View Full Version : How to install head gaset and studs?

11-01-2006, 09:02 AM
Hy guys,
I have a s13 SR blacktop and want to put a greddy 1.2mm head gasket and arp head studs in. Now I already have the motor out and everyhting stripped off of it so I figure now would be the perfect time. Is this something I can do myself or do you suggest I take it to a shop? I am pretty mechanically inclined. Is there any tips or tricks? I have heard lube the studs, not to lube the studs, 60ft/lbs, 75ft/lbs. ? Just unbolt the head, put the studs in, gasket in and tighten them down to proper torque? Should I tighten oposite sides as I go etc? Please help and let me know how you did your, process and any tips! THanks alot!

11-01-2006, 09:29 AM
its pretty easy if u have the motor out and everything stripped out. my advice is follow the FSM exactly and label everything.... OO and use the arp torque specs, NOT THE FSM's. they are different

11-01-2006, 10:19 AM
call ARP and ask if the torque specs are wet or dry (lubed or not)
torque them down in order shown in FSM but also do it in steps
25 - 50 - final TQ
this assures that you're not messing shit up and only takes a minute more.

11-01-2006, 01:50 PM
specs are different if you use arp moly then if your use oil. just ask.

11-01-2006, 01:52 PM
if you dont have the fsm, aim me and ill send it to you. but all that is good advice above.

11-01-2006, 02:03 PM
thanks guys...just talked to ARP tech. They said 65ft lbs with molylube, or 80ft lbs with 30wt oil. ANy of the tips on installing?

11-01-2006, 02:24 PM

My tips is to really clean the surface of your head and block first. Then spray and clean with carb cleaner spray bottle. After everything is clean and dry. Spray copper spray can for a better protection on your head gasket. Then install the head studs and the head. Follow the pattern and etc on installing the head studs. There are a lot of info on that, if you search around. Very simple and straight forward. Just make sure you have an accurate torque wrench.

11-02-2006, 07:30 PM
thanks tantanium! Okay..so i got the valve cover off and found all the headstud bolts. They are located under the cams. I will need to take ooff the cams and cam gears correct? Anything else you suggest be removed for ease of headstud/gasket installation? Thanks again

11-02-2006, 07:41 PM
Pop the Timing chain tensioner off, mark the cam gear and the chain together just incase they werent lined up properly with the stock markings (doesnt happen often but better safe than sorry). Slowly pop the cam retainers off slowly, dont pop em off all at once cuz its possible to break cams that way. Pay attention what the FSM says as far as the sequence of how to take off and put back the cams, its not vice versa.

11-02-2006, 07:50 PM
and remember to keep the shims/guides in their correct positions

11-02-2006, 08:23 PM
Yeah, pretty much follow what everyone are saying above. Do everything slowly and mark everything in order. Put everything in order in a clean area. Set the timing chain to dead zero, then start taking out stuff. Take out the cam towers, mark the timing chain, take out the camshafts, then take out the head studs. Get a nice cheater pipe to help you out taking out the head studs. Just take your time and enjoy rebuilding =)

11-02-2006, 08:55 PM
haha...dont get skeeeeered when the stud wont come out easily. If you dont hear it POP, you aint doing it right. Try not to bust your knuckles when it pops...