View Full Version : Fucking Miata forums...

11-04-2006, 06:45 PM
For those who dont know, my S13 has been sitting like a piece of shit for god knows how long.. almost 2 years now. I've been demoted to driving a `99 Miata since, which I've had the luxury of beating on and eliminating useless OEM parts.. things like radio, seats, cruise control, power steering.. all got either thrown away or sold.

The car now rides on pretty wide 245 sized S03 tires.. and while the fucking car has no balls (power), atleast the shit handles pretty well. Braking could be better, after a bit of beating they start to overheat.. but thats not the biggest problem.

See, 240SX owners are lucky.. the car has space. You wanna throw tires in the back? sure. You wanna put a fat chick in your car? NO... DONT.. but, if you really havent had sex for a while.. well, okay.. fit her in, take her home and do your duty. See, the 240SX.. regardless if its KA, SR, or RB, V8.. whatever its fucking powered with, puts a decent smile behind your face.

NOT THE MIATA. The stock motor makes me want to puke so bad.. its so fucking weak. I am always shifting trying to make the car fuckin move.. and its like.. okay, 2k, 3k, 4k,.... 6k, 7k! Jesus.. it takes SOOO long to get the car to redline so that the POS can actually bone out.

Okay. Here is my beef. Here is the reason of this post. My beef isnt so much with the car, but MORE with the damn forum.


See, you 240 owners (and me, when my car was running).. we have the luxury of places like Zilvia. See, Zilvia is home. When you get tired of the stuck up pricks on Fresh Alloy and their smartass "I've gone to school for 40 years and still live with my mom" responses, you know that you can come back home to Zilvia. Talk some shit, not get banned. You can come here and laugh. You can even wake up and have some cereal here, joke around.. nothing will happen. Its just a great place.

BUT NOT MIATA.NET.. fuckin christ. This place is moderated by 60 year old geezers. They all say how "wonderful" that little puppy is, and how the motor is "peppy" -- if you install wide wheels, they complain and say you'll ruin your wheel bearings. I mean, the stupid shit I hear on there. People want to install cruise control. WTF?! Whats with you people. Its a fuckin roadster! Drive that shit till it explodes.

I dunno.. I get pissed off because if they arent old and "against modifications," they are young neopolitan bastards with their snide remarks. You know, the type of kids that probably wore neckties to school and call their mom "mummy." God I wanna reach through the monitor and slam their head onto a desk with my fists.

One guy today corrected my spelling of "contageous" (contagious).. yeah, thanks for the correction Webster, I'll make note of that next time I sweep the floor with your stupid face.

Yeah, I have anger problems. I like to break things, really.. I do. But most of all, I like coming on Zilvia every once and a while.. and post stupid shit like this. I cant say why, because honestly.. this forum is SO SLOW it makes me want to barf sometimes. But regardless, atleast this place is kickback.

I end my post by saying, fuckthemotherfuckingfuckers.


11-04-2006, 06:55 PM
I knew I was right to call bullshit when people told me that the grass was greener on the other side of the fence.

11-04-2006, 06:56 PM
Ahhhh, the mind of Mamos. Tis a scary, yet familiar place. :bow:

11-04-2006, 06:57 PM
Here.. here is the thread that started it off...

One idiot decided to sit down in front of his PC, login to Miata.net forums, click on "post" and write about how the car needs a beveled keyhole so that this tool, can find the fucking HOLE when inserting his key.

Serious, its idiots like this that we share the road with. Isnt this why Metro exists? So that ass-hats like him dont have to insert a key, he can now insert a dollar to ride the bus. All of the 26 stops during his bus-ride home should give him plenty of time to read a "guide-to-inserting-your-key-into-the-keyhole" book.

agh.. idiots.

okok.. while this thread is still alive and unlocked (unlike the viceroy thread, which i made sure was swiftly destroyed)...

I would like to explain to folks the necessities of owning a car that is weak, like a small little child, like a miata.

when you own a car that is:
a) balanced
b) underpowered
c) gay
d) fun
e) obd-2

you have to be very careful with your modifications. see, there are great companies out there (like flyinmiata) who understand what it takes to give this car balls. however, flyinmiata, much like REARcornersdotcom, is very expensive. and being that i dont even like this car so much at the moment, i am very chosey about what money gets spent.

i mean, all my fun money should be going to the 240 and getting that car back from the paint shop. but, in the meantime.. like a crackhead, i need immediate gratification and satisfaction. rummaging through storage has made me somehow manage to fit 240SX modifications on this damn miata.

example.. 245/45/16 s03 tires. i had them as extras.

now, this POS comes stock with 15" wheels.. they're like 15x5 or some weak shit like that. no way i am keeping 205 tires on there, its weak and no traction. so, i bought some enkei rp-f1's (16x8 4x100) and installed the 245's. Technically, they should have been 245/35.. but only toyo makes those.. and i dont like toyo. so i managed to roll the fenders, ditch the liners, and enjoy eccessively wide tires on such a small car. its fun really..

but see, you cant get too crazy.. because this car still blows. it throws check engine lights for stupid reasons, like evap control, egr, etc.. hence the reason i chucked the check engine bulb out the car.

the seats sucked, they were stupid leather seats that dont hold shit in. so those were chucked and sold to some mazda miata loving idiot. seriously, these people respond to for-sale ads for STOCK WHEELS. CHROME. LEATHER. I mean, ive never come across such a weird demographic of idiots.

i installed FD seats, schroth harnesses, and a rollbar. now i'm stuck in the car. i ditched the OEM airbag wheel and installed my trusty momo. a set of tein HA coilovers and some swaybars. now, atleast, i can drive this thing without throwing up from the lack of traction and LEAN, dive, etc...

so guys, this has been my life. i got married, burried, and now drive a gay miata... until my 240 comes back from widening and paintening (dont think thats a word, but whatever).

serious.. this is my advice. if you like your car, dont get married.. because you cant spend money on it anymore. and, if you do get married, buy a 12-cylinder before the ceremony.. like a lamborghini or some shit that will make her think you're clinically insane (like murdock from the a-team). atleast you'll have a mans car, and it will give you a noble death should you decide to launch off a mountain and end your life.

me, i am stuck.. driving a fags car that handles good but lacks just about any other form of fun, be it braking or acceleration. i get to take the top down, WOOO.. how gay is this shit. i never cared about a top in my 240, i just wanted to beat people up in the canyons.

i will say, that the other day i handed a WRX STI HIS FUCKING ASS in the canyons here.. and it was very satisfying. If only that fucker didnt turn off the road, i would have enjoyed telling him i beat his 300 or more HP AWD advantage car, with my wife's weaksauce shitmobile.

god i need my 240 back

11-04-2006, 07:18 PM
hahaha damn

Its a total different world on other car forums.

11-04-2006, 07:40 PM
I feel bad for you, having to browse shitty forums like that.

11-04-2006, 07:42 PM
Damn it my picture got deleted. T_T

11-04-2006, 07:46 PM
wow, man that forum is so... different. from this one, the same way this one is driff. from a honda forum...

11-04-2006, 07:47 PM
Damn it my picture got deleted. T_T

That's because I hate looking at the Anglefire logo. In other words, the pic didn't work, thus it gets deleted.

11-04-2006, 08:19 PM
Hi old_s13,

Good to see you around again. I think some people are just bored with their car, and start thinking of random and odd things to do to it. I would know, I was a bit like that when I was driving a Maxima.

I think you also have to see that Zilvians are almost a homogenous group. Anyone that doesn't have the hardcore attitude for racing and modification is quickly put down. Pesonally I love racing, but I always emphasize balance with mods since my car is a daily driver 90% of the time.

I'm guessing that with Miata owners, there are racing enthusiasts, but there are also those who just like to modify for the sake of modifying (i.e. car shows, vanity, etc etc). The folks you ran into were of the later type. The best thing you can do is just ignore them and try to find others with similar attitudes towards the car.

On a different note, I don't think the Miata lacks power. When my friend switched from a nicely modded s13 (stock engine) to a Miata, I test drove his stock Miata and I loved everything about it. I was perfectly sized for it, it handled like a 240 with a spring/shock combo, and the power was similar to a stock KA. Maybe I'm just used to an underpowered car.

11-04-2006, 08:40 PM

11-04-2006, 11:16 PM
i love my chuki miata(nb). i plan to get the biggest sway bar first, then slamit with stance coilovers and squeeze sportmax 002 15x8 0 w/ 195/50. maybe a jackson supacharger in the future.

right now, its stock with hard dog roll bar. my only compliant is, i cant stand the body roll and the damn carpet smell. so, the whole interior is going to be stripped.

11-05-2006, 12:16 AM
cant say why, because honestly.. this forum is SO SLOW it makes me want to barf sometimes.

There's a solution to the slow loading pages on Zilvia:

You can also be a premie to take away ads.

11-05-2006, 12:23 AM
wow...i thought only women got their periods?

A Spec Products
11-05-2006, 01:11 AM
put the guns down

stop the violence

increase the peace

11-05-2006, 01:34 AM
swap in an sr and call it a day. that way, it's another reason to go back to zilvia.

11-05-2006, 01:49 AM
MY buddy's old 93 miata with a greddy :ghey: turbo kit on it and other minor stuff was fun, but at least it was mildly fast.

And other car forums suck balls. Rx7 forums, miata forums, lexus forums, etc.

A few weeks ago after installing some suspension ish on a buddy's c320 mercedes benz and joining a couple forums he surfs to see whats up, I boggled their minds by suggesting they look into these revolutionary things called polyurethane bushings. Apparently, no one makes them for MBs.

The world really is made up of countless idiots.

11-05-2006, 01:53 AM
Damn Ive NEVER been on any other forums before, zilvia is the first and only forum I go on, damn looks like I get it dead on the first time around!

11-05-2006, 02:29 AM
I've been demoted to driving a `99 Miata
you cant be serious...id pick a miata over an s13 any damn day...i see your argument, but i wouldnt go as far as demoted...

11-05-2006, 10:35 AM
Nah, I'd take an S13 over a Miata.

I did know a guy who was swapping small block 250s into Miatas though, those looked fun =)

11-05-2006, 11:14 AM
best miata.




drift freaq
11-05-2006, 11:24 AM
I would not be caught dead in a Miata, hahhahahaha. Actually take it back, I might give one a spin or two. I would never make it a daily though. Nor would I pick it for a track car. Of course I have been accused on more than one occasion of being Pro Nissan. Hell ya fuck them all hahahhahhahhahahhahha. On the serious side Mike my man, I feel your frustration and understand. Now get your wife a Lotus Elise or Exige and be done. hahhahhahhaha
Only Mazda I ever really wanted was an FD and I just could not warrant it based on its cost vs reliability factor.

Fear the creeping feeling of a BMW in ones future.

11-05-2006, 11:47 AM
my dad bought one at 60, since $ wasnt an issue really for him for a car like that i made fun of the car every chance i got until he sold it finally and unfortunitly picked up what i wanted to eventually buy (s2000 honda) Needless to say when he was modding the miata and told me of his future plans i really wanted to kill myself because none of them involved the motor and he still claimed it was "peppy" like u said

11-05-2006, 12:49 PM
best miata.
That thing sounds sick in person. But not as wild as the RX8's with rotaries in the sport car race.

If they can't get their key into the keyhole in the dark. I wonder what else they can't get in the hole at night...

11-05-2006, 10:27 PM
turdz> On a different note, I don't think the Miata lacks power. When my friend switched from a nicely modded s13 (stock engine) to a Miata, I test drove his stock Miata and I loved everything about it. I was perfectly sized for it, it handled like a 240 with a spring/shock combo, and the power was similar to a stock KA. Maybe I'm just used to an underpowered car.

Stock versus stock, the 240SX has something the miata doesnt - balls and practicality.

Honestly, the car BEGINS to move at 3500-4000 rpms. That means that the rest of the powerband is more or less, completely useless. The chassis itself flexes more than my S13 hatch ever did, but I guess that should be expected of a roadsterrrr. I never noticed it nor was it an issue in the S2000. A similar car with a high powerband, but atleast the car has more power.

Stock, the miata leans a LOT.. I feel like I am on a boat. Swaybars/coilovers resolved a lot of that. The Mazda build quality is just not up there with NISSAN. Sometimes I felt that NISSAN lacked in certain areas when I compared it with Toyota. Well, this is the way I feel about Mazda. I think the best thing about the NB Miata, is the damn shift assembly. Its very close together, very similar feel of precision like the NSX. Honestly, I can say its better than the S13 w/ B&M.. which I like a LOT.. but has more angle to it. The B&M is nice, but lacks some angle.

So even though the SR is a 2.0 and the Miata motor is a 1.8, the thing barely wants to stay on.. while the SR is always ready to go. You need to drop from 2-3k to get the car moving.. and thats that, its just annoying. Not to mention, the lack of interior space is far from great. With the 240, you can actually throw wheels in the back and go the track, alignment shop, etc...

11-05-2006, 10:39 PM
MY buddy's old 93 miata with a greddy :ghey: turbo kit on it and other minor stuff was fun, but at least it was mildly fast.

And other car forums suck balls. Rx7 forums, miata forums, lexus forums, etc.

A few weeks ago after installing some suspension ish on a buddy's c320 mercedes benz and joining a couple forums he surfs to see whats up, I boggled their minds by suggesting they look into these revolutionary things called polyurethane bushings. Apparently, no one makes them for MBs.

The world really is made up of countless idiots.

So yeah, see.. its not the car that angers me the most, its the idiots on the damn forum. I cant stand when people give their cars name, or call them "her," I mean.. get a life. Its a fucking piece of metal that you should enjoy beating the crap out of. People on the forum are so politically correct, theres pretty much no shit talking.

A few weeks back a couple idiots started getting their environmental panties in a shuffle when i made a post asking if anyone has removed the charcoal/evap system from the car and bypassed the ECU sensing for those items. I got responses like..
"Why would you do that, it wont give you more power and will hurt the environment"
"You wont be able to pass smog and will be seriously fined for doing that to your car"

its like, "thanks a lot Mr. EPA, how about I recirculate YOUR exhaust gasses back into your mouth, asshole"

You read posts about "I installed my Racing Beat Dual Mufflers and boy does that puppy growl!" ...


WOW. From 126 RWHP to 127 RWHP. Oh yes, I can feel the power now.

Check this out, the 99-00 is equipped with dual cats, it has a pre-cat built into the exhaust manifold. Two o2 sensors, main cat, and a crap muffler in the rear. Pretty much, NO DECENT JAPANESE exhausts exist for this car. Its all "cat-back" crap. I dont want a damn muffler. I want a full exhaust.

So now, I am stuck. $400-500 on a Racing Beat header. Then, I have to custom make a mandrel bent exhaust from the header back. RSR doesnt make anything... its really sad.

The car has potential, but the tuner market for this car sucks..... what to do.

Oh heres another funny thing, people "polish and chrome" just about any stupid part they can on the car.. thats considered a "modification."

"Hey guys, I polished my turn signal stalks and my valve cover, check it out!"

WHOOP DEE DOO! I can just feel my penis shriveling into the shape of a vagina, THANKS MIATA.NET!

kokokkok enough.. i cant take this anymore.

11-05-2006, 11:07 PM
Its like when I got warned by THREE moderators on a MR-S forum for saying "Fuck." Fuck, why the fuck don't you just fuckin use the built in censor software. Shit.

So turboz is out of the picture because its obd2?

11-05-2006, 11:40 PM
I had a Miata.
I also used to treat women nicely.

Now I own a 240sx.
And I make my girlfriend eat leftover dog food.

11-06-2006, 03:39 AM
Hey Mike I want to see pics of your faggotry.
Wait, nevermind not that, just your Miata.

ok ok, same thing.

11-06-2006, 05:06 AM
Hilarous, I would have never expected such bags with empty enthusiasm for there cars. Good rant / Good Read!

11-06-2006, 10:46 AM
haha post this.

11-06-2006, 01:28 PM

Here you go. The tires are obviously taller than stock, so its a bit on the high-riding side.. but atleast the suspension is dialed down with the coilovers. I could give a shit that the car is high, because S03 tires more than justify the funny stance.

You would think 245's would look too wide on that car, but they are nice actually. The front fenders are really limited though, rear is OK.

One thing I can say, atleast the car is black.

Not going to install a turbo.... yet. Not because its OBD-II, but because its my wife's car which means, its supposed to be her car. But that doesnt mean anything, because when you get married you have the luxury of saying: whats yours is mine, and whats mine is mine. :-) jk...

For those of you on this forum who have second cars, its a hell of a dillemma. See, your NICE car.. whatever it is, gets all the nice upgrades. However, it spends more time down usually, then it is running! Which means you end up driving your beater more than your precious car.

THEN, if you are going to put money into the beater or spare car, you have to think twice because that money is better spent in the real car. In this case, I would get a million times more enjoyment spending money on the 240 than this damn thing.

Well.. looks like I answered my question. Bring back the S13.

The worst part of owning a Miata, no one wants to race you because they think you're a fag. haha damn this car.
"nice tan top, FAG" hahahah haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa OK.

11-06-2006, 01:34 PM
How did you get the dent?

11-06-2006, 01:47 PM
Get the eff off of miata.net

Join a real miata forum



I spent about 1 hour on miata.net, had enough.

11-06-2006, 01:47 PM
btw.... those are some big ass tires.

11-06-2006, 05:03 PM
I had a Miata.
I also used to treat women nicely.

Now I own a 240sx.
And I make my girlfriend eat leftover dog food.

Thank god I wasn't drinking something while reading that or it wouldve gone right out my nose

11-06-2006, 10:02 PM
Thank god I wasn't drinking something while reading that or it wouldve gone right out my nose

:hsdance: Hahahah.

11-07-2006, 01:47 PM
I know what you mean by other forums.
Evo owners are such tools.....:loco:

If I want to get pissed off for any reason, I can just mosey on over to SocalEvo.net, and read a few threads...

11-07-2006, 04:24 PM
[QUOTE=LB.Motoring]best miata.

that car ran a endurance race, supposedly it didnt finish... nice car still tho...
quit ur griping about the miata and just be happy it saves u money on gas... a car is a car, u didnt start out with a ferrari to begin with.. u started with a 240sx...

11-09-2006, 02:29 PM
Best poster ever :) This is what the "blind enthusiast's" thread always should have been...

Just hang out here and stop posting on how to polish yoyr EVAP canister on Miata.net :)

Now I will say, shitty forums like that do come in handy when you need and answer like "how do I get off the heater core under the dash" etc. They don't give you all the "first install 18x11 +22 wheels" then....which seems to be what you use it for.

I had a stock 90 miata, fun, tossable = snap oversteer was fun at 16 (almost killed myself on several occasions). Overall fun extra car - shitty only car. Nothing really wrong with it, short of some power...even the Mazdaspeed sucked balls...however, it could be worse.

Did I mention I'm selling stock chrome 7 spokes for $800

here your new sig:

'99 miata
polished black paint

11-09-2006, 03:02 PM
Oh. fucking. shit

why the fuck did you ever leave? oh wait... :keke:
I haven't stopped laughing since i started reading this shit. zilvia needs more untapped olds13... makes this shit interesting...

I miss the cynism of LA

11-09-2006, 03:12 PM
aiiiiii holler back when you want to get rid of those enkei rsf-2! i'd be interested in them

11-09-2006, 03:26 PM
Get the eff off of miata.net

Join a real miata forum



I spent about 1 hour on miata.net, had enough.

DING DING... much nicer places to be.

miata.net has good tech archives, shitty community.

My '00 Miata is quicker than my stock KA24E S13s ever were tho. Below 4k is fine... mamos, maybe the reason your shit is slow is because you need to fix what's throwing the check engine light. :hsdance: I guarantee the inside of your intake manifold is caked with crap. Pop off the upper intake manifold and clean it. CEL won't come back, car will pick up a ton of low end since the EGR is now working correctly and the intake plenum is the size it's supposed to be. I had to do it on my car. Takes an hour and a can of throttle body cleaner.

11-09-2006, 07:49 PM
haha funny thing is, i dont have a CEL. I scanned the codes about a month ago, its been code-free.

I'll eventually get around to doing the intake manifold cleaning, not yet.. although I agree, it needs to be done. the motor is maintained well though.

Next up is timing belt, act clutch and fidanza flywheel.. all sitting pretty over here.

but anyway... lets get back to the topic at hand


my s13 is coming back fully painted with a hardtop before the end of the year. no worries, i'll post it up when its all done.

MAMON CABRON PINCHE WEDO in the mofuckin house. :-)

11-09-2006, 09:04 PM
haha. im quite well versed in retarded old man forums. c3, 240z, is300, honda tech roadrace section, etc. also nico. i got banned for calling the admins car ugly. (i actually just called it ugly, i didnt call it a piece of shit or anything, seriously.) people who sweat the internet are fucking retarded. theres at least 3 people on somthingawful every time i post that say somthing about the first letter of every sentence needs to be capitalized. thanks dipshit.

didnt you get banned a year ago or somthing from zilvia. i forget what that was about. <3 viceroy

11-10-2006, 07:20 PM
The worst part of owning a Miata, no one wants to race you because they think you're a fag. haha damn this car.
"nice tan top, FAG" hahahah haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa OK.

hahahahahaha, this is the funniest thread ever! :rofl:

11-11-2006, 12:03 PM
like i said chmercer, the worst part about a forum is when they dont let people argue. wtf.. arguing is part of life. can you imagine a family not ever getting into arguements? it makes me sick, thats not how life is man. think about it, the movie Godfather... every 5-10 years the families go to war. Paulie said it.. "its a good thing mike, cleans up the bad blood"

fuck that shit, forums should be fun.. you gotta be allowed to talk some shit and tell people they are full of it. on the miata forum, i have to be reserved. i need to covertly talk shit, really.. its a pretty interesting technique. the other day, i got pissed off at some idiot for being a smartass. I dunno what he was complaining about, some shit about the environment and the EGR.. and how it should be fully operational because it needs to recirculate gasses back into the intake manifold. now, I *wanted* to tell him "yeah thanks dickface, how about i recirculate the exhaust gasses that come out of your ass BACK INTO YOUR MOUTH.

But, didnt do it.. i held my tongue. instead, i went on his homepage & blog, researched his life a bit. My assumption was correct, hes some pencil neck geek that takes pictures by himself standing next to his miata. he had one picture of him driving, and the other hand was holding the camera. JESUS fuckin-a [email protected][email protected] its bad enough he drives a girl car, but hes taking lone pictures of him and his girl-car. and they werent like plain-jane pics, they were all artsy.. he was trying to dress nice and dapper.

so, i end up posting something so sarcastic about his webpage that it went over everyone on the forum.. i can pretty much bet that no one understood what i was talking about except for him.

AND this all started, why? I'll tell you why.. because he correct me on a stupid spelling mistake. gaddamnit... he owned me with that stupid spelling correction. nothing worse than being owned on something so small and petty. its like losing a game of street fighter because some cheap bastard tries to cheap you with Ken's little "short" kick.. the one that you do over and over.. so fuckin petty. especially since i know better than that, and usually avoid street fighter 2 tricks.

i got banned on this forum for talking shit to ThatGuy. It wasnt anything personal, i just called him a bitch because he locked too many threads. he still locks too many threads, but hes not a bitch anymore (because if i say he is, he'll ban me again). :-) no more banning... this forum needs comedy.

ps: fuck clublexus.
pps: take off that bullshit pseudo nazi symbol or chinese peace symbol, whatever the fuck that is.. take it off. put a anti-gay triangle or something else.. that shit is annoying. you're offending 1/2 jewish 1/2 muslim 1/2 terrorist 1/2 christian people like me.

11-11-2006, 12:12 PM
you obviously dont deserve a Miata... sell it to someone who will appreciate it more. theres a reason why Miatas hold their value. They are saught after by people who race, not rice. If anything a 240sx is a girl's car. They were marketed towards young adult females.

11-11-2006, 12:48 PM
you obviously dont deserve a Miata... sell it to someone who will appreciate it more. theres a reason why Miatas hold their value. They are saught after by people who race, not rice. If anything a 240sx is a girl's car. They were marketed towards young adult females.

this is coming from someone who has a link to their myspace homepage where you have a picture of yourself with a description saying:

"i LIKE sucking things."

YEAH... okay thanks homo-ratchi

11-11-2006, 07:26 PM
man do i feel sorry for you...i read thru miata.net after seeing this thread...i feel bad for you having to go thru that...hopefully your s13 is up and running soon so you can feel like a man again

initial s14
12-18-2006, 12:48 PM
i like this essay of comparison.. how I wish I can talk like this and get me an a+++ in my English class! whoohoo!

12-19-2006, 07:56 PM
lol, miata forums are pretty gay, one of my friends own one so i joined his forum, clubroadster, and was gonna mess around and flame on him:rofl: , i said something like "your gay and your car is ugly, pay to play and if you cant go home" lol i got like 3 emails form the moderators saying this was unacceptable behavior and next time i do something like this i am getting banned, i was like wtf :ghey:

07-06-2007, 05:26 AM

A little short story...

So i'm on this local forum talking about types of cars we hate and I listed Miatas...

I wanted to find the thread about the beveled ignition, and I remembered ixfxi/old_s13 had a thread with a link, thus me knowing about the thread...so naturally I came to the thread and got the link and opened the page the verify I have sourced the correct link.

The idiot who complained about it lives where I live.

I really want to hunt him down and smack the shit out of him.

Who's a member of miata.net? PM me.

Dirty Habit
07-06-2007, 08:24 AM
"I've seen a machined "cone" to guide the key in, I believe Moss has it for the NC, but I have yet to see one marketed specifically for the NA or NB Miata."

I almost shit my pants reading that!

07-06-2007, 10:01 AM
hahahahahaha that was a good write up...... give em hell

07-06-2007, 10:56 AM
at 1st i didnt understand the anger in the tone of ur post but when i looked at the thread they posted about the fuckin key hole...... i was like wtf!!! i was gonna register and see if i can flame em..

07-06-2007, 07:22 PM
Well, since this thread was brought back from the dead, I figure I will respond with some updated information as to my miata, my s13, and my account on miata.net

My car, is still at the body shop.. all the sound deadening is out and the dynacrap (ahem, dynamat) is all gone. Its a bare shell, and it's just about ready for paint.

The miata is running pretty good nowadays, especially since I threw the rear section of the muffler in the dumpster. Thats right, I'm pretty much running a straight pipe and its actually not insanely loud. The car is loud enough to get attention from assholes who would typically run you off the road, which is great. I feel like the car is running with a big set of balls, you have all the bark... the only thing the car is missing, is the bite (the turbo).

I cant comment on other models, but the 99 Calif. model sucks.. the exhaust manifold has a cat built into it (which I gutted). I'm picking up a racing beat header and running my own high flow cat, then finishing off the exhaust with a resonator and it should be quiet enough from there. I got rid of the shit stock clutch and replaced it with an ACT, as well as an alum. flywheel. Larger MSM brakes were also installed, so brake performance is fine.

But guess what! What a fucking surprise! I got banned off of the Miata forum! I told one of the mods to go fuck himself, assholes. There was some bullshit post about HID headlamps and one idiot on there was posting how "HID retrofits are acceptable" and I, obviously, had to shove my foot up his ass. The moderator eventually steps in a WEEK later and tells ME to tone it down. Tone it down? Fuck that, I'll tone down his fuckin face.

Anyway.. here is a link to the thread, incase any of you assholes are bored:

07-06-2007, 07:23 PM
MADTV did a skit on miata owner stereo types, implying they were all gay. it was the funniest ever. the miata had a bumper sticker reading "im not gay but miata is". this thread made me think of it.

Baka Sama
07-06-2007, 10:49 PM
240sx < MazdaSpeed Miata

07-06-2007, 10:53 PM
I sold my S14 240 for a Miata. Ultimately, it's exactly what I wanted. Cheap, tossable, lightweight, handles great, even better w/ suspension & tires, and has great gas mileage (ave. 30mpg).

Everyone has their opinions on it, but one thing everyone will agree on is how fun it is to drive.

07-06-2007, 11:44 PM
240sx < MazdaSpeed Miata

Baka Sama < ixfxi

07-06-2007, 11:45 PM
one thing everyone will agree on is how fun it is to drive.

and how gay you look driving it. ;-)

Baka Sama
07-07-2007, 12:50 AM
Baka Sama < ixfxi

arguing with yet another loser on zilvia < Enjoying my life off the internet

07-07-2007, 01:26 AM
Please stay off the internet.

07-07-2007, 02:35 AM
240sx < MazdaSpeed Miata


07-07-2007, 03:13 AM
HAhahah everyone laugh at baka sama for fucking trashy euro sluts.

07-07-2007, 01:05 PM
arguing with yet another loser on zilvia < Enjoying my life off the internet

damn dude.. dont you realize...

...that you're cheap and petty.. like fuckin starscream from transformers.

if you think of ALL the transformers, everyone can pretty much agree that he's the shittiest character. is it megatron? no way. optimus prime? obviously not. bumblebee? almost, but no.

starscream. now that i think about it, anytime i'm gonna quote your stupid posts.. i'm going to call you starscream, cause you're fuckin petty.

07-07-2007, 02:44 PM
Breakdance fighting!

update your sig already!

07-07-2007, 07:14 PM

Hey... I just wanted to show you guys a picture of my Miata, checkout my wheels. I cleaned them today..

07-07-2007, 07:22 PM
Did that Mitsubishi's wheels get stolen?

07-07-2007, 07:36 PM
Did that Mitsubishi's wheels get stolen?

haha. for real. that's a great pic.

07-07-2007, 08:47 PM
That's no Mitsubishi.


07-07-2007, 08:58 PM
reguardless, did the wheels get stolen off of it or what?

07-07-2007, 09:04 PM
No, that's his new anti-theft device. He pushes the button on his key fob and 5 midgets jump out of his trunk and put his wheels back on, Pit Stop style.

:duh: :rl:

07-07-2007, 09:36 PM

wheels? what wheels? thats how i roll.

i love livin in the mothafuckin hood....... BIATCH!

07-07-2007, 09:38 PM
Lol, I thought it looked like a Charger.

Baka Sama
07-07-2007, 10:42 PM
Sorry to bust your egos but the MazdaSpeed Miata and new MX5s are a hell of a lot better than any 240sx sold in the US. I'd even take a Shinsen edition over a s14 kouki anyday.

Farzam..... have you really forgotten that your so pathetic you fuck not only ugly but extremely overweight gothic sluts I wouldnt even take a 2nd look at? I mean really... I feel sorry for you that you love that beast.

ixfxi.... Your comparing me to a transformer... nuff said.

MZ Tune Concept

07-07-2007, 11:11 PM

Baka left me neg rep

"You're a tool in every sense of the word."

Did I strike a nerve?

It's okay, only SOME people are supposed to have high standards about women.

07-07-2007, 11:15 PM
Farzam..... have you really forgotten that your so pathetic you fuck not only ugly but extremely overweight gothic sluts I wouldnt even take a 2nd look at? I mean really... I feel


Who do I fuck?


Do you know who I stick my cock into?

No, you don't.

But I know who you stick yours in.


For those out of the loop

Baka Sama
07-07-2007, 11:31 PM
I guess you did forget the pictures of your "girlfriend" that you posted. I didnt. With the looks of that girl how can you really even talk?

07-07-2007, 11:33 PM

Which one?

Yeah, the one you made up in your mind?

Oh yeah her, she's ugly.

Edit: Post up pics of euroslut again if she's so hot. You won't. Say you will. You won't.

Baka Sama
07-07-2007, 11:41 PM

Which one?

Yeah, the one you made up in your mind?

Oh yeah her, she's ugly.

Edit: Post up pics of euroslut again if she's so hot. You won't. Say you will. You won't.

No I wont cause Im at work at 1:40 in the morning which is the only reason im on zilvia right now.

And incase you forgot about the ugly "girl" you stick your penis in... heres a reminder of the picture you posted telling me she was beautiful..


Like I said.. you have no taste

07-07-2007, 11:48 PM
Yeah, that chick is beat.

Get out of this thread with that bullshit before it gets locked.

Seriously. Ugly girls and stupid morons comparing S13s to Miatas don't belong in here.

07-07-2007, 11:50 PM
I need a better picture of her.

But her profile is private.

Fuck fuck fuck.

She's 4'10" and has a huge rack. I don't care. Spinning her on my pen0r was awesome.

07-07-2007, 11:51 PM
Thank you for reminding me of her existance btw.

I gotta make fun of her.

07-08-2007, 02:10 AM
And incase you forgot about the ugly "girl" you stick your penis in... heres a reminder of the picture you posted telling me she was beautiful..


Like I said.. you have no taste

i dont get it, whats ugly about her?

not a fan of the nose ring, that shit can go. but other than that, she looks fine (as in OK). a lot better than looking at your stupid ass.

then you have your european chick which you said is super hot and awesome, shes OK.. nothing special, no better, but maybe a lill worse than the one shown above.

you fucks make too much of a big deal about this shit. this is highschool shit, serious. what REAL MAN gives a fuck what anyone else thinks about his girl(s)? its not like they dont complain and nag, they're all the same. and, as long as you're the one hittin it.. what difference does it make? its YOUR dick, and its YOUR chick. last i checked, no one really gives a shit what YOU fuck.

fuckin starscream.. all your posts are a fuckin waste of time. bounce off this thread already, and keep back to the topic.

07-08-2007, 02:15 AM
No I wont cause Im at work at 1:40 in the morning which is the only reason im on zilvia right now.

and btw, how "cool" are you're working at 1:40 *AM* on a saturday night?

pushin the broom with the janitor shift...? heh

im working because i took off the entire week from work, whats your excuse... BALLER? ha

07-08-2007, 03:56 AM

She looks horrible in that picture.

I just don't wanna say that cause it'll sound like an excuse and not a reason.

And that euro chick is BUSTED.

That cropped picture is very very forgiving.

07-08-2007, 05:38 AM
I would just like to stop in and say that this is quite the entertaining read for 6:30 in the crappy morning! :wiggle:

Baka Sama
07-08-2007, 09:51 AM
Hahahaha. Zilvia is always the good place for a laugh. So Farzam is 15 turning 16 now and im picking on a little kid? Oh and Im jealous of all the "girls" hes geting in highschool? Is that right...Good stuff. I take it back Farzam your not the tool, all these kids on Zilvia riding your dick are. In fact I wish you the best of luck on your "sweet 16th birthday". And I will never say another bad thing about you on Zilvia. I have to give you some props for mind controling the sheep on here. But then again the average mind set of a zilvian is like 17 years old.

Please stop with the neg reps cause as you can see I honestly dont give a fuck. Or then again please give me more neg reps! everyone give me a neg rep! I want all red!

Back to topic....
Miatas own, and just because you bought a gay one with a tan top doesnt mean you can hate. oh and your wheels are too big.

Baka Sama
07-08-2007, 09:58 AM
and btw, how "cool" are you're working at 1:40 *AM* on a saturday night?

pushin the broom with the janitor shift...? heh

im working because i took off the entire week from work, whats your excuse... BALLER? ha

Um... what? Yes Im a "janitor" with computer access at a hospital lol. That makes me cool.

07-08-2007, 09:59 AM
Hahahaha. Zilvia is always the good place for a laugh. So Farzam is 15 turning 16 now and im picking on a little kid? Oh and Im jealous of all the "girls" hes geting in highschool? Is that right...Good stuff. I take it back Farzam your not the tool, all these kids on Zilvia riding your dick are. In fact I wish you the best of luck on your "sweet 16th birthday". And I will never say another bad thing about you on Zilvia. I have to give you some props for mind controling the sheep on here. But then again the average mind set of a zilvian is like 17 years old.

Please stop with the neg reps cause as you can see I honestly dont give a fuck. Or then again please give me more neg reps! everyone give me a neg rep! I want all red!

Back to topic....
Miatas own, and just because you bought a gay one with a tan top doesnt mean you can hate. oh and your wheels are too big.

Baka, the last thread was locked for a reason.
You're not making yourself look any more mature by continuing the argument in another thread, knock it the fuck off.
Farzam, you're not helping matters any continuing to feed into and harp on how unattractive you think that girl was, you knock it the fuck off too.
If you did not care about your rep, then you wouldn't mention it, now would you?

Baka Sama
07-08-2007, 10:08 AM
Philp your probably one of the only people on here I respect somewhat. So I'll play nice. And I really dont care about rep. You have 216 "rep power". take me back to 0.

07-08-2007, 03:30 PM
Philp your probably one of the only people on here I respect somewhat. So I'll play nice. And I really dont care about rep. You have 216 "rep power". take me back to 0.


ladies and gentlemen, READ the above post between philip (megatron) and baka (starscream) and you'll easily understand what just happened...

BAM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nweNm43sjuk

you dont respect philip, you just bitched out.

oh and your wheels are too big.

you mean the tires are too big. the wheels are 16x8.

07-08-2007, 03:34 PM
"You couldn't lead ant-droids to a picnic!"

:keke: :keke: :keke:

Baka Sama
07-08-2007, 04:14 PM
hahaha That was actually kinda funny.

Sometimes mods are needed to control the peace. This is would probably happen if I were to rise up againt Them.

Oh and you'd be Soundwave ixfxi. "Uncharismatic bore". Sounds about right.


07-08-2007, 05:06 PM
hahaha That was actually kinda funny.

Sometimes mods are needed to control the peace. This is would probably happen if I were to rise up againt Them.

Oh and you'd be Soundwave ixfxi. "Uncharismatic bore". Sounds about right.


haha soundwave is awesome, he even has casettes that have his back. That shit is gangsta.

I guess you never saw the movie, eh? You get fuckin BLASTED:


quoted off youtube... "Lol starscream got pwned for the what 1..,2...3.... time I lost count."

07-08-2007, 07:00 PM
Mike, I am asking you, as well, to try being less abrasive here.
I mean, I think the vids are funny too, but carrying on endless beefs over nothing is becoming a pain in my ass to moderate

07-08-2007, 07:09 PM
lol im sorry but miatas blow.

07-08-2007, 07:44 PM
lol im sorry but miatas blow.

How so?

You think it's cool rolling around in a 240?

hahaha. I think not.

07-08-2007, 09:05 PM
Miatas are pretty cool especially the roadster drift guy. He's got a sick car. And if it is really that bad why haven't you gotten rid of it and why do you still keep spending money on it? Seriouslly not trying to be a smartass

07-08-2007, 10:11 PM
Hahahaha. Zilvia is always the good place for a laugh. So Farzam is 15 turning 16 now and im picking on a little kid? Oh and Im jealous of all the "girls" hes geting in highschool? Is that right...Good stuff. I take it back Farzam your not the tool, all these kids on Zilvia riding your dick are. In fact I wish you the best of luck on your "sweet 16th birthday". And I will never say another bad thing about you on Zilvia. I have to give you some props for mind controling the sheep on here. But then again the average mind set of a zilvian is like 17 years old.

Please stop with the neg reps cause as you can see I honestly dont give a fuck. Or then again please give me more neg reps! everyone give me a neg rep! I want all red!

Back to topic....
Miatas own, and just because you bought a gay one with a tan top doesnt mean you can hate. oh and your wheels are too big.

Are you retarded?

I'm turning 17.

First you think i'm 20.

Then 15.

Then you lash out cause noone likes you.

07-08-2007, 10:14 PM
Okay phlip.

I read your post.

I'll lay off. I've said what I wanted.


07-08-2007, 11:05 PM
Back to topic....Miatas own

that made me laugh:keke: probably the first and last time anyone will ever say that

07-08-2007, 11:29 PM
hmmm...Now after about 3 threads of reading war going between farzi and baka_sama i FINALLY realize why they are fighting...man, this was hard to try to keep up with...

07-08-2007, 11:39 PM
i thought miata's were pretty cool...till i drove one...i have to agree the engines are a peice, handles great, but it needs some work...and holy fuck is the interiors of the NC a sham

Baka Sama
07-09-2007, 12:51 AM
Are you retarded?

I'm turning 17.

First you think i'm 20.

Then 15.

Then you lash out cause noone likes you.

Your turning 17? :keke:

Oh shit.. That explains alot! All this time I was wondering what the hell was wrong with you and why you liked middle school girls. Why didnt you just say you were 17 in the begining? I wouldnt have even bothered to reply to you. Anyways I said Im not gonna say anything bad about you and so im not.

back to topic... Miatas still own. There I said it again

07-09-2007, 12:58 AM
Miata's are awesome.
For a second.

My Friend had an NA..the one with pop-up lights.

A. The lights get in the way of my view. Is it just me?
B. What the fuck..my knees are hitting the steering wheel, and I'm only 5'9".
C. Fucking GO already. Like Seriously..I'm on 5k RPM.
D. is for Dynamite.

Handling is buttfuck awesome, special with some awesome tires.

Top down, blasting 80's pop..cmon. Where's my fucking scarf?

I'd buy one..gut it..cage it..KA it? .. Wide body it . . and make it solely a track car.
On the streets? Fuck no.

07-09-2007, 01:36 AM
DAMN right.

Miatas > 240s.

I wanted the 97+ model. Was thinking about trading in my Cherokee for it, but nah. I do like the chick factor the Jeep offers.

Damn i want a miata.

07-09-2007, 02:29 AM
This thread is fucking stupid. Farzam...Baka. Take this shit to PM's. No one else wants to read about you two being on the rag and whining.

07-09-2007, 05:19 AM
actually...it's pretty entertaining.

It's spanning multiple threads, and I'm loving every minute of it.

07-09-2007, 07:11 AM
Miatas are fun little cars to drive. Post some pics of it on the track!

07-09-2007, 08:41 AM
actually...it's pretty entertaining.

It's spanning multiple threads, and I'm loving every minute of it.

Aight, you are the exception to the rule. :keke:

07-09-2007, 09:12 AM
It's spanning multiple threads, and I'm loving every minute of it.

Ah yes...But I had to try to figure out which threads they're on and figure out why they're arguing....But now I know...It was confusing at first...But it is pretty funny at the same time

Unholy S14
07-09-2007, 09:33 AM
have nothing against miatas but 240 > miata

just because im too tall for a miata lol

07-09-2007, 11:25 AM
this is coming from someone who has a link to their myspace homepage where you have a picture of yourself with a description saying:

"i LIKE sucking things."

YEAH... okay thanks homo-ratchi

I didn't want to believe it but here it is

07-09-2007, 11:31 AM
Hahaha, Mike, I just read through this thread a second time...

That just made my day.

07-09-2007, 11:37 AM
a cool miata forum is roadsterdrift.com

07-09-2007, 03:56 PM
How so?

You think it's cool rolling around in a 240?

hahaha. I think not.

not really. i dont think it would "cool" for me to be rolling in a miata either. im 6'3. :blah: w/e thats just my opinion.

steve shadows
07-09-2007, 05:26 PM
i would buy a miata and paint "not a miata" on the side

and put a wrx motor in it.

07-09-2007, 06:13 PM
actually...it's pretty entertaining.

It's spanning multiple threads, and I'm loving every minute of it.

pretty entertaining here too +1

07-09-2007, 06:23 PM
How so?

You think it's cool rolling around in a 240?

hahaha. I think not.

lol I think Im pretty cool in my 240 but maybe its because im in the northeast when these cars are few and far between, but in fact I think im cool in anything I drive as anyone else should...lol like anyone is driving their 240 thinking to themselves "fuck im such a loser" everyday...if you do it might be low self esteem, or just time for a new car..

unless your just trying to do that whole Ive been into this since before it was cool so now that its cool I dont think its cool and go out of my way to tell people how uncool it is, but i still do it anyway thing

07-09-2007, 08:26 PM
I didn't want to believe it but here it is

hahaha yup. old_s13 is *always* right.

remember that. ;)

01-24-2012, 11:19 PM
Bump for you reading this old ass thread.
entertaining huh?

01-24-2012, 11:40 PM
Seriously.... get on ClubRoadster.net. It's by far the best Miata forum. Almost like Zilvia. Lots of stance/drift people, and way more shittalking.

And a younger crowd.

01-25-2012, 12:07 AM
cr.net is weak shit. very few cars on there are actually cool. standard cr procedure: racelands, replica lip, and knockoff wheels. then they think they're hot shit because they're "slammed." no real style at all.

01-25-2012, 12:10 AM
There are a bunch of miatas on CR that rock those stupid ass moustache on the front bumper, what is up with that?

01-25-2012, 12:15 AM
because it's the hip thing to do

01-25-2012, 12:22 AM




Mr. Camshaft
01-25-2012, 12:31 AM
ffuuuu, whatever happened to old_s13. I remember him trolling like a maniac. Was he banned or did he leave?

01-25-2012, 12:49 AM
only people i really see driving miatas are
1. old people
2. gay people
3. gay old people
4. gay people
5. old people

then the occasional completely lowered, "i can reach the floor sticking my hand down the side of my car!", gay youngster.

01-25-2012, 12:51 AM
oh yea then the "im going through a mid life crisis! i need a small sports car!"

drift freaq
01-25-2012, 01:30 AM
ffuuuu, whatever happened to old_s13. I remember him trolling like a maniac. Was he banned or did he leave?

still here different SN.

01-25-2012, 01:39 AM
Mike is one of the best posters on this forum.

01-25-2012, 02:06 AM
Haha I'd never read this thread but damn this is funny.

01-25-2012, 02:43 AM
only people i really see driving miatas are
1. old people
2. gay people
3. gay old people
4. gay people
5. old people

then the occasional completely lowered, "i can reach the floor sticking my hand down the side of my car!", gay youngster.

I say we rename Miatas to Gayatas.

Who's with me?

01-25-2012, 02:56 AM
OP I get where you are coming from, but if your Miata is throwing codes from time to time, and your 240 is a heap of crap at the moment.... maybe the problem is you?

Less time talking about what other people say, and what other people do, and more time learning, and and wrenching.

...btw, this is my hypocritical post. lol

01-25-2012, 10:26 AM
only people i really see driving miatas are
1. old people
2. gay people
3. gay old people
4. gay people
5. old people

then the occasional completely lowered, "i can reach the floor sticking my hand down the side of my car!", gay youngster.

lol its what its come to.

01-25-2012, 10:33 AM
OP I get where you are coming from, but if your Miata is throwing codes from time to time, and your 240 is a heap of crap at the moment.... maybe the problem is you?

Less time talking about what other people say, and what other people do, and more time learning, and and wrenching.

...btw, this is my hypocritical post. lol

You know who the OP is don't you? ;)

Damn I miss old threads like this when Zilvia was more "fun".

01-25-2012, 11:11 AM
I say we rename Miatas to Gayatas.

Who's with me?
i hate you

01-25-2012, 03:20 PM
I say we rename Miatas to Gayatas.

Who's with me?

i say we rename you to GAYDacIouSX. that was lame.:picardfp:

01-25-2012, 04:19 PM
Damn I miss old threads like this when Zilvia was more "fun".

fun zilvia died with the rep system.......


01-25-2012, 04:27 PM
You know who the OP is don't you? ;)

Should I?


only people i really see driving miatas are
1. old people
2. gay people
3. gay old people
4. gay people
5. old people
6. Walperstyle ex girlfriend who thought she looked like Jennifer Aniston... but really didn't.

then the occasional completely lowered, "i can reach the floor sticking my hand down the side of my car!", gay youngster.

01-25-2012, 04:56 PM
only people i really see driving miatas are
1. old people
2. gay people
3. gay old people
4. gay people
5. old people

then the occasional completely lowered, "i can reach the floor sticking my hand down the side of my car!", gay youngster.

that totally made my day, I can only wish all the more kids felt that way.
would totally keep miata prices down, insurance rates lower, and more unmolested models avail.
keep up the good work.

You know who the OP is don't you? ;)

Damn I miss old threads like this when Zilvia was more "fun".

I agree, no example illustrates this point better than the bumping of this thread.
very sad.

01-25-2012, 07:10 PM
that totally made my day, I can only wish all the more kids felt that way.
would totally keep miata prices down, insurance rates lower, and more unmolested models avail.
keep up the good work.

I agree, no example illustrates this point better than the bumping of this thread.
very sad.

Your welcome lol

01-25-2012, 07:21 PM
only people i really see driving miatas are
1. old people
2. gay people
3. gay old people
4. gay people
5. old people

then the occasional completely lowered, "i can reach the floor sticking my hand down the side of my car!", gay youngster.

only thing worse than this is an automatic 240sx lol at you

i just sold my coupe and got myself a miata less than a week ago and i enjoy it much more for DD... not at all gay in my opinion its a fun car :D

drift freaq
01-25-2012, 07:25 PM
You know who the OP is don't you? ;)

Damn I miss old threads like this when Zilvia was more "fun".

He hasn't got a clue and that makes all the more fun. LOL

01-25-2012, 07:28 PM
only thing worse than this is an automatic 240sx lol at you

i just sold my coupe and got myself a miata less than a week ago and i enjoy it much more for DD... not at all gay in my opinion its a fun car :D

That's an interesting way to come out of the closet.

01-25-2012, 07:42 PM
That's an interesting way to come out of the closet.

Interesting? Could be i guess but I wouldnt know. Let me know how it turns out for you. :hey: :hahano:

01-25-2012, 08:21 PM
remember miata drivers aren't gay... their miata is...:hug:

01-25-2012, 08:29 PM
Miata drivers are either creepy old guys, or fat losers... Shown here...


01-25-2012, 08:30 PM
i hate you

It's mutual.

01-26-2012, 12:47 AM
Miata drivers are either creepy old guys, or fat losers... Shown here...

those are just europeans.

01-26-2012, 01:56 AM
creeps me out a bit how the head lights and bumber look a bit like a face

01-26-2012, 03:03 AM
i believe mike finally has his car up and running with some baller led's

angelus erratus
01-26-2012, 10:06 AM
I am a miata owner (owned 3) and i am here to clarify things, we miata owners are ragging homosexuals, and our choice of cut is 240 owners asses, we can't seem to keep off of them.

01-26-2012, 11:50 AM
those are just europeans.

it doesn't help the stereotype that the plate reads "up your kilt"

01-26-2012, 01:49 PM
only people i really see driving miatas are
1. old people
2. gay people
3. gay old people
4. gay people
5. old people

then the occasional completely lowered, "i can reach the floor sticking my hand down the side of my car!", gay youngster.

that totally made my day, I can only wish all the more kids felt that way.
would totally keep miata prices down, insurance rates lower, and more unmolested models avail.
keep up the good work.

I agree, no example illustrates this point better than the bumping of this thread.
very sad.

Exactly what I was thinking, hopefully all the hipsters continue to think that and the theft rate stays low instead of having to be worried about where you park over night.

I've owned two and usually they are much better kept up cars then 90% of the 240's out there. It's funny that peoples insecurities will prevent them from ever enjoying a car and instead bashing on it because they don't know what they are missing.

01-26-2012, 01:50 PM
I am a miata owner (owned 3) and i am here to clarify things, we miata owners are ragging homosexuals, and our choice of cut is 240 owners asses, we can't seem to keep off of them.

BAM! Right on the money!

01-26-2012, 01:57 PM
I'd rock a Miata because I love the damn thing.

Fuck worrying about what other fucks think of you.

After all, you're all driving beat up 240s.

01-26-2012, 02:04 PM
I'd rock a Miata because I love the damn thing.

Fuck worrying about what other fucks think of you.

After all, you're all driving beat up 240s.

YAYYYYYYY come back to Cali dooooodddddd!!!

01-26-2012, 02:18 PM
I'd rock a Miata because I love the damn thing.

Fuck worrying about what other fucks think of you.

After all, you're all driving beat up 240s.

Bingo. This is the same reason why I could care less that the FRS is going to be a Scion here.

01-26-2012, 02:28 PM
I'd rock a Miata because I love the damn thing.

Fuck worrying about what other fucks think of you.

After all, you're all driving beat up 240s.

Wrong. Beat up? Nope. Ugly rims maybe. But DEF not beat up my good sir.


01-26-2012, 03:09 PM
Wrong. Beat up? Nope. Ugly rims maybe. But DEF not beat up my good sir.


thats it? lol i would expect a nice car from you if you were going to bash other cars but is that it?

01-26-2012, 03:16 PM
So i've read the Original post. Seems to me, that Zilvia has become the Miata.net.

LOL LOL. For real.

01-26-2012, 03:18 PM

See, you 240 owners (and me, when my car was running).. we have the luxury of places like Zilvia. See, Zilvia is home. When you get tired of the stuck up pricks on Fresh Alloy and their smartass "I've gone to school for 40 years and still live with my mom" responses, you know that you can come back home to Zilvia. Talk some shit, not get banned. You can come here and laugh. You can even wake up and have some cereal here, joke around.. nothing will happen. Its just a great place.

BUT NOT MIATA.NET.. fuckin christ. This place is moderated by 60 year old geezers. They all say how "wonderful" that little puppy is, and how the motor is "peppy" -- if you install wide wheels, they complain and say you'll ruin your wheel bearings. I mean, the stupid shit I hear on there. People want to install cruise control. WTF?! Whats with you people. Its a fuckin roadster! Drive that shit till it explodes.

I dunno.. I get pissed off because if they arent old and "against modifications," they are young neopolitan bastards with their snide remarks. You know, the type of kids that probably wore neckties to school and call their mom "mummy." God I wanna reach through the monitor and slam their head onto a desk with my fists.

One guy today corrected my spelling of "contageous" (contagious).. yeah, thanks for the correction Webster, I'll make note of that next time I sweep the floor with your stupid face.

Yeah, I have anger problems. I like to break things, really.. I do. But most of all, I like coming on Zilvia every once and a while.. and post stupid shit like this. I cant say why, because honestly.. this forum is SO SLOW it makes me want to barf sometimes. But regardless, atleast this place is kickback.

I end my post by saying, fuckthemotherfuckingfuckers.


Yea. This def sums it up.

Maybe the Mods are a bunch of Miata Owners now? :sadwavey:

Cuz i know Mods now are trigger happy with the bann hammer not to mention that infraction shit. lol. Everyone want to be all sophisticated and a smart ass and a "hello durrr good sire" type of dude".

01-26-2012, 03:37 PM
^wtf are you talking about? this is nothing like miata.net.

btw, there's a link to this thread on cr now hahaha

01-26-2012, 03:43 PM
Sorry im still collecting money for my aftermarket. I dont shit money like you think i do. Just bought car 2 months ago.

01-26-2012, 03:48 PM
^wtf are you talking about? this is nothing like miata.net.

btw, there's a link to this thread on cr now hahaha

I was actually just referring to the whole getting banned thing.

Never been on ANY miata forums. I wouldnt know.

01-26-2012, 03:55 PM
Sorry im still collecting money for my aftermarket. I dont shit money like you think i do. Just bought car 2 months ago.

LOL :sadwavey:

01-26-2012, 04:22 PM
I was actually just referring to the whole getting banned thing.

i don't think i've ever seen anyone banned on here that didn't deserve it.

on the other hand people on cr are banned for no or personal reasons all the time which is bs.

01-26-2012, 04:56 PM
Nah there's nothing like Miata.net.
You're looking at a totally diff type of owners who like to keep their cars religiously stock-ish. Lots of middle aged population. There is some cool stuff but the approach is super-conservative overall.

01-26-2012, 05:13 PM
I got a 06 miata, I love it because it has a radio/AC and starts when I turn the key... its no rocket but fully loaded its lighter than a s13 has more power than a stock Ka just not as much torque.

01-26-2012, 05:32 PM
LOL :sadwavey:

you are forgiven my child lol

01-26-2012, 06:11 PM
you are forgiven my child lol

you misinterpret...the sad wavey is for goodbye come back when you have a car to brag about otherwise, keep to your self kid. =D

01-26-2012, 06:14 PM
i don't think i've ever seen anyone banned on here that didn't deserve it.

on the other hand people on cr are banned for no or personal reasons all the time which is bs.

I see it as if you "talk shit" you get pinked/banned.

Now, thats not what the OP is stating about this cite. That was then. This is now.

01-26-2012, 06:25 PM
Bump for you reading this old ass thread.
entertaining huh?

Yeah, We don't bump old threads around here. Especially some off topic from 5yrs ago. Don't do it again.