View Full Version : Looking for a quality Wide-band o2...need input

10-16-2006, 12:38 PM
So the next step in my plan is a wideband. I have no idea where to start. What is a nice high quality wideband that offers software to plug into a PC and get datalogging info? I really prefer a digital readout gauge.

What have you guys used?
What do you guys like?

And what is the price for the gauge your using, and where did you get it?

the head
10-16-2006, 12:57 PM
I am currently using an AEM UEGO without gauge (interface goes into my standalone for monitering) If i needed one with a readout I ahve had a few people that really like the innovate LM-1

what are you planning on using the wideband for? Just to record data on AFR? are you planning on using any fuel or engine management equipment for tuning?

10-16-2006, 01:10 PM
Both more or less. I need it to have datalogging capabilities, because i plan on tuning on the street.

There isnt a local shop that i trust tuning my car, so i've decided to do it myself with a couple of experienced friends. But of course i need to get a wideband first. Right now, im kinda leaning towards going with the Emanage, because my motor setup isnt/wont be crazy and not necessitate a standalone. But i've heard that the AEM is compatable with the Emanage, so i think the AEM is looking the best so far. But i have lots of information to look up still...

Ok i need to log RPM, A/F, throttle input, etc... I want to be able to log all of that onto a laptop. Does that help narrow it down?

10-16-2006, 07:06 PM
i'd go with the innovative, but thats just me

10-16-2006, 11:22 PM
i'd go with the innovative, but thats just me
any particular reasons why? have you or do you currently use that? elaborate more please...

the head
10-17-2006, 07:33 AM
well some of that is not going to come from your wideband...you need to see what datalogging info you can get from your Ecm as well...I have never used Emanage before so I am not a lot of help there. When I am doing street tuning I usually watch the realtime data page it is better to analyze on the fly than record it to work with it later until you get into those last few tweeks (cold weather idle etc). If there is an input that the AEM can hook to on your emanage I would use it the piece is very reliable and if you can get all of your tuning data in one place it makes life alot easier.