View Full Version : someone told me this and i need to know if its a good idea

SilviaSky32 S13
10-16-2006, 10:47 PM
alright i'm doing auto to 5spd swap.. i spent 4 days trying to remove the auto polit bearing with the tool from auto-zone but i broke two of their tools so i gave up and i refuse to drill or cut it out because i don't feel conforable doing that.. so my 240sx buddy told to just slide the manual bearing in over the automatac bearing.. i asked if that would be okay and he said yes cuz the manual input shaft will be looking for a manual bearing and it will find it if its there... is this a good idea to do?

10-16-2006, 11:00 PM
I would NOT do that. It sounds retarded to me, and i believe the bushing/bearing should be further in.

Those can be a bitch to get out sometimes. I finally got mine out with a slide hammer and a little puller. It popped RIGHT OUT on the first couple tries with a slide hammer. NOTHING worked before that.

10-16-2006, 11:04 PM
the autozone tool needs to have the ends grinded down a bit.
the hook part is too deep to fit. trust me I did this not too long ago.
once you grind it down they will fit pefect and you can install the right one.

10-16-2006, 11:14 PM
Stop being a lil girl and just the drill the bitch. Drill it in 2 spots across from each other and make it collapse once you got it hollowed out. A bit time consuming but works well.

10-17-2006, 10:31 AM
Dremel + carbide cutoff wheel = 5 minutes of light duty work.

10-17-2006, 11:00 AM
or air chissel and 20 seconds worked great for me, chissel from 3 different anglesholding the gun tightly to your chest, and it will come flying out, its soooooo easy, you need to do your research...

i'll even draw you a diagram


SilviaSky32 S13
10-17-2006, 01:43 PM
i have chisle sets but no air ones.. can regular ones work? what do i chisle the round shinny thing that sticks out?

10-17-2006, 03:01 PM
regular chisels might not work, see, you arent actually trying to chisel it to cut or score it, the fast action helps shake it loose... so i dont know

SilviaSky32 S13
10-17-2006, 03:28 PM
well what about a regular chilse on a power drill?

SilviaSky32 S13
10-17-2006, 03:29 PM
and yo i also tried using a 3/4 nc tap to try to cut threads into the bushing to help pull it out.. cuz another guy did a write up on here that he used a 3/4 nc tap to cut into the bearing and pull.. so i tirerd his idea and that also did not work for me.

SilviaSky32 S13
10-17-2006, 03:32 PM
this is what i found and what i tired doing like this guy did.. but it doesn't seem to work.. it seems to be destorying the hole where i don't think it should be destory at. so i stopped
