View Full Version : Weapon*R Toys 4 Tots Meet Dec. 9th and 10th

11-14-2006, 11:57 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, this event has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused anyone, as we understand this is short notice. We encourage all of you to still donate to the needy children. You can find a toy drop off location or donate money at http://www.toysfortots.org . Thank you everyone for your kindness, and we hope to be able to do more charitable events in the future.

Ok it’s that time of year again to hold the TOY'S FOR TOTS to help out the less fortunate kids that are out there. So please come out and enjoy a day with other enthusiasts and while doing so please bring a new and un-wrapped toy as your donation. This year we want to make it a great turnout so this toy's for tots will be held on Sat Dec 9th and 10th because we know some people cant make it on a sat or a Sunday so now you have a chance to come out! At the same time Weapon*R is not only going to host this event, they will be having an open house and have everything on sale. A raffle is also in the works!

WHEN: DEC 9th & 10th



TIME: 10am - 4pm

This event is open to ALL PEOPLE NOT JUST Automotive enthusiasts so please feel free to post this on other forums that you are on!!!!

11-29-2006, 11:36 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, this event has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused anyone, as we understand this is short notice. We encourage all of you to still donate to the needy children. You can find a toy drop off location or donate money at http://www.toysfortots.org . Thank you everyone for your kindness, and we hope to be able to do more charitable events in the future.