View Full Version : James bond - Casino royale (PHLIP bump, post 32)

11-18-2006, 03:56 PM
who has watched it? this was kick ass. second best bond ever. tough but he can't compete with the pimpness of Sean Conery. that free runner was CRAZY. best movie i have seen all year. that new bond isrealistically rough looking vs. pierce or any of those pretty boys that never really pulled the part. if i met that guy looking like that i wouldn't mess with him.

anyways jsu tthought to let everyone know.

11-18-2006, 04:02 PM
ha really? I might just go see it... ithought it was going to be crap

11-18-2006, 04:14 PM
I will go see it when I get paid, I blew all my cash on hookers and angel dust.

11-18-2006, 05:39 PM
In my opinion, the new guy is an awesome James Bond.

11-18-2006, 06:14 PM
I thought it was going to be weak, but now I'll go see it. I <3 Aston Martin's

11-18-2006, 06:18 PM
haha i thought he was gonna win the hand with A/8 never saw that other hand coming

11-18-2006, 07:36 PM
i personally loved the movie, EVEN though it was a bladder buster (2.5 hrs long) and bonds hottie had tig ol bitties so....i was a fan,the action seemed to be non stop and didnt seem as slow as some of the older bond movies. def worth a wacth :)

11-18-2006, 11:38 PM
the action still seem pretty slow to me.. but i was in line waiting to pay admission and probably missed the first 20 mins? i came in where he was chasing some black guy in some tall ass construction rigs.

too much talking. not enough gadgetry. some action but needed more. it was mostly gambling. the short part where he gets poisoned was cool b/c he used the mini heart jumper macine on himself. haha

11-19-2006, 03:03 AM
I liked peirce.... but this one was decent, there wasnt enough

1. Owning, (killing bad guys)
2. Gaggets (some old guy with a shitload etc. how to, random items)


besides... it was ok, Ill have to get use to the new Bond....

11-19-2006, 07:43 AM
true I musta been tired or something becuase it just didnt feel Bond to me. but i guess its prolly suppose to be that way becuase he is like the "new guy".

So me and my friend where debating that each time a new actor takes part, that in the story each prior bond is killed off and hence why there would be a different actor??

11-19-2006, 09:04 AM
true I musta been tired or something becuase it just didnt feel Bond to me. but i guess its prolly suppose to be that way becuase he is like the "new guy".

So me and my friend where debating that each time a new actor takes part, that in the story each prior bond is killed off and hence why there would be a different actor??
No, the appearance to me is that it is the same 007, not that he is being killed, they honestly make no attempts to explain why the new guy was thrust into the fold.
Besides, if the prior Bond was killed at each "changing of the guard," would they not use something other than 007 for the next guy?

... I will be the next Bond after this one.

11-19-2006, 11:36 AM
Great movie...best Bond Movie ever! You guys should go watch it.... : )

11-19-2006, 12:04 PM
ok ill go watch it. It better be worth it damnit. Otherwise ill come home and watch some old ones.

11-19-2006, 12:17 PM
I will go see it when I get paid, I blew all my cash on hookers and angel dust.

Time for you to go back to Vegas.

11-19-2006, 12:54 PM
1. All the fucking paid advertisements for products, gone.
2. All the "standard" Bond stuff, car chases, Bond never fails, all that stuff that was so predictable about the Bonds recently, gone.
3. Was more about the people than the watch with the laser on it, or the car that does flips while shooting rockets, much more psychological.
4. Not a huge fan of the new Bond, I mean he had what, 2 lines in that whole movie? And was doing the Zoolander face and walk the whole time. He did kick ass when he had to though.

5. Bad ass movie. Made me love Bond all over again.

A Spec Products
11-19-2006, 01:38 PM

SEAN CONNERY is #1 bond of all time g!

Don't get it twisted!

11-19-2006, 05:31 PM
1. All the fucking paid advertisements for products, gone.
2. All the "standard" Bond stuff, car chases, Bond never fails, all that stuff that was so predictable about the Bonds recently, gone.
3. Was more about the people than the watch with the laser on it, or the car that does flips while shooting rockets, much more psychological.
4. Not a huge fan of the new Bond, I mean he had what, 2 lines in that whole movie? And was doing the Zoolander face and walk the whole time. He did kick ass when he had to though.

5. Bad ass movie. Made me love Bond all over again.

thats true you got a point! previous bond would take out a whole army of trained killers... not this time, i guess its more believable of what 1 man can do.

me and my friend debated how M said in the beginning how she promoted this bond to OO status since she believed in him, making us belive the previous was killed off, and how Bond said "Double 0s have a short life expectency" . James Bond 007 is prolly the code name for that agent position. I mean this time around, he didnt order a "Martini shaken not stired" but more of a "whatever" lol

Obiously there is no more Q because that old man died a few years go.

11-19-2006, 05:56 PM
^^^ No, see, this is where they take the creative liberty of releasing movies that are not necessarily in chronological order, with regards to the books, Casino Royale is the 21st MOVIE, but was the first mission he took on after getting "00" status.

... I, however, had my own "00" status for 13 years at the time, I can handle cooler and more powerful guns than James Bond AND I can get better women.

11-19-2006, 06:01 PM
so your saying, that its no more 007, and 00 is higher then 007? or that htis is like a telling of an older mission when he first became? that jus doesnt make sense of that while they used the new AM DBS....

11-19-2006, 06:14 PM
true I musta been tired or something becuase it just didnt feel Bond to me. but i guess its prolly suppose to be that way becuase he is like the "new guy".

So me and my friend where debating that each time a new actor takes part, that in the story each prior bond is killed off and hence why there would be a different actor??

I always thought that too....that the previous Bond was killed and his records completely wiped clean, then they nominate a new 007.

11-19-2006, 07:40 PM
movie is badass. go watch it, you get to preview spider man 3!

11-19-2006, 07:47 PM
so your saying, that its no more 007, and 00 is higher then 007? or that htis is like a telling of an older mission when he first became? that jus doesnt make sense of that while they used the new AM DBS....
No, I am saying, being an old-school Bond fan, is that the "00" is the part of his name that expresses the very level of his "eliteness," and my knowing, for fact, that "Casino Royale" was the first of the novels that Ian Flemming wrote for the Bond series.
The movies, however, skip around in time, but are true to the book that they're based on. In such, there MAY have been "008" and 009" or beyond, but the fact remains that the James Bond portrayed in each movie is the same "agent 007" from start to finish (even if start and finish are presented out of order), no matter who is playing him on the screen.
I always thought that too....that the previous Bond was killed and his records completely wiped clean, then they nominate a new 007.
No, see above response, they just offer no explanation as to why they have to have a different Bond to take charge from movie to movie. This movie presents itself the way it does because the fact is that it is the FIRST cog in the "James Bond as 007" story in the chronology, even though it is the 21st movie.

In my opinion, Connery played Bond best, and this dude (based upon the commercials) could be the next.

11-19-2006, 07:50 PM

11-19-2006, 07:53 PM
hmm good point phlip i did take notice that the opening screen said "ian flemmings james bond " or something like that

11-19-2006, 08:05 PM
hmm good point phlip i did take notice that the opening screen said "ian flemmings james bond " or something like that
I am the darkest skinned Bond fan you will meet, unless you have met my best friend, I am SUPPOSED to know these things.

11-19-2006, 08:30 PM
the new bond is buff, all the other bonds were skinny

11-19-2006, 09:32 PM
i will back phillip, thisw bond is a perquil to all the others, when bond first got his 00 status, then it moves on to the other films. and i also agree best bonds:
sean connery
this guy
all other bonds
pierce sucks balls.

11-19-2006, 09:49 PM
no offence to those of you who liked the movie

but some things just need to end

i like all the other bond movies
and i do not want the name to get worn out

11-19-2006, 10:19 PM
welcome to Zilvia!!!


11-19-2006, 10:26 PM
No, I am saying, being an old-school Bond fan, is that the "00" is the part of his name that expresses the very level of his "eliteness," and my knowing, for fact, that "Casino Royale" was the first of the novels that Ian Flemming wrote for the Bond series.
The movies, however, skip around in time, but are true to the book that they're based on. In such, there MAY have been "008" and 009" or beyond, but the fact remains that the James Bond portrayed in each movie is the same "agent 007" from start to finish (even if start and finish are presented out of order), no matter who is playing him on the screen.

No, see above response, they just offer no explanation as to why they have to have a different Bond to take charge from movie to movie. This movie presents itself the way it does because the fact is that it is the FIRST cog in the "James Bond as 007" story in the chronology, even though it is the 21st movie.

In my opinion, Connery played Bond best, and this dude (based upon the commercials) could be the next.

Hmm... I thought this was apparently obvious... but I guess not...

I'm a huge Bond fan, and although I don't think anyone could be better than Sean Connery because he was the first, Daniel Craig could be just as good. Casino Royale portrays Bond more how Ian Flemming envisioned Bond, more of a darker character.

Did anyone else think that the music in the movie sucked? It was "traditional" enough. Idk, maybe it was because it was the first movie and the whole 007 character was just being created, but certain things were missing.

11-20-2006, 05:02 AM
I liked it. As others mentioned earlier, it is his "origin". He played the dark character of Bond really well. the Poker scene seemed really drawn out.

11-20-2006, 09:27 AM
I really liked how his style was very developmental, and if anyone noticed, his actions aren't refined, like he became with pierce and the newer ones. i.e. everyone playing with thier chips, and he just shoves them into the middle of the poker table. not alot of flash, but he gets the job done. I just kept wanting him to figure out the damn drink. hahaha

02-03-2008, 02:17 PM
New film title revealed:
"Quantum of Solace"

I, for one, will be in theaters on November 7th to see this movie.
It seems that this one will pick up where Casino Royale (the movie, not the book) left off. Me being a Bond fan, am more than interested in seeing the first of the movies that is not based on one of the books.

02-03-2008, 02:28 PM
hell yeah P... good stuff. Casino Royale is one of my favorite movies that has come out in the last several years... Do you think his junk is ruined or what?

02-03-2008, 02:39 PM
Nah, see, he is James fucking Bond, the man whose junk has become the gold standard for those throughout moviedom...
Besides, he told the guy, he was scratching his balls on command, remember?
God, I loved Casino Royale, perhaps I should watch it instead of the Super Bowl.
... okay, so maybe not, but it was a good fucking movie, with one of my favorite ends:
"yes, may I speak to mr white?"
"who is this"

02-03-2008, 02:40 PM
casino royale ROCKS. i cant wait for the new film.

olga kurylenko (hitman) = new bong girl


02-03-2008, 02:52 PM
wow she is banging

02-03-2008, 02:55 PM
casino royale ROCKS. i cant wait for the new film.

olga kurylenko (hitman) = new bong girl


She lacks a little in the face department. Kinda got that Russian hooker thing goin on, but my god... that body...

02-03-2008, 04:18 PM
I watched Casino Royale the other night with this girl

It was pretty fuckin sweet

02-03-2008, 04:30 PM
Casino Royale was awesome. I expected it to be good and it certainly delivered. Can't wait to see Quantum of Solace. And Olga Kurylenko is hot. I'd like to see her in one of the Bond movies eventually.

James Bond: Vodka martini.
Bartender: Shaken or stirred?
James Bond: Do I look like I give a damn?

Hahaha that was great.

florante rea
02-03-2008, 04:41 PM

02-03-2008, 10:32 PM
all i know is i'll be there opening night.

02-03-2008, 11:24 PM
Judging from the filming schedule in the WIKI article, I'll be in Peru around the same time they're filming there. :wiggle:

mRclARK1 cameo (and shameless Zilvia plug) perhaps? :keke:

02-03-2008, 11:37 PM
casino royale ROCKS. i cant wait for the new film.

olga kurylenko (hitman) = new bong girl


is the picture of same girl? first picture looks like C cup and second picture looks like B cup. :confused:

02-08-2008, 12:06 PM
oh snap........... OH SNAP....... WHERE'S PHLIP?


for a 3 minute first look, go here: http://www.product-reviews.net/2008/02/08/first-look-quantum-of-solace-featurette/

02-11-2008, 11:38 AM
bond women
