View Full Version : Super Fighting Hyper Action Sidescrolling Oldschool Mega Awesome RPG!!!

10-26-2006, 04:11 AM
So yeah guys,
Sorry been away from the forums for a long time. Just wanted to let you guys know that your money from buying my car parts is really helping me out in my project. Hopefully the game will be done by mid-December just in time for the last parts of the Holidays. Also, if you guys want to continue supporting my company's efforts, be sure to purchase our game after we are done. It's going to a good cause, to keep bringing you guys awesome, seizure inducing games that will have you poking out your eyes. Here's a sneak peek at the game's battle system!! I'll be sure to come back for more demo updates.... and man... do I miss my 240's. hahaha... ohhhh well.......

oh yeah, and any comments or feedback will be greatly appreciated!! THANKS!!

SUPER FIGHTING HYPER blah blah blah... VIDEO!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_7pFjQyD0Q)


The Game DEMO IS OUT!!!!
I'd like to release the demo out right now but there are a few minor weirdness in the game that needs to be addressed.

Super Fighting Hyper Action Sidescrolling Oldschool Mega Awesome RPG Game
Yeah, thats the title!

Anyhow, the DEMO has all the basics of the battle system, minus a whole slew of super and special moves...
this release is just to show off the battle system. You can go to get instructions here...

INSTRUCTIONS FOR NEWBIES!!! (http://www.gginteractive.net/ProjectsPage1.html)

Don't worry, its not spyware, I promise!
DL here please!! (^_^)/ (http://www.gginteractive.net/game/Setup.exe)

This may cause seizures so.. yea.. not our fault..

A real demo version will be out around NOV 15th..ish.. i think.. This version will actually have a storyline (which we dont have one yet..) and whatnot.. so yea..

Oh, if the game is running slowly, please change the config.ini file.

The format of the file is pretty.. gimpy.. but.. the first value is the width of hte screen.. the second is the height.. the third is the bits per pixel and the last value makes the game fullscreen or not.. heres an example


-1 means its not going to be in full screen
anything else will be fullscreen

make sure they are numbers.. and.. yea.. thats it..

AND PLEASE ANY FEEDBACK WOULD BE awesome, can be anything to the battle system, characters, or the typography, which we are aware is not that easy to read.THANKS!!!

10-26-2006, 06:03 AM
this game looks sweet :) did you create it yourself?

10-26-2006, 09:40 AM
What kinda platform is it? PC?

10-26-2006, 10:05 AM
actually not by myself. my programmer friend and i are soloing this shit on our own. and yeah, its pc based, so make sure you get a ps2 controller adapter. LOL. the game will be like 10 bucks. heh

10-26-2006, 11:07 AM
Holy fuck I want that bad.

You should see about releasing that on Xbox Live. I could see that becoming a smash hit. Wow that looks badass.

10-26-2006, 12:05 PM
ahaaa.. yeah dude... we totally thought about that... thing is.... my friend is really reluctant to port it since its basically written in OpenGL, not DirectX, which Xbox 360 supports. But yeah... I'm gonna get him to learn and port, SOMEHOW!!

The battle system is based on skill, so a newb can't do all the things right off the bat. Only skilled players can chain combos and shit, plus there's the "DDR" style bonus of chaining long combos! heh, thanks for the input guys, I just need more feedback on what you think of it so far.

10-26-2006, 01:04 PM
Awsome hope it works out for you and you hit it big!

10-26-2006, 02:30 PM
wow that looks like fun.

10-27-2006, 10:55 AM
That was fucking amazing.

You should put "5 year Winter" as one of the songs for a preview.
It'd make it pretty intense.
Or some Animosity.

10-27-2006, 01:20 PM
Final Fantasy + Devil May Cry + Guardian Heroes = That game

10-27-2006, 02:50 PM
THATS the game I was thinking of, Guardian Heroes, holy crap. That is the reason I'm so psyched on this game, it reminds me of just that. Awesome. Serious I can't wait.

10-27-2006, 08:22 PM

and please.....
"friends don't let friends combo drunk!!"

10-28-2006, 12:41 AM
its fun. lemme buy it already

10-28-2006, 01:34 AM
Fun, but extremely hard.

1. Cant move while attacking
2. Enemies are too cute, distracting me from wanting to kill them. jk. Die YOU FUCKERS
3. Love the cutscene in the begining
4. Repetitive enemies (never got past the blue kitties of death)
5. Flashing bar on the bottom does what?
6. Awesome, awesome graphics
7. Would be awesomer if you could integrate a 3rd dimension (let the character move up and down the screen, perhaps three rows like Guardian Heroes)
8. How the hell do I do those awesome combos?
9. Enemy item drops?
10. Cant move while attacking, find it hard to even attempt to dodge those damn kitties. Some fluid movement out of the character would spice this game WAY up. If you could dart around smashing crowds of evil bastard kitties, kinda like a side scroller version of 99 Nights, I'd shit my fucking pants. The gratitude I got when I caught a crowd of the kitties in one of my combos, I loved it, if that feeling could come more often, I think it'd really help the game.
11. Keep it difficult. I think games these days are gay-easy now. I like that the enemies can really F#$% you up if you don't pay attention and the blob of kitty death comes raining down on you.

Just some thoughts that crossed my mind. You will be recieving my money for this game when it is released. It's awesome as is, but I think if you guys streamlined it, it could be a smash hit.

10-28-2006, 01:43 AM
ahahha "ah rabbit, no uhh cat rabbit" ahaha pie! fun stuff.

10-28-2006, 02:01 AM
haha, yeah, thanks!!

Actually, this is just a demo version that demos the possibilities of the battle system.

Once you level up, you have to allocate experience points to certain areas that increase your abilities. Once you do that, you have access to all the diff moves.

Also remember that you can use items and equip items to the 1 and 2 buttons. this will give you potions to keep you alive.

ALSO VERY important is the teleport button. Using that button often and in tight situations is a life saver, so you have to time the usage correctly. Also the teleport and what you can do with it (try sf moves with the teleport button) yields different outcomes. This becomes EXTREMELY important when facing the bosses.

You can't move while attacking is something that we took into account. We had used the ability to move and attack in an earlier version, but it ended up being WAY too easy, so the not being able to move while attacking was a way to balance the gameplay. we took into account that fighting games did the same thing, and it helped with the balance.

As to being able to catch the hordes or enemies in your attacks, well you would have to buy stronger/longer weapons to be able to do that. Later on in the game you would be able to gain way more longer weapons and armor.

In the Skills menu is where you are able to put exp points to areas. Here is a slight breakdown.
Strength - self explanatory
Intelligence - increase magic power
Weapon Mastery - increase number of hits you can deal
Elemental Mastery - further increases your magic
Tactical Mastery - LEARN NEW MOVES!!!

so allocate the points (I suggest Tact Mastery) to learn new stuff....
then try these moves (You have to fill up either 1 of the 3 bars(Rage Bar) on the bottom of the screen to do these moves...

up, forward + magic button
down, forward + magic button
forward, down, forward + Horizontal(S) button

then once all three bars are filled, try this one.....
forward, down, forward, down + magic.......
yeah..... hehe..... thats a nice one.....

of course being a DEMO a lot of the moves are locked...
sooooo.. yeah... haha...

This game is a game of skill, anyone can pick it up and start doing combos, but it takes SKILL and BADASSNESS to be able to chain combos and link super moves and increase the damage. If you are still having probs, just check out the INSTRUCTIONS page to read a bit more about it.

Thanks for the input, it makes us see what we are doing right and what needs to be addressed, changed, or explained! Thanks dude.... good luck in the game, it gets more fun!! Oh yeah, as for the enemies, in the real game theres gonna be HUGE bosses, with their feets filling just a portion of the viewable screen, and yeah, the game will be hard.... ahaha.... cause hardcore players like it like that!!

10-28-2006, 12:36 PM
after watching the vid
game looks cool
fighting system reminds me of the tales series
can't wait to play it!

10-28-2006, 01:50 PM
make this shit for mac so I can play it
see about XBL, you will make plillions!

10-30-2006, 08:34 AM
Holy craps....
Ever since the demo release (Friday Oct 27th) we received about 800 downloads for the game!!! Thanks all for helping out and telling your buddies!! I'll keep you guys updated on new shit as it happens.

10-30-2006, 10:50 AM
hahahah gaddayum that game had hella lightning graphics and 201 HIT COMBOS!!?!

thats bananas

i'll think i'll try it once i get outta work :bigok: