View Full Version : Lost oil pressure, think I spun a bearing...........What next??

11-05-2006, 10:39 PM
Well, to tell you the story.
I went ahead and got a SR T25 and swapped it out with new taka lines. Bolted her up, and started her and didnt tighten one of the bolts all the way, so oil gushed for about a second. Tightened her up, refilled her and she was good to go. Drove her, she was pulling like no other. At that point, I became scared and told my bro I really think I should get an oil pressure gauge. Just becasue I am very anal and wanted to get things done right. Pretty much told me I have a dummy light and when pressure goes, its too late anyways. Well, I forgot about it and said maybe he is right.

Fastforward to tonight. Me and my friend in his car go at it for a few runs (nothing too dangerous. No street racing. Just a few runs. Yes its not right, or illegal since we exceded the speed limit, so you can flame all you want.) Anyways, I pull up to the light, car shuts off. I start her up not thinking much of it. I drive off again under boost and start to hear a loud clanking. Somethings no good under the hood. Pull over and sure enough, it sounds like a rod knock. Also, the dip stick is bone dry. But, funny enough, there is no oil where to be found anywhere. I checked daily after installing the lines to make sure there was no oil leaking. Nothing

So now, after only 3-4 months of ownership, I am without a 240 again . It hurts bad. PLan was to keep her as close to factory as possible with most of the mods being in suspension and reliability (since I was going to make her my daily next year). So now, I am probably looking at a rebuild (sigh).

Thats my story. Just felt like ranting as it sucks but funny enough, I wasnt shaking nerously or upset. Just took it with stride and started on working out a game plan. Forged internals started to pop into my mind, but I am a full time ENGINEERING student and I will need a loan for that (which I am trying to reduce while in school). Friend put me in check real quick with that idea and I need to keep it mild.

Can I get some opinions on which route to take?? I plan on keeping her for now so I think it might be wise to just shell out the dough, do it right and forget it. Not versed on prices on rebuilds either so I will be making a few calls tomorrow (currently at the shop awaiting prognoses and damage report).

Thanks, Chris

11-07-2006, 12:37 PM
damn, no love............

11-07-2006, 12:52 PM
too much reading. i read enough for my classes already. cliff notes?

11-07-2006, 01:12 PM
as a thought...why would you need to rebuild with forged internals, i mean unless you want +400hp but seems to be a waste of money especially at your income level right now.

i would either part/sell the engine or just pick up a new sr20 long block. you have all the wiring, parts, etc...instead of a multi thousand dollar build it'll cost you around 1k - 1.5k for a long block.

11-07-2006, 03:24 PM
Ahhhh, my post made note of me deciding against foged internals............Just not worth it currently.

I decided to just keep it mild (incase I need a build). I still need to drop the pan and see whats the outcome. If I see metal shavings (and I think I might see some :sigh:) then its a mild stock like rebuild. The next issue is getting parts.

I was definately thinking about that SR longblock idea. The tranny and all bolt up as well as all my turbo accessories (I still have the mani and such from when I swapped turbos). We will see later on tonight if my friends gets a chance at it.

Thanks, Chris.

11-07-2006, 04:38 PM
sr long block is not a bad idea.

if you are really in a financial jam, you can always just put a ka in it.

11-07-2006, 05:34 PM
By the way, the engine is a ca18det............

Still considering a SR longblock since most of the things from a CA swap will bolt up to the SR and the wiring is almost identical.

Still didnt get a chance to pull the pan today either. So, I am still waiting on that before proceeding with plans.

Thanks, Chris

11-07-2006, 05:48 PM
get a longblock.
unplug old motor, swap over stuff, plug back in.
rebuild or part out old longblock.

11-07-2006, 07:55 PM
Right not, the swap/keep other and rebuild is not an option just simply because of price. I might have it in the back of my mind though as I do plan to move closer to school and I might just keep it in my basement or something and work on it over the seasons to pass my time...............

Ahhhhh, maybe not. Thats more money being spent grrrrrrrrrr. I need to think simple.

Right now, I am just looking into options if worse comes to worse. Its looking like the best idea currently is to find a CA18det longblock (as to fund a SR long block might require a few more essentials like ECU, and a few other things I dont have time now to deal with. But, we will see. A bit more research into this might yield different answers later on). Swap that sucker in and part out older longblock and recoupe some of my money.

Keep the options coming guys as I really appreciate the comments :kiss:

Thanks, Chris

11-08-2006, 03:49 PM
Hmmm, thats it?? No one else??

11-08-2006, 04:52 PM
Man that sux.. last week i was on my way to work and i happened to look down for some reason and saw that my oil light came on i immediatly turned of the motor put it in nuetral and slowed down and pulled off to the shoulder then i looked in the rear view and noticed a lot of smoke getting in to the cabin and coming out of the rear i got out and opened the hood and saw a huge mess! My oil filter relocator line popped off (hks oil filter relocator) stupid hose clamps were loose... so i clamped the hose back on and filled it up with oil and prayed to god it wasn't fuked up then i started it and to my surprise no knocking sounds at all! I dont know if it was the oil i was running that saved my motor (torco oil 10w 40) but im glad nothing happened. By the way motor was a s13 blacktop