, or voicing out your oppinion.

Either way, I'm glad they didn't walk up on stage. They acted like adults and left instead of being a child and trying to fight him.

Because if they did beat his ass, how is it any better? Of course its all degrees, but by going and beating his ass over it, you're not helping matters much, it takes more to be able to walk away than yell "BLACK RAAAAGE" and kick over the podium.

11-21-2006, 09:42 AM
I agree 240Falkon, it's gone in directions I didn't intend it to go.
Mods, please lock.

11-21-2006, 09:47 AM
You can lock it since you're premie.

11-21-2006, 10:03 AM
This thread is over. I do not want to see Racial Slurs of any kind used outside of this thread. That has been Zilvia's rule for awhile, but it was overlooked due to the topic of this thread. This is everyone's warning, though. Continueing this argument or the use of racial/ethnic/religeous/etc. slurs on Zilvia.net will lead to your Bannishment.