View Full Version : Hawaii Zilvians

10-24-2006, 04:45 PM
Tried to find a Hawaii section and couldn't. I will be in Pearl from 29 Oct - 4 November then back to Japan, then back to Pearl from 13-18 November. During these two trips and super jetlag im gonna get, are there any events going on or just nightime partyin? I will pretty much do anything nightime wise as long as it's not with people that like to start fights...I'm too old for that shit.

10-24-2006, 04:48 PM

10-24-2006, 04:48 PM
i run a shop here in hawaii called Vakamon Motorsports and alot of the locals post on forumshawaii.net. Try posting over there to get an idea of whats going on over there.

A Spec Products
10-24-2006, 10:23 PM
hawaii is relaxing, i wouldnt go expecting a crackin nightlife

i go back to see my family but thats about it

and to go eat good local food

mmmmmmmmm rainbows drive in.....boneless chicken plate w/ gravy and slush float on the side

10-24-2006, 10:37 PM
hawaii is relaxing, i wouldnt go expecting a crackin nightlife

i go back to see my family but thats about it

and to go eat good local food

mmmmmmmmm rainbows drive in.....boneless chicken plate w/ gravy and slush float on the side

Damn you go to Rainbow's too?? That place is so ono li'dat!! Half the reason I go to Hawaii is to get their pork cutlet w/extra gravy and mac salad. NOTHING beats Rainbows :yum:

I been to Bruddahs in Gardena but it's not the same :(

A Spec Products
10-25-2006, 12:25 AM
sheeeeeeeit son

i grew up on rainbows

used to go there for lunch in high school

mixed plate is also good

up here in socal the hawaii food is ok....off top of my head:

1. gardena bowl - coffee shop in there serves huge ass portions
2. back home at lahaina - in carson off the 110, i forget what exit
3. L&L's - fail, but convienience, i got one down the street from my house

in hawaii for car stuff go say hi to my boy sean @ munkywurks

or ross @ hypersports

other than that...i dunno go to the beach or something

10-25-2006, 02:40 AM
^^ have u guys tried shakas in mpk?? good stuff

10-25-2006, 08:38 AM
I am moving this to where it belongs only because of the flame-free responses saving the thread

10-25-2006, 04:34 PM
Thanks Philip...oh I see, I have to click on USA then it breaks out:duh: Well i will be at the Ford Island Navy Lodge..get there Sunday morning at 0700 after a red eye flight from Osaka...