View Full Version : C++ Help Needed

11-13-2006, 12:56 PM
Hey everyone. I'm way far behind in my class and I do not have time to do a few programs myself right now. That said, if someone is willing to do any of these for me please let me know.

Everything is real easy and basic programming. If anyone has ever built and still has programs that are somewhat similar to what I have to make please send me your code!!! It's easy to at least edit it, I just don't have to time build it ALL.

First Program: Blackjack
Cliff Notes: Basic game of black jack where you bet and play a game against the computer all done in Command Prompt. It doesn't have to say whether it is a spade, club, diamond, or hearts....just which number. The other thing is you have an infinite deck of cards so there can be 18 4's in a single deck played, thus making it easier to program. It is not intense at all programming, we were currently at modular programming with functions at this spot. Therefore a lot of this program will be just if/else, while loops, and case statements

Description: You get two cards (both face up) and the dealer gets two cards (one face down and one face up). If you have an Ace and a 10 card (10, J, Q, or K) (Blackjack), you win 1.5 times your bet (unless the dealer also has Blackjack and that's a tie). Otherwise, if the dealer has an Ace and a card worth 10 (10, J, Q, or K), the dealer will turn their card over and you automatically lose. If no one has black jack, you either "stay" with the two cards that you have, or "hit"- meaning you get another card. You can then say hit or stay again. You keep going until you stay. The object is to get as close as possible to 21 without going over. If you go over, you automatically lose. Then it's the dealer's turn. The dealer turns over the hidden card and automatically hits if they have 16 or less and will continue to hit until the sum is greater than 16. If the sum is over 21 and the player's sum isn't, the player wins. Otherwise, if the player's cards sum to greater than the dealers, the player wins. In the case of a tie, you get to keep your bet. An ace can be either worth 1 or 11. Other cards are their face value with J, Q, K worth 10. This is built in command prompt.

Program 2: Blackjack (with alterations)
Description: All this has to do is be an exact replica of the blackjack above, but you can only use one deck of cards during each game. Plain and simple.

Program 3: Sirpinkski Triangle
Description: Create a program that draws a Sierpinski triangle, or a similar object with any number of corners. Allow the user to input the number of corners and the number of iterations in textboxes. This is all done in GUI. All I need is the code that needs to be inserted into the GUI. If you need the information for a Sierpinski triangle I can give it to you.

Thanks! and please help!!!!!! I'm freaking out!

PS. Sorry if it seems like I never have come here, then I just jump on here begging for everyone's help. Here daily just rarely post.

11-13-2006, 01:07 PM
you should probably offer people money to do homework for you.

11-13-2006, 01:17 PM
I would give you my MFC code for Blackjack since my program was awesome back when I made it in high school, but GG for procrastinating. these programs aren't exactly that easy, especially when dealing with classes and such and inheritance. Next time, do your HW on time. This would take a bunch of hours to code all together. GL with the work. It's doable, Ive done last minute programming myself, just stressful once you get to debugging.

11-13-2006, 01:21 PM
Did all of the program over the summer after contacting the teacher (have done programming in high school and remembered it). My computer was fried a few days ago and I lost everything I had. Stupid me had no backups.

That's the problem, no time/patience for the stress of debugging when I have a lot of work to do.

Will offer money for those who can do the programs.