View Full Version : HKS EVC-IV display setting question

10-18-2006, 09:43 PM
I have had one of these in the past and it displayed units in bar. I got another one and the units displayed are something different, not sure what but it's significantly larger numbers than bar would be. I read whatever English directions i could find and they were of no help - can anyone tell me how to change the monitor display units back to bar?

florante rea
10-18-2006, 11:55 PM
do u have the bar or psi version? as long as you set the desired boost, i don't think u can change the setting to psi or boost. it depends on what model u got. i had the psi version and the new ones comes in bar. just fyi. let me know if u need xtra solonoid, i got one compatible with either the bar or psi evc versions.

10-19-2006, 12:27 AM
I didn't know the evc-4 came in different versions (i know their newer turbo timers do though). In any case, what i have is the bar version. It's definitely not reading in psi, it's some other metric pressure measurement, perhaps kg per square mm. When i set the boost, it is in bar, but the monitor function is reading in these other units.